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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
  • I_did_dab
    Free Member

    Bez – well it was one that he had recently prosecuted successfully, so not a made up example. I stand corrected on “causing death by careless driving”.

    Free Member

    I was involved in a serious accident this year so had a traffic officer explain the difference. In a nutshell, dangerous driving involves a sustained period of carelessness (i.e. driving at a standard that would fail the driving test or “driving without due care and attention”) or a single incident with multiple factors. The example I was given was – causing an accident by failing to stop at a give way sign, while speeding, and knowingly having failed brakes.
    Sadly, “causing death by careless driving” and “causing serious injury by careless driving” didn’t make it into law despite being drafted.
    In my case the driver pleaded guilty to careless driving.

    Free Member

    taking a toddler that likes trains to the NRM is an excellent way to exercise your inner train geek. They get to climb about and pretend to drive the trains and so do you…

    Free Member

    Correlation or causation?

    It doesn’t matter and is probably both, it’s based on the hazard ratio, which is a measure of relative risk. It should be sufficiently disentangled from other risk factors for it to be useful to inform lifestyle choices.

    Free Member

    eating a decent portion of red meat (>85g) every day will lose you on average 30 minutes of life per day or one microlife. This compares with 10 microlives/day for smoking. These figures are based on real epidemiological data.
    On the plus side >20 mins/day exercise wins you back 2 microlives.
    I have met the originator of the microlife, and he was drinking red wine and eating meat at the time…

    Free Member

    If only there were places we could go and buy stuff without having to get things delivered. Someone should invent them, they would do well…

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear about your dog.

    At the moment he seems happy. Gets excited when we come in, still wants to go for a walk although that’s very slow. Still wanders off to smell everything he can so while he is like this I am happy to leave it.

    This is the key – from the sounds of it you’ll know the look that says it’s time to say goodbye.
    Personally, I wouldn’t go for an invasive or inpatient treatment an incurable condition in my dog, it’s just not fair on them.

    Free Member

    You might want to call into Newport Debt Center. CAP are experts in dealing with difficult financial and family situations, and give practical and emotional support as well as financial advice. Don’t be put off by the “Christians” bit, you don’t have to have any faith for them to help.

    Free Member

    Faced with the choice of aligning myself with a right wing pressure group’s faux outrage or a mild chuckle, I opted for the mild chuckle.

    Free Member

    did you grease the splines before fitting?

    Free Member

    Ours were fitted Monday, after it had snowed in the morning. I’m expecting a heatwave now 8)

    Free Member

    Is there evidence to show that higher prices reduces alcohol addiction…?
    It’s almost as though not like they made this policy up without researching it properly.

    Free Member

    As your employer is asking you to fly, could you ask them to enroll you on one of the fear of flying courses that many airports run? At their expense obviously…

    Free Member

    Why pick on the flat earthers?

    because maintaining a belief in something despite overwhelming evidence against that thing is quite something.
    Creationism on the other hand is more nuanced.
    We have the “done in 6 days” creationists who maintain that the earth is ~30,000 years young. They do still believe in a spherical earth though, so give them credit for that.
    Old earth creationists accept the scientific view of the big bang etc, but ask “what caused the big bang?”. Some scientists think that’s a silly question (but nowhere near as silly as thinking the earth is flat), others believe in a creator.

    Free Member

    that cheeky queue jumper is carrying a medical radioisotope with a half life measured in minutes for either the imaging or treatment of a patient – probably cancer. If anyone should be allowed to queue jump it’s them and I’m glad they had a ‘assertive’ driving style. The PCs should have let them in.

    Free Member

    I thought that Frontline was good, until our dog got the resistant fleas. One month later (and lots of flea treatments) we switched to the tablets. No more fleas.

    Free Member

    There is absolutely no excuse for anyone in a car hitting a visible kid on a bike.

    This…apart from ‘failure to look’…there is no reason why the car couldn’t do an emergency stop
    The lunacy of the cyclist would mitigate against any civil damages though

    Free Member

    I use napisan in with the wash occasionally, for those ‘agricultural’ rides. No problem with smells.

    Free Member

    fake news – check snopes

    Free Member

    Play with your child with the breakable toys, show them how to handle them correctly, remove them if they don’t. Encourage them to be gentle and show them that working toys are more fun than broken ones. Don’t leave them with breakable toys unsupervised.

    Free Member

    My son bodged an ecard and shredded the code – under the black strip on the back of the card. I emailed nintendo with a photo of the illegible code, the response was quite slow but when I did get a proper reply they gave me a new code. I was impressed.

    Free Member

    Actually its a big mistake to assume autistic people lack empathy. The “problem” is the lack of an innate ability to understand other people’s emotional signals and cues (a kind of social GPS in the brain) and NOT the inability to relate to or share their emotions. E.g. in the program Chris showed empathy towards the mother and son receiving treatment. Many autistic people show profound, sometimes debilitating, empathy for situations that neurotypical people don’t, e.g. Chris and his dogs.

    In fact, it is psychopaths that lack empathy, but are able to understand and manipulate others emotions for their own purposes without any impact on themselves.

    Free Member

    dioralyte is basically the same thing but without the sweeteners and with glucose. Make it up double strength.

    Free Member

    Saw it yesterday with Dab jnr and we both enjoyed it.

    I’m expecting the answer to be NO but would this film be suitable for a (nearly) 4 year old?

    Well…if you take him to the loo for the mass fights, gratuitous violence, beheading, electrocuting, jellifying, excess drinking, swearing, nudity, and gun-porn, there are some gags (most that he’s unlikely to appreciate) and some spaceships and fireworks that he might like…and you won’t see most of the film

    Free Member

    I replaced my car-crash damaged helmet with a hi-vis yellow one (after the broken bones had healed). Two birds, one stone…

    Free Member

    OK more explanation needed (sorry no citations).
    Using your gas boiler to heat water directly at home is more efficient than using gas (to heat water to create steam to turn a turbine) to generate electricity. So its better for CO2 emissions to export your excess solar electricity (to be used elsewhere and reducing the amount of other generation), and burn gas for hot water, than use it directly to heat your water.
    It won’t save money though.

    Free Member

    in a nutshell: you get paid one rate for what you generate (whether you use it or not), you also get paid a lower rate for the unused amount you generate and export to the grid. This amount will be lower than your tariff for importing from the grid. So, use your electricity while you are generating – dishwasher, washing machine, charging batteries etc to save money overall.

    It is also more CO2 efficient to use gas to heat water, rather than your solar electric. It may not save money, but will save the planet. So export your unused so that someone else can use it, to reduce demand for fossil fueled electricity.

    Free Member

    forget the sting jet someone’s spotted a twister…

    Free Member

    Six Dinner Sid – love that book

    Free Member

    He’s not famous, he plays bass… 😆
    His band did support The Who on tour though (back in the day)

    Free Member

    Jimmy Page likes cheese, but doesn’t like anyone seeing him eat. He used to get the roadies to surround him with 4×12 speaker cabinet stacks so he could snack in peace.
    True story from a friend who was a session player at the same time as Jimmy 8)

    Free Member

    I had to read ‘Maisy makes gingerbread’ every night for about a year to Dab jnr. Adding random ingredients to the list always got a laugh… *sigh* now he’s nearly 15.

    Free Member

    I now ask “Is this a UK company?” then ask for their details so I can report them to ofcom as we are on the telephone preference service. The last lot got cross and phoned me repeatedly thoughout the day. I answered but said nothing and waited for them to hang up. We haven’t had any calls since
    Oh the fun you can have when you’re off work with a broken neck…

    Free Member

    Very true…back in my Forces days, we were taught that if we were out on a patrol and came across a larger enemy patrol, to get the f out of there. If we came across a smaller patrol, depending on circumstances…take them on.

    ^^^ someone’s been reading ‘the art of war’ by Sun Tzu
    I was taught “the best way to win a fight is to not be there” (Mr Miyagi – Karate Kid Pt1)

    Free Member

    in 5’7′ and ride a 54cm CAAD4 with a 100mm -5o stem

    Free Member

    are M&Ms offensive to people with bad stammers?

    Free Member

    Sounds like I’m about as crap at guitar as you. Here’s what I have learnt in the last year of taking it up again after a long lay off.
    There’s messing about and there’s practice.
    Messing about has value e.g. playing songs you learnt a while ago, strumming chords, pentatonic noodling, etc.
    Practice is different – it has discipline and intention e.g. scales to a metronome, new scales, new licks, new chords and inversions, theory. It can sound boring and mechanical, but all the You Tubers (and players) I admire have this at their core. It’s how to get better.
    I’m not there yet by a long way.

    Free Member

    I had my first ride on my new Giant TCR advanced with full 21st century spec (discs, d2i, carbon wheels). First road bike ride for 3 months following a big accident and multiple injuries.
    It was very nice to be back. 😀

    Free Member

    I hold up a sign that says “if you’re not deaf now, you will be…” and point at it.*

    * this may not be true

    Free Member

    I taught my son that swear words are special words to be used in extreme situations, and that casual use of them devalues them. That leaves us reaching for even more extreme profanities when the dung hits the fan. He and his friends settled on calling people ‘low-fat yoghurts’ as an insult and it worked (for 10 year olds).
    So I guess I agree with the book.

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