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  • How And When And Why To Watch Red Bull Rampage
  • I_did_dab
    Free Member

    The Bike Shop Hexham has them in stock. I like the yellow frame with raw swing arm best… clicky[/url]

    Free Member

    Our trio Hexhamworks managed 9 laps and came 19th *whoop*. The bike shop did well out of us – one front brake and one rear mech. I rode my first lap with a brand new front brake but no pads – they fell out 😯 .

    Oh and apologies for shouting at the bloke in a giggleberries top for walking up the singletrack climb the third time you stopped in front of me after passing 2 seconds before. I'll say sorry even if you won't… 🙄

    Free Member

    I'll be there is an team of three.

    Free Member

    2)point taken

    Is that a first?

    Free Member

    A cardiologist friend advised me that the only people that should eat pasta are ultra endurance athletes.

    Obviously talking out of his speciality… 😉

    If juicing help you to eat less calories and burn more, I say good luck!

    Free Member

    just take that pill that makes you shit fat.

    That’s what xenical does…

    Free Member

    That all sounds completely normal! Just keep putting small pieces of different food on her plate to try to widen her tastes. Try not to fuss, otherwise they learn to refuse to eat for attention. It helps to look at food consumed over a week rather than at each meal, both our kids have eating days and non-eating days but it all averages out. Regular mealtimes and eating at the same time as the child are also good.

    Free Member

    *fact* Black and white bulls are the most dangerous *fact*

    Free Member

    **raw materials cheaper than finished product** shock 🙂

    Free Member

    I find the trick is to enjoy riding badly – riding well is a nice bonus…

    Free Member

    That’s VIFF – Vectoring In Forward Flight
    Invented when a US Marine pilot thought ‘what happens if I pull this lever while I’m flying’

    Free Member

    So they’ll stop the film before the bit where he ditches his wife (who nursed him) and kids who had followed him around the world supporting him for a rockstar…

    I lost respect for him at that point.

    Free Member

    You could try –
    Wide and narrow press-ups on fists – for martial arts fans.
    Feet on a chair press-ups – harder than normal.
    Handstand press-ups against a wall – for fans of the original version of the mean machine.
    One armed press-ups – for the hell of it.

    Free Member

    tomzo – not proper, says who? Full 90 degrees at the elbow and fully locked out FYI.
    Headbanging? – tick.

    Oh to be young again…

    Free Member

    some thieves near me got caught. They were climbing a bacon tree….

    …turned out to be a ham-bush 😆

    Free Member

    Unfortunately, with the advent of light, powerful, and portable power-tools any lock or chain is, at best, a deterrent or inconvenience to a thief. For example, last year thieves systematically knocked a hole in a garage wall to steal DH bikes, in our local news area.
    IMHO the only solution is enough security to deter a casual thief, and good insurance just in case. A determined thief will either trash everything to get his prize, or mug you for it.

    Free Member

    I used to do 100 press-ups in about a minute for fun. That was over two decades ago though …

    Free Member

    Report him.

    Free Member

    Hedgehog or fox droppings smell much worse…which is why my spaniel loves to roll in them…

    Free Member

    Pizza – just ponced up cheese on toast IMO 😉

    The red stuff contains lycopene which, apparently, will stop you having a heart attack.

    Free Member

    And the same is true for androstadienone a metabolite of testosterone. Smells of nothing, “pleasantly floral”, or stinky BO depending on your the specific polymorphisms in your smell receptors.

    It explains why smelly blokes manage to reproduce!

    Free Member

    It’s dimethylsulfide and other sulfur compounds that makes asparagus wee smell.
    Wikipedia – source of all knowledge

    Free Member

    Neither, just water and a sponge and bottle brush, occasionally a bit of car shampoo. Both will rot bearings in my experience.

    Free Member

    A or C depending on the situation. B rarely – only if the gap is big and I have seen the sequence of the lights. D rarely, e.g. temporary traffic lights at road works.

    Repeat after me… “I am not riding in traffic, I AM traffic!”

    Free Member

    There is much better riding a few miles away either side. As others have said – one to leave to the sheep and walkers.

    Free Member

    Surgical removal of the brain’s danger sensor? 😉

    Free Member

    Chase –

    the dog takes my butties wrapped in clingfilm and runs off with them.

    Trust me, that dog is a professional buttie thief, it would have no problem with cling film. 😉
    Our dog just wanders up looking cute, then pounces on the food and runs off. We have her on a lead when we know there are picnics about, but sometimes she gets a lucky break. 😳

    Free Member

    The GP told my little lad that the smallest thing you should put in your ear is your elbow. He had to think about it…

    Free Member

    Snap! I have a similar size one next to my brake mounts on my trance – done during the Selkirk Merida in 2006. It has been fine, but I keep an eye on it for cracking.

    Free Member

    I saw her in the pub at Heathrow terminal 5 a few weeks ago. I couldn’t help thinking that if she was really famous and talented, she’d have been in the VIP section…

    Free Member

    Yes sometimes, being tired and hungry makes me miserable and irritable.
    Eat more, with a good balance of carbs and protein 70:30 ish, and get to bed early.
    If that doesn’t work visit your docs to discuss it.

    Free Member

    1. lots but most recently 5 years
    2. never
    3. I once had to put my hand on a car and turn left with him when I was going straight on.

    To pick up TJ’s point cycling is relatively safe compared with other normal activities e.g. crossing the road, but only if you’re careful. I always assume that I always expect to be cut up, pulled out on etc, and position myself defensively. I never wear headphones on the bike.

    Free Member

    It’s a lovely course. You’ll need to prepare for a) lots of climbs, mostly smooth, some steep and b) lots of downs, some technical and the odd bit of black graded XC trailcenter stuff and c) a fair bit of standing around waiting or queueing. Also make sure your bike is in good condition and comfy – 4-7 hours on a bike that doesn’t fit will be painful.

    Free Member

    I used to fly up to the space station, blast it a few times with military lasers, wait for the cops to show, blast them and run away…pointless but fun…those were the days *sigh*

    Free Member

    Actually, IIRC, the law says that bikes can’t be sold without bell and reflector if it is going to be used on road. There’s nothing to say you can’t take them off once you’ve paid.

    Do some schools make helmets compulsory? Cos I can never understand why teenage folks ride round with a helmet dangling from their handlebars…

    Free Member

    coffeeking – so you’ve never had dogs – but you’re advising on puppy training 🙄 You don’t need to ‘dominate’ a pet dog – just look at it’s eyes, it already knows who’s boss (the one with the tin opener)…

    I’d recommend getting ’The perfect puppy’ and doing a puppy socialisation and training class.

    Free Member

    Crikey Moses! I never realised there were so many dog hitters out there…


    Yelp as if in pain, fold arms and turn head to look away from dog…… ……….might take a couple of times and you feel an idiot doing it but it really does work.

    Spot on! “Game over” is the best way – even for the slightest nip.

    Hitting a puppy for doing what comes naturally…sheesh… 🙄
    Get a fish if you’re that retarded!!

    Free Member

    I agree with postierich, helmet – yes, gloves – useful, but not pads for a toddler. She will crash and end up with bumps, scrapes, and bruises but its all part of growing up…

    Free Member

    A saw AC/DC on the ‘For those about to rock’ tour a long time ago. The cannons were good and it was very loud…enjoy…

    Free Member

    Giro and Bell do some cute ones.
    As TJ rightly says, check for fit first, and make sure they like to colour or you’ll never get them to wear it.

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