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  • Orange Bikes Announces ‘A New Dawn’
  • I_did_dab
    Free Member

    mine split across the sole after 18 months of light use at the weekends – I will not buy them again

    Free Member

    I keep trying to separate what I think are two pages when there is only one! Damn you higher quality paper!

    +1 on that. I like it…

    Free Member

    After a few years of winter single speeding I can report no knee problems here. My shoulders, back and hamstrings are wrecked though… 😳

    Free Member

    according to money week we should all be buying gold – it’s recession proof apparently…
    Gold price forecast:

    Free Member

    Stage is very important but also the underlying genetics. Estrogen receptor positive tumours respond to hormonal therapy (which has mimimal side effects compared to chemo) , hER2 positive tumours are more aggressive. ER +ve, hER2 -ve tumours have the best prognosis.
    Surgery, radiotherapy, and chemo/hormonal therapy produce an overall 5-year survival rate of about 60% so there are plenty of reasons not to give up, and to have a positive attitude, even though it will be a rough time for you all.

    Free Member

    Also worth looking at ex-hire bikes from trail centres. Used 20-30 times, serviced, and roughly half the price of new for a few scuffs.

    Free Member

    You get show champions and working champions. Working dogs are bred to work and can be a handful as pets unless you give them a work substitute.
    Our English cocker’s sire was an Irish show champion, she is a very well put together dog and still has a spring in her step at 13 years old.
    Sensible looking dogs have sensible breed standards which relate to character and build as much as looks.
    Make sure you see the mother and possibly litter-mates in their home before buying a puppy. A reputable breeder will be checking that you are a suitable owner – not looking for a sale.

    Free Member

    I looked at the website and this sprang to mind…

    Free Member

    AndyP – the “robbing the dead” presumably refers to the lies reported in the Sun newspaper following Hillsborough tragedy which were totally discredited in the subsequent inquires. Very bad taste indeed…

    Free Member

    It’s not uncommon.
    Someone I know on her road bike hit an MR2 with the top down. She ended up upside down in the passenger seat with a rather smashed bike. If it had been a van the outcome would have been less than funny.
    Another hit a van (road bike again).
    And a triathlete hit a parked car with the bootlid up on the A69 near us, that one was fatal 🙁

    Free Member

    Also some folk like a label and some want to get special needs status.

    Some people find a label helpful because it lets others know what to expect and how to avoid difficult situations, and “special needs status” gives legal protection under the disability act.


    Free Member

    Diagnosis for children in the UK comes after a lengthy process involving a Paediatric Psychiatrist and team. Questionnaires to parents and school, plus observations and interviews with the child. The answers are plotted on a chart which if it shows areas of significant match to ADHD will lead to a diagnosis.
    ADHD is not an excuse for disruptive or violent behavior, it is an explanation as to why not everyone reacts in the same way, and why some people can’t sit still in class, or react quickly and rashly when provoked.

    – isn’t it better to know a bit more about what makes you tick. Hopefully the clinic will be able to help.

    Free Member

    Methadone is a poor replacement for heroin. The answer is to have GPs or specialist clinics prescribe heroin to registered addicts while simultaneously working with them on their social, psychological, employment and emotional problems.

    Free Member

    I have thought for a long time that the only way the general population would wake up to cycling casualties on the road would be if a high profile person was killed or injured on their bike. Tragically, this seems to be true. Hopefully, this is the small rock that starts the avalanche which will result in a major change to road sharing.

    Free Member

    Bacon gives you cancer,Smoking will give me cancer, alcohol will give me cancer.

    The devil is in the detail. For example – there’s a roughly 50% chance that smoking will kill you prematurely, evenly split between heart-lung disease or cancer. So toss a coin twice if you smoke – die early (yes/no), and if yes – cancer (yes/no). All other environmental and diet factors pale into insignificance compared with smoking.

    Free Member

    The incidence rate for pancreatic cancer is 13.6 per 100,000 men 10.7 per 100,000 women (per year) and it’s largely incurable.
    That’s the end of today’s happy thought.

    Free Member

    I used to do ~100 in around a minute back when I was a teenager, one-armed I could manage about ten, ~20 vertical legs up against a wall or tree (cf original Mean Machine) before I went a bit red in the face. For some reason, I thought it would impress girls 😆
    Nowadays, it’s ~25 a set, feet on a gym ball.

    Free Member

    It’s not the easiest journey, it could be cheaper to fly from Bristol* to Newcastle. The trains are great for going up and down the country but since Beeching are pretty rubbish for going across.

    *Bear in mind that Bristol airport is on the site of the base that the RAF built to teach pilots how to fly in fog, and is in the middle of nowhere. Filton would have been more sensible but some halfwit gave planning permission for houses at the end of the runway (local politics eh..).

    Free Member

    You could point out that ‘growing up’ often involves: becoming fat and unfit, possibly impotent, getting really boring, playing golf, wearing beige nylon slacks, comb-overs, endlessly talking rubbish about sports that you once or never played, worrying about the FTSE, washing your car more than it needs, endlessly decorating the house, thinking that fun is for children, working too much…

    Free Member

    A similar thing happened when I was on the train. He had a sob story about his wallet being nicked. I was feeling rather unwell and eager to get home so I gave the bloke the money for his ticket and we all got home on time. 8)

    Free Member

    didn’t someone on here suggest that transport for London were hushing up a report that said that red light jumpers are less likely to be squashed by HGVs and that’s why fewer blokes get killed? Sounds plausible…

    Free Member

    Main points seem to have been covered, so just to reiterate, it’s a PAIN IN THE TITS.

    …except when you consider that for all the other autoimmune disorders, e.g. multiple sclerosis, lupus, arthritis, the trigger isn’t known or possible to eliminate and the outlook is long-term ill health. Better to think about what you can eat, and be happy that, with a minor adjustment to your diet (probably healthier), you can live a perfectly healthy life.

    Free Member

    Yes, I’m GF. The first thing to do is to think about what you can eat – which is most things. Also remember not eating gluten will mean that you’ll be completely healthy, and that for lots of other conditions there is no simple fix.
    Eating out can be a pain, some places really have no idea, even knowing that pasta is made from wheat flour! Chain restaurants are usually bad, places where the chef cooks from raw ingredients are better, talk to your server and ask them to ask the chef. The thing that annoys me most is when something comes on the plate that wasn’t on the menu.
    When you get you diagnosis you’ll be able to get bread and pasta on prescription, and the supermarkets have huge ranges of ‘free from’ stuff that is good, if a bit pricey. GF beer is also available.
    More good news is that your blood count should go back to normal which is equivalent to a spell of altitude training (or EPO)- you’ll be flying!

    Free Member

    You get a host of hidden features including:
    bike parts I made in my kitchen,
    the ultimate service free bike,
    and what’s in your hip flask?

    Free Member

    All the cool kids are playing ukuleles around here. Just a thought…

    Free Member

    Great article. Back in the day I did all my lifesaving awards up to bronze medallion and I can’t remember once being taught how to spot someone drowning. A bit of an omission!

    Free Member

    I used to go with my Grandma ~30 years ago to the original shop. It resembled a slightly up-market motorway cafe and was overpriced even then and the food was nothing special.
    Then they sued Harry Ramadan’s over the road which showed a major lack of sense of humour and unwillingness to compete.

    The Magpie in Whitby, now there’s a chippy to get excited about.

    Free Member

    +1 for specialist legal advice e.g. CTC.
    Get well soon.

    Free Member

    Given that these scrotes made such a mess of our communities, I suggest the best thing to do with them is make them clean it up. Restorative justice and all that.

    +1 and make them wear clown costumes or something else uncool while they are doing it

    Free Member

    I loved the whole colour-coordinated thing with the Danny video. The orange bike matching the rust and green top matching the grass and trees, highlighted by the blue gloves and shoes. It is a beautiful film.

    Free Member

    Personally, I don’t favour ‘controlled crying’ but waiting a minute or so to see if he sorts himself out would be a plan. Also, you could try gradually diluting the milk with water so that he is getting less food from the milk over time. Eventually he won’t be hungry and will only wake when thirsty or needing a cuddle. Waking him for a drink just before you go to bed is also a good plan. Finally, in the wee small hours remind yourself that by providing your boy with a secure loving environment, you are helping him grow up into a well-balanced individual.

    Free Member

    I smoke 5 a day

    So the comments about carbon monoxide and cyanide are relevant after all.
    You certainly aren’t giving yourself an advantage.

    Free Member

    How so?

    CO is chemically stable and doesn’t randomly grab oxygen from the air. It can do this during combustion, but that’s not relevant to getting out of breath. It isn’t a product of respiration either. It poisons people because it binds to the iron in haemoglobin and sticks, in the place of oxygen which is supposed to hop on and off. That’s why CO poisoning leaves people looking very healthy and pink. Cyanide does the same thing but leaves people looking blue – that isn’t relevant either (unless you smoke).

    Free Member

    its takes on an additional oxygen molecule thus creating co2.

    is chemical gibberish

    Free Member

    Just wanted to clarify that carbon monoxide doesnt replace co2 (carbon DIoxide) What happens is due to its instability, its takes on an additional oxygen molecule thus creating co2. This has the result of removing oxygen from the air it ocupies making it hard to breath

    er no it’s nothing to do with CO unless you smoke, in which case some of your hemaglobin is tied up carrying poison around for you.

    CO2 stimulates the stretch receptors in your lungs which hurts.

    Breathing is easy – in and out – repeat as necessary.

    You’ll know if you’re about to pass out as your vision will narrow to a tunnel and you’ll see red stars flashing – at least that’s what happened to me.

    Anaemia, asthma, and anxiety sound like reasonable reasons to me.

    You could take up the trumpet, that’s supposed to be good for lung capacity.

    Free Member

    Spaniels have ~90% of their brain connected to their nose, so understand that their ears stop working when they are on a scent. The better nose they have the more likely they are to roll in disgustingly smelly stuff (e.g. rotting fish). As he loves his toys, hide and seek will be a good game. Fly-ball may be a little to repetitive for a spaniel, agility is good fun though. Some spaniels are good retrievers, ours has never been that bothered.
    Working spaniels do their stuff with minimal input from their handler, so forget close obedience training (leave that to the shepherding dogs that like to be bossed about). These dogs like to be left to get on with it.
    Pulling on the lead is a common spaniel trait. Our cocker prefers to be about 10-20 meters in front off the lead, a springer may run even further (springers flush in open countryside as opposed to woods). A handful of treats helps them learn to heel. Don’t pull back on the lead when they pull, this gives positive feedback, instead just stop and make the dog sit. As soon as he understand that a slack lead means forward, you’ll be laughing.
    Have fun…

    Free Member

    A night’s rain is worth 10,000 police – from my step-dad a retired copper.

    Free Member

    Apparently 49.9% of school children are below average at maths. That is a national scandal…

    Free Member

    When they can either climb over the gate or undo it themselves it is safe to remove. Otherwise I can think of lots of times when the stair-gate was useful to keep ours where we wanted them and not as a safety thing.

    Free Member

    Something like a cateye strada cadence would show your cadence, but not record it.

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