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  • Take Care Of Your Trails 2024
  • I_did_dab
    Free Member

    I am a cancer researcher and I haven’t noticed the world shifting on it’s axis, but then it is Monday morning…

    Free Member

    Nothing so gratifying as a 1 year old signing please and thankyou even though he can’t say the words.

    except maybe an 11 year old boy saying it spontaneously, without being reminded (again!)…

    Free Member

    Can that be a cause then?

    he could be trying to summon some lady dogs to his party…

    Free Member

    My son, when aged 4, corrected his mother when she pointed out some interesting hexagonal windows with the words ‘no Mummy those are pentagons’…he was correct…

    Free Member

    Yes, me. It involves them making an incision over the crest of your pelvis. They then use a hammer and chisel to knock the knobbly bits off your pelvis (there is a reason that most orthopedic surgeons look like rugby players(or carpenters)), which are then lovingly stuffed into the bit of bone they want to grow (in my case the collar bone). Hopefully the growing bone knobbly bits continue growing and plug the gap. They will then insert a drain and sew up back up. Removing the drain the next day stings a bit. 😯
    You are then left with a very sore hip, stretched muscles and generally the feeling that someone has been attaching you with a hammer and chisel (which is true). The site of the original injury was much less painful.
    After that it’s a waiting game to see if it takes, in my case it was 8 weeks in a sling. Happily it worked…

    Free Member

    Space Chimps (not as polished as a Pixar film but some great gags)
    Hotel Transylvania (for Halloween viewing)
    Chicken Run (“Chicken pies you great lummox!”
    and all the above…

    Free Member

    our cocker does it in her sleep, proper Baskerville style, it sometimes wakes her up. Scared the life out of us the first time. She also howls when the kids played on a glockenspiel, and at the door bell, but the dream howl is the best…
    She’s a noisy bugger sometimes…it’s a dog thing…
    …oh and has he been *cough* done…?

    Free Member

    Even though it could’ve been fatal?

    Fair to get the police involved for this reason…

    Free Member

    we turn the sound off for TV ads and play guess the product, if you have no idea at the end of the ad it’s probably a perfume or aftershave.

    Free Member

    A diagnosis is definitely helpful for school age folk as it releases a number of interventions at school level. My adult nephew has just been (finally) diagnosed and now has a key worker to help him move to an independent life (i.e. leave home and get his own flat), he is quite disabled. Adult high functioning Aspergers might benefit from the label and new sense of identity, but it shouldn’t be an excuse for being an a**-hole.

    Free Member

    Eastern Europe the indiginous wouldnt think twice about ‘getting rid of Roma’

    Hitler did a bit too – let’s give him a round of applause…or not!
    Casual racism is ok if directed against Roma, travellers or “Pikeys” it seems on STW.

    Free Member

    whisky and chocolate – what’s not to love… 🙂

    Free Member

    82% near York…
    Born Leeds, grew up Manchester so pretty much spot on…

    Free Member

    A broken chain and Winter…
    Last week’s ride – 4 riders, one rear mech mechanical, one front mech cages snapped in two, one singlespeed (me), and one rolhoff. Only me and the rolhoff survived a not especially muddy ride.
    SS is now in the garage and will be ridden this week without needing to me washed and pampered…

    Free Member

    Watch this as a family -> C4 dogs programme then make an informed decision about leaving a dog at home all day.
    Our two are left all morning and can go up to 6 hours without mishap – other’s vary…

    Free Member

    We are told* that Eskimo’s have hundreds of words for snow so we really should be more descriptive.
    Here’s some I thought of:
    Minestrone – mostly water with bits in
    Porridge – sloppy mud and leaf mulch
    Readybrek – see above but finer texture
    Plasticene – good for tyre tracks

    Free Member

    can’t see the menu icon on Samsung Galaxy GTS5830i so can’t install my subscription 😥

    Free Member

    28 posts and no dog pictures – is this a record?

    Free Member

    Thalidamide is a strange example, the drug itself in one form works perfectly, it’s Chiral opposite causes the problems.

    This is factually incorrect despite turning up in organic chemistry textbooks. The enantiomers of thalidomide interconvert rapidly at the pH of blood so you could never test anything other than a racemate.
    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest…

    Free Member

    I am a cancer researcher and remember seeing the original HPV story unfold – you should see what it does to monkeys 8O.
    A friend, and mother to three children the same age as ours, has just had major surgery to remove a cervical cancer that wasn’t detected by regular screening. It’s not something to take lightly.
    No surprise then that my daughter will have it, and if possible, my son will as well.

    Free Member

    sounds like a case of a) failing to spot the police (a common traffic offence), and b) failing the “attitude test”…

    Free Member

    Oakley’s for me. Lovely lenses, better than my regular glasses.

    Free Member

    from wikipedia

    The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a domestic subspecies of the wolf, a mammal of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora.

    mules are sterile hybrids

    Free Member

    dogs are not wolves

    You can cross breed wolves and dogs, it is a spectacularly stupid thing to do, but you get puppies either way round, so they are still the same species. Dogs retain many of the same instincts as wolves e.g. rolling in poo so comparison has some use in understanding dog behaviour.
    Humans gain ‘top dog’ status by controlling food, and other activities e.g. walk, working/play. Domestic dogs have been bred to be subordinate to humans. I agree there is no need to physically dominate a dog, in fact it could be dangerous.

    Free Member

    We had a chat with a behaviourist about our Welsh Springer recently. She said that dog hierarchies are very fluid and change on a minute by minute basis. Your springer sounds like she’s the boss and is reminding him of the fact. Ours does this to our much older cocker, with lots of noise and dominating.
    The solution we were given is to reinforce your springer’s dominance by giving her everything good first e.g. walks, off the lead, food, petting, and think about other areas where she may perceive the Jack Russell as being favored e.g. being picked up, allowed on furniture. After a long period of calm we have it all happening again as the cocker has medicine and a special food as she’s been ill. It’s not much fun watching the old lady get flattened, but that’s just one of the joys of sharing your life with dogs…

    Free Member

    all good advice above, also consider an upset tummy/worms. Always worth getting a new dog checked over by a vet.
    Our 14 yr old dog has just had a bad dose of colitis so we are getting it all over again…

    Free Member

    Surely more pertinent examples are;
    – The many poorly reported false health scares (e.g. Red meat is good for you AND gives you cancer depending on what day you pick up the paper)
    – Vaccination scares (e.g. MMR)
    – Drugs we’ve been told are safe but turn out not to be (e.g. Thalidomide)

    1) don’t read the Daily Mail or any other ‘news’paper for their oversimplification and misrepresentation of science.
    2) I would like to see some of the journalists who propogated this false story prosecuted for the measles epidemic this year. MMR always was safe, and was never linked to autism in a correctly conducted clinical study.
    3) this one is true, but drug safety testing a world away from where it was in the 1950s.
    A more pertinent example would be the introduction of a ‘foreign’ species that obliterates the native species e.g. the grey squirrel or European starling.

    Free Member

    Maxxis Beavers – I hope as I have just ordered a pair (26″) to replace some aged trailrakers. Not too pricey either…

    Free Member

    Here’s a more general solution to the Daily Mail kitten block[/url] 🙂

    Free Member

    I made my wife’s GF Birthday cake from here . With 4 eggs and lots of sugar, I’m pretty sure I’m not losing weight this week 🙂
    Oh and make sure your GP checks you for Coeliac disease, your ‘Lymes’ symptoms may be confused…

    Free Member

    our 2.0 tdi needed a new gearbox, 2 new disc calipers (seized on), clutch cylinder failed, notchy steering (never rectified) plus the usual routine stuff. The garage said it must have been a “Friday nighter”.
    Having said that I like the drive and arrangement of the car so we swapped for a 1.6 zetec petrol plus an extended warranty, no problems so far.

    Free Member

    I never worked out where the stabiliser arm went so haven’t used it. No problems so far. sounds like you need to open the clamp up carefully, and clean it out inside.

    Free Member

    My 10yr old son and his friend enjoyed the Osprey blue route despite a bit of moaning on a fire road climb slog. I thought it was really nice and has bedded in well so feels quite natural. A good warm up for the more ‘built’ red sections. I was also interested to see that the Deadwater hill has been regraded from red to black since I last bent my wheel there.

    Free Member

    Lots of good news to cheer you up. First is that it’s the only autoimmune disease with a known trigger – gluten – so if you eliminate the gluten the symptoms go away.
    The coeliac society is worth joining to get their food list and magazine.
    There are now loads of nice foods in supermarkets ‘free-from’ sections, they can be a bit expensive but the quality has improved dramatically.
    Eating out can be a pain, but pizza express and pizza hut now do GF bases which are good. More places are getting clued up, but you’ll still get the occasional blank look or don’t care attitude.
    Finally, there’s a very nice cafe in Caernafon near the castle that does GF crepes, highly recommended 🙂

    Free Member

    Research has shown that dogs bark for lots of reasons but mostly because they are dogs. So our Welsh Springer will bark at anything. We had a long chat with a dog behaviourist about this and other aspects of the dogs psychology.
    Her advice was to teach a “watch me” command where you hold a treat in front of your face and reward an attentive, quiet, sitting dog. You won’t stop the dog from starting to bark, but it does control the behaviour. Our dog learnt it super quick and loves primula cheese spread as a reward.

    Free Member

    and he’s finished, 2.46pm today… 😀
    I’m exhausted just thinking about it…

    Free Member

    He’s nearly there – Gt Easton at 12.30 today. 1373 Km down and only 45 to go…

    Free Member

    Last seen Thirsk at 8.30am heading South. A massive day yesterday Brampton-Moffat-Edinburgh-Peebles-Brampton-Barnard Castle 6am this morning.
    Morning coffee must be working wonders…

    Free Member

    Surely the correct response should be – “you could have had gas reserves to spare and a thriving carbon extraction based economy in the NE, but 25 years ago your lot decided to shut the deep coal mines, remove the pumps and allow them to flood – closing them forever, whilst simultaneously removing legislation allowing gas powered electricity generation. Your generation’s politically motivated spite and lack of forethought got us into this mess, and now your lot oppose wind and other renewable energy sources that can get us out of it, and want to frack here instead”

    Free Member

    I have a Genesis iO SS as a winter bike. It has needed new headset bearings and new chainrings and chain in 5 years of very harsh regular winter night rides, so definitely a money/maintenance saver. When I’m feeling fit it is great fun, when I’m not it is purgatory.

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