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  • hora
    Free Member

    Mmmmmmm ladies kebabs. Love waking up in the morning with dried stickyness allover my face.

    Free Member

    GF opened her work emails remotely on our laptop. Told her specifically not to as I’ve not bothered with a virus blocker for years. Hey presto the laptop needs a reinstall disc and her hotmail has spammed everyone in her address book etc. She swears blind that emails from factories in India and China wouldnt have any firewall problems etc and says its ‘co-incidence’- basically shes trying to get out of paying to fix it.

    Mutter, bloody’ tight yorkshire wimin’.

    Free Member

    A pothole to you is a gnarly freeride drop to me 8)

    Free Member

    Someone hacked into Rudeboys account?

    Free Member

    All the best. Keep posting on here but dont call me hoooora grrrrr 8)

    Free Member

    marcus. I stand ready skyclad to go into battle against you holding my spear in my hands

    Free Member

    Rudeboy, you wont be sleeping with the Fishes you will be sleepy with Fishy’ (jeez, I sound like FrenchJuan now)

    Free Member

    8O Judas. I will reach out to you from beyond my grave 8O

    Free Member

    Your lucky, I almost nicked your nickname and posted gay rightwing propoganda

    Free Member

    bigsi, you should visit the Manchester Dogs home. I’m a grown lad and I was fighting back emotion walking around there last weekend- some of the dogs (4-6 per cage) were fighting each other and all the staff could do was kick the cages really hard to stop them. The sight of humans provoked differing reactions from each dog- some went to the back, others jumped trying to escape- others bit to get them out of the way etc etc.

    Free Member

    Ziggy post it here

    Alot of traffic police post on there.

    Free Member

    Top Poseur. Binners, leave a tin of open beans on the table with two spoons for the nippers and come out for booze tonight :wink:

    Free Member

    Humanise? Jeez my missus is in trouble. She holds it like a baby and dresses it in ridiculous jumpers saying ‘its cold/he might suffer’ (FFS). Bin a jumper and a new one springs up out of nowhere..FFS (again!)

    Free Member

    I agree that what is happening in Gazza is a war crime however this is a bit of a strong topic for STW and potentially their sponsors TBH.

    Free Member

    Brown said on the news last night that printing money wasnt an option. He was in Liverpool with all his Cabinet meeting the common man.

    Funnily A Regan quote was mentioned: the scariest thing you will ever hear ‘I am from the Government and I am here to help you’.

    That is a class quote and used brilliantly on last nights news.

    Free Member

    Ant and Dec.

    Free Member

    emac65, thanks for that. We’ll do that when the time comes.

    Free Member

    We need to get Team America to Gazza….oh wait they are already there.

    Free Member

    clubber/IHN. I’m built like a tripod so it isnt that hard ;-)

    O/T- whats happening with the Pinder case?

    Free Member

    Heres a new one to try. Pop a tad of Evaporated milk ontop.

    The food of Gods.

    Free Member

    Agree. I will volunteer 4 hours of my week to dedicate myself to kicking idiots in the cock.

    anymore details- link? on the Llandegla and Bridleway cases? Llandegla is a rough/aggregate carpark.

    Slightly O/T but I find funny about Llandegla is folk leaving bling bikes outside the cafe against the wall whilst you have rough folk wandering around

    Free Member

    The death of children is tragic but how do they know they were killed by the Israelis?

    There are Israelis (and Jews) against what is happening to the Palestinians. Some speak out but many don’t just like in Germany..

    If 7/7 didnt happen how would the UK feel about what is happening now? In a way we are all complicit in Israels actions.

    Once the ‘Refugees’ are removed from Gaza then ‘everyone’ will be happy.

    Free Member

    Pictures of Archie please (again)

    ..and of Taffy

    Free Member

    Revise to my post. If hes just lethargic/not much energy then keep him going. Just spoil the bugger to death. If he yelps/limps badly etc or more tellingly(?) shows signs of incontinence then I would consider the option.

    Free Member

    I would definitely advise putting him to sleep. Stay with him. My girlfriend had a lovely Yorkshire Terrier (why are they always gay dogs with me?!) that used to walk alongside me with no lead everywhere (and run off from its own owners!). Anyway, his teeth and backlegs started going so it was a no-brainer.

    Sad but it would have been cruel to keep him alive for our feelings.

    When it is Bingo’s turn I wont hesitate either. Worse than not having him by my side is having him suffer. All the best.

    On the flipside I was talking to a woman in the park with a Parsons Terrier who had a pronouced limp. Transpires the dog is only 18months old with a congenital hip problem and already on pain killers. The lovely lady explained to me that shes already planned a set of wheels to enable the dog to get around later when both backlegs fail. I can tell you I had to bite my tongue and walk away.

    Free Member

    richc, I’ll take thas as some form of reserve-psychology advice :wink:

    Free Member

    sq225917, you took a while to take that shot? I bet your girlfriend was stood behind you and said ‘what are you doing’? Are you mad? etc.

    I err know this from err personal experience…

    Free Member

    IMO same age as a skateboard.

    someone on here once turned up at a skatepark on a bmx- I think he was laughed and made fun of by the kids!

    Free Member

    takisawa2 it has mudguards. That makes it 10% more likely to be gay. FACT.

    Free Member

    colnagokid- Sure? My 91 F1 needs a few extra links (gf wore it for a few years and lost the ones taken out). She then (somehow) gave it a good whack so the movement second arm just ticks backwards/fwds one way each way!

    Any Tag dealer?

    Free Member

    2009 Specialized SX (not the trail). Its US-only.

    acjim- sell me your blur4x!

    Free Member

    [in a non-gay way]That actually looks really nice in pink[/honestly as straight as they come]

    Free Member

    Erm (incase any tasty lasses are reading this) my ‘friend’ just mentioned to me that he had the most explosive and long shat known to man today. Lots of trapped air coming out and epic in wetness and length.

    What gives? (he says)

    Free Member

    coffeeking and stratobiker. I’ve recently had to ‘burp’ the coolant system on my car due to the garage not remembering to tighten up the hose leading into the radiator (hence the radiator emptied upto 2lts of coolant over the engine). Part of the burping process involves starting the engine and holding slight revs to get the level of coolant to overflow from the radiator cap (tie rag around to collect overflow)- if it bubbles yes its fubarred, it should just seep out/overflow. Then top up and recap. I’ve also found out by cross-referencing technicians that coolant can drop in extreme (cold) weather. So there! :D

    Free Member

    Our LBS sells a month out of date ones for 50p- probably dont have a sales or return policy.

    I find that mbuk can be great one month then shite the next. Recent- good, one before apalling (nothing in it). Same with STW- its up and down (IMO).

    Whatmtb – can be great and so-so

    Free Member

    Has a look of Nicolai about it- what is it ihafty?

    I’m still smoking a post-coital cigarette over mamadirts Intense 8)

    Free Member

    I cant get into the Unicorn, they always shoo me away with a brush thinking I’m some sort of thievin pikey-vagrant

    Free Member

    aP – Member

    Hora – you did vote for McCain/ Palin didn’t you?

    No but if you spend your savings with me, I will be your comfort-whore. Think of it this way, for years you will remember the memory of what your money paid for.

    Free Member

    Will the real hoops please stand up

    please stand up

    Free Member

    So – if I spend all my savings, and therefore have no income from investments, who’s supporting me? How does that help the economy?

    It helps Labour.

    Sorry. We need tough love. Labour keep thinking they have to be seen to be doing something, anything. That is the paradox (if thats what you brainy bigdummies call it).

    Soon, we will see increases on taxes on savings accounts.. The government will ‘pressure’ (do they need to?) to impliment a interest-holiday where no interest is paid for a period of 6months on all savings…

    Lets bookmark the above thought and comeback to that in a month or two..

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