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  • hora
    Free Member

    Would love to but it has ‘DH’ in their name!!

    Free Member

    hugo rune – yes. I had a Colonic and the poor lass said I had alot of trapped wind (nothing else). She talked bolloxs about everything else but if I was constantly full/bloated with trapped wind then surely (common sense)- I was reacting to something I eat.

    Free Member

    I was drinking circa 4 bottles of ridwiine (spelling for AndyP) a week and probably 8 pints of ale. Common sense says knock those empty calories in the head and within another couple of months I should naturally slim down anyway.

    Free Member

    Most folks on here seem to miss that point.

    That was me. I always chose a bike on aesthetics.

    Free Member

    More importantly- which bike rides the best?

    I was looknig at the Marin Mount Vision 09 last night and thought it was hideous but the mag reviewer says its ‘amazing to ride’….

    Free Member

    T’is the nectar of life.

    Free Member

    I thought the barbed-comments were hilarious, especially the one about ‘who wears the trousers’.

    Their thinking was atad off though- she was like a scatter-gun with what she wanted.

    Kirsty’s rant in the kitchen was class!

    Free Member

    I’ve gone from well toned 14.5stone down to 12stone then upto a horribly out of shape 15.5stone all over the past 5yrs.

    My old suits down fit right- the shoulders are really too big yet the trousers are waay-too tight. I decided enough is enough- for the past 6weeks Ive gradually adjusted my diet (V.SLOWLY)- firstly I stopped drinking lager and redwine on a regularly basis (but kept on eating my fried butties), still have redwine as an odd treat. Then when I was happy/used to drinking just vodka again I started to cut down on the fried butties. Basically I have an addictive personality and if I tried cutting everything out at the sametime I’d bounce back again. So now I am addicted to Vodka and Porridge (obviously at different times).

    I’ve also cut out all bread from my diet. I still have a big gut however I think this is a food allergy reaction. Im starting to tone up nicely elsewhere and last night I noticed that after riding to the gym I could lift alot more weights and push a great deal of reps again.

    For me, its a very very slow process. Patience.

    All the best Renton.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    [FACT]Most Journalists are Trolls trying to illicit a response[FACT]

    Free Member

    What would be a living nightmare for a longterm unemployee?

    -Impotence/inability to achieve an erection

    That would be up there in Dante’s hell.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Seen that before- to me, it doesnt look real to be honest. They would make mistakes learning those moves. Dangerous doesnt come close to describing it and how do they deal with the windflow around and over the rocks? Surely the thermals would just be too hard to judge etc?

    Free Member

    Ewe are kid’ing right?

    Free Member

    What I’d do- Get Lauren up the duff and sell weed.

    Free Member

    I like riding tube trains in Japan groping ladies

    Free Member

    What do non-dog/animal lovers have as pets?

    Iguana’s on strings?
    Girlfriend tethered to the bed?
    TammyGotchi (or however you spell it)
    Themselves, they are all the friends and companions that they need?

    Free Member

    Inbetween 11pm and 3am I’d rather be inconvenienced/stopped numerous times than have even one DUI slip under the net.

    Put it this way, the Police were probably visually assessing you for drink on your breath then questioned you in the car incase of drug use.

    Free Member

    Junkyard Yourr my wife now…

    Free Member

    Someone will buy it though- probably cheaper and will quietly know that the ‘great bargain’ they picked up is probably nicked (but they’ll have their contents insurance so its all alright’).

    Same angle- ‘cos its insured, just different pikeism’:

    Just like when someone at work said
    ‘Im after a flatscreen tv, anyone got one going’?
    ‘I have a mate who has a few off the back of a lorry if your interested?’
    ‘Yes, but their from a shop and not stolen from a house though?’

    I asked how that made it alright/ok? Apperently its alright as shops etc all have insurance.

    FFS, boils my piss. Rant over.

    Free Member

    People see it as a more ‘responsible’ way to salve their desire to shop/reward themselves for having to work? Promise yourself to get fit etc so it doesnt feel like an evil purchase in a recession? TOTALLY guessing mind!

    Free Member

    So why is a Orange five so much? They dont have to pay import duty and distributor costs in the uk? Why are they over a grand? Ah yes, look at what your competitors charge and set your pricing that way.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the lesson in realism. If the importer margin on a £1.9k retail frame (dont forget they also sell it through their shop and as fullbuilds etc) is that slender. How inefficient is the business model?

    A complete bike can cost 4 grand. That is alot of money.

    Free Member

    Its the job of the Senior Buyer to renegotiate on fluctuations though? Any savy business person would pick up on such fluctuations and look for help on the trade price surely?

    gingerflash- You tend to check your competitors pricing and set accordingly though? Informal pricefixing? Which is illegal here in the UK? Where is the Orange 5 built? Is it subject to import duty/shipping etc? Would be interesting to see how the Orange’s are priced in the States compared to here.

    Free Member

    I didnt have the frame for long- I dont usually with any! :roll: but it was a comfy ride (not noodly though) and the top tube did come up quite long- longer than I expected looking at the figures. It was definitely reassuring though.

    Free Member

    Although alot of good (small) shops struggle I think big and established importers/distributors also hide behind this screen.

    Plus, are people at the likes of Madison etc well paid or do they do it, in part for the love of the industry (at first)?

    Jungle havent tweaked their prices for the past few years? Says to me that they must have already had a healthy profit in there then.

    Free Member

    I owned the 853 and the weld/frame quality was very impressive TBH.

    Free Member

    £600 for a Chameleon frame tho, that does take the p1ss.

    As long as people keep stumping up the readies, they’ll keep hiking the prices..

    Free Member

    Love Santa Cruz, however they’ve moved production to low-cost countries so why the big prices on what is essentially evolution (read tweak) with VP and single pivot frames? There are a lot of fluctuations out there- not just dollar:£. Someone will be along shortly to put me right however hasnt the price of aluminium dropped over the past year? This would surely negate the difference and anyway, what is with the pricing? Are Santa Cruz aiming their brand higher now, more niche? Its a **** aluminium frame ffs. Its not carbon, fancy steel or titanium is it?

    Free Member

    Park worker to me this morning ‘thats the friendliest dog I’ve seen for a while’ :D

    Free Member

    Surely the S-Max would meet most of your criteria?

    Free Member

    5 years of ebay- 94 feedback and all of a sudden Ebay said ‘new regs, due to your low trading history/for security reasons you now have to have to OFFER paypal on your auctions.

    The wording was ‘offer’. Revenue streams anyone?

    Free Member

    Enginewise I’d look up the 1.8 petrol or the diesel. Surprisingly the old 1.7 petrol is frugal and better all-round than the 2.0 petrol (I had the 2.0 petrol). Plus the 1.7 is dirt-cheap now.

    Free Member

    I ripped a tyre off of a FRV after trying to take a dipping bend over the moors at the same speed as I used to in a MX5. It doesnt handle anywhere near like a sorted-car. Quirky, different and cute but I can also agree that they are fugly. 6people and kit to the alps? Hmmmmm. At a economising tight squeeze and a roof box ontop. The middle seats dont leave much arm room for everyone.

    I’d personally go for a large estate TBH for 99% of the time.

    Free Member

    My dog punched another dog in the face with his paw. Knocked the little terrier flying on hos ar5e. Honestly.

    Actually our westie is shit in a standup ‘boxing’ match with most dogs. Fun to watch but most of the dogs who participate are taller than him and end up falling ontop of him to win!

    Free Member

    I always pretend not to be incase someone duffs me up

    Free Member

    For me, its when you sell for a profit on more than one item on a regular basis. Of course subjective and how do you measure? Although people like the lad from Sheffield were getting a free-medium to shift on alot of stuff.

    Free Member

    I’ve been in the same field as ton, but don’t think I spoke to him.

    Are you two cows?

    Has anyone met Fatsimons wife?

    Free Member

    Pity its 29 only!

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