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  • hora
    Free Member

    15foot long enough? Thats the MAX!

    Free Member

    The tag: “huq me”. Genuis, who did that one?! :lol:

    Caledonian, did you see my comment yesterday on the thread ‘did I do the right thing’? Shreck mentioned an Asian lad shouldered into him outside a Takeway so I said
    ‘maybe he was a Bollywood Star looking for a dance-off’?
    No one laughed :oops:

    Free Member

    Why not employer her in part due to the disability? I think its a great idea. All TV presenters seem to be perfect (in the case of Miss Huq visual perfection). Why shouldnt children grow up with the idea that you can look different and be the centre of attention etc?

    Great seeing Paralympics shown once every blue moon but its almost like a closet secret at times.

    Free Member

    Black tights and stylish (black) heels do it for me. Even grey woolie tights in toned legs and nice heels. Boss wore a black shortish skirt, black tights and heels once. I was conscious I was around her all day.

    Free Member

    Those arent FMB’s, those are WTFB’s.

    Free Member

    You know your not gay when you look at ladies like Konnie, swallow hard and feel an animalistic urge to dry hump your desk like a Yorkshire Terrier against a plump cushion..

    Free Member

    If I was a religious fanatic I could really hold something against her..

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I think its time for me to unleash Konnie Huq

    possibly NOT safe for work

    Free Member

    Ooops me and the naughty tags 8)

    Free Member

    In the metro newspaper there was an article on a Euroasian yank girl who has just earned her flying licence. She was born without arms but does everything (fly etc) with her feet. Boy did she have amazing looking legs and feet. Must admit my mind explored a few positions etc whilst looking at the article…

    Free Member

    “how does she pull them up Mark?” Didnt think about that. Good point.

    On the cbeebies- good idea. Shows children from a young age that its not wrong to be different from the norm.

    Free Member

    There is stunning redhead who works near our office who doesnt have any arms. Shes stunning and to be totally honest when I look at her I dont feel sympathy. I just think corr shes nice. Always wears FMB’s as well :twisted:

    Free Member

    Back firmly on topic. Shreck, you did the right thing. Even if you won the fight, where do you stop? You’d end up a very very angry man doing exactly the samething to others, thinking the world is against you.

    Free Member

    Anyone mentioned Prince yet?

    A-ha IMO actually improved the less commercial their work became. Very introspective.

    Free Member

    Is Ilkeston like Todmorden? If so surely Swadey would only have offended husbands of daughters and brothers of Wives? 8)

    Free Member

    Once many years back me and my mate were driving through Fartown (Huddersfield) and as we passed a takeaway something bounced off the side of the car (turns out it was a billiard ball). Mate stopped the car and both of us jumped out to confront the slighly younger 3 WHITE idiots. Mate of mine (6ft 3 ASIAN), me 6ft2 WHITE) As we approached the 3 idiots all produced knifes and said ‘come on then’. We turned, legged jumped back in the car and floored it. There was a nice dent on the doorframe where the billiard ball had hit. Jesus, what would have happened if we couldnt get into the car intime?

    Free Member

    Read an article quoting Mr Peat saying riding flats on a HARDTAIL will make you a smoother rider. Hardtail & flats is the key?

    Free Member

    How old are you guys when you had it done? My mate had his in his late 20’s (had two children already)

    Free Member

    Very very nice guys. How do you find the comfort though on long rides?!

    Free Member

    I was thinking on the way in this morning. I never filter on the inside of cars in town/city. Never. If its a line of traffic I will go up and over and if the traffic sets off prematurely I’ll ride parrallel then slot back in. If its not possible I will sit a cars length behind the last car in the centre of the car. I feel going up and over naturally meets a car drivers eyeline/field of vision whereas in righthand drive cars on lefthand lanes you naturally DONT look to the inside do you?

    filtering is too dangerous IMO- cars cut in due to checking to their right/obstacles.

    Ride safe (cheesy Americanism!)

    Free Member

    Bram Stokers Dracula- I’m currently reading. V.good. Cant stop thinking of a wooden Keanu Reeves though dammit :|

    Free Member

    8O I’m not putting my tassle anywhere near his/her “niche” :roll: :lol:

    Free Member

    roper, lets all visualise Eddie Murphy in a dress, just for a moment.

    Free Member

    Insurance Ombubdsman- contact them. Advise her insurance company you will be putting in a complaint and asking for their help.

    Free Member

    Surely Gay lads also like their men abit rough and ready. Hes not my type, I’d be more of a Eddie Murphy ‘oh I didnt know this Hooker was a Transvestite Officer’-type 8O :lol: 8)

    Free Member

    60mph limit- usual over moors etc.

    Oh BTW- try wearing non-cyclist clothes; Tracksuit bottoms- no helmet. The more chav you look the more a car will give you a wide berth.

    Cyclist gear = Geography Teacher to some drivers.

    Free Member

    What gets me (in the centre of Manc coming out)- a car will accelerate and cut back infront just to slam on his brakes 10m’s later at the end of the queue of cars. You then sail by… why do they do that? ‘Beat’ the cyclist – so narrow-minded?!

    Free Member

    MisterCrud – Im guessing you ride on NSL’s? EEK!

    Free Member

    Off road, your life is firmly in your hands.
    On the road, your life is partly in your hands but mostly in everyone elses.

    Free Member

    I’ve realised its pointless getting angry with these people, which in itself can be counterproductive if we all did this..drivers would just see cyclists as easy targets.

    All I can say is, its winter, everyones stressed, dark and wet- all these things combine for drivers to make mistakes.

    Free Member

    Stay at the Fighting Cocks in Arneside and open your curtains to the bay. Stunning. Mind, the night before the live band will have been belting out all night leaving the missus kinda grouchy and sleepless :roll: The train in the pic is one half of what you see when you wake up!

    Free Member

    I dont get it. It comes across as a naive act.

    Free Member

    The Ship Arnside

    Free Member

    if he had one eye you would have mentioned that

    That makes sense, he bumped into the OP as he couldnt see where he was going? :roll:

    Free Member

    Must admit I havent been for more than a year- when I noticed it was getting skimpier I stopped!

    Free Member

    I dont get why people are over-liberalising about the mention of the persons origins. If a Scottish lad had done the same, the OP would have mentioned ‘Scottish’ as he would have heard his accent.

    Its relevant possibly due to the area the OP was walking through and background from previous observations not mentioned on here. Stop Liberalising folks. We all know if someone was racist on here we’d all kick off.

    Free Member

    Sicilian however since 2000 they have reduced the circumfrance and toppings gradually. Abit like Pret- used to stuff its sandwiches with loads of fillings (part of its USP) now its thick crusts and fillings that are almost Boots-esque in parts.

    Free Member

    matt_outandabout – Whilst on a ride someone told me a chemist lad (or something similar) took the pads to his work and analysed the adhesive used. Apperently the Chinese factory was using the incorrect gunk to what they were asked to use and that its all been sorted after it was corrected. Some elements of this may be wrong (chinese whispers etc) but mine have seperated yet so Im happy!

    Free Member

    Rudeboy the food was stunning. It was very Bollywood when the bride to be came in, glamour, cameras flashing (over-flashing to create a Popstar entrance effect). I was the only Gora in the place!

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