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  • hora
    Free Member

    mildred good points. Back ontopic. Tandem Jeremy probably has a boxset of talks by Joseph Stalin on the birth and creation of Communism. It consists of 3hours of speeches by Stalin himself following by 8hours of continuous machine gun fire. Play this to the young Spaniel and I dont think you will have any problems (or see the dog) again.

    Free Member

    (From memory) I think we landed on grass? sounds odd?

    Free Member

    When did they phase out the chipmonks?

    Free Member

    oh yes…and that. For some reason I always wear 50tops when I come out with you lot. I guess so I can have a new outfit for every downhill 8)

    mobypaterson, you should go out for a ride with the HB lot. If only as a one-off. I cant ride for toffee and some of them can ride for alot of toffee. No one cares though.

    Free Member

    I went up in a Chipmonk with a fastjet pilot. Loved it. Even loved it when he said ‘lets have some fun’ and carried out various acrobatic maneuvers. I can remember him saying ‘turn off your mouthpiece etc’ in my ear as I was trying to gip. Loved it. My heart goes out to their family. I hope it doesnt stop parents letting their children go on future flights. Yes there is a risk- We were told the parachutes would save our lives however we’d break a few bones!

    Free Member

    Yes everytime we stop I take the opportunity to relieve myself and these lot rip into me. Everytime, not just once!

    Free Member

    See what you mean Stumpy and to some extent I agree. I’d personally leave it though.

    Free Member

    flipping your mirror was a seriously dumb thing to do. You could have swerved accidently out of shock thinking you had hit something/someone for a start

    Free Member

    HB lot are crackers, relaxed, open, crackers, very friendly and crackers. I wouldnt describe them as serious. Not unless Im missing something.

    Free Member

    I’d avoid Todmorden otherwise you might end up marrying and spoiling the genepool?

    Free Member

    A tour of Scotland- you can pitch up a tent virtually anywhere as well which opens up lots of options for you.

    Free Member

    Guys remember the dog is only 9 weeks old so let it be a puppy if only for a short while. At circa 12weeks for a couple of weeks we were told that you have to be as nice/calm as possible around your puppy as their experience in this period can affect their personality for life.
    Dont be too rough. all you have to do is withdraw your hands/self from the dog and turn your back for a few moments. He will soon learn. Start shouting etc at a puppy and you might turn the dog into a nervous creature for life. FFS, what are we folks council estate types?!
    Ps. Ive never seen Caeser hit or shout at a dog. Seen him restrain, or walk fwd/corner. If you do this the dog will think its natural to show aggression to others in later life.

    Free Member

    Hebden/Calderdale is the North Downs of the north.

    Free Member

    I met mine at an illegal rave. I sent my bestmate over to bring her over to me. Oh how Caligula it sounds ‘ bring her to me’. Sheesh.

    Free Member

    UK-FLATLANDER – Member
    The TFTuned site says £139 +pp not £160

    Eh? How are you getting the forks to him? Plus you’ll want the package insured. Then theres the ‘+PP’ back hence reasonable to assume 20quid extra all in for both ways no? It aint rocketscience! ;)

    Free Member

    clwyds isnt following the fastindian/I_ache’s brief though. Plus Im not a fan and you need a GPS or goodmap skills to follow?

    Mountain Bike Wales

    Enjoy! :)

    Free Member

    I still let our dog mouth me, usually when he walks upto me to greet me etc. Never trained it out of him as his bite is affectionate and not too firm. Hes done it to friends though and it has alarmed them so I guess its not for everyone. He knows who the boss is though, I havent seen many Westies off the lead like ours.

    Free Member

    Penmachno wipes the floor…in a nice way mind

    Free Member

    Our does the eye-thing as well when we take his picture (no flash)!

    Free Member

    Borrow one of TJ’s Socialist Workers ‘Thatcher stole from the working man’ speeches. After 4hrs of rhetoric and angst the dog will gladly hop into the sack and plead to be thrown in the canal.

    Free Member

    sort of holding/grabbing your fingers?

    Free Member

    $1million she’d eat my $h*t and walk around naked in my house for life and have $ex etc anytime I want.

    I’d draw the line at walking around naked though.

    Free Member

    Local swimming club, guys love a guy in tight Speedos..
    Be yourself, dont be derogitory about females infront of other males (as said earlier new mates also have sisters, friends etc) and they would love to pair up a great single female with a good bloke. Buys brownie points allround. I know a few great single girls and I wouldnt recommend any bloke to them if the lad said to me ‘corr she needs her doors kickin’ in and a slap’. No my online persona isnt me in real life FFS! :)
    All the best. The girls will flock to you..

    Free Member

    My last day at my old job and this cute little blonde tells me for $1million she’d eat my $h*t and walk around naked in my house for life and have $ex etc anytime I want.

    Zaskar, I think that was her subtle hint that she actually fancied you to be honest.

    Free Member

    At the Y-fork in the road (where you turn left upto Penmachno or right into Betwys) avoid the stone pub there. Appalling service. I even made a caustic remark upon paying.

    Free Member

    brakes, thats alongtime to avoid the showers

    Free Member

    RB hes probably hanging round waiting for car doors to open as we type..

    Free Member

    TBH I’ll try anything now, Actimel, dried Apricots, Cardomon seeds etc. Im starting to get into shape. Just my gut looks odd.

    Free Member

    Funny, we watch movies with a glamorized bad guy or Assassin and inside we might think ‘cool’ yet all of us would be rather be gang-banged rotten than shoot a person dead in real life huh?
    (This is a joke/twist on my posts BTW)

    Free Member

    How about giving Ann Widdecomb a FULL body wax?

    No. Thats just as wrong as a Paul Daniels and Debbie Magee threesome.

    BigDummy, if you did. Would you feel offended if the receiver says you were crap at it?

    Free Member

    Lets be honest. Drop the principles-crap. If you were offered a million to do just about anything, we’d sleep on it and no doubt end up doing it. Some wouldn’t do murder (I couldn’t for both the moral and criminal/punishment reason), whereas some would easily take one for the team than they think now. I don’t think I could let someone sleep with my GF for any money on earth TBH. No pain etc to her, however I could take the pain. What does that say?!

    Free Member

    Rudeboy, you’d geld a fake phallic. Sigh a relief then (like a horror movie) the crushed phallic would fall to the floor and I would unroll the terror to be unleashed upon you….. 8O

    Free Member

    Which Tescos (so I can avoid it!).
    any money theres one with a “i kicked his wing in” coming soon.

    Kicking his doors in?

    Free Member

    Lets face it though folks. The way we are going £1,000,000,000,000 would probably buy a loaf of bread the way Brown is taking us…

    Free Member

    For a million I’d shock and awe Rudeboy :roll:

    Free Member

    I find a few sun salutations gets ride of any trapped gas…


    Free Member

    waihiboy, comedy post of the day :lol:

    Free Member

    What if it was a rich man offering the wife a million to sleep with her husband? (just to mix things up and keep us on the homo-erotic theme)

    Free Member

    My girlfriend has been asked if her childbearing plans at a few interviews before. Guess what? She didnt go on to accept their offers of employment nor did she sire countless bairns either.

    Free Member

    Be honest, of course you would. **** it.

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