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  • hora
    Free Member

    Hang on, have I missed something. Organic Bacon? Sainsburys/Tescos dont sell- where do you get it from?

    Free Member

    Bugger. too far, unless its viable to post foodstuffs?

    Free Member

    Lime pickle- could eat that neat. Food of gods! Same with English mustard and Wasabi. The nasal rush straight up into the brain. Orgamisic-o!

    Free Member

    Act effeminate/gay. Someone on here is good friend with a non-rider. I wont name ANY names but a STW poster knows whom I’m talking about….anyway, I thought he was gay as the come when I met him, apperently the girls do as well. Lulled into being friends/chilling then BAM! he strikes like a Viper catching a field mouse. Damn!

    Free Member

    Comes back to cyclists hitting cars for near misses/perceived attacks. A huge no-no. To attack someones car can be a very serious event and escalate badly. People on here either troll or assume everyone doesnt care about their car- to such a degree that they’d let any £damage go? Madness. I can understand if this viewpoint is based on their own experience if owning ‘sheds’/bangers but not if they have paid/paying out a great deal to own a good vehicle.

    Free Member

    Play air guitar for them?

    Free Member

    Jeffrey Archer
    Lester Piggott

    Free Member

    The same Lord Ahmed who could be facing time at her majesty’s pleasure soon?

    Free Member

    IHN, they do. they just arent frequent or vocal enough on this part.

    Free Member

    Anyway binners will have to be careful, his neighbours may get wind of this thread and place a Fatwah on him!

    Free Member

    I’d like to see the Muslim council being more vocal/unbiased.

    Free Member

    Give your admissions about your sexual urges, they probably prefer it that way.


    Free Member

    Just a thought. I wonder if STW towers sometimes feel alittle nervous about threads on certain religions? Do some STW’ers find it alittle uncomfortable to critise or make a negative comment about Islam? People sometimes joke about Catholics etc however would you feel as comfortable (or wonder slightly) if you did the same on Islam? Just makes you wonder where the fear is sometimes, who we do fear and why. Just a thought.

    Free Member

    ALL religion should be open to critism. We arent living in the dark ages anymore where its heretic or you have to fight (die) for ‘King and country’. People died fighting for our freedoms, Suffragettes stuck their necks out to enable the female vote. I do find it distasteful that under the auspices for a democratic and liberal society we allow the fairer of our sex to be covered from head to foot and to some degree kept under lock and key.

    Free Member

    Bigdummy- that sign isnt for real?! Thats worth of a GeorgeBush award for literature. IHN- without reading further I dont see any ‘you must marry into an arranged marriage’, not fratanise with men other than your husband etc in there. I also dont see any degrading reference that its acceptable for women to cover themselves from head to foot either. Who are the most extremist again?

    Free Member

    The Party for Freedom combines economic liberalism with a conservative programme towards immigration and culture. The party seeks tax cuts (€16 billion in the 2006 election programme), de-centralization, abolition of the minimum wage, and limiting child benefits and government subsidies. Regarding immigration and culture, the party believes that the Judeo-Christian and humanist traditions should be treated as the dominant culture in the Netherlands, and that immigrants should adapt accordingly. The party wants a halt to immigration from non-western countries. It is skeptical towards the EU project, is against future EU enlargement with countries like Turkey and opposes the presence of Islam in the Netherlands. The party is also opposed to dual citizenship (see below).

    Free Member

    is that why you don’t see many muslims climbing mountains then? can’t come down for fear of offending allah?

    Funny yet sooo wrong

    Free Member

    If UAS then uni girls and young pilots showing off

    I’m sure there would be strict rules and guidelines over this even if a few instances did sneak through. Cant trainee fastjet pilots be binned at anypoint and are continually assessed?

    Free Member

    Bangs head against desk

    Free Member

    Class. You may beat me with the keyboard today, however you will lay there crushed under the onslaught of my steed’ come April Ante :twisted:

    Free Member

    Freedom of Speech goes both ways, even towards the BNP. If you dont give people a voice which they cant vent off then what pressure buildup do you cause? The Government is worried about violence from one sector as one particular religion does not welcome any descent or criticism.

    Free Member

    Pk. sssshhhhhh of my one-eyed trouser snake? 8O

    Free Member

    The home secretary has the power to stop people entering the UK if she believes there is a threat to national security, public order or the safety of UK citizens, but she cannot exclude people simply because of their views.
    Funny that extract, given who they have let into the country previously on the basis of ‘asylum sought on the grounds that the claimant would face torture if returned to Lebanon, Algeria etc’ for acts of Terrorism.

    Free Member

    wwaswas. My property is very important to me and I can understand that this is the case for other people as well. Strange concept huh? But havent you heard of an eye for an eye? If you were in my situation you would have waited, phoned your insurer and the Police? What would you have gained? Or would you shrugged yourself and put it down to just being a car then driven off? This might help you understand, not everyone thinks the sameway as you. Strange concept for some STW’ers on here.

    Free Member

    wwaswas. You dont think I considered all this? I parked at the furthest point away from the doors. completely empty for at least 100m’s around me. All the cars at that point were crowded/clustered around the entrance (**** lazy mouthbreathers). I assumed if I ran in and out car would be ok. Came out- the fecker had parked next to me- NOT near all the doors like the rest. My car must have been a magnet? Couldnt get my head around the logic on that. I did look for CCTV – none in sight. Contacted the police/insurer? Are you mad?
    ‘oh hello, is that the Police? I’d like to report someone opening their door on mine please…yes yes, whats that? Me a timewaster? Why I never’.
    Contact insurance? Have you ever contacted your insurers over damage? The last time I did (someone drove into the back of me), my insurers asked me to pay my excess upfront and I would get it back if the claim was found in my favour.
    I was up for waiting but considering it was just after opening time on Sunday I didnt expect them to be in and out in a hurry like I was. So you’d still call the Police or (no CCTV) call your insurance company and take lots of pics?!

    Free Member

    so it’s wrong to accidentally damage someone elses car and not leave a note
    Its accidental if you compensate or attempt to compensate the owner of the damaged property. It becomes malicious if you shrug, walk off and do nothing.

    Free Member

    wwaswas, the person obviously heard their car door slam into mine considering the depth/level of damage in the middle of my door. I did entertain the thought of waiting for them but as it was a huge shopping centre on a Sunday morning I could have been waiting there for a few hours. The least they could have done was leave a note on my windscreen but then again certain people in our society seem to think there isnt a consequence for their actions. They could also have just driven off and parked somewhere else. The car in question had no doorstrip to protect so took the full brunt. Yet again, they left their own paint embedded in mine and it didnt take Einstein to look at the arc and correspond the missing paint from the corner of their door either.

    Free Member

    I still giggle when I think of the time I lent into someones rear 3/4 panel with my knee and dented it severely after they had left a deep crescent-shaped mark on my door with their paint still lodged in. Seemed apt.

    Free Member

    New skin/door respray might cost sub£250 (under someones level of excess) but why should you pay money out for someone idiot?! Hey my car is scratched- I dont care as my sort of car looks better scraggy but I do possess the understanding that some cars need to look nice/some STW’ers are proud of their posessions.

    Free Member

    it’s only a car

    If its a leasecar its avery expensive outlay at the end of the lease period.
    If you own the car its also your property that someone else is damaging.

    Free Member

    I think CRC should have a customer feedback email address or at the very least a post-order questionaire. I like CRC but every (successful) company needs this.

    Free Member

    Err girl power/power to you sister err etc
    Ps. Why is she wearing Primark lycra jeans?

    Free Member

    As a rule of thumb, if you leave scratches or a small dent on the side of your car other motorists wont be as kind when climbing in and out of their thus accelerating the problem, kind of a vicious cycle. As soon as you get a scratch on your car- get it fixed. Seriously, people think you dont care about your car/its apperance and react accordingly.

    Free Member

    I know you have to make good progress on a motorbike but how come so many seem to drive at 50% over the stated speed limit? Surely they are reaching developing hazzards alot know cars pulling out of junctions/misjudging the bikers speed etc :roll: just thought I’d throw that in there.

    Free Member

    whoa mountaincarrot. Alittle too early.

    Free Member

    I dont know why but I used to almost pass out when the two ‘French lads’ sketch came on Vic and Bob.

    Free Member

    That looks like a one-ride to me. I think you were expecting a round a carpark whizz or slightly muddy look?!

    Free Member

    Is that a 747 I spot there? Probably Quantas playing silly buggers again? :roll:

    Free Member

    Marge is spot on. Its individuals perceptions. I drive like an idiot in town/city cutting people up but I see this as normal whereas to others its definitely not.

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