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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • Hopk1ns
    Free Member

    Clips if your committed

    Flats if your scared.


    Flats if your cool

    Clips if you dont care (which means your cool)

    Free Member

    Three things you (probably) don’t know about islam:

    Maybe bull, as its on the internet…..which never lies. Also may have already been posted. But if its true…..

    Free Member

    They get their reports from Exacta Weather. Who specialise in dramatic forecasts that rarely come true. They always claim masses of snow is on the way and report how accurate they are when the far northwest of Scotland get an inch of snow.

    Free Member

    Mate made one out of a cheap plastic folder. Works really well and the plastics tough and flexible.

    Free Member

    Did it to my stumpy carbon evo. Not the kit though, just 3m tape off ebay. Pulled it off to sell it, bike looked brand new.

    Free Member

    Couldn’t they use the cycle computer trip distance to work out possible streets where he may be from? If it had been started. Then knock door to door?. Hope he’s ok

    Free Member

    I have aviva insurance. Cover includes accidental damage. I smashed mine into a tree and cracked the bb area. They bought me a new frame with no hassle.

    Free Member

    I got a 11/8 black for £14

    Free Member

    Be quick….just ordered a black 35mm Easton Havoc Stem reduced from £79 to….wait for it…..£14 Black Friday deal on chain reaction. Only four left when ordered. Good Luck

    Free Member

    Moonbags are good for this. Open out, strip, shoes and all
    Pull the cords and its all contained inside.

    Free Member

    Thisisnotaspoon :-)

    Free Member

    Cant help but hink there is some connection between mondraker and mojo. Its like a marketing article. Fabien used to visit mojo when he rode for monds.

    Free Member

    Just be aware that the sj4000 is so good that others are now making copies that are not so good. Seems cheap. has a review and warns about the cheaper fakes

    Free Member

    Knowing the current political situation in the country and an election next year. It would be a good time to destabilise a country….if thats what someone wants to do.

    Free Member

    Best episode had to be when Simon kept reading parts of chantel’s autobiography taking the piss. Her then boyfriend Preston got so pissed off he walked out mid show.

    Free Member

    You do

    Free Member

    Raced every single season since 1990 also a heavy strava user for the past three years.

    I know what you mean DT78. Strava is a fun way of seeing how well you’ve done on a ride and it will be a real shame if these electro bikes ruin it.

    Oh…also love riding…..

    I think strava means more to those that get a mood about it than those that actually use it. Just saying…

    Free Member

    That’s odd, I did W2 yesterday, followed the diversions and did 26.7 miles (including a play in the bikepark which probably accounted for about a mile)

    Free Member

    The first uk ones I know of were 1997/98? NACC events organised multistage dh races (7 stages) in the sw. Packed out races riding the bike between each stage. Its nothing new really

    Free Member

    Savalon skin healing cream does a pretty good job for me.

    Free Member

    If you like having fun on your bike then YES.

    Do it once and you’ll be back

    Free Member

    And my dad invented, inventing stuff

    Free Member

    for low cost camera reviews look no further than this guys site.
    Really good indepth reviews.

    Free Member

    Fair point chakaping

    Free Member

    I don’t see why it should be on bbc.

    Main stream sport is rubbish and corrupt.

    I like the whole Word Cup from XCE through to DH. Professional enough, live coverage and not enough financial interest to make it corrupt.

    I absolutely could not give a toss that joe bloggs doesn’t know about it. Cycling is a participation sport but I do enjoy watching the best in the world.

    Why does it matter that its not announced to the world? Those that care will know and the rest of the public can continue with the rest of the sheep.

    Cycling is one of those sports that you just enjoy as a child that grows into a passion in adult life.

    Top pros make enough cash to live on and the sport stays at just the right level. With media attention comes money and money always leads to more corruption.

    Its just at the right level for me

    Free Member

    Good tyre had them a while. But they tend to need changing before they look worn. As in tears appear under the side knobs. I actually ripped of a side knobble in a fast turn leaving a big whole in the tyre.

    Free Member

    Trolls are out today

    Free Member

    Thw driver probably didn’t see the rider due to your brain creating images by piecing together images called saccades.

    We are only human

    Read this

    Did put it up earlier but dont think anyone read the link.

    Free Member

    I work in Road Safety. We work with a number of victims who have lost limbs, lost sons daughters, husbands etc.

    Brave people who we take around the county talking to groups of new drivers, the military, companies with lots of drivers etc.

    One of things I always try to emphasis is that we all make mistakes in life and one of the biggest issues is that we are only human.

    Why didn’t the driver see the bike, this may be the reason

    Was it the drivers fault? was the biker going too fast? was it a combination of things?

    Free Member

    DH is fun and cool. The uk mtb media has always supported it and from around the mid nighties kinda dropped xc abit. Media attention helped lots of riders profiles and built us a number of good uk riders. New, young riders look upto these guys in the media and want to be them. And so on and on generation after generation.

    Tracks are built, young riders learn on them, then make them tougher. The next kids learn on these and make them tougher. Generation after generation get better.

    DH had coverage, coverage brought sponsorship, sponsorship brought high profile uk riders. Youngsters wanted to be them, tracks got better, excellent national series got tougher and some of them uk riders gave back to the sport.

    Steve Peat – Marc Beaumont, Brenbon fairclough, josh b

    Will Longden-Manons team manager

    Chain reactions team manager-nigel page.

    Etc etc

    Both the atherton bros have said in interviews when they were growing up wanting to beat our top riders etc.

    Its just left us with a legacy that I hope continues.

    Where ad in xc it just didnt happen after our heyday years of early nighties when we were world beaters.

    Free Member

    A good way to train is 3 to 1 ratio. 3 weeks hard building in intensity, 1 week easy. Your body gets time to build and strengthen in the fourth week with light exercise. Then start again. Also means you can plan to do normal life stuff in that week. Works for me.

    Free Member

    Just got thrown out. Cant log back in

    Free Member

    Tom85. Yes if you have plastic inserts. Just tap against the edge the bearing sits on from the other side. You will break a small bit of the ridge off. Just keep tapping and the bearing will pop out.

    Free Member

    as in 6 months per 2 bearings fitted not 6 months for all 5!

    Free Member

    Had the same PF30 shell in my stumpy for three years now.

    I just tap out the old bearings with a screwdriver and press in the new ones by hand before using the old bearing and a rubber mallet to tap them home.

    I just bought 5 of the bearings for £8.99 from the link below which will last me ages. (normally 6 months). once you have done it a couple of times in takes 10mins tops.

    Free Member

    Guns N’ Roses – November Rain:

    Free Member

    Council look for cost cutting measures over a short term basis – year on year budget –

    Those in the industry are on to a winner as the surface will not last and will need to be done again sooner than when done properly. Road are done by big companies with vast profits and share holders etc. Its all about fleecing the public purse.

    Council look good because the have not increased council tax
    Civil Engineer companies maximise profits

    There is no long term measurement of the actual cost to the public.

    Anyway its bloody horrible stuff to cycle on and knocks 2mph off your speed.

    Free Member

    Its a cheap fix.

    Anyone working in the industry is doing it so opinion is worthless.

    Free Member

    Got one used it a few times, made no difference. I had the normal size one

    Free Member

    Remember when they first came out not all riders had them and they were considered such an unfair advantage on climbs that they weren’t allowed at the world champs that year.

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