(just spotted this thread looking for something else!)
@hairychested I’d like to point out that I made it back too 😛 I went over in the snow/freezing fog and back in 40degree heat.
I’m 5’4″, selling the bros as I’ve just bought a vfr750 – i wanted something with a bit more wind protection, and got three times as many horses in the process.
Being of a shorter persuasion, I find it difficult to walk the vfr forwards and backwards (walking it backwards is slightly easier). The bros was fine though, as it has a lovely low seat. There’s a lowering kit you can get for the vfr for about 400dollars or so, but I just bought boots with a bit of a heel, I’m not even sure they’re necessary.
There are disadvantages to having a motorbike though – you’ll never be able to sit in a traffic jam again. I even find queueing in a shop difficult. Once you own one, you’ll probably never be able to get it out of your blood – each springtime you’ll feel the urge to take off on one. You’ll always get people asking you about your motorbike, and telling you tedious stories of their own motorbikes.*sigh*