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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • hmanchester
    Free Member

    Good value for a quality product. Can’t see you having any regrets.

    Free Member

    What’s your budget?

    Free Member

    You can say that about many things. At some point people have to take responsibility for finding these things out.

    If they are receiving intentionally misleading advice then that’s a different matter and even potentially fraud.

    Free Member

    I’m happy with the way I pay for my nhs dental treatment, and the treatment I receive. Capped at £200ish, checkup £15ish, fillings from £45ish. Children, oaps and benefits claimants exempt. Seems about right to me.

    Free Member

    Best story I’ve heard this year goes something like this:

    A woman agrees to look after their brothers alsatian when they are on holiday – take it for a walk a day, bit of food etc. On the second day of the two weeks she finds the dog dead as stone on the kitchen floor.

    She’s a bit stuck what to do, I mean what do you do in this situation?! She doesn’t feel responsible at all and knows that she’s not going to get the blame, just one of those things. Anyway she decides the best course of action is not to tell her brother as it will ruin their holiday, she’ll tell them when they get home.

    She is still left with a large dead dog to deal with. Two weeks is far too long to keep it for some kind of family funeral in the back garden, does she put it in the chest freezer until they get back? she’s certainly not going to start digging up the back lawn herself, the wheelie bin can’t be right can it? Anyway she calls the vet and they tell her it’s fine for her to bring the dog in and they can deal with it, so all well and good.

    So she gets a bin bag and puts the dog in it and ties it up well. She then finds a suitable sized case, one that the brother uses for traveling with business, the kind of effort with wheels and handle. Dog in bag in case, all good so far. Anyway she doesn’t drive and feels uncomfortable getting a taxi as they always try and put the case in the boot themselves. The easiest way is to just jump on the metro (tram in Manchester) two stops down and a short walk.

    Wheeling a dead dog down the road feeling a bit uncomfortable with it all. Gets on board a very busy tram, standing room only. As she gets off the tram suddenly two scallies get off at the same time, grab the case a do a runner down the road, clearly thinking that they are making off with a laptop, etc. Lots of people offer to help and chase said scallies but she stops them on the basis of:

    1. Her problem has been solved for the moment
    2. The contents of the case may need explaining
    3. Scallies thinking they’ve got a nice little steal and then finding a large dead dog instead.

    Anyway, tram back home, and 12 days to think how to explain the missing dog and case to brother.

    Free Member

    Have you tried swapping the pedals over?

    Free Member

    Got in at 6am, slept until 2pm. Needed to catch the shops before they shut so got up. Have just decided the best place for me is back in bed. More than acceptable from time to time.

    Free Member

    TPT to North Reddish train station and then get off at Hope. Or Levenshulme to New Mills, etc.

    Not much as you say actually in South Manchester…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Or a KMC X9 from here for £11.99

    Can’t go wrong with either choice for the money.

    Free Member

    Also Co-op sausages are gluten free. What’s encouraging is that they don’t make a big thing of it (and a big margin) they just use gluten free breadcrumbs in them because they can.

    Free Member

    I thought I’d throw a question in here rather than creating another “wot tire” thread.

    I picked up some folding Kenda Karma 2.3 DTCs last year for 8 quid a pop and replaced the horrible oem efforts on my Rockrider 8.1. For the price they’ve been light, roll very well, but I can see why they’re sold as a race tyre.

    Problem is they can be a bit sketchy in the wet and/or at speed. I just want something that’s going to feel like it’s got a bit more grip and going to wash out less on corners. I know better technique would also help but I’m working on that as well…. I’ve seen some Kenda Nevegal 2.3 DSTs for £20, is it a decent option to bung one of these on the front?

    Muchos Gracias

    Free Member

    Sorry to bump and old post, but better than just creating another one on the topic.

    This is a good podcast and transcription on paleo eating looked at from a scientific point of view

    Free Member

    I gave up drinking last August because I was feeling like the negatives were outweighing the positives.

    I was a reasonably heavy social drinker, typical for a 30 year old with a busy social life I guess. I didn’t see myself as having a problem but I also knew I was drinking too much much as quite a few people with my profile do. I could go a week or two without drinking naturally but then if I was in the habit, stressed, holiday season, etc then I might drink every night for a week.

    I wanted to give it a break, but was never really committed to doing it. would always crack when say in a sunny beer garden and justify it to myself!

    So I decided to read a book for alcoholics, they find it hardest to quit so I figured they would have the best method of stopping! Also a work colleague had read the smoking version and I liked the sounds of how it worked. It was the Easyway book by Allen Carr and it was incredibly cheesy, a bit annoying, and very powerful. It tackles things by giving a solid logical argument against all the main reasons for drinking. You only stop drinking when you’ve finished reading it and you have a ceremonial last drop.

    I will probably drink again at some point, but I liked the clarity this gave me and my quality of life has definitely changed and improved for the time being. I’ve now got a real understanding of drinking, why I like it, what effect it has on me and others. I’d try that if I were you, it’s pretty cheap on Amazon, etc.

    Free Member

    It’s not calories out v calories in. Hormone levels and insulin in particular cause you to store fat. It’s fair to say that eating a large calorie excess will mess with these and is normally related.

    Any thoughts on those questions asked at the beginning of the thread?

    Free Member

    That all sounds fine in principle so a few more details are needed really.

    How much abdominal fat are we talking about?
    How lean are you elsewhere?
    How has your body compesition changed, or not, over the years?
    Is the fat on your tummy fairly firm and rounded , or what seems like a flatish stomach with a wobbly (sorry) layer on top?
    Any problems with bloating after eating or digestion problems?

    Just to get an idea what we’re taking about…

    Free Member

    Just tried it and it’s the same for me – I wouldn’t worry about it.

    I then compared it with not punching myself in the nuts and that was painless. This is the direction I’m going to take in future.

    Free Member

    I’ve had both my big toes done.

    Was pretty painless. I had a procedure where they remove about a third of the nail from the offending side. It’s done under local anaesthetic by a surgeon. The key thing is that they use an acid solution on the nail bed to stop it growing back. They then tell you to rest it for 2 weeks and take a week off work. Sod that, I’ve got a desk job so just wore trainers for a couple of days because of the swelling and went straight back to work.

    Dressings off after 4 days or so and right as rain.

    I had it done in an NHS hospital, but as a private patient through work. They always send you a copy of the invoice and it was approx £350.

    Having had one done, I got the other at the very first sign of trouble. My problem, nail to big for the nail bed was an inevitably apparently. In hindsight even if I didn’t have it covered by Bupa I would absolutely pay for it. Painful problem solved.

    Free Member

    Power station is just a very short way west of Ironbridge.

    Free Member

    I’m now not sure whether you’re arguing for nuclear or not TJ?

    Free Member

    And if we were going to focus on the dangers to workers within the industry like TJ did, then nuclear still gets my vote.[/url]

    Free Member


    Grit your teeth, use all your weight, tear to the eye.

    I’ve got this one

    Free Member

    This is very true. Once your gut heals then it’s more than possible that it will be able to cope with things that it had become intolerant to.

    Also, and I think the discussion above backs this up….. Gluten intolerance/celiac is not a black and white issue. I think it’s more worthwhile to think of where you are on the celiac spectrum. It’s not all about gluten (flap_jack has just mentioned oats and avenin not gluten is the issue there), and different people have different symptoms at different times. It’s not simple, hence the worthwhile discussion.

    I’m on the celiac spectrum, most people are. For me it’s minor but I get bloated when I have lots of processed white flour. This is mild, other people of course are different all the way up to being diagnosed with producing celiac antibodies. You can have a serious issue and still not be diagnosed. My ex who I mentioned above with the reaction from dusted chips took the celiac test and was given the all clear. Did I mention it’s not simple?!

    In my opinion the easy and obvious thing to do is just avoid grains altogether. Cake is nice though.

    Free Member

    Excellent link, although I would say that because I agree with it!

    As to the amount of gluten needed to get a reaction, that can vary hugely. My ex reacted to a bowl of chips in a pub. Apparently frozen chips are dusted in some flour type substance that helps to stop them sticking together, with you’ve guessed it, gluten in….! Tiny amount, big reaction. Everyone is different.

    Free Member

    I’d agree about cheating on gluten. Not worth it, it just knocks your gut back 10 steps if you’re susceptible.

    Other stuff fine, binge on ice cream then go for a 100k ride, whatever. Odd way to do things but no drama.

    Free Member

    I just realised I got a bit preachy and didn’t answer your original question….!

    Personally I’m 90% grain free and 99% gluten free out of choice for health reasons.

    Things I do to manage my diet are:

    – I eat starchy carbs at specific times. This is after I play sport or train. The rest of the time I don’t avoid carbs, but get enough for my day to day through veg and fruits, etc.
    – The starchy carbs I eat are white rice, potato/sweet potatoes, rice noodles, or even (gasp) glucose drinks/gels post heavy exercise.
    – You just have to get out of the mindset that a meal is bit of protein, bit of carbs, bit of veg. Don’t substitute stuff, just change!
    – I’ve started to embrace frozen veg in the microwave despite being a food snob! cheap, quick, easy and arguably fresher than fresh produce. frozen broc/green beans/peas/cauli instead of a bloody great side of pasta/mashed potatoe/bread and you’ll feel so much better.
    – If you like things like chilli or spag bol, etc which don’t really go with a side or brocolli, then change the dish for a one pot dish by adding loads more veg like squash, swede, cauli, peas or even a few evil legumes like kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas.
    – go to the pub, order a burger, ask them to hold the bun but ask “can I be cheeky and you throw a few more bits of salad instead?”. Feel like a total tool the first time, but they don’t care, you’ll feel loads better and don’t think twice the next time.
    – Embrace omelettes. 3-6 eggs, bacon, mushrooms, peppers, cheese. Quick, tasty, healthy, nom.
    – simple thai curry: thai curry paste, coconut milk, meat of your choice, but then made into a one pot thing by adding aubergine, sweet pot, peas, courgette, green beans, coriander (loads, treat it like a veg), spinach. again, super nom.
    – breakfast is harder because the world now exists on manufactured grain based foods. Options are either eggs, bacon, etc. I don’t really want that/can’t be bothered in the morning so my brekky is a smoothie of: milk, banana, frozen berries, whey protein powder (again gasp, but I consider it a legitimate basic food product made from milk), or maybe even substitute the banana for an apple and a small pinch of ground cinnamon.

    That’s a bit stream of consciousness, so not the most organised or structured of ideas, any questions ask.

    Worth noting: I’m not in any way lactose intollerent. My breakfast would be a nightmare if you are. One of the grey areas of paleo/primal/evolutionary led thinking on diet is dairy, I am pro, fully understand if this doesn’t suit.

    Free Member

    Gluten is just one of the proteins, although the most obvious and damaging, in grains.

    Substituting wheat flour for maize, buckwheat, rice and tapioca flour will indeed remove the gluten, but…. it would mean you were still consuming lots of other pro-inflammatory proteins that you are clearly sensitive to.

    My ex was gluten intolerant, she gave up gluten and it helped, but continued to eat genius bread another grain based gluten free stuff. She then went grain free totally and the difference was incredible. The reason people beat up on legumes is that they have similar pro-inflammatory effects.

    Your gut is an organism in itself. It will heal but not overnight. Be super good for 30 days, notice the difference. It needs time for the bacteria in there to sort themselves out, a good probiotic
    can be useful at this point.

    Free Member

    For me kettlebells are a great assistance exercise. I wouldn’t base my training on them, but they are good for varying movements, core stability and asymmetric work, as well as just keeping things fresh and fun with said soviet henchman look.

    Back squats with a rack and Olympic bar still rule, ok!

    Free Member

    Sounds good Grimmo.

    Walking kettlebell lunges and Bulgarian split squats are also good leg blasters.

    Dangeroudbean makes a good point. Getting the volume right is key, you actually get the adaption during your rest periods so sometimes less is more. This balance is a big thing when it comes to getting the most out of training. . For me personally a good measure is my waking heart rate. If this is a 5bpm or more over my normal rested resting heart rate (if that makes sense) then I’ll be aware of overtraining.. I also have 1 in 4 weeks as a deload, and am lifting more since I’ve starting doing that. Train hard, train smart.

    Free Member

    Yes, that is common for squats! You use a large amount of muscle in a compound movement, and if you’re going deep enough a good range of motion. Also if you are getting close to working to exhaustion then this is recipe for DOMS.

    The good news? Adaption. Your body will adapt to the new movements you’re doing and the muscle soreness will reduce each time.

    To help it in the meantime:

    Foam rolling
    Self massage, eg rolling pin on quads
    Active low intensity exercise, as this is a bike forum maybe a gentle spin!
    Good rest/sleep
    Good food

    Squats rule. May I ask what you’re doing your squats for? This is a serious and not loaded question…!

    Free Member

    This may be a slightly stupid question…..

    When does a phone become a tablet?

    I have a phone with a 4.3″ screen and the tasks I do on it are very similar to what I would do on a tablet if I had one. For me that’s sending a few emails, social networking, scanning the newspapers, etc.

    One of the reasons I haven’t bought what’s considered a tablet, is because in a way I almost have one and I can’t see what I’d do much different on it.

    Is it 5 inch, 7 inch, 9 inch???

    Free Member

    I support Millar representing GB at the Olympics.

    I believe in redemtpion and rehabilitation. This needs to come after a period of time in which you are excluded. This is currently 2 years but I agree with David Millar himself on this….

    He argues for a 4 year ban, reduced to the current 2 years if you disclose the coaches and support staff who assisted you in doping. These individuals, if proved, will then receive a life ban.

    As well as punishing the athletes this will actually do something proactive to eradicate drugs in sport. A lot of the time the knowledge and ability to dope doesn’t come from an impressionable teenage/young 20s athlete and this needs to be addressed.

    Free Member

    It’s potentially a good question, it’s often not:

    The reason for the question being asked should be to find out about an individuals self awareness. Everyone has weaknesses, but do they have the self confidence and ability to realise what they are and what they need to do to compensate or develop them. Coming up with a “I’m just such a perfectionist” answer should be considered poorly taking the above into account.

    A lot of the time the reason that this question is asked is because it’s considered a “standard” interview question, therefore it is asked for the sake of it.

    Source: 7 years in recruitment and currently run my own recruitment company.

    Free Member

    Sugar isn’t THE issue.

    It is however a big issue, and one of the easier ones to pinpoint.

    Free Member

    It’s worth noting that because the clamp is still directly on top of a Thomson seatpost, with the layback provided by the kink in the tube, that the layback isn’t actually that big. Other straight tube posts have a bigger offset.

    Free Member

    As cinnamongirl has done, check out Chris Kresser

    As a book The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf is excellent as is Wheat Belly

    Also worth checking out Mr Wolf’s Podcast [/url], loads on there and worth starting from the beginning.

    Free Member

    Even that’s changing Don Simon. They have a clear need for large amounts of carbs through simple sources such as gels, but it’s worth checking out the Team Sky Chef to see what “rubbish” a top cycling team eats.

    Free Member

    Worth noting that even if you’re a healthy weight it’s worth avoiding eating pro-inflammatory foods such as grains and sugar.

    Really abusing those things causes big issues, eating a moderate amount of them still isn’t great for overall health.

    Cloudnine: If you’re lifestyle requires lots of easily accessible energy from your diet then still eat carbs. Just try to make it around your activity and from clean sources, eg white rice, and potatoes, etc.

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