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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • hmanchester
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    One in three homeless people in Boston are clinically obese[/url]

    Thought I’d throw that one out there for the wealthy/not wealthy protagonists.

    Free Member

    Does every post you make have a pop at Guardian lefties?

    Nope, less than 1% of my posts at a guess.

    at least sugar is natural

    Some of them are, some of them not.

    It could be that drinking sugar free stuff all day in the belief that it’s not bad for you conditions your brain and pallette to seek out sweetness all the time, which would clearly have bad consequences.

    Definitely an issue worth looking at! Then you enter a whole thing of weaning yourself off anythign sweet and treating them like nicotine patches. Or if they’re unharmful, cheap and plentiful, then where’s the harm?

    I eat very little sugar but quite a lot of artificial sweeteners. Extremely happy with my body composition so not complaining. On balance though I wish I didn’t drink so much asparthame – given the choice…

    Free Member

    artificial sweeteners should also be made illegal

    What’s wrong with artificial sweeteners? They’re some of the most tested foodstuffs in history. They offend those that read the Guardian and make things taste sweet without loading them full of sugar. Win/win.

    If you ban artificial sweeteners then more people will consume sugar. It’s a bit like banning airbags because it winds a few people when they go off.

    Free Member

    Mumsnet – making the Daily Mail look like a Load of lefty pinko liberals …

    Christ, the total opposite of a lot on here then!

    What a speed dating event that would be.

    Free Member

    or blatanly lying.

    Fat people are liars !

    I think the “or” means that this applies to some people not all people.

    Fairly inflammatory remark but probably got the reaction he was looking for.

    Free Member

    |Im sorry this pisses me of so much, teachers are there to teach, im there to ensure my child has a balanced diet..

    The reason they do this is because 30 x 10 years olds are impossible to teach if they’ve had a 500ml can of Rockstar for breakfast.

    That’s the whole point – they are there to teach – not to deal with kids who are medicated on caffeine, taurine and 3 types of sugar.

    Well done to you because you wouldn’t let this happen. Doesn’t stop others and so they have to have rules. They also have a uniform. Does this impinge on your right to dress your child how you want? They also don’t let the kids abuse teachers. Does this stop the creativity and freedom of expression?

    Life has rules, normally for good reasons, we can’t just do what we want 100% of the time. That’s how society works. This is one of them and it works extremely well. They are an outstanding school in an area that falls into the bottom 1% of deprived areas in the UK. They know what they’re doing.

    Free Member

    Not everyone who is obese is guilty of over-eating. Stop being so judgemental.

    They are guilty of either eating the wrong things or over eating.

    How else are they consuming more calories than they can burn?

    In > Out = Gain weight
    Out > In = Loose weight
    In = Out = Neither loose nor gain.

    This sounds great but is wrong. It’s about what you eat more than how much.

    Two examples:

    1. Imagine one person who’s diet is 2000 cals a day of table sugar and a second who’s diet is a mix of vegetables, meat, eggs, fish and healthy fats, again 2000 calories. There body composition and health will be very different after a month.

    2. This guy is doing a challenge where he’s eating in excess of 5000 calories a day to prove it’s about what not how much

    Sorry, but once you start putting up equations something has to be done!

    On the origial point. I guess it is a disease because it’s something that’s wrong with your body with defined symptoms. It slighty sticks in the throat because of how it’s self caused in the vast majority of cases and the inference that if it’s a disease then medicine should be used to treat it.

    Very easily treated with lifestyle changes. Unfortunately a lot of the embedded knowledge in the medical sector and outside is a bit out of skew – see above!

    Free Member

    one spd stupid fall.

    I’m assuming that everyone has one of these, right?!

    Luckily my one happened when I was next to a bus so I just ended up leaning clumsily against the side of it much to the amusement of the passengers!

    Apart from that I’ve only got 4 months of 7 miles each way in the bank. One women tried to run me into a parked car because she decided to answer a mobile call. Somehow managed to not end up crushed and she was as shocked as me afterwards, and I think learnt a lesson! That’s it.

    Free Member

    Hora – that’s probably it! It’s some hardwired thing going on in there that’s sending you down the nostalgia route!

    Just to clarify, I think the stuff looks quite good. Not over branded and with a definite clear style. Just not for me.

    I tend to be drawn to stuff that actually fits me as well which I find novel. It does mean that I’m limited in my choice but it also makes shopping easier.

    Free Member

    My other half is the Deputy Head of a primary school in Manchester.

    Strict no booze rule 100% of the time anywhere on the property. Otherwise parents turn up to sports day walking down the street with a can of lager!

    Rest of the time the kids are only allowed to bring water in. No fizzy drinks or even squash is allowed and they have water fountains dotted around.

    The water only thing is relaxed for events like the school fete, but still no energy drinks, eg Monster, Red Bull, etc.

    Seems to work well and sets the right example. If the parents could drink and also set a good example then the rules might be different. But even so probably not. It’s a primary school – plenty of time for drinking in the rest of your life!

    She does feel bad when she has to take a bottle of orange squash from a kid with well meaning parents. They have to draw the line somewhere though as parents were filling bottles with what looked like squash but was in fact a sugar laden soft drink that had been decanted so their kid could get the sugar hit they “need”!

    Free Member

    Being young I’m reasonably into fashion but this is not my thing more of an AllSaints fan myself.

    I’d go along with that. The stuff on the link is a bit trendy dad.

    Free Member

    Fantastic. Rubbish piece of engineering but their hearts in the right place!

    Free Member

    Different people have different rates of adaption to exercise, so that might be part of it, hard to tell on here.

    Very important to make sure other things are all good and your body is firing on all cylinders. How’s your sleep, mood and do you get much sun?! Have you tried cutting out things like gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine one at a time to see if there’s an effect?

    Free Member

    Maybe you guys could have a protest about it, hold up the TdF maybe – I mean lets face it, as Wiggo said ‘its only a bike race’, i’m sure the French would see it that way and be really understanding.

    Stop them half way up Alpe D’Huez. They’ll be fine hanging around and then giving it another go apparently. Won’t affect anything.

    Free Member

    That’s all right then. Let’s give him a pat on the back instead.

    Free Member

    Are you under the impression the race was called off, or something?

    Not called off


    They put all this training in and then had everything completely thrown overboard. The race now became about keeping warm, recovery, and far more emphasis on stamina.

    Imagine if you entered a XC race or half marathon for example and you were actively competing. The race was stopped halfway round by this guy, and you had to sit around on your bike for ages before starting the whole thing again. Would the competition be wrecked for you?

    If I’d trained for that, I’d consider it wrecked, yes.

    If I’d have lost I’d have wondered what if. If I’d have won, it would have been a little bit hollow.

    Free Member

    minor annoyance to a few people

    First if we just look at the competitors. Not the coaches, back up crews or any other people involved with the race. This “minor annoyance” was the wrecking of 1200 hours of hard work per head x 16 = 19,200 hours alone for the rowers.

    When we can get past the fact that the boat race actually goes beyond the actual people rowing, it might suprise you that “in 2009, some 270,000 people watched the race live from the banks of the river, and in 2011 almost 17.2 million viewed the race on television”

    Yes he interupted a rowing race, but the impact was big (which is what he wanted), hence the uproar. If he’d swam in front of a couple of crews as they were training the result would have been quite rightly different. But he didn’t.

    Free Member

    So Northwind, let me get this straight.

    This guy is applying for a visa and so HE needs to prove to the country that he’s going to be a good citizen.

    He committed a crime, he’s showing off about it, showed no remorse, he said he’s going to do something again.

    But you want to give him the benefit of the doubt that he doesn’t actually mean it?

    We live in very different worlds!

    Free Member

    It’s funny, I play hockey and both carbon fibre and aluminium have been used for stick construction over the years.

    Aluminium was banned because of sudden and dangerous breakages and carbon is the fully trusted material. This is in a sport where the stick is used to impact a hard ball many hundreds of times. The state a carbon stick can get in before it breaks is crazy – worn away by the pitch, eroded by many bad tackles, de-laminated after water gets in the exposed fibres and they’re dried on a radiator! They still don’t snap. Amazing stuff.

    Free Member

    Perfect timing Chrismac.

    I assume that’s the type you were thinking of Ernie?

    Free Member

    MSP: Me or Ernie?

    If you take:

    If he really wanted to spend his life doing disruptive publicity stunts then do it in your own country and bring the family to you.

    I was careful with my wording here. I think it’s clear that I’ve refered to his acts in the past tense therefore speaking about the things that he’s already done.

    Or Ernies selective quoting:

    to spend his life doing disruptive publicity stunts

    Which he choses to base his argument on.

    I actually hate having to write this post. Bloody STW. Apologies for anyone that’s actually wasted their time reading it.

    Free Member

    Is there really any evidence

    You do know he did it on live TV, admitted his crime, was arrested, went to court and was convicted?

    did you make that up ?

    Doesn’t look like it.

    Free Member

    swimming near the boat race

    He wasn’t out for a swim FFS. He picked a high profile event to ruin and get as much publicity as he could for whatever cause he thought was more important than the concerns of others that day.

    Throwing a few eggs at a building is a public nuisance. This was carefully chosen to get him as much airplay as possible and further his own personal goals.

    Also on the punishment being out of skew with the crime. HE was the person who has put himself in the situation of being in this country on a visa to be with his family. It would be disproportionate if he was British and we were deporting him, but we’re not. He wants to be in this country and part of the visa process is that you have to behave while you’re here. If he really wanted to spend his life doing disruptive publicity stunts then do it in your own country and bring the family to you.

    It’s a bit like turning up at the pearly gates and saying:

    “I only stumbled over – why did it end up with me dying, it’s so unfair!!!”

    “You were the one tightrope walking the Grand Canyon, you muppet”

    It’s disproportionate because of the choices he’s made.

    Free Member

    He started a charity partly funded by the Arts Council for England.

    Setting up a charity sound amazing, but when you think about it just means asking other people for money so you can do something with it that you see as positive. I’m not sure he mentioned these plans to the Arts Council for England when he made his application.

    Free Member

    He does it to an event that’s high profile and is considered uppper class – to make an example.

    He’s then deported – to make an example.

    Get him out of here. Absolutely no respect for the country, or one of it’s institutions, and completely ruined something people were training for all year.

    Not suprised he’s annoyed. Complainers gonna complain! Whingers gonna whinge.

    Suprised he’s not jumped in front of a horse at Ascot to get his point across. Muppet.

    Free Member

    Have a look at this thread after a great spot by Hora.

    Worth clicking on the Google search of the phone number in this case…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I was always told to avoid places like McD’s, find some real food

    Sometimes I hate this place.

    When I go to Maccys you just stick everything on the tray and whoosh it in the bin. Not too hard. Saying that, if I was too lazy to do it myself it’s not exactly taxing for the floor staff to. In any case they’re normally around to give the table a wipe, especially with my condiment control, so I’m not sure I save save them a massive amount of time.

    Free Member

    If I was in the situation as you I wouldn’t move in. I couldn’t see a relationship moving beyond more than casual with that nonsense going on.

    Not sure what advice to give as you’re fighting against 29 years of conditioning.

    Not very helpful, sorry.

    Free Member

    why don’t you not comment if you don’t have any advice to give

    He does have advice.

    Stop opening more threads!

    It’s a grey area between them having to fix it or replace it that’s usually dictated by the mood of the shop. If you approach your conversations with the same style as you do on here you may be waiting a while for what you want…

    Free Member

    I would creat a brand name and then add “concert” to it or keep it clean as just the brand name with a dollop of “concert” SEO.


    For example.

    Having a URL which is simply descriptive doesn’t create any brand recognition. Give yourself a name and go from there.

    Ask Amazon, Google and Facebook. They’ve got right idea!

    Free Member

    There was at least one company got shut down when I lived there due to the standard of their buses and their drivers.

    Are you thinking of UK North Buses by any chance?

    Once got on one driven by a Rasta (purely illustrative description, not generalising, pedants of STW) smoking a massive joint, and the whole bus smelt of weed.

    Still got on – they were 10p cheaper than Finglands.

    Free Member

    perhaps, but 20,000 people are killed or seriously injured on the roads every year.



    Of course, 20,000 is 20,000 too many, but this number isn’t that high in relative terms.

    There are ~60,000,000 in this country and so 20,000 serious injuries and fatalities works out to be about a 1 in 3000 chance of this happening to you in any particular year. Considering our major form of transport is a human controlled, large metallic vehicle that can do 100mph+ then I don’t think this figure is outrageous.

    Could be better of course, but not bad and getting better.

    I hope the lady in question is ok and not put of cycling by this incident. The taxi driver is clearly in the wrong here and his thinking is very skewed. Woudn’t want to start generalising about all taxi drivers at this point…

    Magic Bus drivers in Manchester though – there’s a different story! Ha!

    Free Member

    Not sure!

    I have gears on my mountain bike because I ride it up and down hills.

    I have no gears on my road bike because I only ride it around Manchester and there are no hills.

    I suspect that on mildly hilly terrain I would be faster on a singlespeed because I would try and smash the hills flat. I would also be more tired.

    On very hilly terrain gears would win out.

    Free Member

    Sometimes if I’m out for a long one on my own off road. Not normally music, but various podcasts and the like.

    Free Member

    Full body strong and lean > triangle man > weak all over > fat

    If symmetry of muscles is your worst problem then it could be worse.

    OP is right though. Loads more about, but they balance out the large amounts of obese individuals…

    Free Member

    Meeting a load of new people and doing a fun stag do activity? Can I go?

    MTFU and be social!

    Free Member

    You’ve lost me in a cloud of righteousness.

    What I’m saying is that I don’t find women falling over funny at any point. I guess different people have different senses of humour. Miranda is funnier to you than me. That’s great, different strokes for different folks.

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