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  • Fresh Goods Friday 713 – The Lasting Gasping Winning Edition
  • hjghg5
    Free Member

    Works fine for me. I have a feeling the Shimano chain on my commuter has more than one of them at the moment…

    Free Member

    Much better than I expected in Yorkshire, so I got out for 70k on the road bike. Wet roads but nothing more than light drizzle coming from the skies and at one point I even spotted blue sky.

    Free Member

    I’ve never watched any star wars film. Ever.

    Free Member

    My grandmother is 90 and went to Oregon in September travelling alone. She’s off to gran canaria in February too but my uncle is going with her on that trip. She uses the assistance and it has always been fine.

    Free Member

    I’ve occasionally got into race groups. Once I was in workout mode which had me shootingpastthe group, dropping back while recovering then shooting past again. Not intentional but on erg mode it was hard to stop doing it!

    I still haven’t actually raced. I’ve only recently started doing group rides as last winter I mainly followed the FTP builder and didn’t do many less structured sessions. I did the ODZ Divaz ride last night which was good fun. Will aim to do some racing at some point.

    Free Member

    In. Headed out for pizza and wine at about 4.30, now home with supplies of alcohol, cheese and films/games. May be asleep by 10.

    Free Member

    Working tomorrow til Friday* but have 10 days in Gran Canaria in January.

    *In theory, although I have a cold so if it’s quiet may just keep an eye on emails from home.

    Free Member

    I used to be a runner and ran some decent times (gfa etc). But it injured me repeatedly so I switched to cycling. I have got back into habit of running fairly slowly 1-2 times per week which is enough for me these days to keep some higher impact stuff in my routine.

    Free Member

    3 as a child. 4 or 5 at university. Back to parents house for a while, then into my own house in 2003 and I’m still there.

    Free Member

    BC for me. I race a bit, and have made good use of the CRC discount – a bike and powermeter have pretty much covered the cost.

    Free Member

    Hairdryer and/or sensibly located plug sockets. My main gripe with the showers where I work is that the plug socket is nowhere near the mirror, and right by the external door meaning you’re in the way when people come in/out.

    Free Member

    Wind too strong to stand up in basically. Bits of tent flying around from what I could gather (we only made it as far as the car park)

    Free Member

    We were there Friday and Saturday. Fantastic and bonkers. Waiting for the ferry home so have only seen the result via Twitter. we were meant to be at koksijde today on the way back to zeebrugge but that got cancelled 🙁

    Free Member

    I do have turbo shoes…

    I dabbled with triathlon a while back and tri shoes are much cooler indoors and can be worn sockless so they are now turbo shoes.

    Plus it means no-one gets to laugh at me wearing them

    Free Member

    Is anyone going to the Leeds event tonight? I registered but wasn’t sure, then I found out there was free beer so I may stop in…

    I used Zwift a lot last winter but pretty much stopped over summer. I’m just about getting back into it now. I’ve done a few group rides but not races as they don’t really fit my training plan. I now have a power meter so I can train with power outside so I’m not doing quite as much zwift stuff, whereas before I only had power on the turbo so used it for most of my sessions.

    Free Member

    I had one recently. Someone moved house and gave my address as their new address. I don’t know if it was deliberate or accidental or the supplier taking the wrong details down. So I got their final bill, then the reminders. Called. Got told to send the envelopes back marked not known but they failed to do anything so it got passed to a DCA. Stream of letters from them, sent those back too and it *finally* seems to have gone quiet.

    Free Member

    Went to university in north Carolina for a while.

    Uncle lives in Oregon.

    Other than that
    Washington (I think)
    New York
    New Jersey
    Tennessee (I think)

    Basically the edges.

    Free Member

    Yes. 3.5 hours on the road bike this morning. Just about warming up now.

    Free Member

    I had a few job applications like that. Mainly I was trying to work out if I could come up with a train-bike commute to justify a brompton.

    After several years of half hearted looking o finally did get a new job this year, and spent absolutely no time thinking about my commute as part of the process. mainly because it’s next door to the old place! (This was actually a big plus point as my cycle commute was pretty much the highlight of my day at the time…)

    Free Member

    Resurrecting this, I ended up with doing the half way house of the padi scuba diver course in the canaries this week. 2 ow dives and the three confined water sessions done as one in a sea pool. Just need to finish my reading/knowledge reviews before I go home.

    Realistically I’m unlikely to do anything other than diving on holiday through a dive centre with kit hire etc so this is probably enough for now and leaves more holiday for other stuff.

    Free Member

    I was amused when my 7 year old nephew was doing something on his tablet that required a pin. The number he came out with was my alarm code – the phone number i and my sister had as kids (the 4 digit version before they added another 2 numbers). I’m not sure what else she uses it but guess that he’s picked it up from her at some point.

    Free Member

    I’m trying to decide where to do this. My dad currently runs a dive school (BSAC and PADI) in Spain but is looking to sell up and come home next year. We’re out there next week and he suggested learning while I can do it for free.

    I’m not actually that bothered (have done a try dive or two but have never felt the need to do more than that in the 14 years he’s been there) but equally it’s probably the best opportunity to get it done.

    Free Member

    I’m booked to fly out to gran canaria with them on saturday, back the week after.

    My reading suggests it will be ok – once I’m out there atol protection will get me back home again. If they go bust before I fly out I get my money back and book something else. Fingers crossed!

    Free Member

    Try driving in Spain.
    I hired a car in Gran Canaria last week I’m convinced the only other people indicating at roundabouts were other tourists. Three times I got cut up by people going all the way round the roundabout from the right most lane.
    UK driving is a paragon a virtue by comparison

    Yup. My dad lives in gc and you get to his town off a dual carriageway with roundabouts. It is universally accepted that you take the right hand lane to turn left. You get used to it.

    Free Member

    You can just about see me in hi viz marshalling the junction on the first pic. I was also the one with the cowbell just before the turn back to the finish (about where the pic was taken from). Ran to Horton and back to see the leaders come through. Glad the weather cleared up! Not tempted but I think my oh is.

    Free Member

    I have nicer bikes than my (male) OH mainly. Our MTBs are pretty much identical but most of my others (road, cross, TT) are 11 speed and slightly newer than his 10 speed equivalents. For wheels I have a disk wheel and he has deep sections (I focus more on TTs and he is targeting road racing)

    I think I also have more bikes than he does, so I win.

    Free Member

    I tend to go right, but I’d rather use two half full panniers for balance.

    Free Member

    Uitbureau has sold out for most days already – that was the problem!

    Free Member

    We’re also going, looks like it might be possible to buy in advance but not yet and might not be worth the faff. Ghent 6 tickets on the other hand were rather trickier to get hold of!

    Free Member

    Yes, like every day. The showers were less busy today than they were yesterday so I’m not sure there was much enthusiasm about it here.

    Free Member

    Yup. My main personal email account is a yahoo one and this week there has been loads more spam than normal. Today was actually better than the rest of the week so fingers crossed it’s getting sorted.

    Free Member

    I am on 3 SIM only, no complaints. Paying £12.90 per month for unlimited 4g data and free roaming in most of the countries I visit. My deal is an old one so it’s a bit more expensive to sign up for the current deals, but I can’t fault it and will hang onto it for as long as I can!

    Free Member

    I managed to book a hotel for completely the wrong date because the booking system used American dates rather than English ones. Something like 4 march instead of 3 April. (The hotel was in the UK but an American chain).

    Free Member

    I’m meant to be getting one because it’s a scheduled upgrade at work but not particularly excited about it and I still do most stuff on my personal android.

    Free Member

    I’m winding down now but picked up a disc wheel on monday so am hoping to do a couple of races this month before I put it away for winter. Hopefully I can wrap up the ladies club championship in a couple of weeks without needing to do the hill climb in October!

    Free Member

    5 miles each way. I like it because I can make it longer quite easily, but take the shortest route home if I really need to.

    Free Member

    My berlingo currently has 4 bikes in it (back seats folded down). Love it even though it’s ugly!

    Free Member

    It feels like my season is starting to wind down with only one* more week of club events to go, but I had a ride on V718 today so it was time for a big effort. It was pretty windy so I didn’t expect anything special, and was surprised to get within 6 seconds of my PB (on the same course on a much better day).

    Even better I chicked my OH for the first time ever and took a massive 31 seconds out of him. I’m not going to let him forget that one in a hurry!

    *technically two but I’m marshalling the last one.

    Free Member

    Who are you calling weird? Did my first 50 on Sunday and it wasn’t as bad as I expected. I do need to try new saddles to find one that’s a bit more comfy though!

    Not a fast course or a fast day (twisty lanes and a stronger wind than I expected) so I was happy enough with 2:24 and 3rd lady, particularly as my last 10 was faster than my first 10 which was how I was trying to pace it.

    Free Member

    24 or 25 plus bank holidays I think (somewhere in that ballpark, I only started the job on monday and haven’t committed the details to memory yet! I know it’s less than my old job which was 30+bh though)

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