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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • himupstairs
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    Cracking day for it. Would like to join in, but have poorly family to get home to.

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    Full Member

    Presumably that’s the one in Edinburgh. I spotted it too. Seems like a bargain

    Full Member

    This person did a study over a year in Edinburgh of bike vs car vs public transport

    How much money I saved in 2015 by cycling

    It is admittedly using a fictional car, but also takes into account potential spending such as gym membership.

    Full Member

    new? old?
    I have a Kinesis decade virsa which although quite similar is lighter and generally better than the inbred I had a while ago.
    Got it for about £60 in very good used condition.

    Full Member

    They moved the start hut further up the hill at some point. Might have been around 2004/5

    Full Member

    That looks ace that does. I’m jealous.

    Full Member

    Storm drains and the like are pretty good. Have a Japanese one:

    There are some amazing brick ones about too.

    Full Member

    I see. There are probably lots of familiar names in that case.
    You must have been there at a similar time to Karen Forbes and so on. Donald Urquhart? Anne Bevan?

    Full Member

    Alan Johnston. When were you at ECA?

    Full Member

    Ahha, my dad taught at ECA with them. I see Liz regularly, and knew Bob well. My sister was involved in the A2B project too.

    Full Member

    Mcmoonter, off topic, but do you know Liz Ogilvie? i see you are in that neck of the woods and involved in arts projects and so on.

    Full Member

    Properly done (ie proper dutch), these sorts of bikes are so convenient and easy that they will only encourage use too.
    Which is never a bad thing.

    Full Member

    As above, get a proper dutch brand, like gazelle or batavus.
    I recently started using an old batavus 3 speed thing for getting around on and it is ACE.
    Full chain case, hub gears, proper mudguards, roller brakes, swept back bars, dynamo lights, racks yadda yadda.
    Zero maintenance, completely convenient, superbly comfy.

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    Full Member

    We’ve done Edinburgh to Chatel a couple of times. Took about 24 hours in a mitsubishi delica that was cooking itself and therefore slow, and about 22 hours in a volvo v70 which was fast. Driving was split between 3 of us, but we weren’t in a great hurry.
    We left at about 5pm to get on the boat at dover at 3am ish, then got to chatel at lunchtime. This left an afternoon and evening to faff around, drink beer and get ready for some cycling.
    I’d do it again – road trips are loads of fun, and part of the adventure.

    Full Member

    ducks in a row, ducks in a row

    Full Member

    Also, the structures, QSs and architects would be told to go away because the plant needs all the space.

    Full Member

    Nope – the architects would get in a fluster about how the hug looked from every angle, the QS’s would stress about exactly how many people were in the hug and the engineers would be too worried that everyone fell over. It’d never work

    It’s because it hasn’t been project managered!

    Full Member

    …Actually let’s forget being pragmatic and reflective. If it were my son there’s no way I’d suggest he become an architect but if it’s what he really wants then I guess you’ve got to let him go for it.

    I wasn’t going to say this, but it is true. Our office gets quite a few school children in to do their week or so of work experience, and it can be difficult to not be completely negative about the profession, and indeed as perchy suggests, the construction industry as a whole.
    There is so little respect or trust (or group hugging) between each discipline, that everything is a battle. Add in the ridiculous procurement processes conjured up by the government for public work, the associated fee levels, lack of appreciation of what good value actually means (clue: not always the cheapest), and it really isn’t a great industry to be involved in.


    Full Member

    mikey74, this is sadly very true.

    Full Member

    Both those Normans got knighted. I’d say they were both fairly competent in their fields.
    As it happens, I studied architecture and now spend most of my time drawing pretty pictures. Oh, and back on topic, I did art at higher, but didn’t need it to get onto the architecure course that I ended up doing. It was however undoubtedly beneficial while doing the course.
    And just for balance and to continue the theme of generalising, services engineers, structural engineers and QSs are all workshy and incompetent!

    Full Member

    I had a shot of one on a kona demo evening in the summer. I jumped on it having been on a 153 and then an explosif so it felt hefty and sluggish to start with, but once I got going it was ace. Extremely controlled on drops and jumps, a nice shape like the rest of the processes with lots of room but slacker and lazier feeling, and just about manageable for getting up things. It’d brilliant fun in the alps.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure but he does sound a little confused, perhaps he’s just looking for a nice man to hang out with….

    Lets hope for everyone’s sake TG remembers to keep his meat warm.

    well indeed

    Full Member

    ta scotroutes, could be interesting.

    We do indeed owe much of our modern life to him and the minds that came before him in the scottish enlightenment. I walk past and peer into his house most days as it is just round the corner from my office, so it’s interesting to see that website – I’ve never thought to investigate.

    Peter Higgs lives 2 doors along from my office too. I had to give his car a jump start one day because it had run out of electricity – I found this quite funny.

    Full Member

    are the pictures of the mondeo taken from a bad parking forum?

    Full Member

    Lexus do the fake exhaust noise thing too, except I think they go as far as adding phoney gear shifts into the soundtrack to mask the seamless slush of their CVT gearbox.


    Full Member

    These numbers are way too low

    I work in an established and reasonably successful architect’s practice, and I can confirm that those numbers are not too low.
    Fully qualified architects are paid a good chunk less than half of the MP salaries, and company directors are still some way below the MPs number too.

    £33k average is probably about right for an average, including regional variations in salaries which are not insignificant.

    Full Member

    santa cruz chameleon frame?
    older used ones are reasonably cheap these days.


    Full Member

    rumour has it that studs are required for dealing with jaguars in blackhall traffic jams..

    Full Member

    Full Member

    raise awareness

    Full Member

    sbob, i share your views re helmets. nae quibbles there.

    i do find the gopro thing funny – especially as the cyclist in the vid is clearly hoping to catch someone fiddling with their phone whilst sitting in traffic.
    then gets a little more than he hoped for!

    Full Member

    Ahh right, because all drivers are patient and polite? of course!

    Full Member

    If the cyclist had been driving a car, he would never had bullied his way in front of the Jag in the first place.

    why’s that?

    Full Member

    cool, just checking.
    wouldn’t want to be starting a helmet debate on here after all..!

    Full Member

    presumably you mean for mounting a gopro to?

    Full Member

    ok, so if he didn’t bump into him, do you think the jaguar driver would have tried to aggressively bully his way past the cyclist the way he did if the cyclist had been driving a car and not riding a bike?

    Full Member

    both are being dafties, but do you think the jaguar driver would have bumped into the cyclist had the cyclist been driving a car rather than on a bike?
    and what have bike helmets got to do with it?

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