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  • Issue 155 Editorial: Going The Extra Mile
  • hillsplease
    Full Member

    Good luck. Take it easy and you’ll wonder how you managed to fall off last time. Unless of course it’s a 20 ft gap jump. In which case you might want to warm up on something smaller.

    Full Member

    I’m with Graham. If you throw in usng a train and then riding back it opens a world of interesting riding with very little expense.

    Full Member

    A volcano lair, with submarine pens, missile launchers, some decent singletrackoff the top and a Stannah Stairlift to get there (with a bike rack.) Think Dr No and you’re about there.

    Failing that I quite fancy an Anthem 29er but Mrs Hillsplease assures me I haven’t earned it. Which is probably fair.

    Full Member

    Cannondale headtubes. What is the point of 1.56 inch? Is it just to make sure that the ‘system integration’ sticker’s sole function is to make the manufacturers giggle? Integrated with precisely naff all if you try and find a sealed headset on their zero stack bikes has been my experience. Feel better now.

    Full Member

    It all sounds goosed. If it is reluctant to spin or you can’t do it readily get them changed – either LBS OR buy the drifts/bearings and DIY. If you go to the tech bit of there’s a good video and drawings showing you how.

    Full Member

    Don’t worry – we’ve all been battered by a skinny git in their school gym kit from 20 yrs ago on a bike out of a skip at some point.

    A vastly expensive bike will not help in the slightest, but you NEED to find that out for yourself. Happy shopping.

    Full Member

    Mike sounds like a top chap. Splendid work. It does seem that LBS land is largely populated by thoroughly decent and helpful types. Hurrah!

    Full Member

    40th – took the kids and the neighbours plus kids for a pedal to a pub for lunch and then had a BBQ on th weekend that wound up filling the garden with kids, meat and tiddly adults.

    Didn’t feel any older until I was entering a race and had to tick ‘Vets.’

    Full Member

    Dunno – but I am jealous. Bought a mate a splitting maul for this 40th – even quicker than using an axe. right tool for the job, I suppose- but impressed by the ease.

    Even better if you’ve a ‘helper’ to d oall the tedious picking the plait logs up and staacking them.

    Have fun.

    Full Member

    The bit from Mam Tor heading west along the ridgeline towards Hayfield. Bit of a slog over the top in the wet, but soon gets to the sunken road leading in due course to Roych Clough, if memeory serves. Was there yesterday in the sun. Flipping ace.

    Full Member

    Riding there with some entertaining bits one or twice a week. Have been for the last 12yrs.

    There is loads to go at around E Manchester in varying states of cheekiness, if you can accept an upto 50 minute road ride to get there.

    If you fancy a pedal out give me a shout. Failing that and if you work in Manc it’s good to get the train to Edale (about £9) and then ride back – Mam Tor -Lord’s Reach – Hayfield- Marple etc. About 4hrs to Altrincham of which circa 40 minutes is road, but could be reduced by riding along the Mersey from Stockport.

    Full Member

    My experience of roadying has been it’s a nice sociable thing to do – just remember to take your turn on the front and anticipate a bit.

    Lycra – midly offensive, but given we all ride round with a polystyrene box on our heads, mildly modified to form a helmet, none of us are going to be winning awards for sartorial elegance in our ride attire, baggies/Camelbacks or no.

    Full Member

    I are mostly been riding in the Peak yesterday – Hayfield – Jacob’s (fell off due to over enthusiasm) – Edale Cross – cake in the Woodbine – Lord’s Reach – Hayfield. Fabulous.

    First short sleeve jersey ride of the year. Peak looked beautiful.

    Full Member

    I’ve managed summer gloves.
    [*] But it is Manchester and mostly night riding for one reason and another.
    Thus far no naked pasty flesh, but feeling cautiously optimistic about tomorrow.

    Full Member

    Do it in the short term for the cash with the accpetance of your SO and take the opportunity to not do it as soon as it presents itself, I reckon.

    Worked so far for me, but there has to be ebbs and flows, not as some of the other posters an enduring and persistent culture of 60+hr weeks.

    Full Member

    Good work fella. Night riding is ace, not least as the trails are quiet. Save for the rustling of ball gowns around Rammy, by all accounts.

    Full Member

    Love him or hate him the audacity is truly stunning. Chapeau!

    Full Member

    Good point well made, albeit I suspect I may find myself living in a shed presently.

    Full Member

    Currently in negotiation for a Giant Anthem X 29er on Bike to Work with Mrs Please. It is not going well.

    Any tips? I have even passed up the opportunity to mock her for going to ‘Rock Choir’ and loving it.

    Full Member

    Fabulous – the borg mind of STW comes up trumps again. Thanks all!

    Full Member

    Queenstown, Tasmania. Joy is apparently banned there.

    Full Member

    I too have had Schwalbe non UST and UST (albeit with damaged bead blow off a rim – once in the cellar and once on the trail. PITA indeed. Maxxis have worked so far for me. Damn, that’s jinxed it….

    Good luck

    Full Member

    Welcome. Are you a real live lady? They’re quite rare in these parts.

    If you’d like some nice Darwen and area routes then e mail me and I’ll send you some that are manageable without going ‘hmm, so that’s what the Winter Hill masts look like close up.’ whilst trying not to be unwell on your crossbar.

    toodle pip


    Full Member

    Good point, well made. The video is certainly err, artistic?

    Full Member

    Dez – not sure ‘Tatu’s’ really helping your point.

    Full Member

    My first ever albulm. Lovely. As I recall there were also attractive ladies in the video, further overheating an already over excited 7yr old. Happy days indeed.

    If you don’t like it then you’re plainly wrong. So there. Is this the juncture at which to use ‘go forth and multiply,’ or am I on the wrong thread?

    Full Member

    I like em. I don’t like soggy nethers. The prospect of wearing Gore Tex shorts isn’t appealing – but to each their own.

    No guards on the road summer bike – but all over the others. Apart from briefly in 2006 when it was all dusty and on team 24s when the ridicule from my team mates is too much to bear otherwise.

    Does anyone really care?

    Full Member

    Uk built quality.

    Liking hubs (since 99), QRs and headsets, the issues I had with the brakes seem to be common to all types.

    Not sure why you’d use other hubs. Nicely user serviceable, cheap tools, great warranty and ‘how to’ videos.

    Where can you get that funky blue grease? That’s the troubling thing.

    Full Member

    Looks like I’m off down the shops then. Thanks fellas.

    Full Member

    Like uwe-r plus others – dicks in every sport.

    What I don’t get is why folk stop in the middle of the piste. Is there something wrong with the piste edges, apart from not getting mown into? Same with trails and folk nattering in the middle of a downhill bit. Surely self preservation should cut in at some point?

    Full Member

    Compelling viewing and quite odd seeing Israel again for the first time in 20 years. Seemed a very even handed approach of what’s a profoundly complicated part of the world.

    Reflected the views of an infantry platoon commander of WW2 vintage I used to work with. He was there in 47/8 but left before partition and never forgave me for going to a Kitbbuz, despite there being sunshine and foreign ladies. ‘Bl00dy shonks’ was his expression – I think he’d got to the King David Hotel not long after the bomb.

    You couldn’t halp but dislike the Erin character, but I suppose that was part of the point as it was pretty unsympathetic viewing.

    Full Member

    Thanks fellas – it would appear that the search goes on to Salsa and a trip to Liverpool to test the same would be in order afore parting with the cash.

    Full Member

    Cheers Thom – they seem to be liked and the only bad thing I’ve heard is that the bearings need to be replaced from time to time. Rather like most bikes then.

    Full Member

    Also most of the kit is getting better is it not? Smaller lighter but more effective, so it should cost more?

    I do feel slightly sick just looking at new fork prices, mind.

    Full Member

    I have done. It got a bit much – S Manchester – Aston and then shortly thereafter S Manchester – Nottingham for about 12 months. Got to the point of stopping with friends a more manageable travel time away and occasionally biking it to/from client site whic hwas a load better.

    If it’s the job of your dreams I’d be thinking about a ‘pied a terre’ in town and maybe stopping there 3 nights/ week or so. The driving got a bit much for me and I realised that I was driving badly too often due to fatigue.

    Full Member

    Heckler for me. 16.5 st, XT/Thomson build – XL – 32lb.

    Cannondale Hi Mod Rise is OK so far.

    Blur is you’re wanting to go faster uphill and don’t mind stripping the back end off once a year.

    Not had good experiences with Oranges – but that was a while ago so doubntless much improved now.

    Currently looking at a Giant Reign 29er.

    Full Member

    Yep. One GF tried to really half heartedly kill herself as a plea for attention , and had quite a lot in common with some of the others above – attactive, nymphette, wildly entertaining, and rather damaged. That all came to a bad end as she wouldn’t let it go, I’d moved out leaving her in the flat. Horrid silliness.

    Then I met Mrs Please when I was really not wanting anything to do with women at all. Now married 11yrs, 2 kids, all very fabulous and couldnt imagine being without her, nor wanting to.

    Full Member

    Victorian for me for the last 15yrs. They have cellars in which bikes live. Rooms bigger, nice to live in, but brace yourself for the costs, both of heating and occasional substantial repairs.

    Had new build – didn’t care for it, lack of storage, limited natural light small rooms, ‘odd’ space layout with things like the kitchen squeezed in.

    Full Member

    Agreed. You’d think the opportunity not to have folk riding into you at 30mph would be enough incentive to get off the trail.

    Folk rarely stop for a natter in the middle of a ‘B’ road, for example.

    Jools – not grumpy – just a lot of burks about who choose not to engage brain, like ThePodge said.

    Full Member

    Robert – if you want a copy of the TransCambria IMBA pack I have one spare. Bought one, lost it. Bought another. Drop me a lin, make a contribution to STW and it’s yours.

    You’ll need the current maps as the IMBA ones are from the 50s.

    You can do it in 2 days using the Miner’s Arms at Pont Y Groeth – top venue with laundry done for a small fee! Bit of a brutal first day – but adds to the adventure.

    Why not do the trip in April then the 24hr solo too? That’s my plan of unbelievable cunning.

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