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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
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    @llama Aphex Twin – Selected Ambient Works 85-92

    The Prodigy – Music for the Jilted Generation

    Full Member

    Silver Jews – American Water

    FFS, was listening to it at the weekend – that kept niggling away at me!

    One from @10 (the shredded paper) and my bare chested figure.

    I’m also saying Grandaddy, and possibly The Cars – Candy-O

    Awesome, thread of the year?

    Absolutely! STW at it’s bestest.

    Edit – it’s Surfer Rosa! @kayak23

    Full Member

    …being an adult.

    It looked like so much fun.

    Full Member


    Kid A.

    Nicely done!

    Full Member

    ‘Smell The Glove’

    Full Member

    I’m going with ‘Meat Is Murder’.

    Full Member

    When the Apache is skulking about it looks like an easy target if you are that way inclined

    Is it not more a case of ‘you’d better make that one shot count’, because they’ll sure as sh*t not miss you back.

    Full Member

    “That’s correct, your Honour; I noticed something riding a bicycle, but I couldn’t be sure that it was a person, so I just drove over them. Or it.”

    Cruelty to animals (even vermin) is still a crime though, eh?

    Full Member

    I’m waiting for the indicator recall. Maybe they can fit some then.

    Full Member

    RIP King Jaffe Joffer, ruler of Zamunda. He tied his own shoelaces once; it was an overrated experience.

    He had what could quite probably prove to be the greatest voice in all of history.

    Full Member

    RIP Herbie; what a legacy!

    Full Member

    I really can not fathom why there are no music programmes on normal telly.

    The irony is that YouTube killed it.

    Full Member

    HC Rule 56

    Yep, most people seem oblivious to the rules; I posted the link to that section of the Highway Code earlier in this thread last year. It’s even worse since then – people just seem to think shared used paths are the absolute best place to take an animal and let it loose. Why not just take it to any of the other thousands of miles of paved footpath that we’re not allowed to ride on? Or better still, get your pristine boots muddy for once in your lives and let doggo enjoy a field or two. Safely, of course.

    Full Member

    As in a reply to a strawman argument about replacing an uncontrolled dog, that’s out of the owners sight, with a small child also away from their parent/guardians care?

    Not sure on the relative speed & inertia of a dobermann compared to a small child, but it makes you think. Mainly that people will think up any old b*llocks to avoid accepting that dogs must be under control on shared paths.
    Think of what could happen if a dog ran out into the path of a little kid and hit it. Who’s to blame then? Etc, etc.

    Anyhow, hope you heal up soon @munrobiker

    Full Member

    Remco & co being top of the leaderboard is super cool; it’s just one of the coolest parts of the sport that we get to see them and then ride the same roads, just a t̶i̶n̶y̶ b̶i̶t̶ lot slower, albeit with traffic.

    Anyone else embarrassed about the state of the roads they are having to ride on?

    I know what you mean, but I’m pragmatic about it. It’s a relatively minor week-long race – a UCI ProSeries tour – so the same level as the Tour(s) of Turkey or Hungary, for example, or minor races in Spain or Portugal. Those races also have a mix of road surface conditions, so it’s not unusual to find rough roads. British roads are certainly not freshly relaid Giro or Tour surfaces, but then why would they be? All the years of chronic underfunding, heavier vehicles, population density, the weather, the topography.
    If/when we become a cycling nation…

    Full Member

    I reckon this is going to go bad for the vegetarians. Payback is deffo on the cards

    That’s a bit of a shittake.

    Full Member

    High5 Zero hydration tablets works best for me.

    Yep, same here. They’re fine in moderation, just back from a long-ish road ride with no ill effects. The pre-ride coffee clear out helps, I find.

    Full Member

    Yeah, nah. Needs Bonehead at least.

    Full Member

    Completely. They’ve been honest about that from day 1 of their career as a band.

    The criticism of them getting the most they can for a reunion that is (no doubt) predominantly about earning money just seems bizarre, frankly.

    Anyhow, in all the noise about Oasis reforming, I’m yet to see which version of Oasis that will be onstage.

    Full Member

    Does anyone honestly believe this reunion is about anything other than the money? It’s obviously cynical, but then it always was.

    It’s not a dig at them – they’ve got the potential to earn huge money, so why not? It’s not the ’90s; the music industry has changed dramatically, and revenue streams have been the catalyst.

    Is it worth the aggravation…

    Full Member

    Heinz are 67p a can in Waitrose, when you buy a multipack. Not really that expensive.

    Full Member


    Don’t understand the ‘watery’ comments; they thicken considerably as you cook them.

    Full Member

    Absolutely not a chance in hell that Blur would support Oasis

    There’s a chance, as they’re on really good terms, but I’d wager that the older part of an Oasis crowd wouldn’t be happy.

    Full Member

    took a chunk of our cash from the BBC

    Not a fan of Top Gear in the slightest, and very little interest in Flintoff (will watch this programme though), but that’s just not true. The payout he received was from BBC Studios, which is a commercial entity that generates a large profit that goes back into the BBC; it’s why some presenters salaries & income aren’t reported as they are not employed by the public-funded Beeb.

    Full Member

    I just cannot bear Tom Ravenscroft’s voice

    I just hear his old man, which isn’t a bad thing at all. Just wish he’d been given the chance to cover Lauren’s show, along with a few other presenters such as Deb Grant.

    As a footnote to the thread, all the DAB radios at home were retuned to Radio 4 a while ago. Life goes on. I listen to Riley & Co on catch up for my Gid fix, but apart from those occasions when it’s insufferable on R4 (The Archers, etc), 6 Music is disappearing from earshot. The concern for the Beeb should be that it was a factor in making me really hesitate in paying the licence fee for the first time in my life; the wider debate is another issue, but personally I felt I was getting decent value, as well as the socialist benefits. Nowadays? Not even close to being sure.

    Full Member

    Space Karen to the rescue*

    *in a scheduled 8 months, that is.

    Full Member

    “ celebs”

    Perhaps watching the programme, and understanding a little of May’s background; he’s a scientist with a PhD, so hardly a Love Island ‘celeb’.

    Anyhows, all I can hear now is ‘You’re My Be(a)st Friend’.

    Full Member

    Ring pull. ’83. Tizer.

    Full Member

    The extraordinary trumps the mundane for headlines. Twas ever thus.

    Full Member

    Nissan Micra.

    Full Member

    Yep, can remember the shape and feel of objects from decades ago. Shimano 200GS shifters, Tioga Psycho tyres, toe clips & straps…

    Can’t visualise or remember faces easily at all, though. They’re really murky as a comparison.

    Full Member

    Yeah, Superstar Nano Tech.

    Full Member



    Full Member

    This is intense!

    Full Member

    One’s a review from the Guardian film critic; the other is from the Observer.

    But yep, it can be frustrating. Much like any Alien franchise film after Alien, to be fair.

    Full Member

    Looks choppy out there. I’d pay good money to watch Wout run the double disc today.

    Full Member

    The Newspaper That Cried Wolf.

    Full Member

    For a second I lived in hope that a court case was looming to decide which toxic dump was worse, but alas…

    Simply put, content on X is still user-created so it’s not as biased an institution as the Mail has become. That’s not to say that with an imminent exodus apparently underway, X won’t become a wasteland for right-wing bile propagated by it’s owner.

    Full Member

    Sad to see Pfeiffer Georgi out, it looked like a really bad crash for her – that’s some injury list:

    Full Member

    PS what has happened to Cecilie U-L ? I saw she was in a crash on an early stage but I haven’t seen her listed as withdrawing.

    25th yesterday; 29th overall.

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