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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • highclimber
    Free Member

    Autotrader is rubbish. Their searches ALWAYS show trade cars first and they are ALWAYS misleading so from a private sellers POV I would not give them my money.

    Ebay is ok but you do get spam emails from Nigerian businessmen asking to buy your car for asking price if you’ll pay for a courior to deliver it! WATCH OUT they can be quite convincing.

    I had one woman actually go through the Buy it now process and upon paying for it, she ‘realised’ it was an older model to the one she thought even though my description and pictures clearly showed what it was!

    To avoid the above problems, advertise locally. Newspapers, Loot etc are worth using sometimes (depending on where you live).

    Free Member

    mine was the same when we first got him. He’s still quite young and travelling in a car will cause motion sickness – like it does in some humans though we don’t have as sensitive hearing as dogs.

    It’s also worth getting him to go into the car and letting him get used to being in the car without it moving – he’s probably associated it with feeling ill so is compounding the motion sickness. If you treat him for being in the car he will soon associate it with being a happy place.

    Have you tried him in his cage (assuming you have one for him) in the car? this might help.

    Above all, it’s just patience. he will get over it eventually. please don’t use drugs (we were advised agaisnt it by our vet).

    Free Member

    Anti-virus are viruses in themselves – they are annoying and almost impossible to get rid off once you realise how annoying they are.

    Free Member

    owchy ouch ouch.

    Free Member

    Microsoft Security essentials, CCleaner and Malwarebytes.

    Free Member

    Can anyone recommend a shop within an hours drive of betws y coed

    fits their criteria.

    Free Member

    evolution in Bangor

    Free Member

    What a thoroughly unpleasant thread this is

    I don’t think so. why do you think this?

    Free Member

    A step in the right direction from our religion-sympathising government. Next stop – banning all faith schools in favour for secular education establishments.

    Free Member

    we are missing the elephant in the room here – the judge that let her off because she had a doctors note for elective surgery!

    Free Member

    You, sir, are a bikist – someone who prejudices those on seemingly inferior bicycles. shame on you.

    Free Member

    There are no positive aspects to religion

    Actually I take that back – there’s some lovely architecture out there, but that’s about it.

    Free Member

    I find many people intolerant of “spirituality” in an Agnostic sense. So often batted away with “hippie” or “nonsense”. I’m of the school of thought that deems science-quantum physics, evolution etc- a faith. There is no absolute proof.

    I have A faith, my faith, but it isn’t everyones and we should just accept that.

    I think you need to look up the definition of ‘faith’.

    Free Member

    I think you might have misunderstood stoffel highclimber. When he said that he prefers to focus on the interesting aspects of all religions

    nah, I don’t think I did. There are no positive aspects to religion. it’s all just make-believe. Like santa only he’s real

    Free Member

    Do you see science as being able to explain everything within out universe and lives? Or do you find limitations within scientific rationality?

    Science would be indistinct to religious belief if it could explain everything. Just because science can’t explain something yet doesn’t mean it won’t be able to in the future. So no, I don’t see science as being able to explain everything – no real scientist would but do I give credence to supernatural beliefs to help fill in the gaps? nope.

    Free Member

    You can’t have religious tolerance when religions aren’t tolerant of each other.

    Free Member

    I prefer to focus on the interesting aspects or all religions, rather than just focus on the negative/stuff I don’t agree with. I find this approach more rewarding and enjoyable.

    Which interesting parts are you referring to, the bits where the bible says it’s ok beat your wife or the bits where people kill each other in the name of their religion?
    I believe in the philosophy of science and have no time to worry about eternal damnation due to my lacksidasical approach to muttering to a supernatural sky-god. Am I (and many other scientists,humanists,secularists and atheists) narrow-minded for allowing science and rationality to determine our place in the universe?

    Free Member

    Funny how people flock to knock religion.

    Because it needs knocking. It’s not above being ridiculed just because it’s religion.

    Free Member

    I thought this thread was about religion – specifically Islam? how did we get on to talking about whether the Jews are a race….oh wait, it’s the internet. forgot that bit.

    My £0.02 – This guy’s obviously trying to annoy people. If he was praying to an omniscient god such as Allah, he would be able to hear him pray even if he just thought about it, shirley?

    Religion – what a crock of shh…eep

    Free Member

    He wouldn’t last an hour before being deemed too extreme, I think

    Free Member

    I could choose my step-father but I dont like him too much on account of his casual homophobia and racist opinions. Can I get away with not inviting him to the wedding at all you think?

    Free Member

    Everyone has a mate with whom they’ve shared the most drunken, drug-fuelled, decadent, debauched and frankly shameful experiences of their lives.

    There is someone almost fitting this description in my shortlist.

    Free Member

    I figure that would’ve hurt without a helmet.

    Pictures of a broken helmet or two are not really evidence that you would have sustained a major injury (though I suspect it would have hurt without it as you point out). As such, this is possibly the only reason to wear a helmet – not because it will prevent serious injury but that it effing hurts when you bang your head!

    Helmets are rigid polystyrene i.e. not the strongest of materials. I reckon I could break one with my bare hands.

    Free Member

    Nah, I always wear my helmet. I was just alluding to the point that anecdotes can go both ways. Not trying to denigrate your point at all.

    Free Member

    Really whacked my head on a low branch – fail to see how it would have been better not wearing a helmet?

    I had a branch get caught on my helmet causing me to almost crash. I’m 100% certain I would have flown past it without it touching me had I NOT been wearing a helmet!

    Free Member

    It’s clearly an example of someone using their credentials as evidence for their claim – as jedi pointed out, it’s one of the lowest forms of evidence going.

    Free Member

    The issue with dot and dab insulation boards is the dabs can create a bridge for moisture so you have to apply tanking slurry the wall first. This is why we went for the separate boards and insulation. this also has the added advantage of an air space between the two.

    Free Member

    We mounted the 50mm celotex directly to the wall and battened the boards and added fireboard dry lining to the 50x25mm battens.

    Free Member

    I think she’s got every reason to be mad as ‘Evans’ is a store for larger people ‘Evans Cycles’ is a bike shop!

    Free Member

    In the meantime I don’t want people offering him meat.

    Unfortunately what One wants and what One gets are seldom the same thing – another vital life lesson for kids to learn!

    Free Member

    Some people need to get a grip of the real issue here – He took them to macdonalds!

    Free Member

    Criticising religious beliefs is not ignorance, intolerance or hypocritical.

    Free Member

    I actually (quietly) LOL-ed at that (the other half is in bed after night shift) . Well done sir.

    Free Member

    The UN is again actually debating a blasphemy law.

    Jesus, Really. God, what next!

    I personally agree with everything Junkyard is saying (among others) – Religion in education has only one place – History.

    Religious beliefs are like penises – It’s fine to have one, just don’t ram it down my throat or the throat of a child who knows no better!

    Free Member

    He needs to learn how to wear his helmet properly – that chin strap is all but redundant!

    Free Member

    ITB rehab and foam roller every day

    I read somewhere that rollering too often can cause more problems than it solves.

    Free Member

    “I am The Traffic Droid”


    Free Member

    ITB or any small-muscle injury is usually caused by tightness and/or weakness of surrounding muscles. Concentrate on these muscles – core and upper leg exercises followed by stretching and rollering (or even better, get a sports physio to massage).

    Free Member

    Im annoyed at Highclimber

    Hey, Don’t shoot the messenger

    Free Member

    If they kept it quiet then we wouldn’t be able to further our understanding of these delicate eco-systems, nor would we be having this discussion.

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