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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • highclimber
    Free Member

    Of course it is, I was just jealous of their bikes TBH.

    Free Member

    You didn’t directly say that you were but the way the question was presented is akin to police questioning ?

    Rhetorical and leading?

    Free Member

    how much are they normally?

    Free Member

    Did I say I was?

    Free Member

    I am still quite skeptical about the whole thing. is it actually going to happen or is it a soundbite from an AM to p1ss off Parliament?

    Free Member

    The only sticking point I see would be with potential damage to SSSI’s / rare species / etc, which could be mitigated by linear access around sensitive areas.

    There is already plenty of open access land that is SSSI etc so I don’t think it raises anything particularly new there.

    e.g. Cwm Idwal is a particularly sensitive area and you can pretty much walk where ever you want. the only thing you can’t do there is wild camp but that’s a whole other kettle of fish.

    Free Member

    Snowdon’s a unique case as it’s a honeypot by virtue of being the highest in England and Wales, Ben Nevis doesn’t get the same trafic as it’s more remote. There are plenty of more technical trails with similar vertical drops you could ride, but everyone want’s to ride Snowdon, the daytime ban just naturaly limits it to those who really want to ride Snowdon, stopping it from becomeing as busy as a trail center on a Sunday afternoon.

    I don’t think without the ban there’d be a risk of Snowdon becoming like CyB on a saturday. Everyone knows Snowdon is a serious undertaking and most people think that you’d have to be mad to ride it.
    The fact that you can ride it at all means that it won’t change under the proposed developments thus the Voluntary ban would remain the same regardless.

    Free Member

    So long as you can justify having it I doub’t a copper would find reason to confiscate it, especially if it’s sheathed and in a bag.

    Free Member

    I can’t find a link to the source information regarding this revelation. Had a look on the NRW website but I can’t find it. I’m not disputing the claim; I hope it’s true but I’d have thought there would be something on the NRW site?

    Free Member

    Border Collie bit my daughter completely unprovoked a couple of years ago – I’m not a fan.
    This obviously means nothing and you could get one and it might be the best pet everer.

    Without putting too fine a point on it, it probably wasn’t the dog’s fault she was bitten. That’s not to say it was your daughter’s fault either. The owner (of both the child and the dog) are mostly to blame for that sort of behaviour.

    Free Member

    They don’t like being left on their own though, that’s a good reason to get two!

    This is possibly the worst Idea. They are loving dogs and if they have another dog to play with they will misguide each other into michief. they will bond more closely with one another than with you leaving you with a whole host of issues re obdience etc.
    Our collie doesn’t mind being left alone for short periods of a couple hours. There is a misconception that collies need constant stimulation – this will make them neurotic. They need stimulation, yes but if you let them play unchecked for hours and hours they will not know when to stop. Collies are ace. mine makes me laugh every day. he’s been brought up they way I want him and I think that getting a re-homed dog is generally asking for trouble as you are letting an unknown quantity into your life. it’s very hard to break habits in dogs like collies so if you are going to get one, get a pup (it doesn’t have to be from a breeder, in fact I’d recommend NOT getting one from a breeder) so you can mould their behaviour to how you want it from an early age. My only regret with ours is we didn’t keep a check on his chasing instinct.

    My advice is – Do it if you have the time and patience
    don’t if you don’t!

    Free Member

    Quite possibly in his Animals stand-up tour.

    Free Member

    Ron Howard’s film should be quite interesting too.

    Lauda has had some bloody good surgery to look that good after 2nd and 3rd deg burns to the face!

    Free Member

    evening bump

    Free Member

    There’s very little chance of infecting your house. Holes on the surface of the wood are emergence holes and not indicative of active infestation. Its possible that the woodworm is not present anymore.

    Free Member

    £28 postage 8O

    Free Member

    Don’t shout as some will get far worse at home.

    Noisy teacher; noisy classroom

    Free Member

    Fair enough, but probably not a good enough reason to relocate (unless already in Wales obviously) to Wales to complete a PGCE. If you’ve not got through your NQT within five years of a PGCE then I maintain you’re probably not going to.

    The other issue with the time limit on NQT is that some of the free/academies won’t allow you to complete your induction so if you change jobs after spending a few years in such a school, you could find youself in the position of not being able to teach in state schools. Saying that, I do believe there is a possibility the time limit for induction will be abolished in England but currently it still stands that you’ve got 5 years.

    Free Member

    .if you didn’t complete your NQT within five years I suspect you’d be unlikely to ever complete it???

    it’s concieveable that some people don’t always go straight into NQT year and understandably so. The reason there’s no time limit in wales is to allow Supply teachers to complete their NQT which you currently can’t do in England IIRC.

    Free Member

    If it is at all possible, I would do your training in Wales. Currently you only get 5 years to complete your NQT year in England whereas in Wales there is no time limit.
    My PGCE ends in about 3 weeks and I cannot remember the last time I went on a proper ride! It is hard work but as above, it is worth it assuming you can get a job at the end (there’s loads if you are prepared to relocate).
    All that said, the PGCE is currently in a state of flux in England and if Gove has his way, you won’t even need a teaching qualification to work in his free schools and acadamies! outragous I think as there is no way I could have stood up infront of 30 year 9 students and deliver a lesson to the stringent standards set by Ofsted (endland) and Estyn (wales). if you have any specific questions, drop me an email (in profile)


    EDIT: as above – get some (loads) school observations done. Ask youself ‘do I like being with kids on a daily basis and do I find them amusing?’ if the answer to either of those questions is ‘no’, then choose a different career. It’s relentless but rewarding.

    Free Member

    Been after this for ages, thanks OP.

    Free Member

    She was like a cross between Kate bush and Ellie Goulding.

    Free Member

    if you are pulled over by the police you may be prosecuted for “failure to display”

    I find that law completely pointless now everything is accessed online. I just wished they would get rid of the disc considering the above fact.

    Free Member

    By all accounts there’s no difference between them

    One is PVA based, the other is silicone based – Nikwax and grangers respectively.

    Free Member

    I have just reproofed my walking jacket in Grangers fabsil. it’s designed for tents but worked wonders for my jacket. You can get it as an aerosol (wasteful) or in a tin that you can dispense at your leisure and paint on your items. allow to dry and watch the rain bead like a new jacket!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Eat – BBQed lamb burgers, Chicken wings and shish kebabs
    drink – Badger Ales Fursty Ferret x2
    Listen – TV while typing on here.

    Free Member

    The rear bearing is simple to change but make sure you have a long reach torx bit as the access hole isn’t very big for removing the bolts.

    yeah, I quickly realised this. Glad I had my angle grinder at the ready!

    Free Member

    Went for the OEM SKF bearing considering Unipart price-matched an online price I’d seen for it.

    A bit of a faff getting the old one off – The hole to get the torx socket wasn’t big enough so I had to butcher it with an angle grinder – any excuse to get the power tools out! Then I stripped one of the torx bolts so I grinded (not sure if that’s the correct verb) two flat parts off the bolt to get my trusty 13mm spanner on!

    Time to take it for a spin (literally). hopefully it won’t fall off at the first corner!

    Free Member

    CPC is Certificate of Professional Competence, a qualification that all some truck and bus drivers need to gain to be able to drive.


    Free Member

    Absolutely amazing. would have loved to have been at Derwent res to see that fly past. He is indeed one lucky man, Stumpy!

    Free Member

    Have you made a financial commitment to this company? if not, then what’s there to be nervous about?

    Free Member

    I am willing to teach someone how to rock climb if they will show me how to jump doubles and table-tops.

    Free Member

    Even if it was past it’s use by date, I’d still always give it the sniff test before I decide what to do with it. It’s what noses were intelligently designed for :p

    Free Member

    Just bought on of those Halford’s lifting kit. The only good thing in it are the stands. The wheel chocks are laughable and the jack struggled to lift the back end of my mondeo. I’ll be taking it back once I’ve finshed with the stands (car currently sans wheel and hub due to bearing replacement!)

    Free Member

    Sorry, should have said that I would go up as high as possible in single wall before changing to twin wall.

    AFAIK the flue isn’t allowed to have any joints other than at the exit of the fire and the top of the flue i.e it has to be one continuous flue from the fire.

    Free Member

    there’s a nice cheeky trail at the bottom of Llanberis path at Pen Ceunant cafe. Turn into their drive and there’s a gate through Victoria Woods which brings you out opposite the Royal Vic Hotel. There’s a couple of gates on it mind but much more entertaining than the Tarmac brake fluid boiler.

    Free Member

    with a bike, 2.5 hrs is a good time IMO. takes most walkers the best part of 4.

    Free Member

    It’s a ford mondeo estate

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