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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • highclimber
    Free Member

    The trailer with one of them saying ‘I’m not arrogant but…”

    I cannot abide this stupid program. it makes me apoplectic with rage.

    Free Member

    I love merino stuff. I wouldn’t agree that it’s great when wet. it holds far too much water for that to be even remotely true. It’s certainly better than cotton for that matter but synthetics are the best for warmth-moisture content.

    Its horrendously expensive for the good stuff (Icebreaker for example) and doesn’t last half as long as synthetic materials.

    thanks my take.

    Free Member

    Driving while tired is probably the stupidest thing I’ve done.

    Free Member

    Masturbation though I don’t feel guilty about that so I will have to say

    Free Member

    I’ve got to have a new cavity filled and another filling replaced and a crown on another tooth which is costing me £180.50 on NHS.

    Free Member

    2 words: Spanish Flu

    Free Member

    ” These tendencies in persuasive communication can be understood as a reflection of an underlying conspiracist worldview in which the details of individual conspiracy theories are less important than a generalized rejection of official explanations.”

    This is most telling – the conspriacists just can’t handle the truth!

    Free Member

    Brilliant. Gotta love (un)naturalnews!


    Free Member

    £30 is about 1/4 of a tank of petrol for a car that size isn’t it? Not surprised people are driving so badly if the response from the law is that weak…

    People drive like this because they either they don’t think they will get caught or they don’t know what they are doing is illegal (less likely), not that the fines are so low as to not deter them.

    Free Member

    I’m going to use this technique for all my biscuit woes –

    Free Member

    I think this guy might be a genius

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Aye, got some Frankie Valli and Al Wilson. The wife-to-be actually introduced me to the Toots’ music. thanks for the reminder!

    Free Member

    Scambait them[/url]

    Free Member

    The send you a fake Paypal (a very good fake that is) invoice stating they’ve paid you. Hoping you’ll take that on face value and not check your actual PP account. you think you’ve been paid.

    Free Member

    I work as an ML on Snowdon and my preferred route would be to park in Llanberis and get the bus to PyP, walk up the pyg and the down the Llanberis path.

    The other, over looked, route I like is the Rhyd Ddu path.

    Get in touch if you want any specific advice or even if you fancy hiring me to give you an educational day on the mountain rather than ‘just’ a walk! :D

    Free Member

    French mountains are different to UK mountains, so a qualified UK guide won’t neccesarily have a clue about French mountains

    Try telling that to any professional DH racer. you can’t possible know how to handle a bike on zis terrain because you’re English and know nuffin aboot our montanes

    Free Member

    The UK recognises there are two ways of demonstrating competence – experience or qualifications. Ali appears to have both of these and yet the french refuse to accept this is enough. Protectionism is what I’m going with.

    Free Member

    2 other threads already done this…

    I assume this is the gentleman in question

    Free Member

    1.5mm is designed for Lighting so if it’s drawing less than 100 amps, It’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    I thought Russell’s comments quite agreeable.
    to the OP – You are a BAD boy. you know you’re not allowed over there. now go and sit on the naughty step.

    Free Member

    It would appear M&S stopped doing wedding insurance.

    Free Member

    A very manipulative person to say the least. There’s a four letter word that begins with C and ends in unt that describes him better.

    Free Member

    Piers morgan?

    Free Member

    I recently did a VO2Max test and my max heart rate came out at 180. I’m 31 so the 220-age rule of thumb was out by 10bpm ish. according to the sports scientist running the test, the 220-age is never that far wrong.

    Free Member

    It was one drama that needed a few more parts I thought. I’d like to have seen a Not Guilty from John-Joe and Part 2 showing how the trial might proceed.

    I don’t think that would have served the point he [Jim Mc] was trying to get across.

    Free Member

    ALWAYS GET A LAWYER/solicitor is the take home message from that programme.

    Free Member

    Here’s a direct link if you can’t read it.

    Free Member

    Thirdly, it is not as if the dog and the owner will go berserk in the shop humping everything in sight is it

    I can only guarantee the dog won’t on account he’s a castrato!

    Free Member

    it’s a basic human right for a man to take his dog to the pub.

    I really wish for the to be true.

    If it’s hot, dog doesn’t come out with me if I need to go anywhere.

    We didn’t go out with the intention of going to B&Q it was just on our way – we’d normally leave him at home too but we went out for him to have a walk

    Free Member

    The go outdoor near us welcomes dogs,

    Most outdoor shops I’ve visited are happy to allow dogs in so long as they’re not sopping wet or like to piss on stuff.

    Free Member

    Shame a DIY store didn’t have some sort of hook they could set up to fasten dogs outside with.

    The employee suggested I tied him to a wheeled trolley full of plants. He clearly wasn’t a dog owner.

    Free Member

    I doubt it would have suffered if you’d left it in the car for 5 minutes

    you’re not a dog owner are you?

    Free Member

    I don’t have a problem with them not providing water. it would just be nice and all that!

    Free Member

    Oh.. blimey.. there were two of you?

    Yes but she wanted to look at something too

    Free Member

    Its their store..if they don’t want to allow dogs, koalas and aubergines in they don’t have to.

    I appreciate this but should they not take into account that on a hot day on a weekend, there’s bound to be people with dogs etc and should at least provide something secure to attach them to and maybe a bowl of water?

    Free Member

    I expect it’s the poo on the floor they don’t like

    I highly doubt this is the reason though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was something as silly as that!

    Free Member

    Ask about the risk assessment?

    I was going to but I had to bite my tongue on account my other half was giving me the daggers for having the cheek to even ask him why so. She decided to wait outside with him leaving me with the unenviable task of trying to get the right product!

    Free Member

    I find it difficult to comprehend just how big these animals are – biggest animal to ever live on our planet – bigger than the biggest dinosaur (in mass at least i believe).

    They were incredibly lucky!

    Free Member

    I use a good osteopath,or a chiropractor,worth the £40 or so to get a professional opinion.n treatment ,oyu might get your GP to refer you but waiting lists can be long.

    If you want to risk being paraylised go to A chiropractor – they are up there with accupuncturists, reiki masters and psychics only a lot more dangerous.

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