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  • XCO Highlights – Leogang World Cup 2021
  • higgo
    Free Member

    I haven’t used a crud-catcher since 1996.

    Are ‘neoguards’ an expensive version of a bit of inner tube tied between fork crown and brace? If so, they seem to work fine.

    Free Member

    It must take big balls to follow the leader like sheep

    As an aside, I re-discovered Pink Floyd’s Animals in the glove compartment the other day. Magnificant album.

    Bleating and babbling I fell on his neck with a scream.
    Wave upon wave of demented avengers
    March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream

    Free Member

    if you want to make it into a proper race, with overtaking, then stop putting the fastest guys at the front by scrapping pole position


    ‘Stock Car Starts’ is the answer. Line the grid up in reverse championship order. Let the quick guys work their way through.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    o-rings changed. pump like new :D

    Free Member

    Well having ridden Lowey’s ‘STW Rivi’ route yesterday I’m pretty sure the mystery ‘dale rider was talking about Tockholes. I rode through and back an the main trails but it looked like there was other stuff in there.

    Free Member

    I feel a bit sorry for the pit stop fella that used to put the fuel in… whats he going to do now?

    Wrap himself round the tyres and think warm thoughts?

    Free Member

    and you dont have to run it flat out .

    Exactly… I don’t know if I’d want more light than I’ve currently got but I’d be interested in a smaller/lighter battery.

    Free Member

    Chemmy, skiist.

    Free Member

    Thanks – I’ve ordered the kit.

    Free Member

    I’ve used Ski Lifts.
    I’d use them again without a second thought.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    As the father of triplets in a small house I sympathise with one line (and one line only)Their tiny house is strewn with laundry piles and toys.

    p.s. there were 15 in the operating theatre when ours were delivered. (not including me and the wife)

    Free Member

    flowmtbguy said… good to see the Swobo head badge is still there!

    Not no more.
    That’s quite an old photo – it’s currently sporting one of these:
    In fact I think it was when I bumped into you on the PassPortes – shame on you for not spotting and remembering every last detail!

    I’m passively looking for a new headbadge at the moment though as the sticky stuff on that one isn’t very sticky any more. In fact I’m toying with the idea of showing the bike a bit of love and getting it properly resprayed. But then I keep thinking it’s a lot of money for soemthing that won’t change the ride one bit. Decisions, decisions.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve used the old style Forerunner on my bike. Good as a bike computer (distance, max speed etc). Good to log where you’ve been if you go for an explore. Limited as a nav tool.

    Free Member

    I had a Teocali (one of the first ones). I replaced the (awful) Manitou Splice and put a Pike on it. It was a bit on the heavy side but climbed better than it should. Downhill it was really good – in fact I did the Megavalanche on it.

    I should point out that I cracked it twice. Despite not being the original owner the importers sorted me out with a new front triangle first time and a new swing arm second time. The design of the front triangle has changed over the years around where it cracked so it’s not really relevant to a 2009 model.

    I have very fond memories of the Teocali. I’ve spent more money now on something better but if I was on a tight budget again I’d think about another one.

    Free Member

    or the next best thing…. a Hope ProII freehub.

    Free Member

    I don’t know if it’s the quality of the (presumably common) TV coverage, the BBC coverage or the new cars but I’m definitely enjoying it this year much more than I have for ages.

    Free Member

    DavidB – will you please name your club?

    Or at least re-assure me that it’s not in the Cheshire/Manchester/Peaks area.

    Free Member

    I’m not new to road riding but new to riding in a group. If/when I turn up for my first club ride I will avoid time at the front, not because I’m a free-loader but because I don’t know the rules. As and when I pick up the rules, I’ll do my turn.
    Except DavidB would have burnt me at the stake in the meantime.

    And I go up hills at my own pace. I get in a rythmn and I go. Most of the time this is slower than the people I ride with. But if it’s faster, it’s because that’s the pace the suits me, it’s not me showing off.

    And I’ll carry my water how I like, thank you.

    Free Member

    DavidB – name your club. Highly unlikely it’s one of the three I’m thinking of joining but if it is, I’d like to know.

    Free Member

    We get milk in glass 6 days a week. We also get eggs, OJ and veg boxes from him. He probably does other stuff but I don’t know about ‘pop’.

    Free Member

    Ask this fella…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Cases in the US too.
    Where’s Cressers when we need him?

    Free Member

    Got your email Steve.
    Ta – looks like an interesting route.

    Free Member

    Heatsink is pointless in a sealed container. Just make sure you get a good thermal connection to the casing (which will lose the heat to the environment)

    Free Member

    To add another one to the mix, I’ve just put a Token Tiramic (from Wiggle) on one of my bikes. The cranks spin and spin and spin in a way I’ve never seen from a HT2 type BB. I can’t comment on durability as I’ve only done 2 dry rides with it so far.

    Free Member

    I’ll be there.
    Biggish bloke on a Whyte JW-4.

    Free Member

    Does she squeal like a pig?

    Free Member

    sfb said… OK then, who’s the other one then ??

    Melissa (Missy) Giove.

    Looking more athletic here…

    and here…

    Free Member

    sfb said…. what sport does Gwynneth do ?

    She’s not the athletic one.

    Free Member

    Athletic and aesthetic….

    Free Member

    horasaid …I don’t want to say too much on it… It would be disingenuous/unfair to enter a dialogue and publish it in a public medium at the sametime.

    Let’s hope this kind of responsible attitude doesn’t catch on round these parts!

    Free Member

    hora said… I found a crack on my 456 Summer season yesterday

    Did you get a Summer season out of it?
    And a Winter and a good part of Spring?

    Free Member


    I too am fed up of static pictures of bikes in Singletrack. Next time you test a bike, could you print a series of pictures of it in the top right hand corner of every page. Then I’d be able to thumb through the magazine at a variety of speeds getting a very real impression of how it will ride.

    Free Member

    hora said… big buggers hurt

    I’d imagine your eyes would water at the very least.

    Free Member

    Vol-au-vent roulette?

    Vol-au-vents with a nice creamy chicken sauce. Put a big blob of sambal (or similar) at the bottom of a few of them.

    Free Member

    It broke, was fixed, was flexy and then bent. 2/5 seems on the generous side of fair to me.

    It’s a shame – I’ve tested one, came close to buying one and would have considered one if I ever need to replace my Blur 4X. It’s not so much the breaky thing that worries me (I’d be on a L and they’ve fixed that), it’s the flexy, bendy thing.

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