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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • Hicksy
    Free Member

    Thanks mister!

    Free Member

    Having been someone who never dropped their saddle at all, I borrowed a dropper post (thanks Pauly!) for this years trip to the Alps and found it not only really helped on the steep tricky bits, but also on fast downhill bits where I just had so much more confidence. I now have a Reverb on my FS bike and it’s great. I really wasn’t expecting it to make such a difference. I now also have a Gravity Dropper on the Inbred – would have had another Reverb if it had fitted.

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    Free Member

    Not sure about The White Room (not been), but Bike Village is about a 15 minute bike ride along a cycletrack running beside the river or 10 minutes by car. Pretty sure there is a train also. We have been given a lift in/back a couple of times too.

    It’s a great area, lot’s of different types of trails to suit all.

    PS That’s a great picture Coogan.

    Free Member

    Bike Village – really excellent. I went for a week last year, 2 weeks this year and it’s looking like a month next year! Woohoo! Lovely people, trails, food, everything.

    Free Member

    Can’t remember the exact route we went, but stopped at the Formula 1 hotel just outside Troyes – it was cheap, they were fine with us having the bikes in our rooms and there was a great little diner next door.

    Free Member

    I’m sure Head For The Hills in Dorking have some Trek demo bikes – not sure which ones, but a couple of friends tried them there and ended up buying them! I’ve always found them very helpful.

    Free Member

    I bought a Thomson and it looks nice and the seat post doesn’t slip. I did have a Hope one but was always worried about over tightening/snapping the alloy bolt.


    Free Member

    It may be worth checking out Mr Bartons suggestion. I had a creak which it took me ages to trace – turned out to be a creaking freehub body on a Pro2 hub. I sounded awful – like a I’d expect a cracked frame would sound. Took it appart, gave it a good clean and a grease and that sorted it. Good luck!

    Free Member

    We stayed at the Woodbine B+B after asking on here and phoning them and asking if they had secure bike storage. They said they did, but we felt the garage with a christmas cracker style padlock and nothing to lock bikes too not really up to scratch. The land lady took huge offence to our concerns of security.

    Free Member

    Thanks Sherry. Bargin.

    Free Member

    Many years ago when I worked in a bike shop we used to get this weird kid who would come in on Sundays, we’d tried to chat to him but he never used to really say anything. Anyway, one day I was talking to a customer about F1 and he said it was a great race. Before he got into any more details, I told him I was recording it so please not to let me know what happened. At this point the weird kid piped up with the result. He would then come in and tell me the result after every race, the little git! It wasn’t you was it Houns who used to come into the Sensible Bicycle Company and piss me off all those years ago was it?

    Free Member

    I went with some friends on our first biking holiday last year for a week at Bike Village near Les Arc. It was great – we are going for 2 weeks this year! 4 weeks and counting!

    They are really friendly, well organised, but the place has a lovely relaxed feel to it. They taylor the riding to what the guests want – we did some amazing xc singletrack days, which I still think about a lot! I’m a very average rider and nearly all of it was rideable for me. They do offer to help with your skill’s and a couple of our group had a day doing that.

    We went on one of their women friendly week’s as one of our bunch is a women and we thought it might be nicer.

    You can ride as few or as many days as you like, the area is stunning. There is rafting, just down the road and we aim to have a go at it this year!

    They are based in a small quiet village and we found that after we’d had dinner and a good chat we were ready for bed anyway. The town is only a few miles away if you did want to have a big night out.

    The food is great, the company was great, they aren’t the cheapest but I felt it was very good value for money.

    Free Member

    I was talking to a mate about this the other night and would like to get involved/help out. I’ve just signed up for a £10 monthly donation, which I know it isn’t much, but every little helps. I do often walk the trails on the hills, moving debris and rubbish where I can (hope this is OK).

    I think the what people are saying about lack of knowledge is very true, and I think this must be one area where we can help. I know it should be common sense that we all slow down or stop for other users and always be friendly and polite, but it appears not everyone has sussed this out! I think the poster idea (on notice boards, bike shops and the bus stop) is a good idea. Also how about collection boxes in bike shops, pubs and Peaslake store?

    The good thing with having lots of trails is that it does keep the bikes away from the other users a fair bit, as most walkers and horse riders appear to stick to the fire roads.

    Thanks very much for all your hardwork Ranger Mark and the volenteers. You are right by the way – most of us are good people. 😀

    Free Member

    *Wonders why the OP is asking, what’s his/her agenda!* 😀

    Free Member

    I took the freehub body off and gave it a bang on a table. The pawls and springs needed a clean out anyway!

    Free Member

    As far as I understand it you can adjust the travel down (eg. to 80mm) by adding spacers inside, but you can’t increase the travel (without replacing expensive bits like the crown/steerer/stanchions).

    Free Member

    If you are on your own, then you’ll be fine. I can just about gey my XL Mount Vision in mine with the wheels and seat post off, but have to move the passenger seat all the way forward. I have a roof rack now!

    Free Member

    I think I know the one you’re talking about Winterfold and Nick. A real shame, it was a great trail – it must have taken ages to build. I suppose rules is rules though. 🙁

    Sorry for your loss Carl

    Free Member

    One of these, idealy with “Slot Mags” (even an eight year old knew not just any buggy would do, it needed to be a Meyers Manx!)I had a little orange pedal car version, until I snapped it in half doing jumps – my god there were some tears that day!….



    Uploaded with

    …but of course we had a MK1 Escort estate!

    Free Member

    Thanks for that – I can see Sunday being a long day – up early for the GP long bike ride in the sun, followed by a beer then trying not to fall asleep infront of BBC4! 😀

    Free Member

    Why does Noddy wear a big blue hat with a bell on the end?

    Cos he’s a ****!

    Free Member

    I drove round Bathurst (where the first pic’ was taken) in a hire car when on holiday a few years ago as it’s all public road. What I didn’t realise until halfway round my 2nd flying lap, was that you are allowed to drive round it both ways 😯 Oooops!

    I’d love to race there – the “mountain” section is pretty tight and steep – god knows what it must be like in a V8 touring car in the rain!

    Free Member

    That’s awful. Sorry to hear that.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback guy’s.

    Oh, and The Purist – don’t be daft, they used to be great – they were good a few years ago – but now all seem half empty and with little excitement! 😀

    Free Member

    I saw them supporting Mudhoney back in the day if that counts! 😀

    Free Member

    So, can I not be offended by something that doesn’t affect me then? Not that I was.

    You really don’t come across as a nice person cynic-al.

    Free Member

    I have Stroker trails one of my bikes and use the sintered pads they – work well (I use them with Shimano brakes too). However I bought a pair of bigger Superstar rotors for the Alps and had a really horrid feel through the front brake which grabbed once every revolution. The rotor was clean and running true but if felt like the weren’t of uniform thickness – I put the Hayes rotor back on and it went away. The rear one was fine, but I wouldn’t buy them again.

    Free Member

    I can show you how by moving those brake levers may help you become a better rider, if you like! 😀

    Free Member

    This is one of my favourite bits (does have some swearing) – it still kinda works even when seen out of context (filmed in Glasgow!)…..

    …..if you like it don’t forget to watch part two.

    Free Member

    I saw him last year – was a fan from the Lee and Herring Fist of Fun days (you can download the old radio shows from his website). He was trying out new stuff for the TV show – looking forward to that.

    Free Member

    Crikey! Those steps look narrow at that speed – the dog doesn’t look too impressed though!

    Thanks for posting that.

    Free Member

    Lots of tinkering with old Citroens for me (I find them interesting!)…..

    Sadly this one is no more following a big crash at Lidden Hill

    …and this one now lives in with someone else (but funded a new bike!) – has 4WD and diff locks….

    …I also had a couple more modified ones but don’t have any pictures.

    Free Member

    I think I’d probably just carry on unless the risks were very high (I don’t have any dependants). If there was no way I could carry on I’d be gutted and probably look at racing cars again.

    Check this guy out though…….

    Free Member

    Thanks for the heads up trickydisco. I enjoyed that.

    He does seam like a good guy.

    Free Member

    I really must take down my christmas cards – I have five of them – one has a bike on it.

    Free Member

    I’d have to go for The Brian Jonestown Massacre. Mid 90’s/early 00’s they were at their best (IMHO) – did some great albums and (can be!) great live.

    Please have a listen…

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    Free Member

    Mr C Chippendale?

    Free Member

    Fair enough – I take it, it comes with a vague warranty and that you are a professional bike spec’er.

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