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  • hh45
    Free Member

    I don’t think that Brexit would cause a recession although I do accept that there will be volatility in the markets but day to day life will continue. we have to try to see into the future and decide whether UK has best chance as an indie nation or as part of a team where we will always be in conflict with some of our team mates.

    The CEO of Rolls Royce was on R4 earlier saying Brexit would hinder investment decisions but I didn’t really think he actually explained why. or whether it meant actually that their next plant would be in Europe rather than Derby if we left. I sensed he was either confused or under the Govt cosh.

    I still think that Remain will win.

    Free Member

    I still think Remain will win but a Brexit win does now seem to be a possibility at least. Its amazing how the vibe has changed in the last 10 days since the Select Committee rubbished some of the crap figures (critical mainly of the Treasury guff about us being £4,000 worse off by 2025 etc) and then that awesome person mocking Cameron for waffling. Eevn the BBC is being more even handed now and its become safe at work to say Brexit without getting told off. Bring on Brexit!

    Free Member

    I think Brexit may win or at least it will be closer than I thought.

    Even the economics editor of Guardian wrote a good article on it yesterday, more and more middle class professional types now saying why hitch our waggon to such a failing organisation. The Euro – fail; Schengen – fail, Syrian crisis – fail; Greece – fail.

    Vote Leave!!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I totally agree with OP. I joined in mid 1990s and for 20 years couldn’t speak highly enough of FD but last year I moved house and had no BB for 6 weeks and a lot of people to pay (removals, builders etc) and was horrified at how slow it was. Same now. The little code generator card is a total faff as well so try to use mobile but not always ideal and so you phone, and wait and wait.

    I suspect that Metro Bank is a good bet if a branch near to you. I don’t really like the whole ‘have a nice day’ cack but yanks do tend to understand service better than most.

    Free Member

    Mike P is right.

    do not use your bank or any bank. just Don’t!

    either SIPP or ISA depending on age, needs and tax rates.

    CS Direct is another good one and much cheaper than HL.

    my tip for a winning yet relatively reliable fund is Fundsmith. well worth reading up for 15 minutes.

    paying off mortgages and other debts is another option of course.

    Free Member

    Good on you OP. too many interfering house price obsessed nimbys in this country.

    I thought the whole worry over comms masts was over but maybe they’re not erecting as many as they once did plus some consolidation of operators and better mast sharing have had an impact. Christ knows the O2 signal s $hite in too many very well populated areas.

    Free Member

    Will Hutton article

    in todays Observer. well known liberal / left of centre thinker like what he is

    Free Member

    Demographics is not the problem for Germany. you can let people into work and not give them citizenship and all the rights that go with it. That way its easier to prevent excess demand for housing, abuse of benefits, cultural integration and so on. Sadly (because it appears to have been well intentioned) the Germans have messed up big time. The Hungarians and Australians are the only countries really thinking straight on this issue.

    Free Member

    I cant believe people are saying it didn’t happen and its just racism.

    it obviously did (too many unconnected witnesses) and what did they expect when hey let in a million manly young, unattached, men. from a culture that is pretty misogynistic compared to northern Europe.

    Sadly Germany’s generosity will cost it a lot. Paying Lebanon and Turkey (for example) to look after refugees would be much better.

    Free Member

    cheers all. that’s really helpful and yes Oudeanaade is booked up.

    Free Member

    if it really is two separate but effectively touching walls then it may not be a PW but there is nothing wrong with party wall agreements despite their bad press. keeps everything fair, reduces disputes and in event of dispute gives proper, independent way to resolve it. I’ve just done my attic and neighbours demanded one.
    just talk to a sensible building surveyor who is experienced in PWAs.

    Free Member

    roadie SPDs are a nightmare if you have to clip in very much – really dangerous I would say / IME. Because one sided and the hooking in is a bit more involved than just rubbing your sole on a MTB SPD. Then there is the walking about and to cap it off you will wear through roadie cleats really quickly and have to replace quite often. They protrude from the sole so get worn v quickly.

    Free Member

    both the above but also likely to be that the bars are either too low for you period or you need to stretch / adapt to that position. high bars look cack but are more comfortable.

    Free Member

    I still think that this is trade tarrifs by the backdoor. same as the yanks have ill treated BP, Standard Chartered, HSBC and loads of other non US companies for breaching their shitty unilateral sanctions and what not. they do it as revenge for the EU picking up Microsoft and google etc for their supposed anti competitive behaviour.

    what would you rather a VW or a Chrysler? US cars are utter cack. too many state lawyers on ego trips.

    Free Member

    When selling my house this year it turned out that I should have got building control approval for the roof I replaced. after a few weeks of being stubborn I got the buyers to pay the cost of indemnity.

    I also needed a fensa cert for replacement windows and I won that argument as well.

    Small sums but really lawyers need to be told! Jobsworths.

    Free Member

    IIRC the 4 year rule only applies to dwellings and this is a workshop, very much ancillary to the dwelling. For a non dwelling the rule is 10 years. Its reduced to 4 years for housing to prevent people being made homeless after 9 years that was deemed to be hardship.

    on the other hand the planners will waive through anything these days, especially if it exists already. Get some indemnity off the vendors and go for it.

    Free Member

    Graeme, stop showing off! I’ll be there with you and Mike but have booked transport back home.

    Free Member

    Sounds bonkers doesn’t it?

    Could be worse though. I have just had to start paying my own insurance after 6 years and because I have had 3 speeding fines in the last five years I am almost uninsurable despite 20 years NCB and no bans, accidents, arrests etc. I’ve ended up paying £650 TPF&T plus a £600 excess, all for an £8,000 car. Hopefully that will teach me.

    Free Member

    I just don’t like the thought that the majority of people don’t give a shit about others.

    Of course it’s not true, that’s the frustrating part. Most ‘ordinary’ people are left leaning, but somehow they get duped to vote for the party that ends up benefiting the rich few.

    You could say its shows that most people aren’t daft and know (however much it frustrates them) that money has to be earned, bills have to be paid and that we only get out what we put in. Gordon Brown spending sprees are only fun while they last and the hangovers are long and painful. There are still too many people in this country that think the world owes them a living. They now have another five years to wake up.

    Free Member

    If the kennels are any good the pup will be fine. I shouldn’t worry. But I wouldn’t take the kids to the kennels either!

    Free Member

    On the other hand, Company B could have been instructed to “Go find me houses that have x, y, and zed characteristics” and yours fits the bill. I’ve done this with both estate agents and car dealers where I’ve found one I trust. The estate agents will look at properties on their own books first, but then go out to the market to see what there is.

    Fair enough but in that case the Agent B is acting for the buyer and should be paid by the buyer. B’s duty of care (an odd concept for most estate agents i know) is to the buyer and not you – the seller.

    Agent B is bored and trying it on. This sort of thing is quite normal in big commercial deals but not resi. Really you should just tell B to sod off and wait for the applicant to spot it in A’s website / window.

    Or…. tell B to get his fee from A – agents splitting their fee to get a result but you shouldn’t pay any extra and you should be wary of who B is really acting for.

    Free Member

    The last three posts are correct. Loads of nice care homes out there where she will be appreciated and treated properly. Never worth the stress of continuing with current role. Use her Union to stop her being slagged off by the employer.

    Free Member

    A lot of people I know think the BBC has gone way over the top in recent months (couple of years) in trying to glam up / sex up the weather. Admittedly, we are all of an age but they making a huge fuss about stuff that really isn’t that major or important or dangerous or even newsworthy.

    Last week was even worse, getting massively excited about a top 5 snow storm in New York. Who gives a $hit what happen in US?

    Free Member

    not a very good camera angle but i dont think the rider was any worse than a bit naive to go down the inside when there is a side road on the left but i don’t think the van was indicating.

    he should do a few ’00 hours community service, compensate the rider and not be allowed to drive until he has passed his full cycling proficiency test. and a 6 month driving ban.

    The only thing i would say is ‘essex’.

    Free Member

    7,300 kms, 30% commute, 30% mtb and 40% road bike.

    90,000 metres climbing

    365 hours moving

    400 odd activities due to regular but short commute. need to break 8,000 k this year.

    Free Member

    I’ve managed 2 houses in E London for last 3 years that owned by a friend living abroad.

    BTLs only better than a pension if you get house price inflation. so far so good but be warned. the tax benefits of pensions are pretty impressive.

    Try to avoid paying a managing agent – that 10% wipes out half your income profit and they wont do a very good job.

    Treat all tenants as customers (not serfs) and don’t go for the last penny of rent etc. happy tenants = less hassle, damage and voids.

    I went 6 months this year without a phone call but the last 3 months was new windows in one house, new bath taps, replacement shower screen, change of locks, party wall agreement for neighbour’s loft and a few other odds and ends.

    And obviously, be patient.

    Free Member

    Denim jeans. what wrong with corduroys?

    Rock ‘n’ roll. ditto country music?

    Free Member

    One day, there will be a proper debate on Europe.

    ! very much doubt that.

    Personally I think the EU is good thing (basically preventing Euro War and standing up to the Yanks and Asians) but of course we can negotiate to make it better. You can negotiate on anything. Of course EU would miss us (and vice versa, see above) but that wont be necessary because they will give us what we largely want. Move on.

    Free Member

    what re-assuring answers from STW. Its particularly annoying the John Lewis / Waitrose is so keen on the idea. Is JLP really any better than the other mega retailers? Maybe they’re heading for a Tesco like fall as well.

    Free Member

    Amazing! I never thought there might be another RICS person on STW as I got the impression everyone was a northern ITist or engineer.

    I should just blag it and I’m sure most of us do. RICS really is so pants its untrue.

    Maybe we could form a group and go for a ride and self certify it as a big CPD gig.

    Free Member

    You may be run down without realising it. Go to the Doc and have a blood test for iron, hemoglobin, red and white blood cells and haematacrit. I’m in this situation as a result of too much hard work and er.. riding over the summer and at my age the body eventually gets fed up. Result = lethargy, lack of enthusiasm, no feeling of power when peddling and so on. Answer – rest, better diet etc.

    Free Member

    I took on the management of 2 houses that my sister owns as she was fed up with poor agents. its OK because i live near both houses and i have flexi hours so can take time off to attend with tradesmen as and when. Its really common sense (as you imply I think) – don’t try to rip off or over charge or ill treat your tenants in any way and they will repay you with decent behaviour – well its been like that for 2 years now. Lodge deposits with DPS – v easy and free, get to know some decent tradesfolk and thats about it. i go months without a phone call sometimes.

    Free Member

    This is one of my favourite grumpy old man topics. Pedestrians drive me nuts and I would be happy to donate several £’00 to fund a civil case against the pedestrian. Peds need to wake up to their responsibilities just like motorists and cyclists; i.e. not step into the road without looking etc. If the ped is wearing any form of headphone then death penalty should be mandatory. Just wait until I am Global President of Road Traffic Regulations.

    Free Member

    Fundsmith ISA. see their website. works for me.

    Free Member

    Henley would be an alternative to Pangbourne. Same train connections and direct access to Chilterns. Maybe more expensive but better pubs. Goring, one stop west of Pangbourne is another. Definitely no need to put up with Reading if you’re happy getting the train for 10 minutes.

    Free Member

    Personally I have hated Tesco with a vengeance for over a decade due to their evident joy at destroying and ill treating suppliers. And the land banking issue as well. In both respects they are worse than any other supermarket apart from maybe ASDA. Terry Leahy has a lot to answer for and deserves a lot of ill fortune.

    Free Member

    We did October half term and weather was sunny but quite cold. If that matters.

    We flew BA direct Terminal 5 – Denver and was a v good service. as others say, less chance to lose bikes and if BA not on strike service is good and T5 is a joy. (if you’re a southerner).

    Fruita is well worth a day or maybe 2.

    Its good – Go!

    Free Member

    I dont think Wiggo is confirmed yet. No doubt he will flounce off at the last minute and let everyone down, well his team anyway. Should be biggest ever ToB as has higher status that before and as a result has longer, touger stages. The routes all seem a bit southern I thought but works for me. :lol:

    Free Member

    Key points for a repo / insolvency deal is that it should be ‘cheap’ because you will not get any of the usual solicitors enquiries answered so have to take a view on everything that normally the vendors would tell you, often there is disrepair (as others have said), there may well be extensions or works done without planning or building regs approval, you have to be a cash buyer and you have to move fast. Banks etc typically have huge amounts of this stuff to shift and want it gone asap so asking questions, (even if well intentioned and reasonable by normal criteria) just pi$$ them off.
    And thats why you need that discount.

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