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  • is a scam website
  • Helios
    Free Member

    Having had proper flu I agree with what is written up there ^

    I couldn’t stand up for 2 weeks… Sounds like you’ve got a nasty cold… Have a rest and watch some crap TV…

    Free Member

    Ikea is your friend with a budget of £500

    Free Member

    Redwings are cool – I’m still hoping for a glimpse of some Waxwings this winter…

    From my office window at the moment I get a load of long-tailed, great and blue tits all feeding in a flock together (long-tailed are my favourite – like a ball of fluff on a stick), there is a wren that lives in the hedge, a frequent robin and the occasional green woodpecker as well as assorted woodpigeons, blackbirds and thrushes. Have also had woodcock and snipe in the field.

    Free Member

    Only if you’ve watched too much Hitchcock

    Free Member

    You’re right – my paraphrasing from memory lost a little in translation – however trying to claim that non-lethal methods would have been impractical/ineffective without having actually tried them is a pretty huge leap.

    And that doesn’t change the fact that the birds are unlikely to be a threat to public health – so the general license wouldn’t apply anyway…

    Free Member

    Zulu – only where there is a risk to public health and where non-lethal control methods have previously failed. A few seaguls being annoying on the chimney doesn’t constitute a threat to public health – so the general licenses don’t apply.

    Free Member

    It’s illegal to shoot wild birds in this country* – unless you have a license. The licenses are normally only granted if public health is at risk or birds are causing serious damage to crops.

    *Obviously I’m not talking about game birds here…

    Free Member

    marky-p – Member

    the strange thing is that the cheaper stuff from b&q etc, isnt suitable for new builds.

    I was under the impression that you’re just not allowed to use it in new build because it has been subsidised and the point of the subsidy is for it to go to older properties.

    Free Member

    allthegear: I was right there with you – saw the video – thought it was just a fun fake on a friday morning…

    Then downloaded the app..

    Now reversing every printed word I can get my mittens on… I’m very close to breaking my cheap-ass “nothing over 59p” rule on App downloads to get the translator

    Free Member

    If your proven innocent you could always ask to have your record removed.

    I shouldn’t have to either:
    a) be “proven” innocent for a record to be deleted – as the burden of proof goes the other way.
    b) ask for it to be removed. It should be removed unless I ask for it to stay.

    What’s the phrase, ‘the innocent have nothing to fear from the Law…’

    Yep – cos there are never miscarriages of justice in this country… And it misses again the point of burden of proof – You shouldn’t even have to use that defence that I don’t need to fear the law if I’m innocent – because I should never be put in the position in the first place.

    Free Member

    I’m so jealous – our woodburner can’t be installed until the end of January. Is it bad that I’m hoping February and March will be freezing so I can have it on all the time?

    Free Member


    How do you find the Little Wenlock?

    I’m looking at getting one fitted but I keep hearing different things from installers – Some say you need 225mm of hearth in front and some say 300mm – anyone got similar experience? Our hearth is only 690 front to back so I’m concerned about building regs

    Free Member

    If you drive in the day you can just write it on something as long as it's legible and the right size… You need a proper shiney reflecty number plate at night…

    Free Member

    Yeah, I just bet Obama can't wait to get Imadinnerjacket over for lunch.

    Coffee/monitor interface for Imadinnerjacket.. magic..

    Not exactly the same tho… Given that RSA and Liberia weren't huge-intergalactic-nuclear-shooty enemies at this point…

    Pretty strange that one of em would give uncut diamonds to a model for no apparent reason in a desperate bid for sex though, espcially in the middle of the night!

    Fixed that for you…

    Free Member

    Setting aside that I don't agree it is just grandstanding – I'd have no problem if it was… as someone just pointed out – all of a sudden people are aware that Charles Taylor is on trial… Which is a good thing… I'd be willing to bet my left nut that over half the population of this country couldn't tell you who he is, what he did, nor point at Liberia on a map of Liberia until that ridiculous stick-creature got involved…

    And as for Mandela hosting a dinner with him in attendance – you've got to slightly understand the politics of Africa – I read something a few years ago that had Robert Mugabe down as one of the most popular Africans of all time because he was viewed as a hero. The point being that the perception of people whop have become used to long and bloody conflicts is different to our own.

    Taylor in 1997 had just been elected leader of the country – the dinner wasn't in his honour – and it isn't that strange that one president would invite another to dinner…

    Free Member

    At some point idiots like you will stop using "retarded" as a synonym for idiotic.

    Free Member

    Why not more random breathalyser? Because I don't believe in a presumption of guilt. I don't drink and drive – so why should the police be pulling me over to check without a decent reason?

    Bike crime is a big problem round here . Would you support police stopping all cyclists at random and making them prove they haven't stolen it? What about getting people to turn out their pockets as they walk along to make sure they aren't a burglar and don't have any stolen property? What about random sampling of all the DNA of all men to make sure they aren't rapists? Repeat ad nauseum…

    And no… Before someone asks… I don't read the Daily Wail… I just think a general presumption of guilt is not acceptable in a civilised society…

    I've no problem with a policeman pulling me over if he thinks I might have been drinking and I'd have no issue with then being asked to take a breath test… But breath tests at random with no cause? No way.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    If you are serious about reducing road casualties then much could be done
    mandatory retesting every 5 years – done in some countries – OK… I can cope with that
    Much harder driving tests including motorway driving – Yep again… no real problem there
    Random breathalyser stops.Absolutely no way in hell
    Much tougher enforcement of driving laws – Back to being OK again

    Free Member

    i wasn't expecting to get grief a relatively mild ribbing thats all.

    Fixed that for you… 😉

    Free Member

    Sorry i was out on my bike rather than queuing for an iPhone or checking my Farcebook status.

    Yet you're happy enough posting on an internet forum 4 times in 15 minutes…

    Free Member

    Did someone say "Pie"?

    Gives me an excuse to post this again:

    Pork Pies are Real Pies…

    Free Member

    headfirst: That might make your life quite "Rosey"

    Free Member

    never if I was you!!
    they know what's in there now, so may well be back with bigger and better tools!!!

    That's exactly what I'm worried about… They can't have been the smartest of cats or they'd have managed it in one night… But that doesn't mean they're too stupid to find a screwfix catalogue…

    same as before i never keep my bike outside

    Four bikes, first floor flat with no space to store them inside apart from the kitchen… So: Lovely for you… But not practial for me…

    Free Member

    Hmmm… A thread we are asked to ignore…

    I seem to recall someone recently asked for their thread, which asked a question which some people might consider stupid, to slip quietly from the front page…

    Can't remember how that went…

    Free Member

    Steer clear of Shoosmiths for your conveyancing… They are totally incompetent…

    Free Member

    Wow Mr. Jeremy… It must be really inconvenient to be ill-informed, incorrect and ignorant… I'd imagine that makes someone pretty irritable…

    Free Member

    Oh the postman who delivers to my house is alright (although he was 5 hours late today)… It's the consistent inability of "first class post" to actually include first class service… Even things posted first class in the same city get here 2 days later sometimes… Grrr…

    Free Member

    Mmmmmm… I've never yet seen a carbon bike I like the look of… But that is actually one fantastic looking bike…

    Free Member

    +1 Royal Fail are ruuuubbish… Where's my Birthday present eh?

    Free Member

    Blimey… TWO people beat me to posting about IKB…

    When did STW get culture? There wasn't any round here last time I looked…

    Edit: My personal favourite bit about Yves Klein was that he used to daub naked female models with his blue paint and then have them dragged around a canvas to music… Genius…

    Free Member

    My fiance ordered my birthday present from them monday – it still isn't here… Although I'm mostly blaming Royal Fail for that one…

    Free Member

    Legin: Right of way isn't the same thing as a public place… If this was on someone's property (like it sounds) then that doesn't apply…

    Free Member

    I went travelling with two mates for a few months, usually staying in one hotel room to keep costs down. Two of us headed to the bar, the other one hung about to "have a shower" and said he'd come and meet us in a bit…

    I forgot something, went back to the room.

    Frosted glass door panel plus brightly lit hotel room plus dark corridor equals full on silhouette of him cranking one out sat on the end of the bed…

    He was a tad shocked when I knocked on the door… I think I may have ruined his rhythm…

    Free Member

    twinklydave – Member

    Hands up if you've ever bought zip ties in a certain colour to match your bike…

    raises hand

    (currently only 5 on the race bike)

    Hands up if you were a telecoms engineer over 5 years ago and have so many cable ties still kicking around the place you'll probably never need to buy any…

    Rasies hand

    Free Member

    I hate to say it… but I agree with Ton…

    (Does that make me a bad person?)

    PiePiePiePiePiePiePiePiePiePiePiePiePiePiePiePiePie and Baggies

    Free Member

    Yee we can do humour only with an erroneous sense of moral superiority

    Fixed that for you…

    Free Member

    Goog… The irony of you calling someone immature after your response to them was "prick" is superb… Thanks, I'll be chuckling at you that for a while…

    Free Member

    You have to be nice to Bumblebees… They are wicked… Bzzzz…

    As someone noted up there ^ the really big ones are the queens looking for nests…

    The friendly people at the Bumblebee Conservation Trust[/url] have some advice on being nice to them…

    Free Member

    The book is seriously worth it… And +1 for the Chilli… It has made me los of friends…

    Thanks for all the nice comments everyone… I'm all a-flutter…

    Free Member

    Except for the closer to £100 than £300 bit would fit nicely with a Lightwave… I have a T2 Trek XT which was about £315ish when i bought it… Is very spacious inside especially with the porch… Also nice and light…

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