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  • Helios
    Free Member

    He is by far the most annoying person on TV for me – the second the worthless drawling self-important smug git appears I have to change channel. That voice just grates… *shudder*

    Free Member

    Wow – I’ve just seen this thread. The OP is absolutely right.

    Thank god Africa has famine – otherwise the world really would be overrun with these nasty people breeding too fast with more children they can afford and the land can cope with. Irresponsible I call it.

    I tell you what though, we need a plan B just in case the famine doesn’t work: How about we nip over there and shoot all the kids born in even years in the head. That’ll learn ’em.

    Free Member

    If you didn’t sign then it isn’t your contract. I’d leave it alone and if you decide to quit and only give your original 1 month’s notice there’s nothing* they can do about it.

    *this is not true – but there’s nothing easy/cheap they can do about it

    Free Member

    jam bo – Member

    I’ve yet to find somewhere in the world you can’t use US dollars.

    Ummm… Almost everywhere?

    You can *change* US dollars all over the place, but you can’t use them to pay for stuff. When was the last time you walked into your local corner shop and handed over a 5 dollar bill to buy your newspaper?

    I’d recommend buying Ugandan Shillings – if you buy dollars here, then change them in Uganda you’ll be screwed by the exchange rate and commission twice – total waste of money. Admittedly I used to keep a handy few dollars in case I had to pay “fees” at the airport when I lived in Tanzania, but otherwise local currency is the way to go.

    And if you’re desperate to carry some western currency, in East Africa GBP is just as good as US dollars…

    Free Member

    well Rupert Murdoch got Cameron in power of course he expects his payment
    bskyb profits massively up today
    I’m glad i never pay a penny to his tv or his papers , sadly a lot of people do

    You know that their profits are DOWN today right? By 15%… Down, as in, the opposite of up…

    Free Member

    Low Wray seconded – we spent a week there right by the lake… You have to pay a little bit extra to be by the shore but it is well worth it.

    Free Member

    Crikey… Are we still talking about this?

    Since this thread started I have:
    Bought my first house
    Married my wife
    Changed my job
    Eaten a lot of celery
    Still not seen a real life magic cat…

    Free Member

    On that topic – I’d appreciate the STW wisdom on the correct lane to use if you want to go towards Ely according to the below road sign…


    Free Member

    Ahhh… I thought you meant there was a plane landing backwards or something… It is all a little bit rubbish with them conveniently running into each other and ending up in some magical land of ISO containers where they can run about while planes land… The rest of it is good… (except maybe where they sit and have a nice coffee and a chat…)

    Free Member

    DezB – Member

    The end of Heat.

    Having not watched it for a few years – I’m trying to work out what’s wrong with it?

    Free Member

    they don’t automatically know best about everything to do with their offspring just because it fell from between their legs.

    convert wins the coffee/keyboard interface award for most salient point made with comedy effect…

    Free Member

    He can’t change the rent for the 1st year of a lease. So you’ve no worry with him going for a price hike for the next 6 months anyway… But signing a new 6 month agreement would give you another full 12 month’s protection against higher rent… So there is a small up-side for you…

    Free Member

    I’m all about Fjallraven[/url] myself… Really well made and comfy – but get the right pair – try a few until you find a fit that you like

    Free Member

    When we bought the sellers used online conveyance outfit based near Luton. They were utterly incompetent. It meant our sale took over 5 months because they were too stupid to cope with a boundary issue. We nearly walked away from the sale because of it. The only thing that kept us in was that our solicitor was excellent and did most of their work for them. I wouldn’t touch online monkeys with a barge pole… We negotiated down the house price as a result so it was false economy for the sellers.

    Free Member

    I go whenever I can, but work travel scuppers me for months on end sometimes due to risk I might give people malaria… joy…

    a) next day you will be out of breath but it passes pretty quick
    b) never noticed a difference – but I feel a full scientific study might now be in order
    c) you’ll feel the effects faster, I usually just wait a day for a beer – but I’ve had a few straight after donating before and not really suffered too badly as a result

    I suggest you drink lots of water all day before…

    Free Member

    I also totally disagree that you “only need 3 days” – having lived in Tanzania for a few years… And if you’re only seeing Zebra’s then you’re missing a hell of a lot of Africa…

    I’d recommend these guys: Hoopoe Safaris They are mostly based in Tanzania these days, but Peter who runs it is one of the most knowledgeable people you’ll meet in East Africa when it comes to wildlife – so all his guides are excellent… I went with them around Tanzania on a bespoke trip when my folks came to visit – absolutely excellent and well worth paying extra compared to running round Nairoberry trying to get a “good” deal.

    Free Member

    +1 for no problems at all – I love the new one running on 64bit Win7…

    Free Member

    Utter drivel… Find a new jeweller…

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    But is any city any different?

    Yes. Cardiff traffic is trivial compared to London.

    Pah! I live in Ely, there is probably more traffic on the road in Cardiff at 3am on Christmas morning than we get in a week…

    Free Member

    TN: It’s my first time growing veggies too – and I’ve also got quite a lot going on and am wondering if it’ll be too ambitious. The way I see it things that fail will teach me lessons for next year – so the more failures the more I’ll learn, the more successes the more I’ll eat – either way I win (sort of)

    I cheated and picked up some toms and peppers as plugs this weekend – now all planted up in my little grow house.

    Free Member

    We got very overexcited about our newly built veg bed and started out some seeds indoors back in february – they all went a bit too leggy but are now starting to thrive having been planted out under polythene…

    Either way I’m going to be lettuce’d up the eye balls – but my current favourites are the peas and the pak choi which look amazing so far…

    Free Member

    We got ours fitted with double walled flue liner, all the internal gubbins and chimney shenanigans and microfil backfil in the chimney for £1900 a few months ago. The stove was about £550. Around Cambridge though which makes prices a bit over inflated.

    Free Member

    simonralli2 – Member

    I feel grumpy – what Nationality is that ?

    Strictly speaking, surely Dwarfish and not Snow White?

    I think you are missing the humorous pun or play on words based on “feel” meaning either to experience a sensation, or (more amusingly) to grope…


    (personally I spat coffee when I read it…)

    Free Member

    Jamie – what phone, message, mail, internet and music apps are those in your iphone tray? Or is that how the usual ones look in iphone4?

    Free Member

    Ahhh Santander – useless bunch of &%*$ers that they are…

    They owe me £100 – I ring them every wednesday to remind them that they owe me £100 – and every wednesday they appologise, then confirm that it is now all sorted out, and that the money they owe me will be in my account in 3-5 working days.

    This has been going on for almost 2 months – if it goes on much more I’m going to have to put it in my calendar to block out the 30+ minutes it takes to deal with them everytime.

    It is sad really – I know almost look forward to it every tuesday evening…

    I’ll miss them when I get my money back and can finally close my account…

    Free Member

    Seriously? This is the sort of thing you choose to get worked up about? We pay 69p each per year for the royal family – but the fact that we can’t afford everything we want to lay our grubby hands on is all their fault?

    I’m probably going to spend the day sorting out my garden, might go for a cheeky ride, or head to the pub with a few friends. If I’m around the house I may flick the telly on to see a little bit of history happen*. If I do watch any of it, I’ll probably be reminded of my own wedding day, remember how much I enjoyed that, and think that the two of them are likely to be enjoying their wedding day too.

    *after all, history is all about kings and queens and stuff…

    Free Member

    Ooo… While plant people are here… I’ve got some seedlings starting off on my kitchen window sill – they are just beginning to germinate – but one of the lettuce seedlings has fallen over. Does that mean I’m not watering enough? And will it perk up again if i pay it a bit more attention?

    Free Member

    grumm – Member

    Actually, in true Tory style they’ve outsourced it to a large American arms manufacturer

    Also under the American Patriot Act are apparently obliged to share any information they possess with the US government. So watch what you say!

    Drivel… Lockheed Martin are providing the computer system not collecting the data – none of the data goes anywhere near them… So all the information you give will be safe in the hands of your own government…

    Free Member

    Strange… I’ve got tektro shorty vs on mine with no problems…

    Fitting mudguards on the other hand = #*&%@X£

    Free Member

    Saw that this morning too… Didn’t make me chuckle as much as the Racist Nan one…

    Free Member

    I’m sure its entirely unconnected with this:

    Hey ho!

    Today’s Headline:

    Tories nice to Capitalists Shock!

    circa late nineties Headline:

    Labour nice to Unions Shock!

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    “According to al-Husseini, the crux of the issue is twofold. First, it is possible that Saudi reserves are not as bountiful as sometimes described..”

    I can’t believe no-one has picked up on the most offensive part of that quote:

    A crux cannot be twofold… Pleb…

    Free Member

    Completely agree with DONK… It all started with crackberries – iPhones just mean that now instead of Mr. Suit ignoring his wife and doing e-mail at the table you’ve got Mr. I’m-too-edgy-to-wear-a-suit peeing about with his iPhone to post something really interesting on Faceplant/Twit-ter about his napkin rings*

    *This is not intended as a euphemism – but…

    Free Member

    Probably shouldn’t complain – last year I got married, bought a house and moved to a (slightly) better paid job. I’m also drinking less since Christmas which has always been a bit tricky for me.


    I hate my new job – my boss is either a bully, hates me, or is completely unthinking when it comes to our interactions. It makes my work life awful and I go home demoralised and depressed every day.
    (There is another possibility which is that I deserve it, need to improve significantly, buck my ideas up and generally stop being too sensitive and MTFU)

    edit: Oh and MrsHelios just got a promotion and is starting to like her job again – which is a serious positive

    Free Member

    Water meters only have benefit and that is for the water companies to find leaks easier at your expense.

    Rubbish – water meters make water companies find and fix leaks at other people’s expense

    We went from having a meter at our old place to being on standing charge at our new house – I swapped back to a meter as fast as I possibly could

    Free Member

    Do tapirs eat celery?

    Free Member

    philconsequence – Member

    oh oh oh…. swap the keyboard leads around so what he types appears on your screen and visa versa… then type him a message

    Magic!… I can make him think his computer is talking to him…

    “Nigel. This is your computer speaking. I’m going to kill you in your sleep Nigel. Don’t close your eyes tonight Nigel, or I will get you. Now get up. Walk away. And never come back. Oh. Before you go. Make the guy next to you a cup of coffee. He looks like he needs it. Get him a biscuit whilst you’re at it. There’s a good man. Don’t forget I’m coming to kill you though. Just after you’ve made the coffee. Bye Bye Nigel.”

    Free Member

    Ta muchly thepurist – that means i’ve got a few weekends to get my raised beds made. If I’m buying topsoil to fill the beds with do I need to worry about organic matter n’ stuff as well?

    Spuds, peas and carrots here I come… (said in a Forrest Gump accent)

    Free Member

    Having managed to buy a house I now have my first ever garden to play with. It is currently a blank canvas of gravel and concrete in which I intend to build some raised beds over the comming weekends.

    So my question: What veggies to start with and when can I start planting in earnest?

    Free Member

    Another happy HSBC-er here – we took ages to actually complete because the people we bought from lacked the basic cognitive ability of a piece of celery. HSBC very understanding and very helpful throughout the process.

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