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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • Helios
    Free Member

    Egg in the middle? It's 20cm across… The egg'd get lost…

    (unless I put an Ostrich egg in… that could be amazing!)

    How does that work anyway? I assume you have to cook the egg first them pack the meat around it… but doesn't the egg get massively overcooked?

    I haven't eaten *all* of it (only half…)

    Free Member

    grtdkad – Member

    I've been doing a week every 10-14 days as a result of distractions etc – no rush, but I can definitely do more now than when I started.
    I'll put out the flags when my better half spots any difference…

    Mine did the other day… and I'm only on week 4… But having said that I'm built like an anorexic pipe cleaner that has just suffered from a nasty bout of dysentry after a month-long fast… So improvements are fairly obvious…

    Free Member

    BigButSlimmerBloke – Member

    Hugh Fearnly Whittingstall's River Cottage Meat Book

    Now, not being familiar with this book, can i assume the pie was quite a lot of time, a fair amount of work and totally worth the effort (ie as good as the pics suggest)?

    I was actually surprised at how simple it was… Don't get me wrong it took a while to do (I started the stock at 11 and probably finished the whole thing at about 3 – much of which was admittedly waiting round for various stages to be ready)

    It was also quite a bit of effort (chopping up the pork shoulder to little 5mm cubes for example)… But it was actually straight forward… Nothing was too technical which meant I could just merrily work away with the radio on…

    It was absolutely worth the effort… Omm Nomm Nommm…

    Free Member

    woody2000 – Member

    Please tell me you haven't spoilt that lovely pie with Branston?

    Sorry Woody – but that's the only pickle I had… And I don't consider it shameful… part of my Burton-upon-Trent heritage is Branston…

    Free Member

    Pook – Member

    can we see the innards please?

    Rusty Spanner – Member

    With, you know, sauce on……

    Like this you mean?

    Recipe is courtesy of Mr. Hugh Fearnly Whittingstall's River Cottage Meat Book… But I don't have it electronically…

    Free Member

    njee20 – Member

    Which Parkway station though?

    Aylesbury Vale?
    Southampton Airport?

    I feel the information is inadequate.

    Agree – there are 18 "Parkway" stations on the GB network – which one are you talking about? There may even have been as many as 18* different Lycra Clad twits this morning…

    *my guess is that this is a massive underestimate

    Free Member

    What an anti-climax… There were no Magic Cats or anything…

    Free Member

    How could it ever be an anti-climax? Magic Cats are never an anti-climax…

    Free Member

    bakes – Member

    I would love it if the mods killed this thread before 1000

    If they tried the Magic Cat would come and get them…

    Their punishment would almost certainly involve Celery…

    Or being forced to participate in a Clown Race

    Free Member

    That might be the Cheshire Cat… But this is the Chesire Cheese

    I wonder if they have a Cat?

    (And if it is Magic)

    Free Member

    Dickyboy – Member

    Jeez can't you guys keep on topic for one minute?

    What do you mean "on topic" how is talking about the impact Magic Cats riding bikes have on headsets (and their respective crown races) not on topic?

    What could be more appropriate for the topic?

    Are you trying to tell me Magic Cats have nothing to do with crown races?

    Free Member

    ginsterdrz – Member

    My contribution to edge this thread toward the magic 1000.

    I don't really like cats because they can't ride bikes.

    Cats can't ride bikes – you are correct… However clearly you've never met a Magic Cat… They can not only ride bikes… But they can do so in their Celery Pyramids…

    Free Member

    Excellent – that'll be on my list of one of the first things to plant then… Omn Nomm Nomm!

    Free Member

    mrmichaelwright – Member

    Perpetual Spinach,

    Wow! What is Perpetual Spinach? Is it sersiouly perpetual? I'm hopefully about to buy my first house with the opportunity to start growing some veggies – and I love spinach (even more than I love celery)

    Please tell me that it is a real thing which genuinely keeps going and going? That thought might actually make my day!

    Free Member

    dave360 – Member

    "workable plans for how to assure base load on the national grid as the country reaches brown out"

    I don't know what that means, but isn't running the national grid National Grid's job?

    Operating the infrastructure is National Grid's job – but energy policy, where and when we build and decommission new capacity is down to government…

    "brown out" is where you've got too much demand and not enough supply (ie you decided nuclear was nasty and turned them all off but didn't build reliable replacements) and have to ration electricity or shut down bits of the grid altogether… Speaking from experience of living in a country where it happens all the time this is not something you want to have to put up with…

    Free Member

    In Cambridge I can see some cherry blossom which is obscuring my winter view of the building opposite…

    Free Member

    Speaking of which…

    Free Member

    This thread was going fine until some perverts brought Politics into it… It was a Zen-like haven of psychosis and Magic Cats away from the "I take myself waaaaaay too seriously" brigade over in land of self-righteous opinions on other threads… It was my Happy Place of idiotic calm…

    Please can we go back to debating the relative merits of Clown Races and posting pictures of Mr Bump?

    Free Member

    I'm off to Bury St. Edmunds later so I certainly won't be drinking bitter – it's all Greene King… Bleugh….

    Free Member

    No idea what you mean vinnyeh…

    Free Member

    I've got one of the completely undated ones they made by accident… I've heard they're worth about £50 but I've never gotten round to finding out…

    Free Member

    I was thinking about this the other day… Can you search tags somehow? Other than going into a thread where you know the tag is already there and clicking on it? (or just putting the tag you're looking for on any old thread to save time)

    Free Member

    He has been taking an interest in vegetable-based construction of late – even bought a book from which is a suprisingly good resource…

    His latest book is actually about celery towers rather than pyramids, and he rarely uses Stupid Headsets as a construction tool so I'd imagine it isn't my Magic Cat that is bothering you Dirtynap… Perhaps it was his cousin that ruined your celery patch instead…

    Free Member

    Good morning everyone… Has anyone seen my magic cat recently? He went outside last night to cast some spells on my neighbour's celery and hasn't come back…

    Free Member

    Format: Cells: Number: Set decimal places to 2

    Free Member

    On a separate note – £5k sounds tiny… Are you sure it's enough?

    Free Member

    Coyote – Member

    does what come with a crown race

    A stupid headset, stupid.

    You've got it wrong…

    Normal Headsets usually come with a Crown Race (we think)

    Stupid Headsets come with either a Magic Cat or Celery (but we're not sure which)

    Free Member

    Are we going to invite Mackem back for the 1000th post then? I think he deserves the honour of telling us the answer to his question…

    Free Member

    Celery is better than Swede…


    Free Member

    Thanks – have been looking at getting one to extend the front of our tent but anything shaped to cope with wind seems to be really expensive and I was wary of getting a straight edged one in case it just flapped away all night long in the wind…

    Free Member

    [mini-hijack] ebygomm: what sort of tarp did you get – and does it perform well in the wind? [/mini-hijack]

    Free Member

    No no no no… The Celery isn't fighting the Magic Cat – it is being swapped for a Magic Cat (one that doesn't look like Debbie McGee and comes with its own pyramid)…

    It wouldn't really be fair to let Celert fight a Magic Cat… What with the Cat (even a magic one) not having any opposable thumbs…

    Free Member

    Wow… They do sound like impressive big time magic cats… Do they come with their own pyramids?

    I'm going to make sure I don't eat any cheese tonight otherwise flying cats wearing Debbie McGee costumes casting spells to turn geriatrics into tasty dairy products might feature in a few vivid nightmares…


    Free Member

    Just did my initial test and week-one day-one… My recovery regime is currently a nice glass of wine… This could be fun…

    Free Member

    So you've got a 3000 year old Pharoah with some mysterious cats – but are they actually magic cats? If they're just a bit spooky then they're not worth my celery, (and certainly aren't worth Ragu) – but if they can do spells and stuff then they might be ok to swap…

    Free Member

    It is very fresh – and indeed I can swap you not only raw celery but also celery cooked and combined with mushrooms, leeks, carrots, onions and tomatoes to form a vegetarian Ragu…

    Now… How many spells can your magic cat perform?

    Free Member

    Is it easier to:
    a) swap crown races between forks?
    b) swap headsets between frames?
    c) swap celery for a magic cat?

    Free Member

    The sign is the best bit in the Telegraph…

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member

    My last headset came with some jelly babies – is this unusual?

    My handlebars recently came with some sweeties – but it was because the nice shop were apologising for fogetting to post them for a few days…

    Never had a headset show up with sweets though… Maybe all bike components should come with free food?

    Free Member

    Above all I was entertained by the irony Talkemada… However you don't need to use the word to invoke it… The implication was pretty uncalled for…


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