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  • NBD: Cotic Escapade, Sonder Broken Road, Chris King bits, Purple Hayes (slight return)…
  • heihei
    Full Member

    V good hols – no mtb-ing but a load of road riding thru the mountains where you get your buzz from overtaking cars thru hairpin bends!!

    5-Spot went in for some stuff I hate doing (brake bleed, fork service etc)while I was away. Good to rock and roll now tho!

    Am heading out tonight with James around my local patch but from memory it was a bit far for you mid-week. Prob not around tomorrow but will PM you to get together soon.

    Full Member

    I do know a couple of guys who are using them on their DW link Turners. They may be the chaps referenced above – Adam and James.

    Yep that's me!

    Also v impressed with support from Cane Creek. Despite buying mine 2nd hand, Colin in US very happy to provide me with suggestions on starting settings that were bike-specific.

    Oh – and having seen GeeTee ride, he certainly puts his to good effect!

    Full Member

    Check out my post from about a month ago on my observations of fitting a CCDB to a DW Spot and the benefits vs an RP23. In short – very very impressed.

    Full Member

    Dave Weagle and Ibis designed the Mojo around the RP23 so I'd stick with that. Only advantage imho of the DHX is the ability to tune the bottom-out, but as the Mojo doesn't bottom out harshly, not needed.

    Full Member

    DavidM, was it you discussing the old pony track that heads from Glen Barrisdale to Loch Quoich? I had meant to scout it out for you but decided not to stop in Kinlochhourne after all.

    I walked this many years ago with my old man to make a loop from Kinloch Hourn via Barrisdale. The track from memory would be fine on a bike. but swings S at Loch Quoich. To link up with the road required a pathless yomp for a good few km – fine on foot but would be a chuff with a bike.

    Full Member

    hei hei – because I have one

    Full Member

    My lad's middle name is Turner…..after my 5-Spot of course!!

    Full Member

    My next post may be from a&e !!

    Ha ha – there's a ledge on my local loop that you can launch from at various points. I've ridden it loads on my 5-Spot and 456 and done what I thought was quite big. Second time on my Evil I launched it from the highest point I've ever done – when we went back to check it out, I reckon I'd cleared about 12'!!

    Full Member

    Medium frame layback post – 70mm stem for 5'11"

    Full Member

    One last thing, what's it like on the uphill climbs?

    You feel the weight over a lighter hardtail, but aside from that, as SpokesCycles says.

    Full Member

    Ha ha – just noticed the tags!! I hope whoever put them there has actually ridden one. If so, you're welcome to your opinion, just as I am to mine. If not…..

    Full Member

    My usual riding buddy has a Prince Albert – he got the test frame for the new design from Mike via Head for the Hills. We did a ride recently where we took 3 hardtails out: his PA, my Sov, and a Ti 456. Apart from longer climbs, where the 4lb lighter Ti 456 was the pick, the Sov blew them all away. Not that the other 2 are bad bikes – far from it, the PA is a bargain, as is the Ti 456 for a Lynsky-built Ti – but the Sov is just in a different league for putting a smile on your face!
    As for numbers, it's an addiction! The Sov made it 7 (and then there's the road bike)!!!

    Full Member

    Ian – glad you've seen the light – thought you were getting a BFe??

    Full Member

    I bought an 853 one off Ebay recently based off the reviews I'd seen in various mags. It was built up with parts I had lying around (Pikes, RF cranks, and some Crossmax SX wheels borrowed from my 5-Spot) and it came in around 29lbs so not light. I was half-expecting to be disappointed thinking the mags may have over-hyped it, but no – far from it – this is an amazing bike.
    For once, the reviews are spot-on – this is a real hooligan bike. It rarely has both wheels on the ground at the same time, or even pointing in the same direction (it's the first bike I've been able to slide around corners without feeling the need to stick a foot out). I often find that instead of steering to change direction you end up just picking the front wheel up – it is by far the easiest bike to manual I've ever ridden.
    It jumps beautifully – a mate of mine rode it for the first time and rode a set of jumps he'd never had the balls to ride before, even on his full-suss – a great indication of how confidence-inspiring the bike is.
    One review commented that the bike always made you feel you were about to bin it because it encourages you to ride it that way, but you never actually do because it rescues you at the last minute – it's so true!
    If you're getting the impression I like this bike you're right – the only bike I've ridden which comes close to this is a Cove Stiffee, but the Evil is better by quite a margin. The only thing I'm puzzling over is what one would be like in Ti!!

    Full Member

    Definitely yellow – here's mine having been resprayed…..

    Full Member

    Large DW Spot, Float 36's, 09 Crossmax SX, XTR Cranks, 2.2" Rubber Queen UST's, Point One Podiums, Joplin, RP23 – 29.2lbs

    For CCDB with steel spring, add 3/4lb.

    Full Member

    gt – dunno. Let me have your email addy and can then arrange something.

    aldomac – tbh can't remember where I was running the sag. Shock stroke is 1.9" or 48mm. 17mm is therefore 35% sag which is too much for me on XC stuff. The DW link means the bike doesn't sit into it's travel too badly but still seems too much by my way of thinking.

    Full Member

    geetee1972 – assume yours is fitted to the Nicolai? As fellow Surrey Hills riders would be good to hook up some time and swap notes. Saw you were planning to do the ride on 23rd….

    Full Member

    Oh bugger, I didn't want to hear that!

    Toons – given where you ride, and how you set up your Spot, I reckon you'd absolutely love it!!

    Full Member

    Just bought a pair of Point One Podiums and after one ride am very impressed. Tried a set of Canfield Crampons but didn't get on with them. These seem to be the flattest of flats out there (outside of flypapers which I think require different cranks).

    Full Member

    Mine rusted, but tbh 2pure were very good at replacing it. They are also a pain to fit, even with a proper headset press.

    Full Member

    Get the longer rockers then run some 150mm forks – awesome!

    Full Member

    hora – you can buy me that beer!!

    Full Member

    Best way up Cadair Idris is the Cyfrwy Arete I believe.

    Still have brown pants from the descent off the table!! My first experience of leading a graded climb!

    Full Member

    I had a set of CK's with 819's bet felt the rims were too narrow to fit 2.25"+ tyres so replaced them with Flows which give a great profile. Really happy with the wheels – light, strong, can be run tubeless, easily serviceable, both for truing and servicing bearings.

    I also have a set of 08 SX's and 2 sets of 09 SX's and love them. Unlike the Flows, the rims don't need tape for tubeless, and are similar width. I have a set on my freeride bike and seem strong enough to stand a load of abuse but still light enough for xc rides.

    Guess I'm not helping the decision as I'm saying both are great wheelsets. At the margin I'd take the SX's as lighter and don't need tape to run tubeless and look more pimp.

    PS Not much difference between 09 SX and CK in terms of pick-up.

    Full Member

    It is actually somewhat bigger than it looks, although still not "rad" by any means. What is incredibly stupid is that it crosses Crooked Furrow and is highly visible from the main Wolverns Lane track – although judging by their attitude displayed in their videos I'm sure they wouldn't give a flying f***!

    Full Member

    Last time I did a group ride round the Surrey Hills was with the Nicolai boys out of HftH. We started in Dorking and went straight up onto Ranmore. We did manage to cover the Pitch / Holmbury / Leith hotspots but was a big ride. Have done it a couple of times with one or two mates, and it's a 40+ mile jaunt to cover the whole lot, and that misses out the Redlands stuff! Think you're sensible keeping it shorter!

    Full Member

    Got one and like it. Nice and robust due to it's rubbery-ness, and fits on and off loads of different bikes v easily. Can't help thinking it's overpriced though.

    Full Member

    Might be up for it.

    Full Member

    You misread – I wasn't being sarcastic! I meant genuine thanks!

    Oops! Sorry I took it the wrong way!

    I also recognise that, based on what I've read on this forum, you put a lot back into the area for both bikers and the broader users.

    On a related subject, I noted with interest that the Hurtwood Estate are selling some land (approx 120 acres) over on Winterfold. To my knowledge there is only one trail there (the 3 bombholes), but will be interesting to see who buys it and any impact on access.

    Full Member

    Cheers for the cooperation.

    Did any part of my email suggest I wouldn't co-operate? In fact…

    I get the point that there is significant value in having bikers complying with a request to stay off a certain path and in a sensitive area like the Surrey Hills is justification enough to comply.

    I was simply stating the other side of the debate, without which I suspect this thread would have died long ago. I would also respectfully observe that as two people who make a living out of introducing yet more bikers to the area, you have more of a vested interest in this than the rest of us.

    Full Member

    Had a UST Nobby Nic explode of my Rovals whilst it was in the back of my car at the station. Made a right mess!

    Full Member

    Run Float 150's on my Ti 456 and love it – much better than the Pikes previously.

    Full Member

    Oh yes – night riding. Both those paths have houses at the end and I'm sure that the residents don't much appreciate being lit up and disturbed every time a group of night riders come rolling down.

    Unlike cars driving past……

    As I said above, I'm genuinely interested in the background to this. I get the point that there is significant value in having bikers complying with a request to stay off a certain path and in a sensitive area like the Surrey Hills is justification enough to comply. I was simply making a point that this would seem to be a landowner that clearly objects to outdoors users being on their land and is unlikely to change this position based on whether or not a few nightriders stop using the footpaths.

    Above and beyond that, we end up in a discussion about whether or not footpaths are fair game for bikers, which has been done to death so I don't intend to reopen. However, for the sake of disclosure, I assume neither of you use footpaths as part of your guiding?

    Full Member

    I'm intrigued by this and keen to know more of the background. Ordinarily I'm very supportive of requests to restrict usage because as a long-term user of the area I recongise the long-term benefits (note to self – must renew membership of Hurtwood Friends).
    I've never used these particular footpaths but regularly ride other footpaths in the area, using my judgement as to what time of day I'm willing to ride them, and at what speed, based on the likelyhood of coming into conflict with walkers. Whenever I do meet them, I make sure I am polite and give way. There are some footpaths which I wouldn't ride, however, or restrict to nightrides, based on their narrowness which could result in some problems with walkers if met.
    Looking at these footpaths on the map, I'm interested in why the landowner is so concerned / agrieved. It looks to me like they are pretty wide, do not run through ecologically sensitive areas, and are not on particularly steep ground, therefore ruling out the usual issues of risk of accident with walkers, damage to wildlife, and excessive errosion.
    Also from the map, I'm assuming the landowner is the Wotton Estate – an estate which makes very clear that it doesn't want outdoors users anywhere on it's estate judging by it's keen use of "Private" signs.
    Based on this, it would seem this is more a case of "Get orrf my land" – something that's backed up by the observation that it's mainly night-riders that are the issue.
    Don't get me wrong – I'm not an advocate of riding stuff just to upset the landowner, but I'm not convinced that a few nightriders stopping using some broad footpaths will result in the Wotton Estate welcoming bikers with open arms onto it's land and allow us to create stunning bits of singletrack!
    As I say – am keen to know more of the background.

    Full Member

    Have a pair of straitlines and the superstar nano tech (under nukeproof brand). Like both. Superstar / nukeproof way lighter (have the ti versions) and only problem is the paint is starting to peel off.

    I tried crampons but didn't get on with them, I think because they are not concave in shape. Sold them to a mate who loves them. Have a set of podiums on order so will be interested to see how they compare.

    Full Member

    Yep Shackleford nr Godalming. Over the past couple of years we've built up some hidden stuff designed to push us outside of our comfort zone and therefore improve our riding. We usually build something, ride it on the big bikes then progress to riding it on hardtails.

    Full Member

    Ridden MK 2.4" UST and thought it was pants as soon as you showed it a hint of H2O. It was OK elsewhere and quite nice in the loose drifty stuff but as we live in the UK…..

    I have both 2.2" and 2.4" RQs and think they are awesome. The 2.2" come out the same size as 2.4" MKs, and although the UST's aren't Black Chilli they grip nicely in both wet and dry, roll very well, and although not light, they feel pretty perky. The 2.4" USTs are Black Chilli and are just massive. They sit on the freeride bike and that's where they'll live!

    Full Member

    I'd get someone to build me an Evil Sovereign in titanium!

    Full Member

    Just realised that it did damage the tyre – I now have a nice bulge in the tyre and will now face a bill for 2 new front Michelins!

    OK – so not in the same league as the OP, but feel like having a crack at the council on this one. Anyone know of progress on this?

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