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  • is a scam website
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    The Tom Cruise remake of War of the Worlds

    Whereas the Keanu Reeves remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still can suck my ****

    <edit> didn’t expect the swear filter to let that through!

    Free Member

    ‘churlish and disproportionate’

    You’re just coming up against standard motorist entitlement.

    I’m not sure what you can do, other than take a photo if it happens again and send it to the local paper.

    Free Member

    Had the Arabs/Palestinians accepted the 1948 division

    “Hi, We’ve come to live in your house. So if you could all just **** off to live in the airing cupboard, that would be grand.

    What? You reject those terms? How very unreasonable of you.”

    Free Member

    How about this. If a person does not want to be identified as a gender then they can ask (quite reasonably in my view) to be referred to as “ze”.

    For everyone else, as you were.

    Free Member

    I have a soft spot for Hot Tub Time Machine 😀

    Free Member

    Found a [slightly] more reliable source for the story (my bold)

    It’s only a leaflet, not a rule/law.

    That’s the rule, which sounds reasonable to me.

    Free Member

    Are you a student at Oxford? If not then you really don’t need to be outraged about anything.

    If so, then you still don’t need to be outraged about anything. It won’t catch on. Speech cannot be policed in this way.

    Free Member

    The Matrix (see above)
    I Heart Huckabee’s (the only film I’ve ever left before the end)
    Terminator 2,3,4 (or whatever) the original however is a masterpiece 🙂

    Free Member


    Standard fight/flight action flick with a bit of sixth-form-common-room-stoner philosophy thrown in.

    Yeah yeah, all very deep: “What if, like, we think we’re awake, but really, we’re still in a dream, man?” but still ends with a goodies v baddies firefight on skis.

    Free Member

    The bit in Backdoor Sluts VI when the guy turns her over and…

    Free Member

    Evidence, if any were needed, that better education is a requirement in many parts of the world.

    Free Member

    soft glow LED rather than a soft bulb

    Yep I agree!

    Free Member

    GMC guidance here.

    As I understand it, medical professionals (including psychiatrists) have a duty of care to protect the future health and wellbeing of their patients and others. So, for example. if a patient told his psychiatrist he was going to go home and beat his wife, the psychiatrist would be duty bound to inform the police. Likewise, if a child disclosed ongoing sexual abuse, the psychiatrist would be obliged to inform the police. etc.

    However, in a case of historical sexual abuse where the abuse stopped a long time ago, GMC guidelines would not require or recommend that the doctor inform the police. They’re doctors, not detectives.

    Hypothetically, I would wish anyone who had suffered the abuse described in your post the very best of luck and courage, and would hope that the process of healing would bring them lasting peace of mind and happiness.

    Free Member

    That’s beautiful. Good effort mate.

    I would be trying to mask off the light leakages at the back so the only light comes out of the grille, but that’s just a matter of taste.

    Free Member

    Power kite.
    One of those poppies from London.


    Free Member

    You just need a speaker for your smartphone.

    Far more versatile and you’ll never have the firmware issue you encountered with that Domino thing.

    Free Member


    Oh I lusted after that but never got it.

    But I did have 7740 which amply made up for it. Definitely my most loved and played-with toy when I was a kid.

    Free Member

    Currently in lanzorote on holiday ,and the amount of Brits and Germans getting up before it’s properly light just to put their towels over 4 sunloungers and not using them for hours is madness and against hotel rules but as usual no one gives a monkeys about the rules !!

    In a decent hotel the staff will throw the towels in the pool 😀

    Free Member

    Agreed. As a sweeping generalisation I find southerners more open minded, then as you move further north the ‘small town attitude’ creeps in to the point where you feel uncomfortable if you happen to look, act etc bit different.

    Aye. I was talking to a Pakistani taxi driver in London. When I said I was from Yorkshire, he told me about his relatives in Bradford. I asked him if he’d consider moving up there. He said (and I paraphrase a bit – his English wasn’t the best) “no – it’s racist up north. On my street in Ealing, everyone from different backgrounds lives side by side, but up North people of different races are segregated into different parts of town.”

    There’s some truth in that.

    Free Member

    The seller was far politer to you than I would have been.

    YABU 😀

    Free Member

    Some bellend did this to me once.

    He won my bike on eBay, inspected then paid cash, then phoned next day to complain about the condition (even though every defect he’d complained about was declared in my listing).

    I told him to bring it back and I gave him his money back.

    Legally I probably didn’t have to but I just felt like doing it anyway.

    Free Member

    If you perceive that she’s behaving childishly/irrationally after you dumped her, this should probably confirm you were right to dump her.

    Cutting social media ties is actually an excellent idea. Having your phone vibrate every time your ex farts is NOT the way to heal from a breakup 😀

    You can’t control how other people think or behave. Just move on. A fortnight on Tinder and you’ll have forgotten all about her 😀

    Free Member

    YouTube, and here.

    Singletrack practically build my patio for me 😀

    Free Member

    do you live down south?
    that’s where it started

    I’m a Northerer but never got with this “Southerners are rude” stereotype.

    I lived in London for many years and, if anything, found myself more likely to wind up in conversation with a stranger than anywhere else I’ve lived.

    The standard/manner of driving in London is completely insane. But once people are out of their cars, they’re nice again 😀

    Free Member

    On the specific issue of parking, it does seem to have degenerated into a complete free-for-all over the last few years.

    Other than that, I still find most people, of all backgrounds and ages, decent.

    Free Member

    They can sod off to comicon without the £10 I stick in their xmas cards as well.

    That’s the spirit of Christmas 😀

    Free Member

    You don’t seem to think much of your nephews so it doesn’t surprise me that they don’t go out of their way to be polite to you.

    Gifts are not given in the expectation of thanks but of making the recipient happy.

    If someone had bought me a kite when I was 16, I wouldn’t have used it either. 🙂

    Amazon vouchers and the charity subscription would be the way to go I reckon 🙂

    Free Member

    I was in this quandary lately.

    I was fed up with years of “bangernomics” vehicles and wanted something more reliable.

    I disliked the idea of leasing a new car and never really owning it, having mileage restrictions etc.

    So I took out a personal loan of £9k and bought a new Dacia outright.

    All the advantages of a new car, none of the disadvantages of contract hire. But it is a Dacia!

    Free Member

    The post-credit scene: What was the significance, beyond the bot cutting her arm off and taking out a few more guards?

    And why didn’t the guards all just shoot her right in the face instantly?

    Free Member

    Just got myself one of those new fangled network audio players and as well as playing Spotify, iTunes, etc, it can stream approximately 17 billion internet radio stations from across the world.

    Just like every smartphone, tablet or laptop on the planet then. But yeah – go you 😀

    Free Member

    Why? Aren’t they entitled to an opinion? Do you think because they are beautiful they don’t have the intelligence to have a say in the matter?

    Oh don’t be stupid.

    Free Member

    Has anybody ever asked these podium girls what they think?

    This misses the point by a country mile.

    The point is not whether the people who do it enjoy it. The point is that the custom of podium girls contributes to a culture, in sport and in wider society, where men are the heroic “do-ers” and the women’s role is to just stand around looking pretty.

    Podium girls don’t offend me. Nor would I like to see them “banned”. But I’d like the organisers of sporting events to make the free decision to end practices in which women are promoted as “eye candy” in male-dominated fields.

    Free Member

    It’s difficult for white heterosexual men to understand because their main experience of the move towards equality is largely about losing things they used to have.
    If we really want to live in a society based on gender equality (which many people need to admit they don’t) we need to raise up women, perhaps artificially at times. This means that society must be reformed from one that celebrates the sort of attributes intrinsic to podium girls (narrowly defined body image, subservience to men, sexual availability) to one that more widely celebrates the achievements of women across the board.
    But of course, every step towards such a goal will be met with the usual clamour of white heterosexual men dumbfounded as to why such things are such a big deal.
    It’s not about labelling everything as sexist or racist or whatever (and I accept that all the Social Justice Warriors are very guilty of this), it’s about moving towards greater equality, which means moving away from things like podium girls.
    If society was truly equal podium girls would not matter. So no, in isolation, there’s no problem with podium girls, the problem is equality, or the lack thereof.

    Spot on.

    Free Member

    Yep I approve too.

    Free Member

    I have the P9 Lite. Excellent phone, does everything I want, no complaints.

    Free Member

    You two need to talk. No accusations, just honesty about how you’re feeling.

    And get out of the house and do something for yourself. Ride your bike, whatever.

    Good luck chap

    Free Member

    Yeah – internet dating is hard because you find out exactly your worth in the market place! But that in itself is a worthwhile outcome.

    You will have dates. There will be wonderful, interesting, beautiful women. There will be inadequate weirdos. There will be sex. Lots of sex. And you will, sooner or later, find someone you want to make a go of it with.

    Free Member

    just has a core belief that everybody would be alright if they really tried to be.

    Yeah. You see, a belief like that would get right on my tits. Because it is manifestly and objectively not true. And suggests either naivety, an unwillingness to see the world as it is, or a lack of empathy.

    She’s a good hearted person and very kind

    Hmmm… 😉

    Free Member

    No harm in letting potential dates know that you’re a little shy and would they please bear with you.

    Conversation? Ask questions. Then listen. Doesn’t have to be about anything much. Work, what they like to do, where’s the best place they’ve ever been, what would they do with a million pounds, it doesn’t matter.

    Better still, you say you find them interesting. Well ask them about the thing that interests you about them (unless it’s their tits).

    You’re just giving them the opportunity to open up and relax in the company of someone who finds them interesting and cares what they have to say.

    Oh and delete your ex and her circle from your Facebook. Or just delete Facebook.

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