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  • What Sort Of Van Lifer Are You?
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    I sometimes park my van in family spaces, plenty space for it after all

    Yes, yes, you’ve been jumping up and down shouting I AM A **** on this thread for 16 minutes now. We heard you the first time.

    Free Member

    edit: double post

    Free Member

    Just get her what she wants?

    Her priorities are different to yours. You care about good sound, she obviously likes the design of the Dansette.

    I’d just be glad I had a kid who appreciated vinyl 🙂

    Free Member

    There’s nothing illegal about parking in them no matter who you are.

    Most people’s morals operate on a higher level than “is it illegal or not?”

    Free Member

    On the how hard is it that you need a special parking place side of the argument and not calling strangers a prick for making you walk an extra 50m and have to be considerate opening your doors like the rest of us.

    Sorry mate – read it 3 times – still no idea what you’re on about

    Free Member

    Which chisels did you buy ?

    Well Father Christmas might be bringing me a set of these, after seeing them at a considerable discount at the Northern Power Tools and Woodworking Show 🙂

    Free Member

    Just how hard, really? When my two were young most supermarkets didn’t even have these parent and child spaces. Yet we seemed to manage perfectly fine despite having a 3 door Peugeot. Don’t remember it ever being that much of a hasstle!

    Half an hour ago you were saying how you feel entitled to park in these spaces when you have “bulky items”.

    It sounds to me like you view your own needs as important, but tend to minimise or show disdain for the needs of others.

    Free Member

    I bought a nice 2 sided diamond stone in a non slip holder from my local timber yard. £18 and made by Old Faithfull

    Ooh thank you for that – they’re on Amazon.

    Free Member

    But how do we or the OP know? Perhaps his kids were in the store with their mum. Perhaps he has mobility issues or chronic pain but is not yet in receipt of a disability badge. Did the OP ask this before shouting ‘prick’ at him?

    You need to read the OP again, rather than just making stuff up to try and excuse this person’s selfishness:

    …when a youngish guy came out of the supermarket, jumped in his car parked in a family space and started to drive off. I shouldn’t have done it, but I had a bit of a go about him parking in a family space, he wound down his window and we had further words, which resulted in me calling him a prick.

    Free Member

    borderline so far. These things too big to fit in a trolley ?

    Yep – I want to know too 😀

    What do you buy from a supermarket, “plenty of times”, that is so bulky, and you won’t put in your boot, but you feel entitled you to park in a parent/child space for, thus potentially forcing some woman with a baby to struggle to get her child and child seat in and out of her car?

    Because I’ve made thousands of trips to supermarkets and have never, ever faced this crushing dilemma 😀

    Free Member

    I’ve parked in these spaces plenty of times when I’ve had to load something heavy and bulky (that’s not a child) into the side doors meaning that they need to be fully opened.

    We’re still talking about a supermarket, right?

    Free Member

    do I have any grounds for slander

    Oh, do behave.

    Free Member

    do you see it as a two tier society where people with kids are somehow more important than folk without?

    Oh, come on – “two tier society”.

    Getting young kids in and out of cars, with seats and paraphernalia, can be difficult.

    It may not be mandatory to leave the spaces for people with kids on board, but it is polite.

    Free Member

    have a look at Paul Sellers on you tube

    😀 Yep they’re great videos, very inspirational, but he hones freehand and makes it look easy!

    I’m going to go with a cheap honing guide, Axminster diamond stone and a fine water stone.

    Thanks all

    Free Member

    OK excellent thanks.

    Free Member

    Yep, but WHAT guide and stones? 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Mike, I’d wager there are more religously conservative Muslims in the UK now than there are trans people – so in a multicultural society they wont come at the bottom of the list in terms of being provided for.

    “We shouldn’t make sensible provision for trans people because the Muslims wouldn’t like it” manages to be insulting to both trans people and Muslims.

    I know plenty of religiously conservative Muslims. Funnily enough, they have no problem whatsoever with working and socialising with gay people, Jews, Christians, or any other social group whom Muslims are “supposed” to hate. Most people, from any background, are decent and tolerant.

    On a practical note, for cultural reasons to do with modesty, the Muslim men at my gym tend to use the cubicles for changing anyway, whereas the non-Muslims use the communal areas and let it all hang out. If a trans person were to come in and change, I doubt any “conservative Muslim” would even notice. Nor, I’m sure, would anyone else.

    But yes, there will always be a vocal minority of extremists who oppose tolerance and equality. And the rest of society, rightly, ignores them.

    Free Member

    This is no dilemma at all!

    Someone made a mistake and sent you some stuff which isn’t yours because you didn’t order it and haven’t paid for it.

    Tell them and let them send their courier to collect.

    Free Member

    Thank you to whoever it was who posted the link to One Solid Ummah[/url] on page 1.

    You know, we can bicker on the internet all night about the history and politics of the region, but as well as that, could we get our wallets out and do something useful too? 🙂

    Please buy an early Christmas present for the civilian survivors in Aleppo. They need food, water and medical supplies.

    Free Member

    LGBT people in “taking small steps towards being accepted by wider society rather than being sidelined and ridiculed” horror.

    Free Member

    Two sexes – and a small percentage of intersex people.

    Sex is what bits you’re born with – what chromosomes you have. Gender is what stereotypes you conform to. Sex is male/female, gender is masculine/feminine.

    Good point.

    To the people complaining, I wonder what it is you are really angry about. Surely no reasonable person would have a problem with following someone’s request to be referred to by a pronoun of their choosing, whether if be a traditionally-gendered pronoun or a new one.

    Furthermore, surely no-one would be insensitive enough to deliberately use an incorrect gendered pronoun to a TG person.

    If we can all agree on the above, then what are we arguing about? 8)

    Free Member

    Not entirely made up is it ? It’s a policy for use at Student Union meetings.

    It is a sign of our times there are potentially many thousands of people dying in Allepo and OUSU is publishing guidance about gender “words” most of which are made up.

    How characteristic of you to take the least thoughtful, least flexible, least progressive, least enlightened, least proportionate and least compassionate position on any given subject.

    Free Member

    This question assumes that “people cycling too fast” is actually a problem – and not just a generic whinge by a self-selecting group of old miseries who will be dead soon.

    This was my response to the last question…

    Free Member

    Beautifully put.

    Free Member

    To be fair, calling a transgender person he or she is pretty offensive.

    How so? I’m no expert but I think most TG people want to be called he or she?

    Free Member

    If we can choose our own personal pronouns can I go with God…. No, no… Let’s make that Führer.

    They are not pronouns.

    Free Member

    Yeah, the PPP folk at his school were those that had already done the vegan and gluten free bit and were looking for a new righteous case to nail their colour to. Sorry, still find it funny…

    You misunderstand. I was not posting in sympathy with your position.

    There are no Personal Pronoun Police. I think that characterising the issue as such is overly-dismissive and reduces a complex and nuanced topic to the level of playground insults.

    Free Member

    Legislation stating that should an employee wish, an employer must refer to them by one of 70 or so new gender pronouns.

    So nothing to do with the news story in this thread, then.

    But seeing how you brought it up, what’s wrong with your boss referring to you by the gender with which you identify?

    Free Member

    Samba app for your phone.
    Speaker for your phone.

    Free Member

    the Personal Pronoun Police


    it begins.


    Free Member

    I believe this is already part of employment discrimination law in New York

    (my bold)

    What is “this”?

    Because I bet it’s not a ban on the use of pronouns “he” and “she”.

    And I’m not watching a “it’s political correctness gorn maad” video.

    Free Member

    The trouble with this is that the newspaper needs to make it into something worth reporting. I’m sure the actual newsletter is far more constructive and worthwhile than is portrayed through the media. It’s their job.
    It’s pretty easy – if you’re not sure of someone’s gender then (quietly) ask them. Then use it.
    The vast majority of trans people totally understand that it’s sometimes difficult to remember – I get it wrong sometimes!
    Mind you, having said all that, there’s some special snowflakes out there, believe me.

    Oooh. Do you have a gender different from your birth gender? Because I’ve never knowingly met someone like that before, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

    Would you consider doing an AMA on here? You would have to put up with loads of ignorant questions from people like me, but it would be educational and promote understanding.

    Free Member

    The True Romance Eggplant/Sicilians scene has got to be one of the greatest movie scenes ever.

    Yep I’ll have that. Good call.

    Free Member

    Three months 😀

    I’m a teacher

    Free Member

    “The Shawshank Redemption, is like, my favourite film ever?”

    Says person who has only ever seen one other film (and it’s Pretty Woman)

    Free Member

    I hadn’t seen in the OP that the boots were brand new.

    Guidance from eBay on warranties here

    Basically, you should ask the seller about warranty before you bid, because beyond the 30 day eBay guarantee it’s the Wild West.

    If the OP had been nicer to the seller then he might have had some joy, but seeing as he’s blown any chance of goodwill, I think he’ll just have to put this down to experience.

    The lesson, I think, is that if you want full after-sales support, buy from an authorised dealer.

    Free Member

    Given that the car is not causing an obstruction, I probably wouldn’t bother pursuing it any further. You’ve made your point.

    Following it up would lead some (including me!) to think “haven’t they got anything better to do?” 😀

    Free Member

    You said it was blocking a footpath…?

    Free Member


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