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  • Madison Saracen Factory Race Team to cease racing at the end of 2024
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    You say you’re “gutted”, but imagine how she feels, having someone she liked turn out to be a disappointing flake. She invested in you and you let her down.

    My well-meant advice is don’t be “that guy” again.

    You sound young/immature. See this as a learning experience about how to treat people decently 😉

    Free Member

    Heh. Thank you gentlemen. But this is STW. You’re supposed to tell me that whatever it is I’ve bought is shit, and that I should have:

    1. Spent ten times the price to get anything anywhere near acceptable,


    2. Stopped being so silly and just got one from Aldi for £5.99 that has done you perfectly fine and you don’t understand why someone would ever spend more than that


    Free Member


    Free Member

    I bought some of those face mat things but got a scented diffuser. About two hours after my manager sidles up with a subtle request to swap the diffuser for the mats. It was a joy repeating her request to the office and seeing her turn crimson

    Your manager wanted to sit on Matt’s face?

    I don’t get it.

    Free Member

    Cut a narrow channel in the plaster going upwards until you find the lintel?

    Free Member

    Yep I did this once. There will already be an enormous lintel. Get that plaster off to find it.

    Free Member

    If anyone actually gives a flying ****, I bought this.[/url]

    Yes I know it’s a No 4 not a 5 – but I think it will suit my needs the best at the moment. I look forward to restoring planes in the future, but right now, I just want to build some things out of wood 🙂

    So thanks to all who gave their thoughts.

    Free Member

    I’d previously only ever listened to the “hits” off The Doors’ LA Woman. Then last week I gave the whole thing a listen. It’s ace 🙂

    Free Member

    He’s lucky he has someone who cares enough to be concerned.

    I think finding your boy alternative sources of entertainment might only be one part of helping him with his drink problem. But since you asked, I reckon a marathon’s a great idea, as long as he actually wants it. Otherwise he’ll just give up and go to the pub?

    Otherwise, gym maybe? Or (and bear with me because this is a bit out there) cycling? 🙂

    Free Member

    Clicky Image – Part one….
    Clicky Image – Part two….
    I apologise now for any sleepless nights caused by these images

    😯 😥

    There is no god

    Free Member

    You missed at least one ‘there’, possibly a few more, depending.


    Sheltered life!

    Free Member

    I can’t be the only one who’s noticed that new technology is guaranteed to be successful if you can either kill people with it, or **** it.

    “And here it is, Sir. We call it the “robot”. “
    “Jolly good. I need an army of emotionless super soldiers who’ll follow any order, no matter how bizarre, merciless or atrocious.”
    “I’m afraid we’re still working on that, Sir, but in the mean time, if you just take a look under there…”
    “And…I just put my penis in there?
    “Yes, Sir. Right there. Or even, if you like, there.”
    “Ah excellent. I’ll order three dozen.”

    Free Member

    Olive Branch, Il Mulino or White Lion

    Free Member

    Instant appeal for the same sort of people who own a blow-up doll.

    Nope[/url] 😀

    Free Member

    Anything by Oliver Jeffers (our favourite is Lost and Found), plus Charlie and Lola go down well on our house.

    Free Member

    Let them be and let nature takes it course.

    Look if you want to say “let them all die”, just say “let them all die”.

    Free Member

    Why not go to their own neighbouring countries in the middle east?

    They do.

    And this is what awaits them.

    How about a little compassion?

    Free Member

    You might want to give First Aid Kit a try.

    Free Member

    Rapha deep winter tights are ridiculously good.

    Free Member

    I thought I was going to read about how a well-meaning couple naively helped some illegal immigrants cross a border…

    …but they didn’t. They gave them a lift from one place in Denmark to another.

    Strewth. That’s harsh.

    Free Member

    So the people on the first page including myself who correctly called the issue were correct.

    ZOMG I want you inside me 🙄

    I would be going after the seller on those grounds.

    Agreed it would seem that the seller has the liability for selling stock so old that it’s not fit for purpose.

    If I was the OP I would send the seller the report from Lowa and ask for a refund, making it clear that, should you need to escalate to small claims court, you’ll be also claiming costs.

    She’ll probably pay up. If not, it’s Money Claim Online. There’s a £25 fee I think.

    The difficulty is that the OP has already antagonised the seller and this may make the seller dig their heels in rather than settle with minimum of hassle.

    Free Member

    How will they know it’s from you?

    Indeed. But that’s what they want, so that’s what I’ve done 🙂

    Free Member


    I’ve just had a coffee with the wife. She’s checked and none of those details are “mandatory fields” on the claim form so I’ve left them blank.

    I’ve had to write a letter saying how much I give her every month but that’s it.

    Thanks all! (well, most of you)

    Free Member

    Haven’t read through the whole thread but what the OP is asking about (and it’s an excellent question to debate) is means testing of health care (voluntary or otherwise).

    The problem with means testing is that there will always be a large number of people on the margin of “qualifies for free health care”/”pay for it yourself, you scrounging bastard”.

    This would lead to a large degree of preventable suffering among those people, huge opportunity costs – “I couldn’t go to university because Dad needed a new kidney” – leading to wasted potential and stunted lives.

    On a national level, such a policy would lead to worse health outcomes, particularly among the “squeezed middle” who would most likely be on the margins of the means test.

    This would then provoke a very divisive debate:

    “Why does that chain-smoking, sedentary unemployed person get free health care, whereas I lead a healthy life and pay my taxes and NI but get nothing?”

    It would be an enormous step away from the principle of universal health care.

    Free Member

    Also: get a divorce.

    😀 It’s happening!

    Free Member

    Perhaps it’s not classed as a new claim cos she was on income support or something?

    Aye. I have no experience of the benefit system. What I do believe is that my wife will be expected to get a job sharpish.

    Which will be absolutely fine by me.

    Free Member

    Well said. It always amazes me when sanctimonious ****’s post their shite remarks on the Web when they’d never dare say such crap to your face.

    Some people, etc.

    Free Member

    Hope my **** remains unviolated.

    You love it, you slag.

    Surely it’s just to confirm that you are in fact separated?

    Then why ask for my NI number? But yeah – maybe I’m reading too much into it.

    As a new claimant, though, wouldn’t she be put on the new universal credit now?

    Well she says JSA – so maybe UC isn’t fully rolled out?

    Free Member

    Ah, reminds me of the time the CSA phoned me but then had to end the call after I failed their identity check

    That’s the way you’re gonna beat ’em 🙂

    Free Member

    Hope you can give some support, both financially and parentally. If your ex is on benefits then your kids will be classed as FSM/disadvantaged in the system. The educational outcomes for FSM kids is way behind those with more affluent and supportive parents. Relationship breakdowns are a mess, and the kids are always the losers. Hope you can buck the stats.

    I give my wife and my children plenty, PLENTY of money. And time. And care. And a house. And I do all the things that a dad should do, like read with my kids, take them to interesting places, help them with their homework, take them to sports clubs, ride bikes with them, etc. Their mother does none of those things. Nor does she have a job, or any interest in getting one. There’s a reason we’re separated.

    As a teacher I am well aware of the outcomes for disadvantaged students. I can only do what I can.

    You can stick your patronising preaching and insinuations up your **** arse.

    Free Member

    Nice watch mate

    Free Member

    I don’t mind my wife having them – it’s the dole I don’t trust!

    I’m not sure it’s merely a exercise in identity confirmation. My fear is that, at some point, my income details will be used against my wife/me, as in “we’re not paying you this benefit any more – your husband can support you.”

    Free Member


    I still think HD is silly 😀

    Free Member

    Check your home insurance. You are probably insured for stupidity 3rd party liability.


    Free Member

    M66/M62 should only take an hour outside of peak times.

    In the circumstances, minicab surely. Yes it’ll be expensive but it’s quite important!

    Free Member

    Oh and if you’re coming in from the North, park in the long-stay at Stanmore station and get on the Jubilee Line straight to Waterloo.

    Free Member

    It’s right near Waterloo so you’d do better to park outside of London and train it in. Say Teddington or something.

    But if you insist on driving into Central London, you can rent someone’s driveway/parking space here.

    Free Member

    I don’t like the “what ever , when ever” attitude that is so prevalent in our society. “I want it NOW!”
    Smart phones are just part of it.
    Why want endless music on demand? Why not just entertain yourself? Think?
    Wanders off bemused that people so shallow.

    “Shallow”? For listening to music? Suggesting that people who have music on their phones don’t “think”?

    Don’t be a knob.

    Free Member

    All the roads around me (Hindley near Wigan) that go anywhere are all very hostile

    I ride through there a fair bit. The roads are fine. And you have some spectacular riding on your doorstep. Winter Hill etc

    Free Member

    Not daft questions.

    Are you completely wedded to wallpaper? ‘Cos you could just paint the room with kitchen & bathroom paint. Water resistant and wipe clean.

    If you do stick with paper, tile then paper up to the edge of the tiles.

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