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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    My condolences.

    Free Member

    If there’s a chance she’ll to go on to study photography Post-16 then I’d go for an SLR. Budget models from Nikon and Canon are both highly-regarded and the kit lens is perfectly adequate.

    Free Member


    Yeah I know they’re useful and everthing. I have one. But why do people spend tens of thousands of pounds on them? You can only drive at 70mph anyway, and your arse doesn’t care whether your seats are leather or not.

    Buy the cheapest car you can get away with, and retire a few years early with the money you’ve saved by not trying to plug a massive hole in your self-esteem with a shiny German I’m-the-same-as-everyone-else chariot.

    And if you really, really couldn’t do without the thrill of driving fast…

    then maybe have a **** word with yourself? You’re not twelve.


    Free Member

    Not all on the coast but take your pick of Andalusian towns and cities?
    Cordoba, Seville, Malaga, taking in Ronda?

    Flamenco heaven, if you like that sort of thing.

    Free Member


    Edit: Beaten to it.

    Free Member

    OP, your work is amazing.

    That is all.

    Free Member

    he’s got a bit of a cough/cold

    I’ve had hundreds of colds and have never felt the need to spit in the street.

    As was that he was diabetic and need to go for his lunch.

    Once again… I know many diabetic people who manage their illness in such a way that they don’t need to walk off mid-conversation.

    he’s a well mannered decent bloke

    Well that’s odd – because he sounds like a complete cheb-end who has an excuse for everything.

    He shouldn’t have spat in the street. It’s absolutely **** disgusting.

    Free Member

    Why should anyone listen to what you have to say if you are lying to their faces

    Says the man who voted for Farage and his £350million bus. 😉

    However dismissing them as ignorant racists made them far less likely to listen to people like you.

    They were never going to listen to any moderate, liberal voice. They (you) listened to populist dog-whistles about immigration and “taking back control” or something.

    Anyway I asked you a question on the other thread. You said you voted Leave because you wanted sovereignty. I asked you what this meant, why you felt you did not have sovereignty before, and how the UK will be better now we have (you perceive) our sovereignty back, and whether those perceived benefits are worth any price.

    Will you answer?

    Free Member

    That blog is too literate to be Bretts Driving Tuition.

    Free Member

    Leave didn’t win because of ignorance and racism

    Leave won because of ignorance and racism.

    Free Member

    If I thought it was possible to have a sensible debate about the EU I would post on the EU thread which already exists. I haven’t posted on that thread for probably 4 or 5 months.

    But you chose to enter such a debate, in robust fashion, 20 minutes ago on this very page.

    So. Sovereignty. Well done. You got your sovereignty back. What does this mean?

    Free Member

    I believe in democracy

    Well yes, me too. Why do you think we needed to leave the EU in order to have “democracy”?

    and the sovereignty of the British people

    Again, why did you ever think that your “sovereignty” was under threat? And what will you now gain now that you have taken back your sovereignty, as you perceive it? And whatever that gain is, will it be worth any price?

    Free Member

    Presumably so you can both work? Hence nett profit?

    Not in comparison to a childless dual-income couple, no.

    Free Member

    I too have used a third-party TV streaming app, to get the footy.

    The only explanation I can think of is:

    1. It’s technically simple to capture and stream geographically-restricted content.

    2. Because the server is in another jurisdiction, the content owners are fairly powerless to do anything about it.

    Free Member

    But why do any of that when you can start at the bottom and hammer the poorest hardest. Roared on by the middle classes, nouveau riche their lackeys and pretenders.

    Yep. A disgusting but persistent false consciousness.

    Free Member

    I’ve read that figure before. I think it includes an estimate of lost earnings for the mother, cost of full time childcare, uni tuition fees.

    I don’t think most people’s children cost them £230k. Or if they do, it’s a sunk cost, in that you don’t miss the money ‘cos you never had it in your hand, sort of thing.

    Free Member

    Cut the kleptocratic transfer of wealth from public to private:

    1. Subsidies for private companies to run our railways
    2. Deliberately inflated and expensive (for the taxpayer) PFI contracts for schools, hospitals and prisons
    3. Bail-outs of banks who take the nation’s wealth to the casino every night, and occasionally lose.
    4. Wasteful and unnecessary public works. Aircraft carriers with no aircraft anyone? HS2, trident replacement.
    5. Giving our national infrastructure away to foreign interests (public and private) – ie Hinkley Point.

    Free Member

    An Onix tuner the same as yours went for over £300 on eBay in December.

    Sell through the specialist hifi press if you like, but you’ll only be restricting your market. Those buyers search on eBay as well 😉

    I’m no eBay fanboy but it is a very liquid marketplace. If you list your item as a 99p auction you absolutely will find out what it is worth. Which will be, presuming all is present, correct and in good condition, and you offer postage, about £300 with a PSU, and considerably less without.

    Free Member

    Better to get on with it in a controlled way, surely?

    Krexit 🙂

    Free Member

    Has anyone else found how the first kilo or so drops off fairly easily?

    I don’t know the science behind “Christmas bloat” but I’ve decided it’s a thing!

    Free Member

    Unwinding your position isn’t easy, but you sound like you have no choice.

    exit strategy


    There is NO suggestion that the OP’s job is at risk because he was too ill to go on a trip.

    Free Member

    Hardly first hand experience of wastage, grumbling and watching the crap those of that ilk do to justify their positions. And those that support them are just as bad , fast way to finding millions if you know the right people , so sure university PFI should be the norm.

    Sorry – I don’t know what you’re talking about.

    Free Member

    a vacuous power hungry control freak with the charm and communication skills of an aspergic hermit (Elizabeth I is her idol FFS!), and the competence of a middle manager promoted way beyond her ability.


    See also Nic Cohen the other week:

    She doesn’t have grand faults, just the standard coding errors you must expect if you install a Thames Valley Tory into your system of government.

    Free Member

    I think the Police will find it very difficult to be anything other than honest.

    You don’t have to do much googling to realise that the opposite is the case, unfortunately.

    Free Member

    Thank christ because those lazy b*****s need a kick up the arse In my entire working life I have yet to come across a more self serving workshy elite who wouldn’t survive without handouts from the EU, make them work with business and make the UK great again.

    I think you’re mistaking reality for the jumble of tabloid headlines, bar-room grumbling and naked spite all rattling round in your head.

    When Theresa first came in I held out hope that she was playing the long game.

    Yep me too. But, like you, I’m realising that neither she, nor the motley collection of suits around her, have the faintest idea what they’re doing, other than being paralysed by a mean-spirited, insular dogma that has always characterised the Conservative party.

    Socially progressive

    😆 😆 😆
    😆 😆 😆
    😆 😆 😆


    😆 😆 😆
    😆 😆 😆
    😆 😆 😆

    Free Member

    The M62 shooting is such a simple story, containing so few facts, that people with an agenda have filled in the blanks for themselves.

    The full truth may never emerge, because:

    1. The family and friends of Yassar Yaqub can’t be trusted to give an honest account.

    2. The police can’t be trusted to give an honest account.

    But the truth doesn’t matter. Because right-wing authoritarians have already decided that Yassar Yaqub was a gangster, and that alone justifies his killing by the police at the side of a motorway.

    Right-wing authoritarians must be delighted. The police have shown themselves to be tough on crime, they did NOT show preferential treatment to a Muslim, and they have sent out a “powerful message” to the criminal fraternity.

    So guys, what are you still bitching about?

    Free Member

    for no apparent reason I blacked out for a few seconds yesterday

    This changes things.

    This is not a thread about fear of flying, nor is it (primarily) a thread about work.

    You are ill. You should go to the doctor’s first thing in the morning.

    Free Member

    bluetooth connection is low quality audio

    In any digital radio/streaming solution, I don’t think the Bluetooth will be the audio weak link 😉

    Free Member

    Funny. When I was in the Turkish special forces there was a guy who used to be a London cabbie.

    Free Member

    decent length screws

    Can’t be more than 15mm on the doors – they’re only 18mm thick.

    Free Member

    That’s all I needed to know!

    Thank you, internet person 🙂

    Free Member

    Kryton I’m probably going to overstep the mark here, but it’s well-meant.

    I don’t think you’re really posting about a paralysing fear of flying. You are able to fly when you’ve paid for the ticket yourself. It does sound, however, like you feel under some considerable pressure, and it is manifesting itself in the symptoms you describe.

    I’m already under pressure for my unsuccessful 1st year Sales performance.

    Yep. So I hope you didn’t go ahead and buy that ridiculous car you were bragging about the other month. 😉

    To be honest, my wife is pissed of with my trauma driven indecision today and rather pathetic – her words – scene

    Hmmm yes, I bet she was. Wasn’t she expecting you to get her a high-end Apple laptop for her web surfing? I remember you being on here agonizing over the expensive optional upgrades.

    I only know you from a handful of posts on an internet forum, but it does sound like you feel obliged to fund a millionaire’s lifestyle via a high-pressure and insecure career.

    I’m not sure your wife is helping. If my girlfriend called me “pathetic” because I was emotionally exhausted, I would consider that a very serious signal about our relationship. Contempt is a very destructive emotion. It may be some work is required there.

    I hope that missing this trip is going to allow you some breathing space to consider how you are going to get yourself well for the long term, and maybe make some changes that will allow you to wind down the financial/work/wife pressure, and give some time to the things that make us truly happy. Ie, having fun with people we love 🙂

    Good luck skipper. I mean it.

    Free Member

    Whisper quietly ‘would you like chocolate for breakfast’
    If you get no reaction get his hearing checked

    Good skills!

    Free Member

    I do cope with…on the odd occasion longer (Caribbean) flights with the family once in a while

    If you’re able to fly long-haul on holiday, but not for work, then is it worth considering that it’s not just a flying phobia that prevented you taking that business trip? Maybe that work causes you some anxiety too?

    Free Member

    This. Is. Radio Freedom.

    Grauniad article here about possible comeback.

    On the back of it I’ve just dug out and am playing The White Room. It’s aged well.

    Free Member

    i was literaly shocked


    Well I hope you’re making a full recovery.

    OP, I drive a new Logan with the TCe petrol engine, although I test drove a diesel (same engine as the diesel Duster). I’ve had none of the problems that Fifeandy quotes. The performance is fine. It overtakes, it winds up to motorway speed well, it stops when you need it to, etc etc.

    It’s too new for me to comment on the reliability (8000 miles) but the performance and driving experience is absolutely fine. I have the use of my girlfriend’s Audi regularly, but I choose to take the Dacia. It’s a more comfortable ride 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep really nice sink unit.

    I made some workbenches in the garage. They’ll get doors eventually and be filled with crap.

    Free Member

    Does Zwift count?

    I’m going to go…



    Free Member

    I was 85.4kg (13st 6) yesterday, for 175cm (5’9) height. I reckon I can get to 81kg in a month, 75kg in 3 months and 72kg in 6 months.

    So my goal is to weigh 72kg for Race to the Sun on 17th June.

    Can I share some experiences I’ve had with losing flab? I know what works for me won’t work for everyone, so YMMV, but…

    1. You are probably overweight because you eat too many carbs, not too much fat. So don’t worry about dietary fat, but do cut out sweets, cakes, pastry, sugary drinks and fruit, and exercise serious control over your intake of bread, rice, spuds and pasta. Get your carbs from leafy veg.

    2. Each day, eat about a gram for protein for every kilo of body weight.

    3. As soon as you start controlling your macros like this, you will probably lose a few kilos very quickly. Which is nice!

    4. Exercise every day for half and hour or so. Vary it. Run, ride, or do half an hour of calisthenics in your pants in front of the telly. Just do something to f*ck some major muscle groups and give your metabolism something to think about while you sleep 😉

    5. I find that the more I exercise in the day, the more weight I lose overnight.

    6. I find that if I snack in the evening, my overnight weight loss is slowed. So I have a “no food after dinner” rule.

    7. Log your weight daily, and your exercise, and everything you eat, on MyFitnessPal. This way, you will learn very quickly the actions that cause you to lose weight and the actions that cause you to NOT lose weight. And you get a nice graph of your progress 🙂

    Free Member

    To answer the question “do I need a GPS?”

    No. It’s just a bit of fun. Just post your ride details here.

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