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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    the British public, Muslim and non-Muslim have an opportunity to come together and renew bonds of friendship.”

    I think that’s well put.

    If I go, it won’t be anything to do with sky fairies. It will be for this ^^

    Free Member

    +1 for The Road

    Free Member

    Nothing weird about taking your little girl into the gents if you have no choice.

    And if you’re already in there at a urinal, I really wouldn’t worry. I mean, you’re only urinating, aren’t you? Not cottaging, shooting smack into your arm, or masturbating like a Chipperfield’s monkey?

    Free Member

    The statistics are clear. The idea that anyone on American soil is in any significant danger from Muslim immigrant terrorists is laughable.

    But those who support Trump don’t care about statistics. They care about how they feel. And they “feel” under threat from alien forces, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

    Free Member

    PS welcome to Ripponden.

    Best pubs are The Old Bridge and The Boothwood 🙂

    Free Member

    Standard main-road route is Sowerby Bridge >Pye Nest > King Cross > Halifax > Stump Cross > Shelf > Buttershaw

    I’ve never had a sniff of an issue from a driver whilst riding that route, even on the dual carriageway sections.

    Slightly pleasanter is from Halifax to Queensbury via Boothtown Rd. It’s a more open, picturesque climb than Shelf. You have the horrors of the Queensbury traffic but you’ll be filtering to the front of the queue for the lights.

    Free Member

    The Ship Song

    Free Member

    Yep I got my 8 year-old one of those. It took some trimming to get it to fly straight and level, but it still only lasted ’til Boxing day.

    I’m waiting until he’s older.

    Free Member

    I don’t think that guy has much respect for his girlfriend.

    Free Member

    Von Richthofen?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Smith isn’t derived from blacksmith. It’s an old word for soldier (Smite your enemy etc).

    Smith does, indeed, come from the Anglo Saxon “Smitan”, meaning to hit. Smiths were such named because they were beaters of metal. The surname comes from the occupation. However, the commonness of the name meant it was a popular surname given to non-blacksmiths too, hence its popularity today.

    I can find no reference to a derivative of “smitan” as a synonym for soldier, but I’m intrigued. Do you have more details?

    Free Member

    Yep my Jewish grandfather did the same. It would have been tough doing your national service with an obviously-Jewish name (or, probably, an obviously-Italian name)

    Free Member

    You could try Etsy, which is designed for this sort of creative cottage-industry selling. You can still publicise your goods on Facebook, but send them to your Etsy site to buy. It’s a complete selling platform; payment options etc are taken care of.

    But otherwise no, you don’t need a special bank account to sell a few bits online. A Paypal account will do it, or bank transfer if it’s just between friends. I’m no expert but I expect you’d be required to declare any earnings on a tax return.

    Free Member

    Really interesting thread.

    The answer to the OP’s question is, about 1450. Which is why medieval occupations, such as Joyner, Turner, Cooper, Archer, Fletcher, Baker, Smith, Miller, Fisher, Hunter, Ryder and Weaver are used as surnames, and not later occupations.

    Pre-1066, people would have been given a “by-name” (literally a “village name”) to distinguish them from other villagers. This could have described their occupation (Smith, Cooper, Turner), association with family (Johnson, Davies, Simmons etc), physical characteristics (Strong, Little, Fairhead etc) or association with a place (Sturridge, Heath, Shaw, etc).

    The Domesday book did not begin the practice of fixed or hereditary surnaming for commoners, however hereditary surnaming did arrive with the Normans.

    Hereditary naming was a feudal custom for the nobility and bourgeoisie, designed to ensure wealth was kept in the family. To have an inherited surname therefore became a status symbol, so the custom filtered down the social orders until almost every child, rich or poor, was given their father’s surname. By the 15th Century, the custom was almost universal, and surnames were therefore relatively fixed by this time.

    However, to state the obvious, immigration since then has brought new surnames into our language.

    There has never been any legal requirement for a child to be named after either parent.

    Free Member

    Looks like a business park with units to rent, rather than a home.

    But as long as the owners like it, I’m sure they doesn’t care what the rest of us think 🙂

    Free Member

    As other posters have said really. Bradford is not a wealthy city. I worked there for many years and I genuinely loved its diversity and I made friends with all manner of people from around the world. There’s a lively art and cultural scene and some lovely places to live on the moors surrounding the city.

    One thing – traffic in and out of Bradford is an utter, utter nightmare.

    I’d expect your ambulance call-outs would be the same as any other deprived city, with its share of drunks, addicts, DV, etc.

    Free Member

    Let Google Photo do it all for you. It organises your photos by the date on the exif data. Just let it upload your photos.

    Free Member

    a ‘peleton’ who thought that they were on ‘the tour’

    You mean a cycling club out on a ride?

    Free Member

    ruined by bent councillors bending over backwards to obtain the Asian vote, the result being no-go areas and ghettos being created in a lot of towns.

    How so?

    Free Member

    try whitworth

    Not a bad shout, that

    Free Member

    I am amazed.
    How can there be so many people on STW who don’t own detached homes?

    I am amazed. How can there be so many people on STW who don’t have a butler?

    OP, we live in a new build semi. We have never heard the neighbours. I build stuff in our (integrated) garage and use power tools all the time. I once asked them if the noise bothered them. They said they hardly heard me.

    Free Member

    Agree with other posters.

    There are a number of unlovely post-industrial East-Lancs towns where you can get a Victorian terrace cheap. Bacup is another one.

    The problem is, a lot of these properties will be bought-to-lets, rented out cheaply, and so there’s a chance your neighbours will not be the fine, upstanding houseproud citizens your relatives probably are. Think crime, drugs, racial tensions.

    Nice riding on the doorstep though 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m all for taking it back for a replacement. If it’s lasted less than a month before breaking, it’s not fit for purpose, surely.

    Free Member

    Cannot help but find this a little patronising. Would help if those at the chalkface knew what it was Ofsted, and thus SLT, wanted to see. Usually the latest fad. Last time I checked there was no specific criteria for an ‘outstanding’ lesson. Judged wholistically and usually based on data. Correct?

    No. Not anywhere near correct.

    The Ofsted criteria are publically available and a click away, so you could have checked before you posted. It would have taken you five minutes.

    If you are this poorly informed, then I hope you are not a teacher.

    Free Member

    I think it will turn itself off it if has to.

    Scary noise MIGHT be the water pressure release valve pumping water out. Can you check the pressure?

    Other than that, I’d be having British Gas back in.

    Free Member

    if it is an overheating cutout then seems strange that it will start again immediately and run for a while before cutting out once again .you’d think that if overheating it wouldn’t start again for a while no?

    Not necessarily. The overheating component could cool down very quickly once stopped.

    I’d be trying the treadmill on a different ring (just to rule that out) but it does sound like a faulty treadmill.

    Free Member

    From 188 to 187 lbs in 2 weeks 🙄

    Mind you, I haven’t been trying. Had a Chomp for breakfast the other day 😀

    This is the wake-up call to stop messing about and do it properly.

    Can we get a link to the spreadsheet? I’d like to see how everyone else is doing. I don’t think privacy is too much of an issue. We’re all just usernames anyway.

    PS JonV thanks very much for running this and doing the work.

    Free Member

    As nickjb said, it’s not that difficult if there are two of you on the job.


    Is it worth paying for installation?

    This just depends on your outlook. If you enjoy a project and/or cash is a bit tight, then crack on. If you’re not really interested in the whys and wherefores of building a shed, you just want one, then yep, keep a tradesperson in business and pay out 🙂

    Edit: I always assumed I was rubbish at DIY but in the last couple of years I’ve been taking on bigger and more challenging projects. Things that seem daunting or technical (like building a foundation in the garden for a shed) are actually pretty simple once you’ve read up online how it’s done, watched some Youtube videos, asked questions on here and gone down to the builder’s merchants with a list. I find it satisfying to be having a cup of coffee on a patio that I’ve built (or whatever).

    Me and my girlfriend have a deal. I do the work (thus saving us the cost of trades) and my girlfriend buys me the tools. So now I have a lovely collection of power and hand tools and it’s growing all the time. Everybody’s happy 😀

    Free Member

    Not in my school.

    Free Member

    You can tell

    Yeah yeah. 🙂

    Failing schools fail their students. Honestly. It’s terrible to see and difficult to turn round.

    What doesn’t help is the attitude that anyone who cares about standards in education must just be a box-ticking square.

    Free Member

    OP, be very very vigilant.

    I was recently appointed as an Assistant Head in a school that had just been placed into Special Measures. Once you start turning over stones, you find all manner of chaos.

    If teaching is inadequate, then your daughter may very well not be getting a decent level of provision. It may be that, day to day she has no complaints because her teacher is “nice” or whatever, but he/she may not be challenging her, covering subject matter in sufficient depth, or teaching the required skills.

    If Leadership and Management are inadequate, then you can bet that there is a lack of accountability for staff, leading to poor tracking of students, tired curriculum and resources, poor assessment and acceptance of low standards in the classroom.

    Inadequate schools get away with it because kids and parents generally do not know a good school from a bad one; they just accept the provision they receive and assume it’s normal.

    As a start, you can ask for your daughter’s books, go through them with her, look at what she’s been learning (not “doing”, learning), and the quality of the marking. Has the teacher set targets for improvement, and has your daughter then met that target further on in her book?

    Literacy and numeracy would be a good place to start. Go to a remaindered bookshop and get an English and a Maths workbook appropriate to her school year. Work through it with her. Can she do most of what’s in there?

    Are there high standards of presentation in her work and in her classroom? Does she get to use a variety of engaging learning strategies?

    Don’t assume, as some posters have done, that Ofsted must have “got it wrong” or something and the school is fine.

    Inadequate schools lead to inadequate outcomes for students. I would be ensuring my child wasn’t part of this 🙂

    Free Member

    Guided tour of Concorde at Manchester airport? Different levels of tour available, from the half hour cabin tour to the enthusiast’s “technical tour” 🙂

    Free Member

    And they wonder why people have no faith in politicians when they allow people like that loathsome spunktrumpet to lord it over us all.

    Free Member

    Tories don’t even like themselves.

    That’s why the party is full of authoritarian perverts who had smothering mothers and strict fathers, and want to externalise their inner self-loathing by making other people even more miserable than them.

    But there is no end to their misery. It is fathomless, like hell.

    Free Member

    You need all sorts to make the world interesting

    No,. No we don’t. We don’t need the unhinged, the paranoid, the spiteful, the bigoted, the racist, to “make the world interesting”. Asserting that all points of view have equal merit is a fallacy.

    Having said all that, I’ve never felt the need to block anyone on STW. There was a genuine troll on a while back, who derailed every thread with anti-cyclist posts, but he was banned in the end.

    I don’t think we have that problem on this forum.

    Free Member

    Have you ever had a boss that knew less, could do less, and was shitter than you? Because this is what this feels like.

    He has the power to make our journeys to work safer or more dangerous. He sets the tone of road culture in this country. And he thinks cyclists are not road users.

    This isn’t just some xxxx sounding off underneath an article in the local rag about how cyclists should “pay road tax”; this is the Secretary of State for xxxx Transport. [Mod edit]

    Free Member

    What a helpful bunch of replies.

    Thank you everyone – jigsaw it is.

    Free Member

    Dig up an old interview and argue about whether Grayling should have said “other road users” instead of just “road users”

    Yet when given the opportunity to clarify, he did. He clarified that he does not see cyclists as road users.

    And when his department were given the opportunity to clarify, they said that they agreed with the minister and that was that.

    God you’re tedious.

    Free Member



    But am definitely becoming more of a fan these days.

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