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  • Troy Lee Designs Stage Knee Guards review
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    That Montane jacket is nice (I might look for one myself) but it’s a windproof which is described as showerproof, not waterproof.

    My experience of pertex is that it gets v cold when wet.

    Free Member

    DHB[/url] chap

    Free Member

    Of all the stuff-carrying solutions available to the cycling world…

    …you pick this one?


    Free Member

    Clearly a divisive issue, this one

    Free Member

    Mini pump attached to bottle bosses. Tube, tyre lever, multitool in jersey pocket. Keys/wallet/snack in other jersey pocket. Waterproof (if necessary) in other jersey pocket.


    When they make a saddle pack that doesn’t look like your mum’s mudflaps then I’ll consider one. But really – people overthink it. Just put the essentials in your pockets and ride.

    Free Member

    here it is[/url]

    Actually it’s 3200 Euro!

    Free Member

    Take a look at Radon bikes. They do a full on racing geometry bike (not a sportive special) with Mavic Cosmics and SRAM Red for under 3k Euro. And it weighs under 7 kilos.

    Free Member

    Liking your library there.

    1. Cultish literary fiction: Pynchon, DBC Pierre, Salinger.
    2. Sensation exhibition catalogue.
    3. Popular liberal non-fiction: God Delusion, No Logo.
    4. Design & architecture books. Pre-2008 crash property p0rn.
    5. That collection with the coloured picture spines. TSP edition? Help me out.
    6. Inadequate vinyl collection.
    7. Passing interests in art & design.
    8. Leni Riefenstahl? OK…

    I call 30-something liberal arts graduate, now working outside their field of study?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    1. What do you want from the wheels that your current wheels don’t do?
    2. What are your current wheels?
    3. What is your budget?
    4. Campag or Shimano?

    Free Member

    On-One chap

    Free Member

    1. You don’t need to buy a cargo bike to fit a child seat!
    2. I rode for up to an hour on my MTB with both of my kids when they were young. They were older than 9 months when we started though; probably more like 14 months and 18 months respectively.

    Free Member

    Bike/bicycle racing/motor racing etc is male-dominated. What better place to give younger males an idea of women’s supporting role in these sports? Additionally – opportunity abounds for the older male contenders/onlookers to congratulate themselves for not falling prey to PC madness and feel (vicariously or otherwise) more desirable when surrounded by young female models clad/unclad in ways that show off ‘assets’?

    Sugary drink manufacturers win. It’s a win-win-win situation. Better still, reconstructed males/grumpy lesbians/Guardian-readers vs Sid James-faced, red-gilled, trouser-billiard champions/Clarkson fans get to stereotype each other AND feel all martyrish and superior. Another win!*

    *Sarcasm is all I can seem to manage lately. Apologies.

    I’ve tried to read that three times…


    Not a **** clue.

    Free Member

    OMG I’ve got a semi-on. Keep the pics coming

    Free Member

    I thought that. But Yorkshire can’t have everything I guess 🙂

    Free Member

    Just had a long exchange with the MD of the race organising company on Twitter. He says:

    1. Photographers were in the right place
    2. Blue shirt guy is the race director trying to keep the photographers in their area.
    3. Lizzie lost control and veered into the photographers area.
    4. Unfortunate accident.

    Press reports strong sidewind.

    Free Member

    My ropey cameraphone footage of the Vulcan at Southport airshow 2012. That was supposed to be its “last ever season” too.

    The airshow commentary said that there are no spare parts, and not even the Avro blueprints survive, so each required part needs designing and fabricating.

    Dunno whether Rolls Royce still support the Olympus. But I doubt it!

    Free Member

    And THIS is the problem with separate infrastructure. It reinforces the notion that the roads are not for bikes.

    Free Member

    “Marmite” means some people will love it. Therefore, that is not a marmite bike 🙂

    Actually, it’s just the forks in my onion…

    Free Member

    DHB chap

    Free Member

    The marginalisation of cycling is everything to do with the debate in that the anger and violence towards cyclists only really started when cycling began to demarginalise itself about five years ago. The underlying issue is people struggling to cope with change – I find walkers are much better with MTBs than they were in mid-90s – they’ve basically had time to get used to sharing the paths now.
    Central London is far better to ride in the outer London IMO – in terms of lower levels of abuse – because the numbers of riders are just so huge now, it’s normal to encounter a cyclist when driving in the centre.
    In time, therefore, I think the acceptance will come, but UK is a right-of-centre/conservative (with a small c) country – we don’t do revolution, we do quiet evolution so it’ll be a few more years yet until the antis untwist their knickers

    I agree with every word.

    It would also help if outdated legislation (such as the topic of this thread) were rewritten to reflect the equal status of cyclists.

    Free Member

    You know the worlds donald ducked when we need laws for this sort of stuff.

    I do take your point, but access has always been an issue very close to people’s hearts, bound up as it is in class, privilege and land ownership.

    Consider the mass trespass of Kinder Scout in 1932. The ordinary worker saw that access to the countryside was important for their health and happiness, so they took direct action to attack the class interests that saw the countryside as the playground of the landed gentry.

    I believe that cyclists face a similar crisis at present. As a mode of transport, cycling is marginalised, as our transport systems are geared for the motor vehicle. Plus, look at the rigmarole involved in trying to take your bike on a train.

    As a leisure pursuit, cycling is marginalised by those who see the roads as the place for cars, pavements, seafronts and parks as the place for pedestrians, footpaths for walkers, bridleways for ramblers and horses, towpaths for, well, anyone but us… etc

    Trail centres have their critics, but at least you can ride there in the knowledge that no-one’s going to try to tell you you don’t belong there. The same with Sustrans trails etc. However, do we want to be pushed into these specific ghettoes, or do we want to be able to enjoy the whole of the countryside without the nagging feeling that we’re pissing people off just by being there?

    Round my manor, some of the best riding is on footpaths. To have to avoid these routes, because of some outdated and unclear legislation, is an injustice, in my opinion. So there’s a local saying: “Ride where you like, but don’t be a dick.” I’m sure some of you will disagree with this unofficial policy, but I strongly believe that the controversy around cycling on footpaths (and, indeed, the heirarchy on bridleways) is simply a matter of legislation failing to keep up with the changes in usage that have occurred since the advent of off-road cycling.

    Flame away.

    Free Member

    Section 30 of Countryside Act 1968. (So Google tells me)

    Is it not time for that law to be looked at? It seems like cyclists cannot ride anywhere without being considered impostors.

    Free Member

    Wow. She’s 36, apparently.

    Must have had a hard paper round.

    Free Member

    It’s 2 yr ban as a minimum. It will be a Level 3 offence, with sentencing guidelines between 2 and 5 years. Sentencing for the offence of defeating the ends of justice will be on top but may run consecutively.

    She’s going down for 3 years.

    Free Member

    Thanks. Although looking at the genuine reviews, he doesn’t need an internet lynch mob to run his business down…

    Free Member

    Can’t find on Tripadvisor. Hidden?

    Free Member

    fact my wife is having numerous affairs with proper sized men

    I now have a mental image of him coming home to find his wife pulling a train on Team Astana.

    That would show him 🙂

    Free Member

    modern day equivalent of the lynch mob

    “Lynch mob” means murder, whereas going viral on the internet is just a public shaming.

    Actually, I think a bit of a public bashing on Twitter is a completely fitting and proportionate response to his behaviour.

    It won’t ruin his business.

    Free Member

    Cyclist was shaken and startled by a man in a 2-ton car trying to run him off the road, then getting out and threatening to kill him.

    In the face of that completely unwarranted provocation, I don’t blame him for reacting angrily.

    Free Member

    34.9mm is the outer radius of the seat tube. Specified seatpost diameter of the London Road is 31.6mm. You sure your Ritchey post isn’t a 30.9mm or something?

    Free Member

    Is this one a Raleigh Activator?

    In which case I’m tempted 🙂

    Free Member

    I think I may be able to stretch the budget a few hundred quid.

    In that case, you absolutely will not get better value than this

    Full Ultegra 11spd, Ksyrium Elite wheels, and sub-7kg, all for £1350

    When I need a new road bike, this is where I’ll be heading

    Free Member

    Looks nice mate. I’m jealous 🙂

    Free Member

    Another vote for Planet X Pro Carbon

    Free Member

    Try 90mm stem and compact bars mate. I run 90mm myself as I have a short reach. Cheap compact bars available from Planet X

    Free Member

    So you have a bike that you’re happy with, that runs 25mm tyres fine. You don’t want to ride fatter than 25mm.What am I missing?

    Free Member

    I’m waiting* for a new user to appear, and start a thread “A friend built a bike for me but I don’t like it. What should I do?”

    *praying for it, actually

    Free Member

    What size of tyre would you want to use? If 28, then I’d be wondering whether the advantages of an extra 3mm of tyre width is worth the hassle and expense of getting a new frame, especially since you’re otherwise happy with the bike. If you’ve decided it’s worth it, then you must have more money than me 🙂

    Not sure you’ll get anything better for £1000 B2W, unless you are lucky and are in one of those schemes that go up to 3 grand or whatever!

    Free Member

    As long as you pay with Paypal you can enjoy relative peace of mind. Unless it’s nicked, I guess…

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