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  • Orbea Rallon gets more travel, more dropper, more storage
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    Tried to sell some roof bars my dad gave me, which don’t fit my car.

    Started at £25. No interest.

    Started at £0.99. No interest.

    The problem with trying to sell car accessories on eBay is that the market is flooded with cheap new ones. I know, because I was about to buy a bike rack from Halfords for £100 or whatever, then I looked on eBay and found them for £20.

    I think someone would rather spend £20 on a new thing from a bulk seller than go through the hassle of getting a slightly better bargain from a private seller, with all of the hassle that potentially entails.

    Free Member

    A blue bike?

    Free Member

    Can’t remember ever having my passport checked when entering France.

    That’s what my Grandad said too.

    To be fair, he was running up the beach in 1944. [/quote]

    That’s what my Grandad said too. To be fair, he was driving a Panzer up the Champs Elysees.

    Free Member

    Thanks OP for the heads up – I’m going to do this.

    Free Member

    It happens at that border all the time.

    Returning from a trip to France, my friend realised she’d brought her boyfriend’s passport by mistake. The guy in the booth in Calais waved us through anyway.

    Free Member

    There seems to be a few of these when I google it. Link please?

    Free Member

    The big question is – if you’ve survived for years without a high-end hi-fi in your bedroom, do you really need one now, just because you temporarily have a pair of “spare” speakers?

    You obviously have more money than me 🙂

    Free Member

    I was in the Shepton Mallet outlet store yesterday & they let me use my code in there, so I ended up with a pair of pro team thermal bibs & pro team bibs with some merino knee warmers for £180.

    Hmmm… It might be worth the tank of petrol it would cost me to drive down there and come back with a bootful*

    *of stuff I don’t really need

    Free Member

    Bah. They’re out of stock of the Brevet gilet.

    Free Member

    Yeah. It’s almost as if our democracy is a sham to give the masses the illusion of agency, while those with the real power continue to operate a political/financial system which enables them legally to to skim and sell off anything that is good or decent, turn it into readies, and put it all in a big money cave in a sympathetic jurisdiction whilst laughing their arses off.

    Business as usual.

    Free Member

    As a workmate left he simply said “Have fun playing with your Gay Pride spanners.”

    I’ll never feel the same about them.

    Are you both in Year 9 or something?

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t let my dog chase you.

    I’d make it.

    Not scared 🙂

    Free Member

    I don’t think some people understand that not all “dog people” are the same

    Whatever. Just please don’t let your dog chase me, jump up at my kids, chase the football/frisbee/rocket we’re trying to play with, cover anywhere that’s nice to walk with steaming turds (including hanging them from bushes in plastic bags) or keep us awake by barking all night, and we’re good.

    Free Member

    Rapha Survey Link

    There you go Ian

    Free Member

    I’ve just been out for a run on the moors. Public bridleway, going past a farm, two loose dogs come charging out of the gate and chase me, growling and snapping. A collie and a horrible little terrier thing. The owner eventually comes out. He says “they’ll stop chasing you in a minute.” no apology.

    I don’t think “dog people” understand that not everyone is a “dog person”.

    Free Member

    Yes please mate, if it’s still available, but I can’t see your email in profile.

    Mine is john dot mediasuite at gmail dot com


    Free Member

    Oooh it’s OK he just wants to play

    Yeah whatever.

    Dog owners. It’s the 99% that give the 1% a bad name.

    Free Member

    Never mind that, my local tesco has a bike rack in the farthest corner of the carpark, out of view to most.

    So I just lock mine to a rail near the entrance which I think is designed as a bump rail for people in cars who have no spacial awareness, butvtje rail goes all round the post. Am I going to hell?

    I have the stats on that. No utility cyclist has ever gone to hell. I think you’ll be OK there 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m not sure which is worse, inconsiderate morons taking all the parent and child spaces and disabled spaces, or people that don’t think this behaviour should be challenged and stopped.

    I’m not saying individuals should always challenge it face to face – I wouldn’t fancy my disabled wife telling some tattooed thug to shift his car. But if Tesco’s etc were prepared to be proactive on behalf of their valued non-dickhead customers, attitudes can change.

    I’d suggest the following tannoy announcement: “Will the prize bell end who parked the chavved up red Corsa vehicle registration AB12CDE in a disabled space without displaying a blue badge please move it in the next 5 minutes before we clamp it and charge you a £100 release fee. That’s right, sir, you. The fat guy with the shaved head in the Superdry vest”

    Whilst I agree with your sentiments about inconsiderate parking, I’m calling you out on your classism 🙂

    In my experience, it’s just as likely to be some tosspot in an expensive motor than it is to be, as you put it, a “chav”.

    Free Member

    I tap on the window. “Hi mate, you’re in a child space and I could really do with it. Could you move please?” Him: “**** off”. Me: “OK well thanks anyway. Enjoy your pie.”

    Short of actually having a fight in a car park whilst your children watch, there’s nothing you can do.

    So let me get this – so rather than simply going to find another space (or double space if you must open your door fully), you’d rather get out of the car to go and knock on a strangers window whilst leaving your car as an obstruction in the middle of the access roadway (presumably with said child also in the unattended car)!

    The mind boggles!!! Really wonder how on earth people used to cope 10 years ago before parent and child spaces started becoming common? [/quote]

    You’re voting Brexit, aren’t you.

    Free Member

    I think the general idea is that crossing a busy carpark with young kids in tow is high risk, so minimising that distance makes a lot of sense.

    Its also kind of helpful for new mums who are may still be recovering from giving birth and thus not great fans of walking any distance.

    In my experience the ones most in need of exercise are the child-free adults who would rather take a parent+child space than waddle an extra few yards for their oven chips.


    Absolutely this.

    And the best parent/child spaces have hatching either side so you can open the doors fully to get kids in and out of child seats etc easily.

    Morrisons. Todmorden. It’s raining. My youngest is still a baby and asleep in his car seat, which doubles as a carry cot. Door needs to open fully in order to get him and carry cot out without waking him up.

    All parent/child spaces are full, but in one, there’s a BMW with a bloke in it eating a pie.

    I tap on the window. “Hi mate, you’re in a child space and I could really do with it. Could you move please?” Him: “**** off”. Me: “OK well thanks anyway. Enjoy your pie.”

    Short of actually having a fight in a car park whilst your children watch, there’s nothing you can do.

    Free Member

    Surely it would make sense in these modern days of childhood obesity to put the parent and child spaces right at the back of the carpark? Let the little cherubs get used to some excersize?

    Well, it’s academic, because whenever I go to the supermarket with the kids, all of the parent/child spaces are full anyway, and not all with cars carrying parents and children.

    Free Member

    I used to call people out on it. “Hey mate, you’ve parked in a disabled bay”. Every single time, I’d just be told to **** off.

    You can’t change the world one bellend at a time.

    Free Member

    Because a percentage of people are indescribable bellends, who will, unless regulated with credible threat of enforcement, default to the laziest, most selfish behaviour possible.

    Free Member

    I’ve been using these for a few years for road riding pocpac, they’ve lasted well and easily slide into a jersey pocket.

    It’s the road tool pac I use btw


    Thanks all

    Free Member

    I had 28s at fairly modest pressures, but my recovering wrist still didn’t thank me for those bits.

    Ah – we had a chat at the finish. Hope your wrist’s felling better today dude 🙂

    Free Member


    Thanks – that’s the sort of thing – but their prices are a bit – ahem – premium 🙂

    Free Member

    Hebdencyclist – nice to meet you on Saturday at Bitts Park.

    Likewise, and thanks again for running the event.

    1. Yip, it was colder than anticipated.

    I just came underdressed. I’d always wondered why people bother with toe covers – now I know 🙂

    5. Shand were happy to give this out at pretty much random! Gary’s wife was working with Fresh Start in the kitchen and chose a lad called Barney Barnett (?). Criteria – he had a glow bracelet in his helmet (so we knew he’d followed the full route and got into the spirit of things at the Crook Inn), he was buying a sarny and donating his cash, and he was particularly enthusiastic when Petra asked him if he’d enjoyed it. That was it, the lucky sod won it!

    Well congratulations Barney.

    4. Our local cycling buddies decided they’d all chip in and buy a few slabs of beers to give out to everyone at the finish. There was a wheelbarrow to the river side of the grassy knoll. We shouted this out at one point. Sorry if you missed it.

    Ah -I see – well that was a very generous gesture. I got off before sunrise. I’d wanted to hang around but the thought of a warm bed with my girlfriend in it at the Premier Inn in Leith was too much of a temptation!

    6. Yes, we have again received lovely feedback, and so we’ll Ride to the Sun again at the summer solstice in 2017. Please just tell your cycling buddies how good it was and encourage them to come along. And it will always be a free event.

    Will do.

    Free Member

    What a great ride. Thoughts:

    1. My hands were so cold on the Devil’s Beef Tub descent that I couldn’t change gear.

    2. The disco stop was surreal and brilliant. In an Apocalypse Now sort of way. Who was the jester who gave me a banana? Whoever you were, I think I love you.

    3. What is with those road surfaces? I’m running 28s next year.


    and a free beer.

    Where was this? ‘Cos I missed it!

    5. What’s the score with the Shand Cycles prize draw? How did we enter? (I must have missed this as well)

    6. See you next year

    Free Member

    I’ve heard “Use the chat thread” by The Angry Cyclists is good.

    Free Member

    “The Man Who Cycled The World” by Mark Beaumont is very good

    Free Member

    Oh and 36% chance of precipitation overnight, having checked weather for Lockerbie and Moffatt. The boil-in-the-bag is going in the back pocket

    Free Member

    Just given my bike a preparatory once-over. Loads of stuff wrong with it. I wish I’d never bothered 🙂

    Free Member

    Xbox One and Fallout 4. The month will fly.

    Free Member

    Difficult to decide on clothing options for tonight.

    3/4 bibs, s/s jersey and armwarmers I think.

    Free Member

    So you’re doing a 25 mile TT.

    There will be no drafting in the AG categories. Not being funny but read up on the rules of the event so you know what you’re entering.

    Whilst an hour is entirely possible, the reality is that averaging 40 km/h for a full hour for someone who hasn’t done this sort of thing before is a tall order. 33 km/h at a first go is respectable. If you can get some tri bars and are comfortable on them for one hour+, then that’ll buy you another 2 km/h (maybe) for no extra effort.

    If you can put in the miles between now and the race, I think 38 km/h is doable. So, I’d be looking at 1:05.

    I think this just about covers it.

    Pace it as a 25 TT on heart rate. First third zone 3.8-4, second third 4..0-4.2 and final third at 4.2 plus. A flat course should have you down to 65 minutes with a reasonable position. An hour is possible with drafting, provided you can hold a wheel.

    So does this.

    Read up on pacing a time trial. And triathlon is brilliant – enjoy it 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep a school friend of mine was killed doing that. His mate, who’d been driving, got a ban.

    Free Member

    OK I’ll have a go…

    pathetic self righteousness

    =Caring about other people

    constant prissiness about women in maxxis catalogues

    =Wanting women to be respected as equal to men

    trying to ram remain down our throats

    =Writing an opinion piece

    I’ll clarify the debate

    =Spout my own viewpoint under the guise of “common sense”


    80% of 11 year-olds can differentiate common homophones when spelling

    self-righteous left wing tabloid, I could go on the Guardian

    Guardian not a tabloid (and not very left wing, unless you’re Genghis Khan)

    cry myself fragile little self to sleep at night.

    Love how “cry myself to sleep” wasn’t emphatic enough; when proofreading, OP decided to add “fragile little” for a bit of added hyperbole.

    3/10 – no shouty capitals, nothing about immigrants.

    Free Member

    Dude are you lost?

    Daily Mail is over there >>>

    Free Member

    Looking forward to this.

    Setting off from Carlisle at 8. I want to be in Cramond for sunrise, and I don’t want to be rushing!

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