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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    Throwing or breaking things is considered to be domestic abuse

    This is not a joking matter. If you destroy things when you don’t get your own way, in front of your partner, you may need professional help.

    Free Member

    Wear whatever you like and don’t worry about what you perceive as “frowned upon” or not.

    What you’ll [probably] come to realise is that baggy clothing is not very practical for long road rides at pace. Likewise, helmet peaks just stop you from seeing properly when you’re on the drops.

    Free Member

    The Independent has gone with “killed while riding bike” which I think is a good choice of words while we have so little info.

    No mention of hit and run or “seeking the driver of” the white pickup.

    I wonder how the police know [believe] it was a white L200. I doubt many eyewitnesses would have been able to be so specific about the model. They may have analysed the paint?

    Free Member

    I’ve tweeted Carlton Reid about the “hit and run” claim. If he gets back to me I’ll let you know!

    Free Member

    From the symptoms you describe, the car put itself into limp-home mode. There could be many reasons for this, and not necessarily related to the induction.

    Get to a garage and they’ll plug their doo-da in and diagnose the fault.

    Free Member

    I stayed with my ex-wife […]”for the kids” in hindsight this was a mistake and they are happier now we are divorced

    Same here and absolutely agree with this.

    Free Member

    Me. My bikes were all stolen from my shed 2 years ago (uninsured) and had no cash for replacements so I got a new road bike on the bike to work scheme.

    Free Member

    welcome to a whole new world of hot chicks, drinking beer and riding your bike (almost) as much as you like!

    Massively this

    Free Member

    so tell her the kids can live with you and she can have them 3 days a week

    Stuff like this ^^ doesn’t help.

    Sorry to hear of your troubles, OP. I’ve been through similar, although it was me that did the leaving.

    There are some things you’re probably not going to be able to fight her on: 1. Custody. Three nights p/w at their Dad’s is as good a deal as you’re likely to get, so I’d take this and co-operate, and don’t start throwing demands around for full custody. 2. House. One of the first things my solicitor said to me is that no judge would force the sale of a house if it meant turfing a woman and children out. You’re going to have to move out eventually, and rent, lodge or live with family.

    I was skint when I moved out. I treated it like an experiment and lived wholesomely and frugally. I eBayed everything that wasn’t nailed down in order to raise cash. Anything I needed, I got on eBay/Freecycle. I won’t go into tips on how to live frugally but MoneySavingExpert will become your friend.

    As someone else has said, you don’t have to move out straight away. You’ll need a month or two to get yourself sorted.

    Stay strong man. Try not to be angry with your wife. Love your kids. Work out what you can afford, get on Rightmove, and cut your cloth according to [whatever the phrase is]

    Free Member

    We still haven’t seen why the moto stopped, have we? Everyone in the crowd was waving their phones – I’m sure footage will appear on YouTube.

    Free Member

    Bands worth seeing live…

    Bands whose music you enjoy?

    Crazy I know.

    Free Member

    clodhopper – you did not ‘effectively counter’ jambalaya’s claims. You merely strung together a few words after each of his valid points. Your powers of reasoning are weak.

    At least those two posters attempted a reasoned debate. All you seem to do is throw abuse around.

    Free Member

    Great pictures, chaps. Really inspiring. Keep them coming 🙂

    Free Member

    Ability to determine our own future, the primacy of our democracy. This cannot be understated, the EU is totally unwieldy with 28 members all wanting their say.
    Removing ourselves from a project to create a superstate of Europe (including creating and funding an EU Army), one which is most certainly not in our interests
    Ability to look towards the dynamic regions of growth in the world without being held back by EU vested interests
    Unshackled from the EU budget which will only have made increasing demands on us (we do face a risk of material increases in next 2-3 years unfortunately)
    Ability to control immigration in terms of the quality of people we take, we can use this as a very positive tool in our trade discussions with India and China in particular.

    Each of these claims would require examination. ie “our own future”? It would seem that our future is determined by a right-wing elite from the home counties, and that EU legislation afforded some protection to the workers, the poor and the vulnerable.

    Anyway at least you had the decency to respond to my question with courtesy and reason. So thank you.

    Free Member

    not handcuffed to the corpse that is the EU

    Jamba, I respect your position as an exiter and you’re not an unreasonable person, but all I tend to hear from exiters is soundbites like this.

    I’ll try you because the OP won’t/can’t answer.

    With recourse to facts and reasoned argument, not emotive soundbites or proven lies, what have the Brexiters won, and why is it better for the country?

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987, I bet you don’t go. You and your wife have just worked yourselves into a bit of a hysterical lather.

    More abuse.

    I’ll ask once more, then give up on you.

    What have you won, and why is it better for the country than what we had before?

    Free Member

    OP here. So looking at most of the responses posted, can I assume that the remainers still have some fire in dem belly ! Bravo, you have more spirit than I gave you credit for !
    What ya gonna do next ? Vote Libdem, start an online petition, tweet something clever, not talk to your mother in law ?
    Your power is awesome.

    You could address our points? Then we could have a reasoned debate, instead of a school-playground argument.

    Once more – what have you won, and why is it better than what came before?

    Free Member

    And very different from being dictated to by unelected **** in Luxemburg.

    You see, this just sounds like a Daily Express headline that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.


    It’s Luxembourg.

    Could you tell me how we’ve all been “dictated to” by “unelected” people in Lucksumburger?

    Free Member

    It’s all good for us winners !

    Congratulations on your victory.

    Can you please tell us what you’ve won? And I don’t mean rehashed lies or vague soundbites about “taking our country back”.

    Free Member

    The lender performed an electronic credit search on you. They identified you from the details you supplied. They judged you to be good for the amount of the loan, so they lent it to you.

    And if you are good for the amount of the loan, nobody’s getting into “all sorts of trouble”.

    Free Member

    It’s not the end of the world it’s just going to take a few years to get sorted.

    That’s the attitude that will get you through it mate. Good luck, and do take advice on MSE too. Someone else recommended CAB as well.

    No bike bits for a while 🙁 😀

    Free Member

    I know this doesn’t help the OP in any way shape or form but I have a similar income to him and my total outgoings on loans, credit cards and mortgage is £170 a month and I worry about that!

    ZOMG I want you inside me

    Free Member

    My cc company a while back offered to convert my cc into a loan. Didn’t take them up on the offer but perhaps should have. One would assume such a deal would not affect credut rating.

    Indeed. Although you’d have to consider carefully whether it’d be a better deal over the term of the loan.

    Free Member

    I’ve had this in one of those soft-play centres. They marketed their “real coffee” and charged coffee shop prices, but it was always terrible. Like, hot water with grit in it.

    During a chat with the owner I mentioned it. He became really defensive and showed me round his “really good” bean-to-cup coffee machine, complete with powdered milk 🙄

    Free Member

    No, the only time your credit rating is affected is if you miss several payments or end up down the ccj route.

    No. If you enter into a debt repayment plan with a creditor, they will almost certainly record an AR marker on your file for each month you’re on the plan and whatever you pay them does not meet the minimum pyt as set out in the original credit agreement. This will adversely affect your ability to obtain credit in the future.

    Free Member

    Does that harm your credit rating?

    Yes. But IF (and it’s still an if because we haven’t seen the OP’s figures) he can’t meet his monthly unsecured debt repayments, then this is going to happen. It’s not the end of the world.

    Free Member

    Applying for more credit cards is not the answer.


    Free Member

    Yes he does. If there is a good chunk of equity in the house, then selling, moving to something lower priced and clearing debt should be considered. With a view to a better house when debt is cleared.

    Better to do that than running into quick arrangements with debtors as this will knacker his credit rating for years.

    Selling his house is an extreme solution to an unsecured debt problem.

    Every time someone checks your credit score it puts a marker on your credit file.

    “Soft searches” leave no credit file marker, but nor do they fully assess affordability/true likelihood of acceptance.

    Look – we all need to calm down 😀

    OP, take it from someone who has been in your situation, with similar figures, and has come out of it the other side.

    You will not need to leave your pension scheme (you shouldn’t) or sell your house.

    Complete the SOA I linked to, with honest and precise figures. Post it here if you like, but better still, post it on the MSE forum where people who’ve been through the same will give you valuable advice. There are ten new “Help I’m in debt – here’s my SOA” posts every day on there. It’s all standard stuff!

    Free Member

    You honestly need to ask yourself if you can afford to live in your house.

    No. No he doesn’t need to ask himself that.

    If the OP needs to enter into an arrangement to pay with his unsecured creditors, he will not be expected to sell his house to make up the shortfall. His mortgage payments (and his pension contributions for that matter) will be accepted as legitimate expenses on his SOA.

    The OP’s home and pension are not at risk because he’s overextended himself with unsecured debt.

    Free Member

    They then (I think) have to offer a reduce rate repayment schedule.

    It doesn’t matter if they offer it or not. You work out how much you can afford to pay each creditor (pro rata from what you have left after your living expenses) then tell them that’s what they’re getting, and request interest stopped. They will all do that, although some will require more persistence than others. They will all want to see your SOA.

    Credit files will be marked with “AR” (arrangement to pay) for each month the plan is in place, then “S” (settled) when settled. Yes it will screw your credit for 6 years from the final AR (or any other negative marker they use).

    Although unpleasant at the start, most people come to look back on their years in the credit wilderness as a positive thing, in which they built a lifestyle around living without credit.

    Free Member

    Indeed but we need the OP’s SOA before we can give concrete advice. He might be able to make the monthly minimums as he is (but from what he’s said so far, I doubt it)

    Free Member

    Consolidation might make sense but isn’t always the answer. Many, many people find they consolidate then still struggle, so continue to borrow just to balance the monthly budget, then end up with the consolidation loan plus a load of new debt.

    It obvs makes sense to get on the lowest interest-rate deals you can, but people in the OP’s position can rarely access the best deals.

    Free Member

    Does bills include clothing, haircuts, travel, holidays, annual expenses like car servicing & MOT?

    Use the SOA calculator in my link.

    I know it’s a pain and don’t mean to be patronising but it’s the first step in understanding your full situation and helping others to give informed advice.

    Free Member

    Edited. Wasn’t making much sense.

    Free Member

    What’s your income dude? Otherwise we can’t know if these figures are manageable or not.

    I’m guessing if you’re considering leaving your pension, then they’re not.

    You know the drill, I’m sure. Cut unnecessary expenditure, get any low-interest-rate balance transfer deals you can, get rid of any expensive luxuries you can do without (it’s amazing how many people are struggling with debt but have iPhone, Sky TV and an Audi on the drive – not saying that’s you though!), pay down debt with highest interest rate first.

    Don’t count on being accepted for the remortgage if your monthly income & expenditure is “maxed out”.

    Do a proper budget and if you’re happy to, post it up here.

    When I was in debt, the Debt Free Wannabee forum on Moneysavingexpert was a real help.

    Good luck

    Edit: The above advice is assuming you can actually meet your minimum monthly payments. If you can’t, don’t leave your pension scheme in order to make up the shortfall. Come back and tell us and I’ll tell you what happens next. And it’s not that scary.

    Free Member

    Schools are really hard pressed at the moment. The “government ” says that funding is the same as in previous tears. There might be no reduction in funding but the costs have gone up significantly. Increases to NI and pension have meant some schools are facing 7% more contributions. Government enforced changes to the curriculum and exam system mean lots of revised resources and training to meet new demands (or you’ll go under at the next OFSTED)
    I’m a governor at a large secondary and small primary school. Both are having to reduce staffing to make ends meet. The reality is schools are 10% worse off in the last 12months. No difference between local authority or academies.


    Free Member

    It’s a tacky scheme. I’d spend the fiver on a reward for your daughter she would probably rather have, like a book. I’m amazed the school didn’t think of this.

    Bear in mind that, as the school has not yet converted, it is not an academy. So this is not an example of academy schools screwing parents; it’s an example of a senior leader at a hard-pressed maintained-sector school who has made a poor decision with their Recognising Achievement Policy. It would not surprise me if it’s an off-the-shelf “system” they’ve bought in to “do rewards”.

    Free Member

    Well, I can’t speak for the OP, but this thread has been useful for me so far, so thanks!

    Free Member

    We paid £110k for it, and the best sale price l can get is currently £95k. Ok so the mortgage paid by the tenant has reduced the capital a bit, but property hasnt gone up round here. We bought just before the financial markets collapsed in 2007. Bad timing

    All the more reason not to sell. It has a lifetime of value to you as income rather than a sale at a loss.

    Just done a quick calculation regarding the new tax rules on mortgage interest. Oh ****. Think that clears things up for me! Interest is approx £350 a month. Rental income is £500pcm. I’d have to pay out an additional £1500 a year to cover the interest.

    Not following your logic?

    Free Member

    This framebuilder uses one for polishing parts.

    When I give up my mundane life to be an artisan framebuilder 😀 I shall use one to craft lovely dropouts.

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