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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    Is it racist to dislike people talking to each other in their own language whilst working in a supermarket?

    But even if it is then we’re not to tell you it is because you’re not a racist?


    You just started a thread to ask people to tell you you’re not racist?

    OK. You’re not racist.

    Free Member

    ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???????? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ???????? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ????? “????” ??????

    Don’t bring my mother into this.

    Free Member

    I’d guess the chap’s winning in life.

    If driving an Audi 4×4 is your definition of “winning in life” then I am very, very glad to say I’m losing 😀

    Free Member

    Get a normal sized car then you utter bellend.


    Free Member

    One colleague doesn’t fill the communal kettle after making himself a drink.

    Another colleague is so disgusted by this he goes on the internet to bitch about him to strangers.

    Whose behaviour is the more “strange”?

    OP, if I worked with you, I wouldn’t talk to you either.

    Free Member

    Knock yourself out[/url]

    Free Member

    Why’s it a great first line?

    Free Member

    Persevere on the phone. They’ll offer you the lower price to retain you.

    I go through this pantomime with them every year.

    Free Member

    And what’s on the front of the lorry “Homicide”?

    Heh. Well said

    Free Member

    For less than the cost of a Touch, you could get him a 7in Android tablet with a bigger screen and more apps and games, and just put iTunes on it for his music if you wish.

    Free Member

    Why do the mp3s sound bad, genuine question?
    I’m guessing sample rate not bitrate , over any actual hardware problems

    Possibly better quality of DAC in £300 Marantz CD player compared to “cooking DAC” in whatever source is playing the MP3s?

    Free Member

    Well no – the question of what speakers includes PC speakers and all the rest of them.

    Well you have my recommendation for PC speakers.

    And no, my computer doesn’t have a CD tray!

    USB CD drive £10ish

    Free Member

    Dude you’re overthinking it! Just get a decent set of speakers for your PC and enjoy. I assume your PC has a CD tray.

    I like Harmon Kardon Soundsticks personally, but YMMW

    Free Member

    Even if it does make you a bit scared, collectively we have to start to do it because letting it go unchallenged implies acceptance.


    Free Member

    Depressingly the latter. Parking his car in the disabled bay in front of the gym “I can’t park anywhere else or my doors will get scratched”

    Parking her new Audi in the parent and child spaces – “My daughter is in the shop, and my trolley (full of booze) is too heavy to push any further.

    Letting his giant dog shit on the door step of a shop I worked in – “I don’t have a ****ing plastic bag do I?”

    Taxi driver in the parent and child – “I’m picking up my disabled daughter, who is with her daughter…I know where you live. Mind your own business dickhead”.

    and so on, and so on. I’ve pretty much given up now because it’s only a matter of time until it results in violence.

    Yeah – selfish adults were selfish kids, and are well practised in the art of childish defensiveness. The defensive person is trying to derail you from the principle with excuses and obfuscation. The way to deal with defensiveness is to utterly refuse to be drawn into it.

    “Oh come on – we’re adults aren’t we? Just clean up after your dog. Thanks.”

    The art is not to try to “win” an encounter with a dickhead. You can’t. Just make your point and walk away. Just by raising the matter and requesting they rectify it, you’ve planted a seed and most people will think twice before doing the same behaviour again.

    Free Member

    If you’re 6’4, 18 stone and have a hard look about you then you’ll probably not get much blow back when you correct someone. If you’re fun sized and look bookish expect to get threatened.

    I’m 5’9 and “bookish”. And when the situation requires it, I’m always the one to tell people to be quiet in the cinema, get off their phones in the car, stop swearing in front of my kids on the train, whatever.

    I’ve never been abused, threatened or assaulted. In actual fact, most people apologise. Case in point; group of teenagers on the train being loud and sweary. I’ve got my 8 year-old with me. “Oi lads, can you not swear please? There are kids on here.” “OK sorry mate.” “No problem”.

    We’re not a violent society. A slightly thoughtless dad, yakking on his phone while behind the wheel of his Range Rover, is not going to get out and punch anyone. He just needs telling. And I bet he’d never do it again 🙂

    Free Member

    Why would you feel that way anyway?

    Because…we do?

    As I say, we’ve both been married before and have no intention of recreating the conditions.

    The only reason we are together is because we love each other. Not because we promised God in front of all our relatives, and not because we depend on each other financially. If either of us decide at any time that the relationship no longer makes us happy, we can end it.

    Free Member

    Haven’t read through whole thread but…

    My partner and I have both been married before. We have no desire to be financially obliged to each other, like we were in our marriages.

    I transfer her my share of the bills every month and she pays them. No need for joint accounts.

    I did joint accounts with an old girlfriend years ago. I hated it being her business what I spent, and my business what she spent. Just split the bills (in a ratio that works for you) and keep your own money 🙂

    Free Member

    In 2001 I bought a house in Mytholmroyd in the Calder Valley. My solicitors warned me it was on the flood plain but I thought “**** it – it’ll be OK.” No problem getting insurance.

    I sold the house to an acquaintance in 2005. They now can’t sell it, as no-one wants to buy on the Calder Valley flood plain, after the floods of 2012 and 2015. They’re having to keep it and rent it out.

    My points being:

    1. Even just fifteen years ago, the thought of serious flooding in the Calder Valley was remote. But now it’s happened twice in four years and is likely to happen again. “There’ve never been any problems in the Tees Valley” is no guarantee of future safety.

    2. When an area floods, inability to get insurance will be the least of your problems. You risk your house becoming impossible to sell.

    3. Given the above, I genuinely think that, over the next few decades as extreme weather events become more frequent and flooding more common, it will be market forces that depopulate our flood plains.

    4. There’s a mug in every card game, and if you don’t know who it is, it’s you! Meaning, I wouldn’t be solving someone else’s problem for them by buying their house that stands on a flood plain.

    Free Member

    Rule 1. If conflict seems likely, give way regardless, what’s the hurry.
    Rule 2. Big metal things kill you.

    These points can just as easily be applied to drivers as reasons to slow down, be patient, make good observations, and not manoeuvre your vehicle into the paths of vulnerable road users.

    Making a decision to always give way to the Proper People in their cars, because their journey is somehow more important, gives rise to a “might is right” mentality on the road, where priority is unofficially decided by the weight and power of the vehicle.

    In the case of the OP, it is the responsibility of the turning vehicle to ensure that the way is clear before manoeuvring. When you are driving a car and another vehicle is indicating to move into your lane, you are not automatically expected to brake and let it in. That’s not how road priority works.

    “What’s the hurry?” is a good mantra for using the roads, but shouldn’t just apply to cyclists 😉

    Free Member

    Don’t live there any more but voted all the same

    Free Member

    I’d be all for having a word first. People should stand up for principles of decency regardless of the consequences.

    “Hey mate, it’s dangerous to drive using your phone. This is our kids’ school. Can you not do that.”

    How he reacts is his responsibility, not yours.

    Free Member

    Yep we used to get a stream of red letters addressed to a former occupant of our house.

    I opened one and rang the DCA, saying the guy they wanted didn’t live here any more. They treated me like I was lying, and that this guy must be a relative and I must have a forwarding address, and what was my name? And why wouldn’t I give them my name? I told them to **** off then if that was their attitude, and in future just chucked the letters away.

    Free Member

    I’ve just noticed the phone is running Android 5.0 which could be updated to 6.0 if i do the update via a computer and some companion software – anyone know if 6.0 is better or worse for memory usage and adaptability to sore more stuff on a SD card?

    You may run into problems if you want to load a ROM that isn’t an official Sony update. I found that the bootloader was locked and couldn’t be unlocked on my M4, which prevents sideloading. Which sucks. This is how an Apple user must feel all the time 😀

    On the other hand, if it is an official Sony update, you’ll find that the phone doesn’t have the space to run it 😀

    Free Member

    Seems a shame to take an angle grinder to it

    Yep what I left out is that the phone also developed a number of hardware faults. Namely a spontaneously cracked screen (known issue) and an intermittent fault with the SIM mount (known issue) that meant that, regularly and for no reason, the phone would decide that there was no SIM in it. Even though there was.

    The phone is no practical use any more, plus I’m paranoid about my data, so angle grinder it is 🙂

    Free Member

    My better half has a Sony Xperia M4 Aqua with 8GB* internal storage, she is constantly getting notifications that the phone apps are out of date but there is not enough storage on the flash memory to update the apps.

    Yes I had this exact phone, A phone so inadequate that it didn’t have the storage to install its own updates, yet FULL of useless crap from Sony. Also, the bootloader on mine was locked down so phone couldn’t be rooted to get rid of the bloatware and install a slimmed-down ROM.

    I had everything set to use SD card (photos, docs and every possible app) and cleared out cached data regularly. It made little practical difference. I had to run minimal apps, and nothing storage-hungry. No Pinterest, no games, etc. If I wanted to install a new app, or run updates, I would have to delete an app first, then try to reinstall it later.

    Absolute joke of a phone.

    In the end I bit the bullet and bought myself a proper phone that actually works. I was going to keep the M4 as a “spare” to take out on my bike etc, but in reality I never have, and, now you have reminded me, will probably cut it in half with an angle grinder today 🙂

    Free Member

    then reopened by that gobshite

    Not a huge fan myself, but given the occasion being commemorated, don’t you think we can all aim a little higher in this world than just typing facile abuse?

    Free Member

    No skirting board, it’s a tiled floor.

    Then it won’t really matter about your “good” amp – the whole room will sound like the inside of a washing machine anyway 🙂

    Free Member

    Oh **** it – I’m going to join you brother. Been meaning to quit for ages. First one to have a fag has to touch a poo.

    Free Member

    So what you’re asking for is a Bluetooth receiver to plug into the back of each speaker so you don’t have to run speaker cables?

    You’d need something to make the signal voltage powerful enough to actually drive your speakers. Something like, y’know, an amplifier 🙂

    Sorry. You’ll either have to put up with speaker wires, or buy powered speakers.

    Free Member

    As a VI Former I went on an A-Level History field trip to the USA. It was expensive. I paid half and my parents paid half.

    It had zero educational benefit, but I did finger a cheerleader. Which, I feel, made the whole thing worth it.

    Free Member

    Some people are able to create beauty for everyone to have and enjoy. The world is simply poorer now that he is dead.

    We should all try to be a bit more like Leonard Cohen, and a bit less… well, you know.

    Free Member

    I think surveillance isn’t a great idea although I can see why you’d feel pushed to it.

    Just lock up your valuables and say nothing.

    Free Member

    OK let’s see…

    You like owning CDs.
    You want CD quality sound.
    You don’t have enough storage space for all your lossless rips.

    Solution 1: Just…play the CD? 😀

    Solution 2: Use your PC/MAC as a Network Attached Server to serve your music over wifi to your stereo. Wifi dongles available.

    Solution 3: Google Play Music. It adds your library to its library, making all the music you own available for streaming at any time. Don’t like streaming? You can tell Google Play to make any playlist available offline. No these will not be lossless, but I’m guessing your Bluetooth speakers are not making the most of those high-res files anyway.

    Solution 4: Get a new phone or portable music player that accepts SD cards. Money no object? Get an Astell & Kern AK Jr with a half-decent DAC to make the most of your high-res files. Because what’s the point in keeping your music in such an inconvenient format if your equipment isn’t up to the task of resolving the detail in the sound?

    Free Member

    Thanks Essel. And Poolman you have a lovely place there. Bookmarked for future reference, but not 2017. Since starting this thread me and Mrs HC have gone off in another direction entirely re next year’s hols (why are we dragging the kids to the Mediterranean when they’d be literally just as happy in Scarborough? And we’ll buy a tandem with the money we save) 😀

    Free Member

    Sorry. School summer hols 2017

    Free Member

    OK. So the car hire is nothing to do with your insurance policy – your insurer had passed your details to Hertz as part of a commercial arrangement for which your insurer will receive a commission.

    If you need a hire car, then shop around and get the best deal, which may or may not be Hertz.

    Free Member

    democratic process

    This is the thing. The referendum wasn’t democracy – it was an abuse of the term. Through misinformation, bare-faced lies, and the whipping up of people’s basest and most unpleasant instincts, a bunch of privileged public schoolboys, for which all this is just a game, were able to convince a slim majority that they could get rid of foreigners, and have an extra £350million every week for the NHS, if we were out of the EU.

    It was lies.

    If you had a referendum on whether to bring back hanging, it would probably be “yes”.

    If you had a referendum on whether we should send the darkies back ‘ome, it would probably be “yes”.

    It doesn’t mean we should actually **** do it.

    Free Member

    70% of Labour constituencies voted Leave, although most Labour MPs were pro Remain.

    Labour MPs will have to decide whether to vote for what is factually and evidentially in the best interests of the country, or vote for what the racists and thickos in their constituencies want.

    Free Member

    Bernie Sanders would have had this wrapped up already

    Oh, absolutely.

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