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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • hebdencyclist
    Free Member

    Remain just did not have sufficient compelling arguments

    That’s just it – they did. But were drowned out by populist lies.

    Free Member

    The responses on here have been giving me food for thought. I have friends who vote differently to me and we’ve never fallen out. But I tend to filter out of my life people who are privileged and don’t realise it, or people who have no empathy for those less fortunate.

    And yeah, racists and bigots can **** off

    Free Member

    Xbox with minecraft FTW if your kid is under 10! Be advised – recent games can usually be found much cheaper as discs from eBay than downloads from the Xbox store.

    Free Member

    if you value political beliefs over true friendship

    It’s the opposite of shallow. “True friendship” cannot ignore someone’s core beliefs.

    Free Member

    none of my long term friends are tories

    I like you already 😀

    Free Member

    Maybe some people don’t actually have any proper mates?
    Just saying.

    Or maybe some people have principles.

    Just saying 😉

    Free Member

    Yes I would.

    If you are small-minded, ignorant and prejudiced; if you believe that the rich deserve their wealth and the poor deserve their poverty, or support policies that are underpinned by that belief; if you are comfortable with there being want and suffering whilst the privileged enrich themselves further, then…

    …no, I don’t want to be your fwiend.

    Free Member

    There was an MP local-ish to me who had integrity and humanity in spades.

    Then she was shot dead in the street by a Nazi.

    Free Member

    Craig Whittaker, Con, Calder Valley. Typical Tory robot. Suit full of **** all.

    Free Member

    A little update.
    We opted against the cctv route, on consideration, for many of the reasons outlined here and because we just didn’t really want to live in that sort of a home. However the suspicion has been slowly gnawing at us, compounded when I think I caught my daughter trying to shoplift on a family outing. A few other things have been noticed as absent (one of my wife’s dresses, etc.)
    I’ve also, in the interim, been around every single cash converter type pawn shop, market trader, jewellers etc. in the region with details of the jewellery that was missing, trying to make it too hot to touch. Nothing came of that.
    So, day before yesterday during a conversation with Ex/daughter’s mother, i asked if she seemed to be being a bit ‘flash with the cash’, possibly beyond her means. Yes, she has. I told Ex about the missing items, whereby she said she would look for them in daughter’s room.
    I took daughter out to talk about the counselling that I had already booked regarding some of her other issues, and received a photo text from Ex saying “is this the box?”.
    Dog walk complete I take her to a cafe, and calmly confront her with the evidence.
    Flat denial.
    “Really? Your mother has just found this in your room. It’s got the jewellers address on the inside of the box.”
    Skip a bit, she confesses.
    Subsequent conversation, she admits that she doesn’t know why she took them, despite my alerting her to the financial and sentimental value, and having given her opportunities to return the jewellery, with subtle hints, like “I hope they’ll just turn up, we’ve probably just misplaced them.”
    She admitted to being a kleptomaniac, and that she wanted to return them but couldn’t. She revealed that she is having suicidal thoughts again, and that she just doesn’t want to be here. Just wanted everything to go back to how it was before 2012 (T1 diabetes diagnosis).
    After suitable reassurances and that despite the proof of the crime, we still loved her, wanted her in our home (terms and conditions apply) and would do everything that we could to support her, including paying for private counselling, I drove her to her other home, whereby she retrieved and returned the earrings.
    Since then, I’ve discussed the situation with at least two child counsellors and arranged family psychotherapeutic counselling, informed her school of events, informed her doctor and am due to discuss reengaging Cams (Child mental heath team) and whether she ought to be sectioned. I have informed the insurance company and repaid the monies, and notified key family members. Obviously I have discussed this with my wife and my ex, although the ex is reluctant for daughter to engage in any counselling that involves my wife and I.
    I’ve not pressed charges or notified the police . . . yet.
    Any thoughts?
    Cheers, M

    You are a **** superb father.

    My thoughts:

    She has self-diagnosed as a Kleptomaniac. Hide your valuables in the same way you’d hide the booze if an alcoholic came round.

    CAMHS is very, very underfunded at the moment. You may have to put your hand in your pocket if you want timely, effective help for your daughter.

    Good luck. You’re doing all the right things IMO.

    Free Member

    If you’re running an AMD FX6300 then the Intel i5 CPU you’re looking at will not be compatible.

    You’ll need to look at AMD processors that use the AMD3+ motherboard socket.

    Or, if you’re absolutely set on the Intel, you’ll need a new motherboard.

    Free Member

    I notice the flex is 2 core, this is only good for insulated fittings e.g. white plastic pendant fitting. No good for a metal light fitting as you need to earth that.

    There is brass earth point (or whatever it’s called) on the metal light fitting though… Wire it to the earth wire coming out of the ceiling?

    Free Member

    Park in Long Stay at Stanmore, tube to Wembley

    Free Member

    Trusting wire insulation colours is a really bad idea. That’s how it should be but who knows.

    OK. What do you do then? Not a challenge – I’m interested. I do lots of little electrical jobs around the house, and if you can’t rely on the colours, what do you do to find out which is E, N & L?

    Free Member

    Contrite or not, he’s dangerous and he wouldn’t be touching anything else in my house.

    Assuming you’ve paid him nothing up to now, pay him according to following formula:

    His bill
    minus the bill of the person you’re employing to put right
    minus your costs incurred (lost earnings etc)

    You want to be fair with him? That’s fair.

    Free Member

    Red to brown, black to blue and land the green/yellow on the brass terminal

    Yep this

    Free Member

    Hold for for Axminster’s ‘Black Friday’ deals later tonight

    That was good advice

    Free Member

    mum coming home with half a hair cut after her hairdresser saying he got what he (Freddie) deserved and she walked out in protest.

    I like your mum.

    Free Member

    Workshop heaven is a good place to look.

    Ah great. Thanks for that.

    Here was I, feeling all superior to Kryton57 and his insecure conspicuous consumption, and now I’m drooling all over a £200 tenon saw 😀

    Free Member

    If you want tweed, just get a hacking jacket. They’re designed for riding horses so they’ll do for riding bikes too!

    Free Member

    Mr LR frame didn’t need facing/reaming – I just fitted everything.

    Schweppes Ginger Ale can shim for the seatpost and all good.

    Free Member

    she’s good at putting words in my mouth and coming to immediate assumptions

    Swoon. What a catch.

    But seriously, she sounds controlling and you’re just about to take her control away. She won’t make it easy.

    For your own good and hers, do it quickly and cleanly, and if you live with her, have somewhere to go immediately for you and your possessions, delete Facebook for a few weeks at least, don’t take her calls.

    Then smash the arse out of Tinder.

    Free Member

    When you start having to hammer your shitty blunt chisels into doors/frames/whatever and end up ripping out around the rebates, don’t forget to drop back into this thread. Enjoy your woodwork…

    Come on. That’s not a helpful attitude. We’re all working within budgets.

    OP, father Christmas is bringing me a set of Rider chisels but they’re a little outside your budget. No doubt certain posters would consider it a moral failing to be using such inferior tools, but they’ll do for me.

    I did a google and came up with these which are within your budget and very well reviewed.

    Free Member

    Maybe I’m more in love with the idea of loving her?

    What? Dude you need to grow a Y chromosome 😀

    She has since this morning been trying to make me feel really guilty and saying how I’ll regret this and how I’m throwing away something special.

    Ah right I missed the bit where you’d already dumped her. Her attitude to it is really telling actually. If she has to protest her value to you in this “you’ll regret it” type of way then perhaps the value isn’t there. She needs you more than you need her.

    Free Member

    I had doubts about my long term girlfriend, but I dismissed them.

    Then I married her and we had kids. Then we split up. Now I see my kids three nights a week and I have to pay her mortgage as well as my own.

    I have no doubts whatsoever about my new partner. There is nothing about her that annoys me, nothing I “just put up with”. I wouldn’t change anything about her.

    Some people think that you have to live with compromises that make you miserable. You don’t.

    None of us ever get younger. Just move on.

    Free Member

    No Brant it wasn’t but it doesn’t surprise me there are similar problems elsewhere in the town.

    Free Member

    John Lennon

    But does he not get a pass for Working Class hero?

    Free Member

    Sandy Denny
    Bert Jansch

    Free Member

    Ian Brown
    Robert Plant
    Nick Cave

    Free Member

    Well, the drug dealer is no longer here
    A police van came round about half an hour ago and parked outside. Then two patrol cars. They went in the block of flats then 5 minutes later they came back out with him in handcuffs and put him in the back of the van.
    Feel a bit happy that I did report what I saw, even if it didn’t directly result in action.

    Excellent. A result

    Free Member

    The thing is, it’s not the drug dealing that’s antisocial – it’s the **** they attract to your street.

    We had a dealer a few doors down (Hebden Bridge – whattya gonna do?). He was attracting all of the local pond life to our street at night and into the early hours. We’d get people banging on our door (“sorry mate wrong house”) jumping up and down on the cars, and lots of noise.

    Anyway the residents went to the next NPT meeting and suddenly “tackling antisocial behaviour in X Street” became a priority. In short, the police booted the guy’s front door in one Saturday morning, led him away in cuffs, and removed all his cannabis plants.

    If he’d been a bit more subtle about it, and told his friends and customers to behave themselves with the neighbours, then no-one would have cared. But he didn’t. So we did.

    And very, very fair play to the police for acting on local concerns.

    Free Member

    Dave Gilmour.

    “On an Island” is a nice song about going on holiday to Greece with his wife.

    Not exactly “Set The Controls for the Heart of the Sun” is it.

    Free Member

    Morrissey’s getting a hard time on this thread! Bona Drag, Viva Hate and Your Arsenal are classic albums. National Front Disco, You’re the One for Me Fatty, Suedehead and Every Day is Like Sunday are brilliant songs.

    All in my humble opinion, obvs.

    Yeah – I know – I’m a fan, and Morrissey fans are notoriously loyal, yet I’ll admit he’s had some forgettable patches (Vauxhall and I!)but he’s established a musical legacy that will long outlive him. Because it’s good.

    So there 😀

    Free Member

    anyone bought a recent album of his and not regretted it? I stopped after Stanley Rd.

    Oh, snap.

    Lots of souley, samey wallpaper, with a few really beautiful ballads.

    I saw him live many years ago. You had to push through “Changingman” or whatever it was called and hope he’d play “That’s Entertainment” or “Down in the Tube Station at Midnight” before he went home.

    Free Member

    £20 if dented/holed
    £40 if rusty but intact
    £100+ if still has its paint

    Free Member

    I just don’t get the fetishism with cars.

    And as for that auction, all it says to me is that a very rich person with no imagination couldn’t think of anything else to spend his money on, so went for the most obvious choice of some old cars.

    Free Member

    Nick Cave, nothing of note since The Birthday Party

    Jesus man. You have no soul!

    Free Member

    we have yet to meet the intellectual heights displayed in that post and i find your ad homs most compelling.

    Whatever. He’s nailed it.

    What possible objection could anyone have to two people having a private conversation in their native language?

    Free Member

    This is me pushing outside my preconceived lifestyle box in order to test the boundaries and explore life a little

    Dude it’s a car 😀

    Free Member

    In the work environment the native tongue should be spoken at all times

    Don’t you think that comes across as a bit needlessly authoritarian?

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