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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • HeathenWoods
    Free Member

    Caught one match so far. The bloody French one. D'oh! Wedding reception for one of the missus' colleagues tonight. D'OH!!!

    Mind you I have received some very rash promises in return for my loyalty.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    For a second I thought it was a hawkwind thread. Either way, the visuals are gviving me flashbacks.

    Free Member

    Woody – none taken 🙂

    One of each in my garage.
    Email in profile

    Ha. If I hadn't just agreed on a P7 I might have battled it out with Woody for the 'dillo – gave new meaning to the term, 'industrial looking,' but it was fun to ride, just wondering how it might have been with a decnt pair of 130 forks. Can't remember what it was designed to take. Those 'gussets', those welds…! And I'd have loved a Compo too.

    Free Member

    The Armadillo raised the bar in the 'hit with an ugly stick' competition.

    Cheeky get!

    I loved mine and was just thinking about it earlier..

    Free Member

    Makes me go all misty eyed

    That'll be the additives in the McFlurry.

    Free Member

    Freya was my favourite until the missus insisted on Poppy for our daughter.

    Free Member


    my missus says…

    Eve or Grace

    Free Member

    You can't ignore the calling

    Well, I've managed it for the last few years so, hopefully, I should hold out for just one more.

    We're just about to catch up with Lost so I can't actually criticise…

    Free Member

    Does sound very exciting. My first thought reading the earlier posts was have you talked to your kids about it and what do they think?

    Free Member

    highlight of the day?

    Lol. Nearly. That would have been when i asked my missus if she could smarten up the front seats whilst she was cleaning up the back ones 😀

    Free Member

    oh man, that was… something. Daughter puked hotdogs over the back of the car on the way home. Viet vets might claim the 1000 yard stare but I got the 1000 cushion cover stare…

    Even if you like something you'll still be back next week!

    <sob> it's true, it's all true! <sob>

    The tv unit is on sale on frigging Wednesdays!!!!

    Free Member

    Uh… we're 'browsing'.

    Right, better get us in the car and off, muchas gracias muchachos!

    Free Member

    We are going on for 50yrs since we last won a World cup at footy.

    But if success was the only criteria for caring about a sport how many of us would still give a shit about our bikes?

    Football's fine. It's like a soap opera for men with some random plot elements thrown in because *some* of it is actually real.

    Free Member

    There will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Nottingham area today…

    Free Member

    <more sobs>

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I haven't a bollocking clue what your point is though?

    My point is that Israel has acted disgustingly but I'm not about to pretend that it is the only political entity in the region which is despicable however easy it is to lose sight of that in light of Israel's actions. And that's the problem with both the actions and the reactions, we live in a simplified age of good guys and bad guys – public reaction is valued more highly than analysis. So, yes, an emotional and empathic response is only right and unavoidable but we see 'opinion' shaped by this knee-jerk reaction: Israel acts horribly so *it is all their fault*. It's not. They carry a large part of the blame and Israel is governed by a vile regime but, then, so is the Palestinian Legislative Council.

    My point? A bit of balance. I'm anti-Israel but then I'malso hearing alarming noises emerging in the 'outrage'. Few things are as clearcut and simple as they're being presented.

    My point is that in all the vitriol directed at Israel is a vein of racial hatred which is galvanised by recent events (check out the Stormfront, Davidicke forums and so on to see what I mean) and which

    Free Member

    Trying to suggest that the condemnation of the last few days is anti-semitic is an increasingly tired old excuse

    Nope, that's not what I'm saying, what I'm saying is that amongst it, anti-semites and neo-nazis are present and that it's useful to be wary of the way in which some of the 'criticism'* is an excuse for wheeling out thinly veiled nazi sympathies and straight forward prejudice. I'm not talking about the liberal european press but some of the Arab and/or Muslim groups as well as smaller crypto-nazi groups/individuals in the West.

    I summed up my point pages ago: sometimes the enemy of your enemy is also your enemy.

    Free Member

    Opposition to the Zionism and the Israeli State is not based on racism against Jews. So don't go pulling this "anti-Semitic" card bollox on me.

    If you read more carefully (like, with your eyes open) rather than jumping to assumptions you might have noticed that I'm also critical of the Israeli state, that I've said all along that its actions are reprehensible. But what I've also said is that there are vehemently anti-Semitic elements amongst the critics of Israel; at no point have I said that all criticism of Israell is anti-Semitic. Do you seriously believe that there is no anti-Semitism involoved in *any* of this? Either you're sticking your head in the sand, have no idea of the world beyond little England, or really, really don't want anti-Semitism discussed for whatever reason.

    I will never forget the bravery of Mordechai Vanunu

    Nor will many other people, your point is caller?

    What is needed is the political will power ON BOTH SIDES to sort the mess out and until that happens it will be business as usual in the Mid East, unfortunately.


    Free Member

    Ernie, you carry on misapplying historically specific terminology; they have become pretty much meaningless terms through misapplication so who am I to stop the trend. As far as I'm concerned it's enough to say that Israel is a paranoid and reprehensible state, there's no need to insistently call them fascist or Nazi-like. There are very real fascists and neo-nazis opposed to Israel and by lazily calling israeli fascist or nazi-like you muddy the waters and hide the activities of actual, real fascists and neo-nazis.

    And that is precisely why some of the Zionist State's most vehement critics are Holocaust survivors.

    And many more of its other most vehement critics are neo-Nazis who use the cover of liberal hegemonic antipathy to Israeli violence to insinuate an anti-Semitic agenda; you keep dodging that one Ernie, why can't you admit that, yes, there are anti-semites who would love to see Israel burn?

    Just in case duckman happens along again: I have long seen Israel as a rogue state that acts with little regard for human rights and do not defend any of its actions. But at the same time I'm not about to pretend that it isn't surrounded by states who would seek to eradicate it and, seemingly, most of its people. It's a mess out there and I don't thinking standing on the sidelines shouting, "Booo! Fascist!" Is really getting to grips with the situation. I'm still lolling at the zionist accusation, you were pretty far off the mark with that one.

    Free Member

    HeathenWoods;Typical zionist reaction,we will do what we want,if you complain you are a holocaust denying Nazi.
    Hear,hear Ernie.

    Lol. You've really not read my posts have you duckman? In every single one I have said that Israel's actions are reprehensible, inexcusable and so on. What I have also said, however, is that let's not forget that Israel exists within a region in which anti-semitism is widespread; a partial explanation for a paranoid state is not an excuse. It's an attempt to have a conversation about the complexities of the situation. Israel's actions are not defensible – it's doubtful if the manner in which modern Israel was created is, in itself, defensible – but it takes a special kind of dualistic naivety to suppose that Hamas, or Syria, or Iran, or Egypt, are, as political entities, in any way, 'better' or less reprehensible and that Israel's actions are without any kind of context at all.

    The middle east is in a total mess and levelling the blame at any single country's door is to lose track of the complexity of teh situation.

    It uses nazi-style tactics, simple as

    No, it doesn't. It uses inexcusable, utterly repugnant tactics but these are not comparable to the tactics of the Nazis. As has been pointed out above the only regime directly comparable to the Nazis was the Stalinist phase of the USSR.

    Not every monstrous political regime can be summed up as, "Fascist!" And no one's ever going to understand wtf is going on if they just join in with the chorus every time they sense a chance to reconfirm their own 'radical' 'progressive' beliefs. I'd guess you're too young to remember The Young Ones but you might have seen the repeats. Does this look familiar?

    Free Member

    I never hear any anti-Jewish sentiments.

    Hmm, try listening harder – maybe somewhere other than cable telly?

    Free Member

    Ernie, Israel is a heinous state but to compare it to the Nazis is massively politically naive when one pauses to consider the legacy of actual, real Nazis in fomenting anti-Semitism in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iran etc. This has been a huge contributing factor in creating the poisonous atmosphere in which Israel exists and in which anti-semitic propaganda still circulates. Whilst there are a good many opponents of Israel who are not anti-Semitic, there are huge numbers who are and who use the sophistry of claiming to be anti-Zionist when really they are straightforward neo-Nazis hiding behind the bourgeois respectibility of being "anti-Israel".

    As I said, this doesn't make any excuses for the reprehensible state violence of Israel, instead I'm suggesting that the enemy of your enemy is actually, sometimes, also your enemy.

    Free Member

    Nice choice Ernie, now what was i saying about the pan-Arab Nazi legacy? And where did I last see the zionist-octopus? Somewhere in central Europe? 1930s was it?

    The Israelis acted terribly but their old enemies are seldom far away…

    Free Member

    What Israel did was indefensible but it is also naive to suggest that their paranoia isn't at least partially justified. Statements like,

    'Anti-semites are threatening our country,

    are, essentially, true. Look at the flow of ex-Nazis (for instance Gehlen, Skorzeny, and Schacht) into the security forces of the Arab nations following WWII; these were stopping off points in the ODESSA network. (And let's not start on the Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini, Yasser Arafat's uncle, who thought Eichmann was too easy on Jews). The tentacles spread quite far into the region.

    And then there's the continuing popularity of TV shows, school lessons and so on about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion – which, was, of course, a bad forgery which 'proved' a Jewish global conspiracy. Hitler referred to it in Mein Kampf and Hamas refer to it in the 'Covenant' (Article 32, fact fans).

    It is almost impossible to seperate anti-Zionism from anti-Semitism in the middle east; it is, at best, a very tangled web.

    So, yeah, Israel is acting like a paranoid psycho but then, just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean They're not out to get you….

    Free Member

    do we really want a load of guys running the UK who have never had a speeding ticket, never slept with a hooker, never done anything edgy at all.

    But those examples are so banal. C'mon, how about really edgy guys? Crossbow cannibals? Necrophiliac handicapped granny muggers? I mean, they're *more edgy* so surely they'd be better?

    Best of all would be…

    Free Member

    Another corrupt politican on their way out? Good-o. Shame we don't have any labour camps* in, err, Norfolk for them to repay their debt to the nation.

    EDIT: *Yeah, Bernard **** Matthews! Corrupt politicians and other high level white collar crims (insider trading, cowboy boot wearers) can do 12 months rendering meat for big Bernie.

    Free Member

    They've seen your boots.

    Free Member

    <shurugs> But you're not comparing like with like. Find another durable, adaptable ht designed around a long travel fork for £150 and you might have a point.

    Free Member

    I've still got that DMR switchback if your interested,

    heh. Cheers but once I sell the PA I'm hopefully getting an Alpitude.

    Never got sick of a bike that fitted me.

    Try riding it instead of looking at it.

    With an attitude like those I'd still be bimbling along on an Al Carter 'Professional'… 😉

    Free Member

    Lol. That's pretty quick.

    18months for my PA. Nothing wrong with it *at all* but I just fancy a change.

    I had a 456 that lasted longest of all the frames i've had (or maybe the Planet X alu hardtail frame i forget the name of). Quickest turnaround was probably a Pastey Howler. Very "neutral" ride and not even an exciting paintjob 🙂

    Free Member

    Communication's not their strong point but your mate'll get his bargain bike. TBH,

    He was told that they didn't have everything for the build and he should have the bike some time next week

    seems pretty reasonable and, when he lifted up the phone, he got an update. Don't sweat it.

    Free Member

    Go and watch all five series of The Wire immediately!!
    Best thing I've ever seen on TV I think. I'm trying to forget it as quickly as possible so I can go back and watch it all again..

    Hmm, I quite enjoyed season 1 but never made it to the 2nd eisode of season 2.

    Enjoyed Battlestar Galactica, Lars van Trier's The Kingdom is now old but was awesome and I'm quite enjoying Fringe for the X-Files vibes (and references).

    Free Member

    Am happy to donate a small amount to a 'Buy Sharki a laptop Paypal fund' as i'm sure many others would do on the proviso we get regular worlderness adventure updates.

    Pretty good idea – any SW STWers who're pals with sharki up for setting it up?

    Free Member

    It works very nicely. Nice one.

    Free Member

    The missus and i went up for a day last Summer and were hugely entertained by the Tate (tho' there was a Klimt exhibition on) and enjoyed wandering around the rest of teh centre. It's fine.

    Free Member

    A couple more songs that HAVE to be played at full whack…

    Damned – New Rose

    New York Dolls – Personality Crisis RIP, well, half of 'em.

    Free Member


    …I've bought a fair few FS frames but I always seem to sell them in a short space of time. Just haven't managed to find a 'keeper' with FS bikes.

    +1. But then again I've not been sufficiently interested to try one for a long time. And I can't afford an Ibis for the time being so there's no point 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep, you chose the right thing to do at that moment. Some **** pulled a knife on you and you're okay – be thankful you're unscathed and delivered his come-uppance.

Viewing 40 posts - 281 through 320 (of 1,090 total)