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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • HeathenWoods
    Free Member

    Smoky Barbecue Kettle Chips, Jalapeno houmous and Heskey's not on the field. Everything's going well.

    Free Member

    We're going to win. I'm having too good a day for it to be any other way.

    If not I'll learn to tango and become an argentinian.

    Free Member

    shouldn't you be posting this after the match?

    No way man, like all good prophets I've set myself for abject failure and humiliation 🙂

    Free Member

    brambles, holly and nettles – my shins and forearms are still smarting.

    Dude, that's one of the great pleasures of Summer riding!

    Free Member

    am I right in thinking that the lube oil in stanchions is not being changed (only reference seems to be to damper oil) and the foam ring oil is just being topped up?? Is it just the damper side that has a lot of oil in it? and spring side just has foam rings oiled?

    I've no idea mate, i just googled it.

    I've got Maguras and I don't feel in a huge rush to service 'em 🙂

    Free Member

    Moving on from then, anyone know how to do oil changes on RC 40 XCFR??, can`t really find instructions on Pace site with vols etc.

    Is it not here? (Page 3-4)

    Free Member

    matey ran into Kaka's arm.

    frigging disgraceful.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Cycling socks, animal polo top, belt, bacon butties and posh coffee in bed, and then a day out'n'picnic with les enfants and missus. Lovely day 🙂

    Free Member

    I read it as utter frustration that both he and the team are under par and they know it.

    Yep, that's pretty much how I read it. I'm just interested in what changes are made on Wednesday and hope against hope that Heskey is dropped forever.

    Free Member

    0. Just sold a frame to buy a frame and am waiting for the one coming my way to be stripped down.

    I think the most I ever had was four and one of those never really got ridden (FS, SS, road SS, CX).

    Free Member

    Needs some teeth painted on


    Free Member

    ANd the media… (not that the Sun actually counts as a newspaper)…

    Free Member

    Not to woory. England'll win against Slovenia, it's on BBC. They're always shite on ITV. Electromagnetic vibrations or something.

    Free Member

    That was so poor i can't even be bothered typing in a proper post.

    Free Member

    End of long week. Terrible drivers around, my seven year old tonight: "Dad, what's a frigging dickhead?"

    At least the second time my self-diagnosed Tourette's got the better of me he only asked, "Why did you just say, 'Oh bucket?'"

    Free Member

    I learnt that me and the missus will be buying our first house in the very near future, provided the surveyor's report is all cool.

    Free Member


    Eldest gets to stay for it so there'd better be (a) goals and (b) an England win or else I predict tears before bedtime.

    Free Member

    blah blah blah…. rides a prince albert!

    <It's Friday, I'm knackered but there's a joke in there somewhere>

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    LSD…. and fillet steak

    Not at the same time tho, thats horrible

    I once had a really bad trip with a roast chicken.

    As for little luxuries? Camembert.

    Free Member

    That's fair enough but it's always the overseas players that we look to for the winning ball etc.

    Free Member

    Like Spain you mean, or Brazil?

    Spain's problem was finishing, Brazil played against a microcosm of a dictatorship. I've just watched Argentina consistently control and pass to the feet over a range of distances the so-called problem ball. We don't value skill as much as we value 'effort, passion, strength, speed," and every other physical attribute that we fetishize at the expense of technique and tactical acumen.

    Free Member

    The complaint is that the ball moves so much in the air that when humped up to Heskey or long to gerrard the ball moves at the last minute and makes it difficult to control

    Yeah but the skilful teams who don't need to lump it up the field aren't having as many problems with their sneaky passing game.

    Free Member

    Was this the event Jenn wrote an article for Singletrack on? There's your presenter if you ask me.

    Yes and yes!

    Free Member

    Only one kicker conspiracy.

    Free Member

    Conspiracy? Hmm, you could say that it was the FA being shortsighted and not checking which company would be providing the ball for 2010 adn then making sure they tied themselves in with them in order to ensure the players in the EPL had plenty of experience kicking the ball etc.

    But then to say all that would be to suspect that the FA are a bunch of useless stuffed suits who don't have a **** clue what they're doing beyond lining their own pockets. And that can't be right.

    Free Member

    Transistor radio when i was 7
    Claude Butler Majestic when i was 13.

    Awesomes. Rock'n'roll'n'bikes.

    Free Member

    What a great first half. Beautiful fitba skills from Argentina, freak chance well taken to put things on edge at halftime. Proper world cup 🙂

    Free Member

    Yep, lollza 🙂

    Free Member

    To add to the pressure, they are attempting to break the current course record and complete the route in less than the current best time of 17 days and 21 hours.

    Not a chance. But I expect they'll finish the course and have 'fun' doing it.

    Free Member

    Also, Stonehenge was built to mark the winter solstice.

    Cobblers. There's been general agreement since Stukeley observed the heel stone/summer solstice alignment in 1720 that Stonehenge is aligned in one aspect towards the summer solstice. Some other henge appear to have been aligned to the winter solstice and some appear to have not bee aligned at all. Which suggests they were used in multiple ways.

    No, we agree that "spiritual" doesn't mean anything…

    Well, you've obviously missed the huge academic literature in which the idea that a flexible and syncretic spirituality increasingly typifies people's belief as opposed to a doctrinaire adherence to any single religion and its institutions. Of course, this is primarily limited to the Western nations.

    I'm disdainful.

    So far you're showing a lot disdain towards being right about anything. 😉

    Personally, I'm usually pretty happy around the time of the solstices. And the equinoxes for that matter and if they've inspired me to get out into the countryside at first light then great. If I want to be surrounded by vanloads of humanity in an uproarious and euphoric state of mind then I know where to head and if I don't then there's plenty of alternatives 🙂

    Free Member

    Nationwide did it for us in 4 days.

    We've just got approval through from the HSBC in the same sort of time so there are some fairly swift movers out there. We've been assured that from signing the forms on Friday it should take no more than a couple of weeks to get the surveyors out and have the money released.

    Free Member

    Totally agree. All this middle-aged letching over a skinny 22 year old is a bit queasy.

    <shrugs> Well, I'm a 40 year old married to a skinny 26 year old and, to be honest, i really enjoy letching over her. What's to feel queasy about?

    Free Member

    Some evidence to help the memory-jaded:

    I would gladly help her adjust her clothing.

    Free Member

    The Germans are poor,

    Oh my lord, no; but to be fair, I'm guessing that was posted in the first 5mins. The Aussies are pretty shocking at the back but the Germans are shifting the ball around beautifully – great movement, great vision.

    Free Member

    I believe in being self reliant and in accumulating the skills and knowledge to be so.

    Yeah, me too as I ride solo a lot pretty much all of the time but I also realise that that's not the case for everyone and the way you spluttered outrage like an apoplectic colonial colonel did come across as pretty heavy handed! 🙂

    Free Member

    No your a twonk for reducing everything you see to an opportunity to puff your chest out and hold forth on matters of the day.

    I've gotta agree that's how it comes across.

    I wasn't there so I cannot say what I would have done.

    But you did anyway, I think that's the point.

    Also, six callouts in 14 years? Now, the bogtrotters are the antithesis of the kind of ride i like (I'm an antisocial git) but when you multiply the hours ridden by the numbers of riders on each ride over 14 years… i don't think it's so bad (and judging by the Hope challenge one that wasn't one of 'theirs' just some poor guy who'd been ignored by other riders who no doubt tutted at him for not MTFU).

    Free Member

    I'm not surprised by the blamegame in the media but, jeez, it wasn't just Green out there. Heskey missed from a position my 7 year old could have scored from. SWP? And how did Dempsey create time and space to have a speculative shot? Not because of Green.

    Sure, he dropped a howler but at least it's out of the way.

    Disappointing draw in the first game of the group stages? Meh. So it goes. Slow starts are no bad thing. I'd have been a bit more relaxed if England managed to play with a bit more discipline and shape tho'…

    Free Member

    Yowza! Glad crazylegs is fine and great timing sfb!

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