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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • HeathenWoods
    Free Member

    Cheers. Sounds like a good idea.

    Free Member

    MTFU and hurt yourself.

    Lol. CTFD and get over yourself :-p

    Ride, walk, whatever. No one's keeping score.

    Free Member

    Full roast Sunday dinner. Delicious.

    Yesterday's lamb casserole was pretty good too.

    I love food.

    Free Member

    A Madness of Angels – Kate Griffin on a recommendation from here. Not bad so far.

    Free Member

    Mark E Smith, bard of our time. The Fall 'Winter'

    The mad kid walked left-side south-side towards me
    He was about 7
    His mother was a cleaning lady
    She had a large black dog
    And the mad kid said:
    "gimme the lead
    Gimme the lead
    Gimme the lead"
    Id just walked past the alcoholics dry-out house
    The lawn was littered with cans of barbican
    There was a feminists austin maxi parked outside
    With anti-nicotine anti-nuclear stickers on the side
    …on the inside and they didnt even smoke…

    Anyway two weeks before the mad kid had said to me
    "ill take both of you on,
    Ill take both of you on"
    Then he seemed the young one
    He had a parka on and a black cardboard archbishops hat
    With a green-fuzz skull and crossbones
    Hed just got back from the backward kids party
    Anyway then he seemed the young one
    But now he looked like the victim of a pogrom

    Free Member

    If we're talking about alternatives, I was down in Cornwall for a conference last week (feat. Ronald Hutton talking about Druids amongst others) and visited the Hurlers on my way down and up. That is an amazing place!

    On my first visit there were bullocks charging each other on the edges of the central circle and on my second there were wild ponies and their foals wandering round the site. Beautiful!

    Free Member

    Vile evils are vile evils. And then there's teh Halifux ads.

    And to think the pondscrapings that made it probably call themselves, "creatives." We're all on the way to Hell in a handbasket etc.

    Free Member

    I guess you could argue that it exploits 'popular' attractions to subsidise other important properties – it's not like anyone else is going to do that.

    In theory I'd like to agree with you but I'm not sure they use their funds to the sites' best interests. They're lots of black holes into which 'not-for profit' monies can disappear into.

    oh, and lol @ flasheart.

    another oh, and… fave Stonehenge song

    Free Member

    The general public in going out getting drunk then getting into a fight shocker.

    Daily Mash. Nail on head.[/url]

    Free Member

    There are plenty of other megalithic locations around the UK with much more spirit.

    True enough but it doesn't excuse squeezing the last of its life from it.

    Free Member

    It's an obscenity. English Heritage are ethically bankrupt.

    Supply and Demand I guess

    Or exploiting a national treasure.

    Free Member

    Genres include psychedelia, krautrock, electronica, shoegaze, post-punk, alternative/independent, garage, post-rock, drone, ambient & experimental to name but a few. With a firm emphasis on audience participation & interaction the experience can take you anywhere you wish.

    Sounds alright. Nice one 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Awesome. Hats off!

    Free Member

    That is well slack, what's going on with the tensioner?

    I bought a proper single speed frame in the end, got fed up with tensioners they are all crap, a magic gear starts good then the chain stretches so thats a waist of time. What ever you do you will always wish you had sliding drop outs,

    Although the best SS I had was built around a SS frame and I only used a tensioner once (Pastey Howler) I totally disagree with the rest of the above. With any vertical dropout you've got about 1/2 inch of 'drop-in'. Start off with the wheel as close to the mouth of the drop-out as possible with whatever works for the frame (ie with the chain as taut as can be pedalled), use a half link if necessary. As chain stretch happens simply drop the wheel in to re-tension 🙂

    Free Member

    Ah man, not been on STW for a few days and return to pure gold.

    The Flying Ox: Beutiful work, man.

    Mrs Toast: In these times there are few who can wield a mouse with such skill and thoughtful insight into the very soul of the subject. Marvellous!!

    Free Member

    Sorry, missed the other thread but if you are trying to get across the idea that the viewer is in on for 2 hours of blurry helmet cam footage with a gash hiphop or Topshop indie soundtrack then I think I think it's a masterful piece of design.

    Free Member

    Struggling with the definition of pop punk. Is it basically whiny voiced college rock?

    Free Member

    Just read up on them – sounds like a cracking idea. Thanks!

    Free Member

    They nearly built a nuclear power station,

    One of the first gigs I remember my folks taking me to was an open air anti-Nuclear Druridge Bay one in '79 or '80. Arthur Twostroke and WM7 played; there may have been cooler bands playing but I was only 9 or 10 and my memory is shot.

    A few years it was a great place for teenage parties, ahh, the dunes 🙂

    Free Member

    Boring isn't it? I nearly dropped off watching the children fossil hunting at Scremerston and the tedious perfection of Coldingham over the border.

    Free Member

    Nothing, my missus trims it a bit if it starts getting luggy. If I start going bald I'll probably get some clippers and whip the lot off. But pay? Never.

    Free Member

    Oh, and Little, Big by John Crowley is a great book.

    Free Member

    Thanks again to everyone above. We've been in chez Heathen for two days now – very, very happy 🙂

    Free Member

    Also, to echo a comment above, Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion series (the Elric stories were always my favourites) were great fun.

    Free Member

    Try Robert Holdstock's Mythago cycle and then maybe Celtika series as well. And I have just been saddened to learn he died last year too:

    That's reall sad. His books are great and rooted in a really interesting set of ideas.

    Free Member

    Sounds like she's not the only one doing loads of coke.


    Free Member

    Ropey photo but huge meaning for me and my missus.. a bit of the garden of our first house 🙂

    Free Member

    In 3-4 months I've only been out 3-4 times. Between my mum dying, buying a house, work, children and keeping a smile on my missus' face I've had **** all time or energy. Still, picked up the last piece of a new build this morning, the house move is completed on Wednesday, and we've moved to somewhere with a fair bit of riding close by (funny that lol) sop hopefully things will change soon.

    Free Member

    Can't help but be reminded of the one time sage of Singletrackworld, Richard Vine.[/url]

    Free Member

    That is nice. That would get my cyclescheme quids no bother.

    Free Member

    If he doesn't want it, i could be interested.

    Free Member

    Bloody lovely, have a good one.

    I'm taken smallest to look at her New Nursery in New Town ahead of next week's move to New House.

    Free Member

    I'd quite like to know about this too so if anyone can help out? Ta.

    Free Member

    Last weekend before moving house to our new house, our first 'own' house in fact. Also, am one front mech down on my new build…should be here tomorrow but there'll be no one to receive it. doh!

    Free Member

    "Alan Carr Chatty Man"

    Free Member

    Maybe I should ask my ginger Geordie friend called Raoul?

    Good luck with that, I hear he's raoully difficult to pin down at the moment 🙂

    Free Member

    So it's German than or Spanish maybe French seems depend which website.

    No mman, they use it in each country and his mam was French and so he ended up with the name. The endless pisstaking might have been what started him on his life of petty crime and madness.

    Free Member

    That'll explain the Spanish name then. 😕

    💡 It's also French, apparently it's the French form of the German 'Ralph' and means 'wise wolf'.

    Free Member

    AFAIK he's called Raoul cos his mam's French.

    And all those London firearms cops pouring into Northumberland? I hope to god there aren't any brazilian backpacking tourists, it'll be a bloodbath!

    It really seems like plod haven't a clue where he is; he could be in Scotchland by now.

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