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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • HeathenWoods
    Free Member

    Don't want to worry you, but the Tories will close it down again if they get in, you know?

    and melt it down to make dildos to shaft us all with 🙁

    Enjoy it while you can 🙂

    Free Member

    if he's a builder just ask him to sort it

    it crossed my mind – we've only met his missus so far so i might sound him out on it when we go for a second viewing

    Free Member

    At least this is a pretty interesting election. The worrying thing is that six months ago it was inconceivable that Cameron could fail to win. Even if he scrapes in he's not exactly instilling anyone with confidence in his ability to lead: if he fails to prosper in security what's he going to be like in adversity?

    Free Member

    I was quite tempted to vote Tory because they have such a talentless shadow cabinet that I suspect they'd **** things up even worse than Labour have and never see power again in my lifetime. But then i'd have to sell my lifeblood and soul to the factories of despair and would never be able to look in a mirror again.

    So I voted Labour instead.

    EDIT: Love the way a couple of Tory voters have had to put shades on their smilies to hide their identities… 😉

    Free Member

    Hmm, windows, bricking up and repointing sounds a good idea. Getting the bricks from next year is a great idea! It's a different style but similar era and (from memory) mostly brick.

    Free Member

    Why because they don't agree with your views?

    Just going on the evidence to hand….



    These parties usually poll best amongst least well educated voters. Just sayin'.

    Free Member

    From another forum I frequent;

    The special needs support network? 😉

    Free Member

    Ever the optimist…

    Labour 9
    Conservative 4
    Lib Dems 17
    Green 1
    Plaid Cymru 0
    UKIP 0
    BNP 1
    NF 0
    Respect 0
    SNP 1
    Spoiled/Void Ballot 1

    Free Member

    The sooner young children are free of SATS the better. As others are saying, they're being taught to the test requirements rather than things that will fire their imaginations and aspirations. That's not to say there aren't good teachers out there but they arebeing severely restricted in their lesson choices by hoop jumping.

    Free Member

    All good points. Yep, the older brick will be hard to match without trawling round reclamation yards to find 'nearly matching' stuff. Rendering might well be the answer but it'll be a pain in the arse so I might use it as a lever in negotiations.

    Is this niggle just an excuse because really you haven't fully fallen for the house and you want to keep looking?

    lol. I keep asking myself the same thing. My missus loves it, my little girl did, i'll be taking my boys to see it next weekend but I suspect they'll love it as there's more room in the garden. I think it's okay.

    My favourite was one we saw that had breathtaking views. So what if one of the kids would have had to have a room the size of a shoebox? 😉

    Free Member

    tinsy, thanks! It's nice to have a positive perspective 🙂

    From what i can make out the bloke in the couple who are selling is a mountain biker (and a builder) and they'll be moving next door.

    As they're just next door i think i can rely on them to give me the truth about structural issues and so on. My other concern is that he's planning to 'develop' the house next door and we'd be living next to a building site for a year….

    Free Member

    cheers mk1fan. The costing was for the rear wall as a whole; it's currently brickwork with two door-shaped breeze block sections so for it all to match i guess the thought is to render it all. I've no idea why they didn't brick the gaps up.

    Free Member

    Oh i dunno there's always a small element of luck that things go smoothly

    Well, let me add mine to luck bank, good luck man 🙂

    Free Member

    Hmm, i remember a post of CG's not so long and can guess who this might be concerning. CG, I hope whatever it is gets sorted as straightforwardly and painlessly as possible for yourself and all concerned.

    Free Member

    The murder weapon was probably

    bombers shurely?

    Free Member

    cheers jonb.
    any particular reason RaveyDavey? Or does it just sound a bit iffy?

    Free Member

    debates with my SO about the possible spiritual benefits of psychedelic drugs…

    Heh, Yes, sadly mine usually get on to Terence McKenna and the end, "and then he died of brain cancer."

    Free Member

    To look forward to Tinners' next learning experience 🙂

    And never, ever to go to Cannock on a bank holiday again.

    Free Member

    Saturday: entertaining my brood
    Sunday: entertaining my brood.
    Today: went to Cannock and had my antisocial tendencies confirmed. It was far too busy to be fun (for me at any rate, some of the folks there were enjoying it); it was heaving. So did some off piste and went home.

    Free Member

    Lovely, must admit my only reservations are the seatpost and cable ties but needs must i guess 🙂

    Like what Gaudi would come up with, if he'd designed a mountain bike…

    That's spot on. I'm another HT only-er but I do have a soft spot for those. vERY NICE.

    Free Member

    the Soul just seemed to fit perfectly from the word go which I've never felt about the 456

    Which is exactly what I found but vice versa. Forget 'value', 'quality' and every deranged cycling bodhisattva, forget image, get the one that will fit you best and best suit your riding.

    Free Member

    Nice one! Congratulatiosn to her 🙂

    Free Member

    Having owned both, no.

    Currently own a Prince Albert which, given teh choice, I'd probably choose over the Soul and probably over the 456.

    Free Member

    through the filter of Italian passion, we all kind of laughed along at it too.

    I think he's good fun and if he was a continental most Brits would too. The problem is that we seem to want our riders to be characterless bores model professionals without any flair or excitement who just get on with the job. IMO, it's part of the psyche that makes him succesful, let him get on with it and enjoy the show.

    Free Member

    Rebooted the router and it's virgin cable so BT shouldn't effect it (i say shouldn't but you never know…)

    Free Member

    Yeah, I thought it might be someone hijacking the network but there's no sign of anyone else on the network (I'm checking the DHCP Client List right?) It's the same with and without the router so I'm still stumped.

    Maybe there's a gang of teenagers just discovered torrents all overloading the local cable… and getting in the way of *my* downloads!!! 😉

    Free Member

    maybe but it started midweek-ish. Unless it's a Long Bank Holiday contention ratio hit? 😀

    Free Member

    So one of the candidate's is human? Our lizard overlords won't like that. I will definitely be switching my vote to 'tadpole' clegg or 'jellyfish' cameron.

    And it's good to see toryboy fleshheart seeking to discriminate on health grounds. I expect he'd have replaced that big, fat alkie smoker with a lean, healthy veggie during WWII? That would have been better, eh? 😉

    Free Member

    But you'll be unsurprised to hear that I don't subscribe to the thoery.

    Can't say that I blame you; it was one of those ideas that people got very excited about in the late 80s and early 90s and is now taken about as seriously as Francis Fukuyama's 'End of History' thesis.

    Mind you, people still read Ayn Rand and find 'truth' in it so there's no hope really.

    Free Member

    You have achieved the kind of harmonious balance that some zen monks can only dream of. Awesome.

    Free Member

    However, if I do make an effort I'll run rings around you.

    Hmm. The last time i noticed your efforts you were claiming that having a relative on Sky TV gave you more credentials to speak on the miners' strike than anyone else. For Michael Howard it was the night, might it be the playground for your good self? If not, I think it's time for one of the little white tablets and a lie down.

    Free Member


    It's 'ideologies'. Glad to edukate 😉

    Free Member

    I don't see any issue in making people stand on their own two feet

    Not everyone is capable of this tho'. What do you want to do with them? Workhouses? Begging? Take away social security and which safety net do you want to use? Or do you just let people fall? Seriously, I'd like to know because, in my eternal optimism, I'd love to believe that there is no one in this country who'd just leave people to rot.

    I also smile to myself who say they come from post WWII working class backgrounds and don't see how the welfare state (healthcare and education) might just have contributed to their upward mobility. But then I guess actual history doesn't matter if you're sitting pretty now and just want the biggest slice of the pie you can get.

    Free Member

    I remember being forced to drink milk out of little bottles with a straw in that had sat around in the sun all morning, this would have been mid to late 70s.

    Still can't face milk without adding Nesquik.

    +1. Tho' eventually I made sure i was milk monitor and ensured my share was redistributed to people that wanted seconds.

    I can't believe that people think that somehow one party or another will be able to steer the UK in an opposite direction to the ebbs and flows of the global economy that we are now, like it or not, wholly part of. There is little economic autonomy now left to national governments – most of it relates to how best they will protect the most vulnerable members of society. And here the choice is stark – Labour will try and the Conservatives won't try. Sadly, people are increasingly blind to the social contract (let alone old fashioned shit like communities and mutual support) and are only concerned with self-preservation and their own immediate gratification.

    On an unrelated note: is Flasheart genuinely posh? I always thought he was an 80s arriviste. Standards have truly slipped! 😉

    Free Member

    Who's had the most spectular exit, what was it?

    I seem to remember a ginger bloke was embroiled in peculier sexual behaviour (was he sending women naked photos of himself?) but I think that was mainly on bikemagic – and I'm sure that's pretty normal over there. Was it 42? Apologies for confusing him with a ponce if not 🙂

    Great Divide in 2011 is first target:-)

    Nice one kev: that sounds awesome, trip of a lifetime type experience.

    Free Member

    and don't get caught up in the.. there ahead

    not exactly caught up just reasonably proud. The main point was that not being breastfed doesn't mean a child will be stunted, sickly and brain damaged which is how some of the more heavy handed pro-breast feeding lobby can present it.

    Free Member

    +1 what brant said – get a grip man!

    Free Member

    Again from the literal-minded end of XC (ie. used for crossing the country)

    Free Member

    Is that a credential?

    What? you're related to someone who was on Sky? Erm. no.

    Free Member

    I remember our phone being tapped for about 5-6 years after my dad talked to some miners during the strike. I remember the food and clothes runs during the strike. I remember the violent attacks on the peace convoy. I remember the rewarding of greed and dismantling of the civil society.

    Scargill was a far cannier operator than you realise edukator and knew the stakes that were being played for extended far beyond the mines.

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