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  • Fizik Terra Artica X2 – Cosy Boots For Warm Dry Feet
  • hatter
    Full Member

    My homemade corn beef hash will reliably end up producing the kind of gastric eruptions Stephen Hawking could test his theories on.

    In my student days I made the error of polishing off my veggie housemate’s lentil chilli. The results were so bad that I couldn’t go to lectures the next day.

    The aural volume, oily potency, and sheer unpredictability were like nothing I’ve experienced before or since, the fact I remember it 12 years later says it all really.

    Full Member

    It’s huge problem in the lanes near us, piles of building site waste literally dumped in the middle of the road.

    It’s become a bit of a cottage industry amongst the local ne’er do wells, they just go round the local sites and offer to ‘dispose’ of waste for less than it costs at the council tip, take payment in cash, no questions asked, easy money with little chance of consequences.

    They’ve even started ramming gates off their hinges so that they can dump their crap.

    The laws are there but enforcement is woefully rare and the punishments almost negligible.

    Boils my urine something chronic.

    Full Member

    Been happily skipping round the flat with my wireless headphones on humming to myself, the missus asked why I was so pleased with myself.

    When it was made clear to her that I was listening to a digital version of ‘ten green bottles’ from a computer game that came out when she was 6 I got the ‘what on earth have I married?’ look, been a while since I earned one of those.

    Full Member

    Haha, there’s no nerds like old nerds.

    Just found that it does have the Lemmings soundtrack so I’ve forgiven it a little bit, bleepy cancan makes me happy.

    Full Member

    No Xenon 2 Megablast…. fail!

    Full Member

    Chariot do a ‘bunting bag’ that integrates into the harness, you just place them in and zip it up around them up to their chins, had my boy out in -4 temps this January with just his indoor clothes and a wooly hat and he was fine, fell asleep in there no bother.

    Also agree 100% with the safety aspect should you bin it on slick roads, it’s one of the main reasons I went for a trailer over a child seat.

    Full Member

    She’s a (perfectly formed) 5′ 4″ and she rides the 17″ with a stubby stem & 100 mm fork.

    Full Member

    Roast Dodo, definitely roast dodo, they were supposed to be delicious.

    Full Member

    Could be J.D Whisker, the oldest of the old school.

    You will need to provide written proof of your ownership of at least one Dawes galaxy and the dress code is strictly Ronhill tracksters but if you need a reverse threaded imperial scrungeworzel for a Campag component that nobody living’s ever heard of they’re your guys.

    Full Member

    My missus also has an Orange Diva (In lovely glitter black), doesn’t get to ride it very often now we have the nipper but a very nice little bike nevertheless.

    Full Member

    +1 for Carhartt, big fan of their retro pant jeans.

    They last well too.

    Full Member

    My last road bike had internal cable routing and the rattling drove me round the bend, my current old has the traditional routing and is pleasingly silent by comparison.

    Mountainbikes on the other hand, are allowed to be a bit rattly so less of an issue, and it does look nicer.

    Full Member

    There are hundreds of options for carbon race frames or steel all day’ frames, what Genesis have done with the Volare is try to create a totally modern, competitive race frame in steel, this makes it pretty unique.

    Considering that most carbon frames have all the crash impact resistance of a wet paper bag, a raceable frame that’ll last for years rather than until the next pile-up has a certain appeal to the privateer, even if the initial outlay is no less than a nice carbon jobbie and it’s a bit porkier.

    Full Member

    Pearl Izumi Launch shorts go up to a proper mansized ‘American’ XXL, really comfy too.

    Sugoi XXL Gustovs are good as well but really hard to find in the U.K.

    Full Member

    Go for a run round Cannon Hill park then go for a proper nice meal HERE[/url] maybe.

    As said previously I’d avoid the quieter bits of the Canals after dark, there be ruffians.

    Full Member

    There do seem to be quite a few ‘check out my $$$ road bike’ types on Strava who seem to be actively advertising their bikes to thieves.

    I reality, so long as you have the privacy zones set up and don’t post photos or the actual model names of your bikes (I just have, ’29er, road bike, trail bike & hack bike’)and take care who sees you coming and going on your posher rides you’re taking reasonable precautions.

    There’s a balance to be struck between security and living your life.

    Full Member

    Got the wee man his first runner bike at the weekend, his legs are still about 1/2″ too short but he totally gets it and the cackles of glee as I pushed him around were magic, come on kiddo, keep growing!

    Full Member

    in the bike industry you make approximately 80 percent markup on everything especially bikes

    I f**kin’ wish!

    Full Member

    Paul’s Chainkeeper for maximum neatness and zero noise, love mine, have a clutch mech but have left the chainkeeper on just because it’s so unobtrusive that it’s not worth removing always nice to have a bit more security as well.

    Full Member

    Eurobike’s always a bit of a task to get to, car – plane – train – ferry – hire bike is my usual cunning plan.

    Full Member

    Park do double ended Mavic splined spoke wrenches, I think you’ll need the SW-13

    If not you’ll need the SW-12

    Full Member

    Good work that man! Hopefully I’ll be on here saying the same thing in 14 odd years.

    Full Member

    A nice steel rigid 29er such as Genesis Fortitide or Singular Swift would be perfect but they may push the budget a bit.

    Full Member

    The only way I can see a flag being of use is in very heavy traffic where it’ll stick up above the cars. I don’t purposefully use my trailer in that ind of situation so I don’t, as a rule, bother with the fag.

    Full Member

    Although I’m not sure I’d want to go out on the roads at night or on any dual carriageways but I do find that drivers do give you a lot more room and consideration when you’re towing a trailer, even if it’s only got the recycling in it at the time.

    They’re large, brightly colored and quite a rare sight, I suspect it’s the ‘WTF’s that?’ factor as much as anything.

    The Chariot suspension’s ace, got the wee man slightly airborne at the FOD back in the spring and he didn’t even wake up. It is a lot of extra money if you’re only doing short rides on smooth surfaces though.

    Full Member

    Judging by previous threads on here the general consensus seems to be get a Chariot if you an afford/find one, plenty of enthusiastic Chariot owners on here (including me) will testify to that.

    I think they’re relaunching in the U.K. next year but they’re very thin on the ground right now, look for 2nd hand or hang on til Spring maybe.

    Croozer and Burley are lower specced but both good options as well if you don’t like the Chariot price tag.

    Full Member

    What tyres for socially-aware acoustic noodling?

    Full Member

    Fair and proportionate I feel, it doesn’t prevent the reader from clicking onwards, it just calmly states STW’s position on the matter and leaves it up to you.

    I also don’t feel the BNP comparison is entirely fair, it’s not like people are regularly posting links for BNP press releases on here whereas the Daily Mail’s current online business model is producing the kind of outrageous ‘linkbait’ which crops up on here all the time.

    Now if only I could install the tea and kittens blocker on my Nan’s eyes. *sigh*

    Full Member

    She’s not evil, didn’t hit the guy deliberately and the damage wasn’t severe, much as her ignorance, arrogance, false regret and borderline psychotic lack of human empathy practically made steam come out of my ears at the time jailing the silly bint isn’t going to do anyone any good.

    However, she has demonstrated in a pretty categorical manner that she should not be trusted behind the wheel of a few tons of rapidly moving steel on a public highway.

    So, a reasonably hefty fine, damages to the poor chap who she hit and a minimum 5 year driving ban should be a proportionate way to do it.

    Full Member

    If you really must be a peasant and use a bag, you may as well make it a decent bag.

    If you’re talking loose leaf (and you should be) I’m rather partial to a bit of H.R. Higgins’s Duke Street blend as a pick me up, thier Japanese cherry green tea is exceedingly pleasant as well. It’s where queenie buys her brew so it’s good enough for you.

    *goes to put the kettle on*

    Full Member

    Used to use Rogues, now a full covert to Ourys, much comfier.

    Full Member

    Why don’t you call them up and ask?

    Full Member

    With many B&G’s desperately trying to get a deposit together for a house I can thoroughly understand asking for cash but I do feel that it should clearly stated as ‘for something’ serious and not just beer tokens.

    I also think that it’s good form to offer the alternative of a charitable donation so that conscientious objectors to ‘funding your lifestyle’ have an option, it also makes you look less grasping.

    Please note that this doesn’t include couples who spunk £30K on getting married in a castle in the back of beyond that costs everyone a fortune in flights and hotels, for them your presence is enough of a gift and expecting cash on top is taking the piss a bit.

    Full Member

    I know Lezyne and Topeak will be the stock replies but how about the SKS Spaero Sport?

    Had one since April this year, made in Germany, neat hose pump with a really nice CNC’ed head, fits just right in the center pocket of my road jerseys.

    The sport is the presta only high-pressure version,you wouldn’t want to try and blow up a MTB tyre with it.

    Full Member

    If you want reliability then look at what the pro’s use for Paris Roubaix… then use those.

    Full Member

    As crashtestmonkey says; If they didn’t come in a retail box with the correct label they’re almost certainly OEM, especially if they come from Merlin and even more especially if they were 30-45% off ‘SRP.’

    Another way to check though; Fishers only import one model of Sektor RL with white lowers, they have this spec.

    “Sektor RL – Solo Air QR White Motion Control Alum Str 1 1/8” Disc (150mm max travel)

    Fishers code: RS8241001″

    If your fork doesn’t match this description it’s definitely OE so not Fishers problem. If it does and it came in a proper box then it could well be legit aftermarket and very much Fisher’s problem.

    Your warranty contract however, lies with Merlin, they made the money out of you either way so go get ’em.

    Full Member

    There’s a Telarc recording of this by Erich Kunzel & The Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, which used real cannon…

    Hehe great call, sought this out and am now happily sat here with my Grados thundering away, those cannon don’t half make you jump the first time, on my third listen now and they’re still making me giggle. I am getting funny looks from the missus though.

    Full Member

    Tire-wise tread depends on whether or not you’ll be going off road but either way I’d err on the ‘chunky commuter’ side of things as you’ll need all the braking grip you can get if you have to haul on the anchors with a trailer behind you.

    Also, trying to fix a puncture with a tired, hungry baby howling at you is no fun at all so something with good puncture resistance is very well advised, keep the racey tires fore your racey bike.

    Currently using 32c Conti top tourings but considering 35 Marathons for a bit of extra speed and squish.

    Full Member

    The missus got me one of these when I needed a bag for carrying around baby supplies and refused point blank to lug around the massive ‘nappy bag’ she’d bought.

    Since then it’s done sterling service on days out and business trips, just about fits a small laptop and is perfect for an Ipad. If it’s anything like as well made as my 10 year old Chrome messenger bag I’ll probably be leaving it in my will.

    Subtlely bikey too, which is always a bonus.

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