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  • handybar
    Free Member

    Shaw did also suffer that awful leg injury so double kudos.

    Free Member

    Im going against the grain but I think the title is still winnable for Tottenham Hotspurs.

    Free Member

    Our news culture is based on the concepts of demoralisation and morbid curiosity. It is all about the ratings, not providing a truthful view of the world.
    Things which I prefer to do are:
    – volunteering – this literally gives you a high which lasts with no hangover
    – cycling – anything with natural flow
    – talking with like-minded people (I emphasise like-minded)
    – taking heart from the wisdom of the ancients (this too shall pass, etc) and religions at their most spiritual and mystical
    – and if all else fails, listen to van morrison

    Free Member

    Second staying off Mail Online, that site needs to be regulated.
    Today they have a photo of a lady moments before she plunged to her death – complete clickbait sensationalism.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear your in that situation (all too common unfortunately).
    Ive seen this in the past, and in one case the line manager was asked to leave, as it was quickly recognised his effect on morale was negative and the staff turnover increased. But in another case, they did nothing, and in turn this guy worked his way up the ladder.
    I don’t think you need “life advice”, you just have a difficult situation that needs some kind of resolution. It would be a shame if you left because of one person, so you could decide to make a complaint to HR, and if they respond negatively (i.e. do nothing), then you may as well leave. If he is cutting your annual leave, then the company could be liable.
    You sounds like a great co-worker to have so I’m sure other companies would snap you up – and you may well be a lot more valued in your current company than you realise, so they may respond positively to a complaint.

    Free Member

    There is the Positive News website and the Good News network website.

    Free Member

    God, grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change,
    the courage to change the things I can,
    and the wisdom to know the difference.

    Free Member

    Interesting character, this Hatton chap.
    Apparently he has recently made a lot of money out of property development, which begs the question, why isn’t he in the Tory party?

    Free Member

    I hang out with a lot of Canadians in the UK, they all say the UK is better for a single person, but Canada is better if you have a family.
    I don’t think I could deal with the winters, but the people are really nice.

    Free Member

    A bully is a bully irrespective of gender.

    Free Member

    Very dark and depressing.

    Free Member

    Ramsey was the standout player for Wales during their 2016 cup run.
    Maybe if Wenger had built the side around him rather than buying ozil he would still be in charge.

    Free Member

    Didnt Prince William do it one time?

    Free Member

    Juventus have now said he is value for money as Arsenal never played him in his best position – which is true, as they often played him on the bench.

    Free Member

    A work colleague does this every year. I think the experience itself probably motivates him to keep on doing it, as you can empathise more than doing say a charity bikeride.

    Free Member

    He is a decent player, but 400k a week?! Surely a sign the football bubble is about to burst.

    Free Member

    Ultimately a car is a lot safer than a motorbike.

    Free Member

    Your not making christianity any better, your just making roll and roll worse.
    King of the Hill.

    I know guys on crack make more sense that you.
    Dr Evil

    Free Member

    Surely science can only tell us about the natural world; it is a useless tool for talking about the supernatural world (if such a thing exists).

    Free Member

    When I go, God’s going to have to give up his favourite seat.
    Brian Clough

    Free Member

    The school should have simply staged Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or James and the Giant Peach, not Darwin and his Crazy Theory!

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t say God is malevolent, just an underachiever.
    Woody Allen

    Free Member

    Thatcherism wouldn’t have been possible with “The selfish gene”.

    Free Member

    God is a benign drunk and the world is his hangover.
    Peter Cook.

    Free Member

    I was initially sceptical about evolution, but then I tried internet dating.
    There is definitely a link between physical unattractiveness and the inability to get a girlfriend and reproduce, so maybe that Darwin bloke was onto something after all.
    How the hell am I expected to go forth and multiply with a face like a welders bench?!

    Free Member

    I’ve said this many times before, but with any demographic it’s a shouty extremist minority that give the rest a bad name.

    I agree. Many atheists feel the same way about the New Atheism (i.e. blanket statements like “religion poisons everything”).

    Free Member

    There are plenty of Christians who accept evolution, including the Catholic church.
    I would argue simplistic generalisations poison everything.

    Free Member

    In my case when I do binge drink it is related to job stress, loneliness, and the inability to process difficult situations/conflict in a productive way – too much people pleasing.
    Ive downloaded a good app with CBT where you basically rewrite your worries and joined a swimming pool to try and stay out of the pub on weekends. My dad asked why I go to the pub and I said as I have friends there, he corrected me and said no you have drinking acquaintances, which is very true.

    Free Member

    Ive taken up very light swimming of late to try and lose some weight and get some gentle exercise without destroying what remains of my knees. It’s now the only form of exercise I can do until I get my knee operated on.
    However, I’ve now discovered that breaststroke makes my knees ache, so I’m just using a float in front of me now, and paddling along. I like a bit of swimming backwards too.
    I think the choice of pool is important, I use a small one that mainly is full of older people, so no hyper-fast swimmers kicking water in your eyes. I mainly go to relax and there is a nice jacuzzi too.

    Free Member

    Thankfully all our local crackheads stay well clear of alcohol, as they know how dangerous it is.

    Free Member

    I used to be a heavy drinker at university, and in my 20s. I had a great time.
    But with age comes the hangovers, and I can’t be doing with them any longer, plus the fact the beer makes you fat.
    Also, all my uni mates have married and settled down, and when I do pop in the pub, I realise pretty much all the regulars have an alcohol dependency, and with it problematic personalities.
    So I tend to have a pint and leave. I may have a binge session once a month or so but will most likely knock that on the head when I reach 40 in a few years time.

    Free Member

    Also, she is at primary school, that’s young. When I experienced collective punishment, we must have been around 14.
    If she is unhappy that tells you all you need to know.

    Free Member

    I used to dislike collective punishment, and it never really improved things. I’d not be happy with that as a parent. I’d want to school instead to deal with the troublemakers.

    Free Member

    It’s very nice there. Mid May you should check if the ferries are up and running by then, also the weather can be a little iffey that early on.
    Its all buses on the coast, no trains.

    Free Member

    Good for you.
    Hopefully the therapy can stabilise his mood and get him away from heavy drinking, which always compounds depression.

    Free Member

    The only youth who could rebel in the 60s were from the upper middle classes who’d dropped out of art school; the rest of the boomers, like my parents, had to get a job and work.
    Good music, but hardly a revolution. Real revolutions – like the russian one – normally make things worst than they were before. Change takes time, patience, courage.

    Free Member

    When I lived there we had a mountain biking group and went to Swinley (via train) a lot, Aston Hill (that must have been a train too, but a long journey).
    I still miss my little loop around shotover though.
    The rides around the chilterns tend to be more fun than technical from memory.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure if you necessarily are more prone to stress and anxiety after having had a breakdown, but it can create a fear of having another breakdown which in itself becomes the source of anxiety.
    Being able to recognise trigger factors can be key moving forward.
    Someone told me around 2 out of every 3 drs appointments is now related in some way to stress; so clearly, there is nothing wrong with us, but with the society we have inherited.

    Free Member

    I dare say a few sniffs of the old dickhead dust were partaken of beforehand.

    Free Member

    My lack of guilt of being a layabout is very much rooted in an absurdist worldview that understands the universe will end in futility so what’s the point of doing anything in the first place.
    There are some very classic signs of workaholics in the thread above – using work/activity to guard off negative feelings.

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