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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • Hammer
    Free Member

    Hello there….

    I am also ex SAAB tech support for GB based in Sweden (was there until after the fat lady stopped singing)

    Check the wiring harness on the roof mechanism, if not properly tie wrapped they can chafe, short out and burn holes in the ragtop.


    Free Member


    Memories of an awesome weekend that left a sour taste after your “incident”.

    Awesome that it’s mended…. and that you are mended.

    Nice piccy of you with my future missus behind you..


    Free Member

    I’ve bought a Garmin 810 so that the other half can at least track where I am in real time.


    At least the other half will know where the werewolf has dragged half of her other half!

    Free Member

    My wife started playing up after the house was struck by lightning……

    How long have you had it, they tend to slow down after 2-3 years and need replacing. I’m on my third already.

    But the box’s get smaller each time, so that’s nice!

    Free Member

    Proper crying here and some involantary urinating too!

    Helmet and Emergency Union Jack!


    Free Member

    Yes I really did email him.

    Lets all email him but keep it clean and don’t stoop to his Turkey Smuggling level!

    Free Member

    Just had a look at Mark Green Disco and karaoke website for reviews.

    Then I sent him a nice email:

    What on Earth is a “Pries-grieving”?

    Is it something you host after trying to mow down a law abiding cyclist!

    Free Member

    Kylie Minouge?

    Free Member

    Word of warning… cats can look dead but not be!

    Took my dog for his evening walk and my wifes stupid cat followed us.. crossing the road a car smacked into my cat and threw him 30 odd meters up the road, car didn’t stop… but his brakes on, but then hit the throttle again and sped off.
    Poor little Tiiger (I didn’t name him!) just layed there motionless and I figured he was dead. Moved him out of the road and figured I would carry him home on the way back to my wife who was going to have her evening ruined.
    As I held him he looked at me with his “dead eyes” and then started breathing… carried him home to let him take his last breaths in my wifes arms. although I considered whacking him with a shovel I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
    30 minutes later I took him to the vets, and three days of: he will be ok, followed by, we need to operate his shattered shoulders, followed by, we need to put him down, followed by, you can take him home…..
    He made a full recovery and cost 2 grand in vets fees…

    Had I not been the squeamish type I would have killed him.

    Horrible business….


    Free Member

    Just make sure you always ride a tandem with Chuck Norris as a stoker.

    Although I do recall KöS owning a chav who was flaring up, defusing the situation by telling him to “get back in your girlfriends car and F#CK OFF!”


    Free Member

    Has anyone tried using that stans tubeless goo (latex) after fitting the screws….?

    Should work..!

    Free Member

    9 pages…

    Well done everybody!

    I think that there will always be clashes of personality and difference of opinions, some obviously love SC’s ways of running things and others less so.

    Sadly Alans response was not very well thought out. An enormous slice of humble pie and a load of kissing under the saddle would have sorted this.

    It is still not too late for Alan to step up to the mark and be the bigger man.

    Damage limitation really…

    Now I am going back to my popcorn to continue following this thread.


    Free Member

    Being Chicked or not… we still get paid more than them.. 😉


    Free Member

    No need to mess about bringing a bike, Jeff has a couple of extra bikes that he has said he is willing to rent out for a flagon of ale.

    Good Old Jeff..


    Free Member

    “Squirt up the ferrules”

    I had to read that twice!

    He he..


    Free Member

    Go to a workshop and ask to borrow their airline/blow gun… works like the bike pump but with more ooompf!

    Makes funny farting noises at the same time… he he..


    Free Member

    Still has chubby toes and a chubby belly!

    Can he ride?


    Free Member

    Whisky = Scottish
    Whiskey = Irish/American.

    So now you know… 😉

    Whisky tasting events are really enjoyable… such simple ingredients but so many different tastes… Great Birthday Present.


    Free Member

    Thanks lads…

    I will chase Jeff and check my wallet!



    Free Member

    There were plenty of fatties in Ireland last weekend…

    But Jeff was the man to speak to…


    Free Member

    …and get rid of those weeds outside yer house..!

    Welcome. (Not that I am here very often).


    Free Member

    BTW….. Great Video Session88

    My work mates here in Sweden are now really confused as to what I do with my spare time…. he he…

    Thanks for sharing.

    Hammer (aka the guy who started the race.)

    ps… sort of forgot that.. They asked ME if I would MIND drinking a beer and starting the race. An honour that can never be repeated…. (so I guess I got my free beer after all). 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Free Member

    Hey hey hey, It’s me the whining cockbag again… 😉

    To be fair the entry fee was only a small amount of the cost, airfare, two days off work, ferries, accomodation, rental cars and fuel usually outweigh the entry fee when travelling from overseas.

    I did try to redeem the beer coupon at Copenhagen airport during our stopover.. they wouldn’t accept it there either! 🙂

    Perhaps we have been spoiled by previous organisers and sponsors..


    Free Member

    For the record.. I have been to quite a few of these since SSWCY2K+1.

    The much acclaimed “Official Beer Stop” in 2007 Aviemore, wasn’t official…. it was Myself and Rapid Descent who bought the beer, packed as much as we could carry into 3 messenger bags and rode it up the trails to a “secret location” hid the beer and dished it out during the race. The beer ran out quickly and complaints were made…! 😉

    SSWC 2011 Ireland.
    I am not going to sugar coat it, but before I release a barrage of whinges… I want it clear that I had a great time.

    The Good:

    The Bad:
    Expensive 50 euro for a pair of useless socks and an Orange T-shirt!
    Campsite was shunned by many and riddled with wasps.
    No showers at the campsite.
    No Cars allowed on the campsite.
    Start Numbers were not collectables, and most fell apart on the trail.
    Decider for next years event held on Thursday, BEFORE the event.
    Enormous lack of information and presence of organisers.
    No clear information about what time or where the prizegiving was.
    Beer token in the goodie bag could not be used anywhere.
    Room for prizegiving, which we found by accident was too small about 100-150 people couldn’t get in.
    Start marshalls were not aware of the traditional bike hiding/moving/piling activities before the start.
    Commentator at the start announced a Monte Carlo Start would be held!

    In summary, I might consider flying back over there for the trails. Thats it.

    I got the impression that the organisers knew little about SSWC traditions, or maybe got steam rollered by the Irish Tourist Board/local council etc.
    It gave the impression that it was a business venture and money spinner in my opinion and I will give serious consideration before attending another SSWC unless I “know” about who is running it….

    SSEC2010 Pretty Much Set the standard for how to organise and run a SS event…. Jaquie Phelan mentioned that she may have to compile a Handbook for future organisers.

    Sorry about the whinge, it’s just my opinion. I still had a great time.

    Just not sure if “I got lucky in Ireland”!


    Free Member

    I was looking for you Jeff.

    What is it all about then, can I fit them on my bike and what will it set me back?


    Free Member

    I’m still stuck on that sandal wearing wok bearer….


    Free Member

    Those big tyres are really nice, I wouldn’t mind bagging a pair myself.

    Anybody know what they cost…?

    Free Member

    Jeff gives all cyclists a bad name…. probably because Jeff IS a BAD name…

    He he…

    and look at the Wok on that guy in the Sandals…!

    Free Member

    I've given Cherry bakewells some serious consideration, and decided I only like them because they look like Boobies!


    I had a word with the wife, asked what she liked best about singlespeeders, she replied… "Buns are good, baps are better, especially when served with a singlespeed sausage!" -Whatever that means!

    Free Member


    Singlespeed – Pants
    29 inch wheels – Pants
    Cakes – Pants

    Free Member

    After a few weeks off the SS and riding geared full-sus, I took the SS out last night….. the road section to the trails took a little longer, but once I hit the trail I wondered what I had let myself in for.. it was barely rideable… but I didn't have any choice and did my best to stay with the geared blokes on the twisty rocky rooty trails… god I suffered, but it was worth it…. today EVERYTHING hurts!
    So the verdict is that SS is perhaps a bit silly, but you get a much better all body workout.. yesterdays ride was more like pumping weights in the gym than spinny riding…

    Next ride is sunday, some geocatching with a work-mate, so I'll take the geared bike…. but all my mid-week rides will be SS from now on.

    Now.. Where's that fruitcake you mentioned?


    Free Member

    Did somebody mention fruitcake…. I'll put the kettle on!

    Free Member

    Jupp…. been out mincing and bimbling twice a week 3-4 hours at a time since SSEC… next ride is tonight… we have been very lucky with the weather too so far.. fingers crossed..
    Finally got my 36t front ring from CRC, so I might fit that and test it tonight.. just have to leave work a bit earlier and that's not a bad thing!

    Love you too.. xx

    Free Member

    Yepp… same here… ordered a chainring and it took 2 weeks to arrive….
    Might have to start ordering parts elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Buy him that 20 quid helmet from Halfords…. have a dump in it… quick rinse with cold water, let it dry and hand it over…. once he starts sweating and the foam pads start to get moist…. he he he…

    Free Member

    I have been riding my geared bike a little more often after about 9 years of singlespeeding… my knees thank me, but then I am old and portly these days…
    However.. on the odd occasions that I ride my geared full-susser, I find myslef wondering if I could have gotten up that hill on my SS…. so the next ride is usually on the SS just for some variation (and clatter-free cycling).

    I almost exclusively take the SS bike when I am riding alone with a good soundtrack…. but if it's a group ride and the others are on geared bikes I'll choose the geared bike… which is also useful for the road sections to and from the trails…

    I tried the motorised type of off-roading a couple of years ago… and hated the fact that just when the trail got interesting, motorised vehicles were banned, I sat longing for a bicycle to explore the trail that weaved over the hilltops towards the fjörds..

    I still think that my rigid 29er SS is the nicest and most rewarding bike to ride though…..

    Somebody said horses for courses and that sums it up…..


    Free Member

    Nice clips Stu….

    Makes me want to ride more and that must be a good thing… I will try to film some of the trails that I want to show you here in sweden…


    Free Member

    Cristiania. How could you guys not suggest that as a place to visit.

    Has a really cool bike shop there too…. and sweet trails around the back by the water if you are interested in an interesting ride, with lots of funky hippy houses built in trees by the water…

    Check it out before it becomes a part of history….. and Cap Horn restaurant in nyhavn has some nice burgers and beer.


    Free Member

    Yeah true. White-water swimming is awesome though, you should try it (I'd only swim a grade 2 or 3 canoeing river though). When we had all the rains, I swum a section of our local river that is usually too shallow – it was a foot up from normal, and you could just get through without too many scrapes on the rocks. The feeling of no return as you swim into the main channel, commit yourself to it and the river catches you is awesome.

    So white water swimming is, sort of downhill swimming!

    Cool…… do you wear a helmet?

    Me… I am more into the upstream swimming….. more of a workout, and when I am done, I don't have to walk back, because I didn't actually get anywhere…….

    Swimming upstream and not getting anywhere: Sounds like my job!


    Free Member

    Give kwitfit the chance to replace the incorrect parts and mount the springs the right way around.

    Get a receipt of the work they do, and assuming they are doing it for free, then they are also admitting liability for getting it wrong to begin with.

    If It handles fine afterwards, looks fine and sounds fine, then maybe get them to fit 4 new tyres and off you go as a happy camper.

    It'll be a lot less stress than dragging them through the courts and all that polava…. even if it might be necessary in the end anyway.

    Good luck… and I hope the knocking goes away, the handling improves… and everyone is nice to each other!


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