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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • haloric
    Free Member

    It’s not a new bug, that is from 2020, I’ve only ever seen it quoted as happening in Paris though on various forums.

    I rejoined several times (apple tv) and eventually was the right way around with a few seconds to spare, quite a frantic undertaking, despite entering the pen initially at 8 mins to launch.

    PSA – give it at least 10 mins to get in the pen.

    Free Member

    Ha! The group seemed to be doing fine without me to be honest!

    Once we joined you the pace increased slightly again, which is what broke me. I manned up for a km but then was too far in the red, and looking for the exit.

    Haloric -> Ant Mitchell.

    Free Member

    After a long period of fairly faultless Zwifting, tonight was the night to be put in the pen facing the wrong way, I think 4th or 5th rejoin got me pointing the right way.

    Managed to hang onto the third group for 3 laps, died, then hung on a bit longer, then died again, cramp coming, despite the encouragement to hang in.

    Was waiting for the next train which was Kirky/Ogg/NeilArnold – but it was clear that train was not going to stop at my station, watching their power was going up to 5.5 then down to 0.8. Somehow managed a lap and a half on my lonesome as they rode me down, to just avoid being swamped on the line by the express approaching.

    In theory, that is my best course, being witches *** flat, and I road about as well as I can, so disappointing to only get 6 points – does not bode well for any remaining hilly courses !.

    Much enjoyment as always, cheers Robbo.

    Free Member

    Have you tried asking her, covertly ?

    It’s rare that I get to roll this story out now, so I shall take this opportunity with both hands. Every word true.

    Back in the day, late eighties (mid 20’s), I had been living with the quite excellent Mrs Haloric (pre-marriage) for a few years, and a hint might have been dropped about marriage, but it would have to be pretty heavy for me so have seen it.

    She talks in her sleep – a lot. It’s very weird, but it’s very real. At the end of a day, as she falls asleep she would often have a conversation with the her dog, recounting the days events. Some days it’s absolutely hilarious, recounting minor slights she has suffered in the day, and the names for people who did it. In one such occurrence, she would tell the dog that ‘I don’t think he is ever going to ask me’, which with a shock realised I was supposed to be stepping up.

    Sometime later she returned from a shopping trip with the MIL to Brent Cross, where comments regarding a lovely ring were dropped. I feigned lack of interest, no details where divulged. That evening, I winkled the details out of her during sleep talk. I got a description of the ring (blue shiny rock, 6 lobes with white shiny) and that it was vintage.

    The next day, called in sick (sorry work), and shot down to BC, found the seller, checked that Mrs H and MIL were coo-ing over it the previous day, stumped up the funds and trousered it. I asked the seller to say that some old fella had bought it for his wife if anyone came asking about it. Sure enough the MIL goes down there a few days later to get it as present and returns with that story. I am cock a hoop.

    The ring is hidden in a sock. This is my 2nd year as a freelance IT consultant, and I finally have some money to my name, and I book a surprise trip to Seychelles for us both.
    Slightly caught out by MrsH-to-be not having a valid passport, but all is resolved at the last minute. Am worried the ring will be discovered at flight security, but all is good.

    We visit Mahe and do some island hopping, with the final few days on Bird Island, which is a light plane journey to the middle of the ocean. Mrs H has a thing for treasure hunts and I planned to make one on this island, and as we land I am given a map of the island – the universe is singing to me.

    Next day, up early, sneak out, trek to the other end of the island (half a mile!), bury the ring in the sock in the sand, make a cross from two sticks and the other sock, trek back to the breakfast and, after a condemned mans final breakfast, hand over a treasure map made from the map I was given, with a poem about treasure.

    Off we go, totally clueless what is going on, she finds x marks the spot, and while I am busy trying to make sure the old school camera is working she pulls the sticks out whilst I am looking the wrong way, and thinks that the sticks are the treasure. Cue a few minutes of frantically digging all over the place to find the actual treasure and – fortunately, she says yes.

    30 years married, still going strong, has lost that ring once on a beach and I had to sieve a beach volleyball court with a tennis racket for two hours to get it back.

    I appreciate it doesn’t help with the makeup of your ring, but the effort and the spirit in which it is ultimately presented might in the long run be just as, if not more, precious to your partner. Good luck.

    Free Member

    In please, as is Haloric Jnr.

    Free Member

    Not been back to Stoke for a little while. Wonder if it had changed much.. seems like not.

    Free Member

    I am out, too many balls in the air.

    Also, that load out looks like a fast train to wide eyed despair land.


    Free Member

    Last one for me, on ATV so not risking a sweaty bike change with the remote.

    If only Zwift would give you a hot key for a pre-arranged bike you could alternate between, with a fixed time 10 second no-moving penalty to avoid all the fumbling about and keyboard macro monkeying about. They create courses with different attributes, and bikes the same, but then make it really difficult to use them fairly and precisely.

    Bonus points for a mechanic running on with it and pushing you off.

    Free Member

    If he is truly interested in computers – get a raspberry pie and learn how to add retro pie. ?

    Thousands of old school games, and the start of a useful interest in computers, for almost no cost.

    Free Member

    I deleted my cookies and it seems to have fixed it. (opera)

    Excellent. I think some browsers must not be clearing all the cookies for the site to be still having a problem for them.

    As a reminder:

    Please delete them ALL via the link below for STW, and then report any ongoing issues.

    Once you have deleted your STW cookies, you will have to sign in and give consent again.

    Here is example steps on how to do this:

    Free Member

    But, but.. ermm

    How will you use the result ? In your table the codes for A:5 DEF would be at F:8,F9,F:10 and there would be no way to relate them back to DEF at A:5 ?

    I single comma or space separated value in the F column would make some sense, but I can’t see the problem as you have described it being of any use to anyone.

    eg A1: ABC -> F1: ABC1200, ABC2400, ABC3600

    Free Member

    I see what you are doing. It seems like madness. If you have up to 15 codes per line item, you will have N*14 extra rows in your spreadsheet after you have run it, with only the end column populated. Are you really sure this is what you want ?

    I can’t for life of me think why you would want to do that, but I would do it with Python if there was a gun to my head, and I would wear gloves.

    Free Member

    Thanks all ever so much for the advice. Was really impressed by the cycle provision in central London. Generally felt really quite safe. Much better than riding in Leeds.

    I’m glad you had a nice time – here is my Normal For London video – and there are two others on the same account – do watch to the end..

    Free Member

    Yes, the original hole in the wall was in Hanley – see the YouTube link a few comments back – it was demolished in 2008 I think – that whole area was regenerated.

    They have restarted the business in Fenton – although I’ve not been to that one -although you’ve all cracked me and I’m ordering this:

    Another nice one to come across is the oatcake boat

    Free Member

    Not been back through for a while but it was still there last time – it’s a Debenhams now.,-2.1768391,3a,75y,9.55h,100.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNECQ-cnCyykrB9kjMVP7TA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    It’s never to late to upgrade yourself:

    Free Member

    Looking at the error message more – I think this implies that the hardware *is* working, just that windows can’t use it properly, either due to corrupt registry keys or driver compatibility.

    I doubt its a virus, just a windows update gone wrong.

    I doubt the chkdsk will make any difference, but an uninstall of any driver and a reboot might, but no doubt you have been through this. I do hate windows.

    How vexing.

    Free Member

    Oops, sorry, you did mention the bios – was there a wifi option at all ?

    Free Member

    Thanks. Nope, no physical switch, shame, can only see this, which you most likely would have come across in your search:
    Turn on or off airplane mode
    Airplane mode is a convenient setting to turn on or off all wireless communication of your computer. You may need to turn it on when boarding an airplane.
    Click the notification icon in the Windows notification area.
    Click the airplane mode icon to turn it on or off.
    Note: Click Expand if you cannot find the airplane mode icon.

    You don’t mention the BIOS, which is the OS’es interface to the hardware – have you been able to check that ? It could be flipped off in there, so no amount of installing will fix that.

    40 secs in to the video

    There is this do describe how to get to the bios:

    Free Member

    I’m no PC expert, but when I’ve dealt with this on my wifes laptop, there is a physical switch, its just not been very obvious – post your exact model number and I can check.

    In the meantime, tried all of these ?

    Free Member

    Ay up duck.

    Stoke born, stoke bred, strong in arm, and thick in ‘ed.

    I’m from Hanley – the family bring them down to Buckinghamshire when they visit.

    Alternatively – if desperate…

    Alas the hole in the wall has gone, but there are plenty of other places.

    Now I’m pining for them…

    Free Member

    Sorry guys, the increase in effort on the leg snapper burnt all my reserves.

    I’m never quite sure why we need to increase so much on the climb, but I was in the red for the whole thing – still enjoyed it – got to get the weight down to be competitive I think..

    Free Member

    Done now, thanks.

    I should be able to keep up on the flat, if I can advise anything its to stay close/behind on the leg snapper, and I won’t have to die keeping up there.

    Free Member

    Those starts are fierce. In theory this course should suit me, being of the chunky boy mould, but I could not hold on to the front two groups and ended up in the magnificent 7.

    There was a 3 / 4 break at the viaduct, but I had a aero power up and figured I was better pulling us back together than saving it for the end. Thank me later.

    I was late on my sprint finish, and got 7th of the group, that’s the Eli Wallach position and I wanted the Yul Brynner one.

    Still suffering from man-flu symptoms, so happy to finish. Hoping to start on Thurs.

    Free Member

    I can explain what I think happened if you want, but its only guessing ‘cos I don’t have any knowledge of what actually changed, and its very technical involving cookie domain name changes, and path complications, and a fairly misunderstood technical spec regarding what should happen when a cookie is sent to a website, but multiple cookies actually match the spec for what should be sent, etc. It’s a common problem, often mishandled.

    I have 160 valid cookies for STW as it happens, but as a non-member I only needed to clear the euconsent-v2 cookie, and it all seems to work, so I don’t care how many there are until it doesn’t. I have just 11 for facebook for reference.

    Presumably there is a delete or clear button cropped off your image ? After using it, does it work normally again is what STW would probably want to know.

    Free Member

    This is just a suggestion, but having faced issues like this in the past, I think it would be useful to STW to know/be told if you have deleted ALL your STW cookies.

    The cookie killer link doesn’t do this, it only expires selected ones – and your browser will sending old cookies mixed in with new cookies, confusingly with the same name ( due to some technical stuff with domains and paths, which you can don’t care about).

    Please delete them ALL via the link below for STW, and then report any ongoing issues.

    Once you have deleted your STW cookies, you will have to sign in and give consent again.

    If after that you are still having issues – then the STW code is faulty for you, but until you have deleted them, you will get random results, as new cookie values are mixed in with old ones.

    My browser for example has 160 cookies, many with the same name but different paths and domains just for STW.

    Here is example steps on how to do this:

    Free Member

    If you are starting from scratch – start cheap until you are ready to spend more – plenty of good old hi-fis on FB marketplace and ebay.

    A bluetooth dongle to cast to from your phone is about a tenner – means I can still hear anything on my 80’s akai – still sounds great.

    Free Member

    Excuse me previous smugness, I now get it every time I change page.

    Have you tried the technique on page 3 of this discussion, re the euconsent-v2 cookie ?.

    This was all that was necessary for me. Your browser may have a different way of getting to it. I looked at the cookie killer page, but that doesn’t reset this particular cookie, so its not going to affect it – at least for me.

    Free Member

    Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

    Mikey does great work showing what city riders have to put up with all the time, which is a continual lack of attention to the road from drivers.

    Don’t touch your phone, and don’t drive the wrong way down a road into oncoming traffic, it is pretty simple.

    We need more video evidence to make this happen – all these drivers know its wrong by the way they try to hide the phone, they just are not worried enough about getting caught that they will change their behaviour. The chances of getting caught have to increase enough that they will change.

    We need more people recording dangerous driving, not less.

    Free Member

    Just tried a session – managed 15 mins at 200+w before lack of energy got me, I will be cruising around at the back of the bus making up the numbers, hoping to get rid of this cold – even more than usual.

    Free Member

    Well, I can certainly admire the problem. Changing the domain but not the cookie name does introduce difficulty in historical data.

    Unless you plan to have everyone clear their cookies then some user/browser combinations are going to be sending you one or two copies of euconsent-v2, depending on how they are feeling.

    Depending on your code framework, you may only get access to one of them. They have different domains, and the one you want has, and the one you don’t have, and since that is not in the cookie, you don’t know which one you have got.

    Several approaches spring to mind, no doubt you have a plan
    a) just rename the cookie ‘haloricwashere’ and all users will have to consent again, but no-one will ever be troubled again. Might not be possible, depending on your 3rd party package I guess.
    b) check if you have more than one euconsent-v2 cookie, and if so clear/expire the one, or even both, and redirect to a refresh.
    c) looks like the cookies has a 25 days or so expiry anyway, the one you don’t want should go away soon – i no longer have one for reference to check

    something else, looks like there is quite a lot of overlap in cookies with the same name being sent to different paths, and different domains, eg ezCMPCookieConsent goes to the same two different domains but the same path, wheres but also to three different paths /, /forum and /forum/topic/ etc.

    Anyway, I’ll stop being interested now, clearing the cookie manually fixes it all for me.

    Free Member

    Ok, looking into it a bit futher, I do have two euconsent-v2 cookies.

    Todays one has the domain ‘’, and the older one has the domain ‘’.

    Both are probably being sent to the site, and the code is confused and conflicted over the domain.

    I used chrome to go
    Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Cookies and other site data -> see all cookies and site data.

    Search box: singletrackworld

    Scroll down the list, look for ‘euconsent-v2’, and expand the details.

    Look for any that are not today and use the X box to delete them.

    It should in theory also be enough to clear all your cookies for singletrackworld

    This works for me.

    Free Member

    If I had to guess I would investigate this error message on my chrome browser:

    Exoic CMP detected consent from another CMP stored in the euconsent-v2 cookie. If another CMP is active on the page this can lead to inconsistent behaviour. Ezoic CMP must consider the existing consent invalid and re-establish.


    Which is presumably the euconsent-v2 cookie, which I don’t have afaics.

    Hope this helps.

    Note that several other requests to URLS are marked net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT in chrome.

    Free Member

    Currently unusable – every forum page requests accepting default cookies

    Getting/Setting session cookies is web programming lesson 1 – back to school please.

    Free Member

    Almost unusable – every forum page asks me to accept default cookies, despite being the same browser from last week, even when logged in.

    Setting/getting cookies is web programmers lesson 1.

    Free Member

    Still coughing like a snot filled drain with man-flu, jeez.

    Will ride on Tues eve and see what occurs, update Weds.

    Free Member

    I keep considering one but haven’t been able to actually bring myself to order. Can’t help but think they can only be better than sitting static for xx mins at a time?

    Don’t order – build ! – I made my full length one from some marine ply and some inline skates and regular skates from the tip, almost no cost. Just need a saw, all straight line cuts, and some tennis balls and a couple of bungies for a forward aft auto-reentering movement too. I’m 100kg and its very stable.

    I much prefer it to the static one, although its probably like oval chain rings – its a preference thing, no way to say which is *better*

    Free Member

    Another early excuse, more of a PSA – I’m into my second day of man flu, so when/if I start to drop don’t even break stride or try to persuade otherwise, I will be in a puddle of snot on the floor.

    Free Member

    Double team ! – my home made wobble board taxc and sons regular static one.

    I think we broke him last year, haven’t been able to convince him to do Tues/Thurs sessions yet.

    Zwift on apple tv, two fans on smart plugs with google voice support. Shed is home made too, shelf is a tray and an old oar and a scaffolding joint, it folds up out of the way when not used, used for a laptop when we team ride.

    Does get a bit toasty when dual riding.

    Double trouble

    Free Member

    I have one that is a flower bed, made from old railway sleepers.

    For the heavy e-bike there are two small flagstones at just the right distance apart set into the bed amongst the flowers, that it can sit there and be washed, leaning against the post..

    For gravel/road/mtb I have a single centre post rigged with old road handlebars on top, set securely into the bed, which will hold the bike a few inches off the bed, with the cross bar held by the old road bars. I wash them all there, can spin the wheels etc, and the mud and crap is captured by the bed. Have to lift off and flip to do the other side, but other than that is great, no mess, and water the flowers at the same time.

    There is a small bush, a few flowers and a crab apple tree, they don’t seem to mind muc off.

    Free Member

    Last try, if its to be named via a cycling website – broom wagon.

    We need to know the winner OP.

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