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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • haloric
    Free Member

    The question is who dares roll the dice on an apple tv remote assisted swap.

    Zwift are so hopeless, they give you lots of bikes, but make it very difficult to use them.

    A fixed time interval to do a swap once you are stopped to a hotkey bike would be fair to all, and be interesting for strategy.

    Free Member

    Wahoo support is the first place, but if that is no joy I would take it to a different environment entirely – you may well have a lot of local interference you are not aware of.

    Your other devices may cope with with it better than the Kickr

    Isolating the problem or repeating it in a different environment is step 1 to finding the cause. Most likely your kickr is failing, but if you take it somewhere else and it is the only common factor in that environment, you have mostly proved it.

    I would also connect it to a different computer (I know you have tried your phone). I would suggest an apple tv, as that is a very predictable environment.

    If you are anywhere near Bucks, happy to help you try that.

    Free Member

    Eta – dead last. :sad face: the figures don’t lie.

    Don’t think I’ve ridden since last Tues, and am recovering from a harsh 10k cx run on Sunday so may not even make it up the hill.

    Will do my best bimbling at the rear.

    Free Member

    Having just been through all of this with a code that just turns out to be the month of manufacture, I sent a picture to that solved it in no time.

    Free Member

    and zwiftinsider calls a big detour a “bypass” for some reason (is that what made you shout what? @haloric ?).

    No, I had no idea where I was going, all junctions are a surprise. Last night was an endless uphill gift that kept giving.

    It was the group 10 seconds back deciding to work together to ‘pull some places back’ that was the cause of much sadness.

    Free Member

    Hills are not my forte, and this wrung every last bit of effort I had.

    Competing for the much cherished 23rd-ish place with the usual suspects, was pipped in the first race by @woodiwoodwood, which was a bit rude as I’d let him be in front for nearly all of the last 5k.

    Quite touched in the second race that @giggsmaster thought I was chasing him, when all I was doing was trying make @woodiwoodwood behind believe I was not almost dead, having already put a 10 second gap in once to see it disappear while was reaching for a water bottle as he resurrected himself.

    Totally trashed – roll on next week.

    Free Member

    I’ve been lurking here for a while, I’ve got a job to do on a door (pictures in the other thread if I don’t trash it), and have been researching table routers, and now after this thread I’ve got all the bits on order to make my own.

    It’s a meta job that needs doing before the real job.

    Free Member

    Mary Queen of Scots had a polo mallet made from a narwhals tusk.

    She never lost a match.

    If you run a rope on the ground all the way around the world (it floats in the sea dunnit) and back to the start, and then run another rope directly above it at waist height (say 1m) all the way around the world (this one just floats dunnit), the second rope is only 6 and a bit metres longer than the first. No replies about oblate spheres please.

    Free Member

    If you are only planning to do this for a short period – get an umbrella company, the lack of stress will be palpable.

    Having just won an IR35 investigation from HMRC, that would be my suggestion.

    The additional hassle of a company, accounts, accountant etc are only marginally offset by the financial gains, and if HMRC decides they want to look, you may have to pay back taxes anyway.

    It also (to me) sounds very clear that you could not substitute anyone else for yourself, since your specific knowledge is why they want you, irrespective of any other concerns, and you are therefore inside IR35. IANAL.

    Free Member

    @reluctantjumper – One other metric I find interesting – look at the race on ZP, reverse sort it by finish time so us tail end charlies are at the top – put the power chart into watts mode, and select the little pie chart on the end of each users row to see their power lines.

    This will add/remove them from the power chart – add yourself also.

    You can then compare others with your own chart.

    You and I are quite different for up to 1 minute power – but after that pretty much the same. Generally those who finish just ahead have either an elevated one minute power or can hold it for longer than a minute, but after 5 mins are not far different profiles.

    One other thing to bear in mind – these STW races have quite a small field and wide range of ability – so inevitably a wide spread of finish times. Larger fields and in a closer range are a lot more fun.

    Zwift races are also not comparable with general outdoor performance – after a year and a half on Zwift as a strong C nearly B I changed my trainer from a Elite Direto (which I kept religiously calibrated) to a Neo 2, and went straight to D, dropping 50+ watts the same day. Only just clawed my way back into C. The absolute finish position is largely meaningless – its about your own personal fitness improvements.

    Free Member

    The usual for me, hung with the main bunch until there was a hill, then hung no more.

    Managed a ‘after-you sir’, ‘no after-you I insist’ gentleman’s agreement with Zilog for the last 4k until the last 1k when my aero helmet won out.

    – check the stats for the race on Zwiftpower – despite being 13kgs heavier than you, and putting out less average power for that race I finished ahead – I put that down to being able to hold the initial surge for a teensy bit longer is all. Staying in the draft is everything in the first part of these races.

    You are so close to being *in* the last bunch of tail end charlies with me and the other usual suspects, rather than just off the back of it.

    Having you just behind me also keeps me honest when I think I’ve done all I can. It might look like we are cruising ahead, when in fact I’m close to jacking it in.

    If I can suggest anything it is a proper full half hour walm up, and managing that initial surge from the off for as long as possible – you have to micro manage your position in the blob – if you are just near the back when there is a push, it can be gone in seconds.

    The other thing is lots of races – the ‘category enforcement’ series is great because it ensures those in the race with you are similar speed – meaning less sandbaggers, so tactics are more important.

    Hope to see you at the bottom of the next hill.

    Free Member

    Thats not my idea of OK, reading the first two dozen reviews seems like at least 1/3 unhappy.

    Free Member

    Can recommend the YMCA option, was very welcoming and cheap – can’t remember how we booked it, but we also had our own tents.

    1 day would have been too hard for me, 2 was perfect, bit of time to stop and enjoy the view.

    Was in a group of 5 and would not have made it in 1 day due to the number of mechanical issues anyway, 1 rider had a puncture and his tyres were impossible to get off and back on again without eating tubes.

    Free Member

    Yes, its not a documentary – just the low vibe short clips welded together, still pretty though.

    Free Member

    I find the rocker plate more comfortable is all.

    It’s not possible to say whether is loses power – maybe having some movement means that its easier to apply the power, so the bit you lose from the energy is overmatched by the ease –
    why does your bike wobble in real life when you sprint, surely no wobble is less energy expended ?, its all snake oil like oval chain rings.

    Free Member

    Can’t remember who it was, and can’t find it now – Cameron Jeffers probably, but he had a video at least a year ago where he entered several races and did exactly this, changed his weight in the pen, won several races, changed it back before quitting, then published the video to say what he had done after no-one called him out on it after some time had passed, to prove that it was an effective way to win.

    Free Member

    Using your IDE, find where the files are stored.
    , the full path to the file, it will be eg /Users/you/somefolder/

    From the command line, change directory to that folder

    > cd somefolder

    Check the file exists

    > ls

    Execute the file:

    > python ./

    You can use different versions of python to test what the issue might be

    Free Member

    My solution to too many bikes is to give them to people I think might use them, to do with as they will, except they can’t sell or swap them, they have to give them back if they can’t keep them. If they break, no worries, and they can bring it back for repair if they want.

    This can be people who are outside the ‘close friends’ circle, but you know are having a hard time, financially or mentally.

    I’ve done this to a couple of people who weren’t bikers that now are, and only 1 bike has come back and then been passed on again.

    It helps me with the emotional attachment to a bike that I used to use a lot but now don’t anymore – I know its getting some use elsewhere, rather than sat in my shed, looking at me.

    Free Member

    Could be a number of things – where are the actual programs, on the mac drive or a network/external drive.

    You say it works when run from the command line.
    How do you run it from the command line ?
    What is your current directory – use the ‘pwd’ command
    What is the very first line of the script – does it start with #!<some python version>
    When you are running it from the IDE you may be running it with a different python, or even a different working directory – ive never used IDLE so not sure.
    macOS has some new permission security full disk access permissions, but I doubt it is that.
    The error message implies that the program cannot search backwards from its working directory to the root, so you need to find the working directory, and use the ‘ls -l’ commands to check you have ‘r’ and ‘x’ permissions on them all. If you can run pwd, then thats fine

    Free Member

    Cramp was just a big twinge, but could not have come at a better moment, as I was just about half dead. Nice to ride in with you.

    Free Member

    Did you apply the recent update freeridenick – I think I’ve seen this listed as a side effect of not doing that.

    Free Member

    I’m back in the game now, panto season is over, but I’m going to bow out of these – the timing is just a bit too late for me. I might try to find a team in an earlier slot.

    I generally work from home and am ready to ride from 6pm.

    Good luck all.

    Free Member

    Looking at ZP, Zilog beat me by 10 secs, but it looked like about 2 secs at the time.

    Something odd happened at the end, I passed the end marker, through the blue barrier, meter countdown was 0, and it then re-appeared a few meters in front, and then did it again – that perhaps was 10 secs.


    Free Member


    Ground my way up using my unique positive splits technique, and got pipped on the line by a nicely timed Zilog.

    Max bpm 177, is that bad for a 57 year old, ‘cos it feels pretty toasty.

    Thanks @robbo1234biking again – now to lose some kg’s before the start of the next one.

    Free Member

    Apologies to all but the pedant in me just had a panic attack.

    * means “anything”. So it’s listing [anything]BBC[anything].txt here.

    . is also a wildcard. * means any number of [anything] and . means a single instance of [anything] so you may as well do away with it in the above and just use *BBC*txt

    Well – if pedantry is your thing, I’ve been biting my knuckles all through this.

    Yes and No. ‘.’ is a regex character – but not in bash command lines.

    So *.txt will be only files ending in .txt
    *txt is anything ending in txt, like bbcwasheretxt

    Free Member

    Be aware – there is a zwift update out today – not sure if it is forced upon you or not – took about 30 secs on Apple TV – ymmv.

    Free Member

    I knew I would be dropped off any bunch when we hit the first hill so my plan was to not go too hard from the off, just try to hang on to anyone who came past.

    This turned out to be @neilarn2 and @jimdubleyou, who both also gradually buggered off into the distance. I was convinced I had a 40 sec handicap on jimdubleyou, which made me hang on even after he was way head. Turns out I had a bigger one, so ended up ahead on adjusted time.

    If it wasn’t for the handicap system, I would deffo have slowed right down in the last 6kms on my own.

    I don’t like those big hills, whats next week ?

    Free Member

    You wanted DIY ? This is from an unwanted toilet cistern down tube, embedded into a wooden block which goes about two foot below ground into a bit of concrete. The old handlebars live in the shed with the bikes when not being used, they need a bit of new protective sleeving to protect the frame, normally a pool noodle.

    The benefit is that all the washed off **it goes into the garden. The bay bush doesn’t seem to mind. Have to take the bike off to flip it around, but the cranks can turn.

    Diy gone mad

    Free Member

    Yes I saw that too. Would be fantastic, even better put it on to companion, or add ipad support to companion, or any number of trivial changes that would improve usability.

    If they read this, they would die from loss of blood.

    I appreciate Zwift, but they sure are slow at simple things.

    Free Member

    The race for much coveted 18th place was particularly cagey after about 8km.

    Me, Chris Charles and Zilog, eventually hauling in blobonastick with about 6km to go.

    I kept looking down at my gears and fiddling with my pump holder, and generally looking lame duck into the last 3km hanging off the back, but I don’t think anyone was fooled.

    Dropped a feather at 800m and got a gap but eased off a second too soon and got pipped by the nicely timed zilog.

    It may have looked like I was trying to get a gap on any rise that occurred, but I was just trying to make sure I was still in touch at the top with a pre-emptive acceleration, hills are not my forte. I may have some library books to take back next week.

    Cheers Robbo, Tuesdays are lively evenings.

    Free Member

    When I first came to London, I started a pioneering business.

    But nobody liked my earings, and now its just pies.

    It’s all in the delivery.

    Free Member

    @reluctantjumper – it was me caught at the top of the hill, and we half tt’ed to the finish, where i pipped you by a smidge by cunningly nearly killing myself in the last 400m.

    I’ve got nothing on the hills at the moment, and can barely reach my FTP for a few minutes, let alone an hour.

    Ant Mitchell = @haloric

    Free Member

    I have two of the short bibs and one long, and a couple of the tops, which have survived several CX years.

    I find them great for what they are, I just wish they would make a warmer breathable shell type top. But quality wise I have no complaints.

    Free Member

    I have had the Withings scales for several years, they are great.

    I like it but I’m needing to stop weighing myself every day – I appear to have large weight fluctuations (weighed about same time every day)…so I’m going to go back to once a week.

    I don’t follow this ? If your measured weight varies more than a reasonable amount over 7 daily readings (either due to the weight or dodgy scales) how will only looking at one of those dodgy readings help you get a better picture of what your real weight is ?

    Best thing to do is to cover the bit that displays the actual figures on the scale, weigh frequently and only look at the graph on withings/garmin to determine what the true trend is ?

    Free Member

    Since its been mentioned but glossed over, I’l just leave this here.

    Primer – The Smartest Time Travel Film Ever Made

    (dark also similarly good).

    Free Member

    Having said I would be interested now that I am recovering, I find that I am now down for (ahem) panto practice (oh yes i am) on thurs evenings until the performance mid Feb, sorry.


    Free Member

    Assuming it’s at 40,000 feet, how far away from me is the point on the earth it’s directly above?

    Distance is as stated. If you want to get there, you may have to travel further.

    Free Member

    Joined link but nothing fir me

    Free Member

    Create an emergency casual ride ?

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