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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
  • haloric
    Free Member

    As a data point – I used to visit this site a lot, particularly for off topic news, but just go so fed up of the slow load times and usability issues I drifted away. Every time I come back after a month or so away it seems worse – and this issue plus the incessant flashing and blinking banners and adverts means I will drift away again.

    It is so bad that I even logged in to say how bad it is.

    I’ve been developing websites for about 20 years, this one has very poor usability and performance.

    AAANDDD since we are here my first attempt to visit the site just hung with a blank page, like an unresolved domain error, only a refresh actually gave me any content.

    Free Member

    Python or Perl for the win, working on an exported CSV or using an excel lib for full automation.

    As zilog says, scripting is pretty straight forward.

    I’m assuming you don’t really need those repeated County/Area lines that have no data lines ?

    Free Member

    > Ami the only one who actually LOVES indoor training?!

    I’m not going to call it training, because I wasn’t really training for anything, just doing it for fitness.

    I do love my setup, I can get in there after work circa 6pm for an hours race of some sort, a bit of weights and then straight in the shower. I probably do about 5 sessions a week.

    There are *no* hills near me – I’m in the vale of aylesbury and its 30 mins in the car to get to foot of the ridgeway, so its riding bridleways round the edge of fields for fun if you only have an hour to two. I’ve also had some very near misses on the road bike recently.

    I’ve just added a second hand treadmill and started doing zwift duathlons, which are 30 min TT ride, 10 min break and 20 min run, and pencilled in a triathlon for june, none of which would be likely without daily indoor rides. I think I better start calling it training now.

    Free Member

    I’ve got nothing but good things to say about WUUK. Fitted a dual camera system at MIL’s house and its been working flawlessly since November, and both cameras are at 20% charge now.

    They also do a doorbell that I don’t have – but reviews look good. It has its own base station and does not require cloud service or subs, and auto records video for later playback.

    Pretty cheap too.

    It was installed as MIL thought someone was looking in her window due to seeing footsteps in the gravel outside her window. In the first week I say her come out, check the outside postbox, check the gravel for footsteps, then absentmindedly walk over the gravel to the window and dead head a few flowers/check the gas bottle, and then go straight back in the house.

    Rinse and repeat.

    Free Member

    I am still interested, although have got thursday bookings for the next two weeks, free after that.

    Free Member

    I like those movable wheels on the rocker, might see if I can incorporate those into mine, although I have a (rough) carpet floor. I made mine from marine ply, inline skates and tough dog tennis balls, with some regular skates as stabilisers just in case the angle gets too extreme.

    I use an 18″ fan mounted high on a smart plug, can’t imagine using a smaller one ! and a garmin bluetooth fan that was a gift, but was only really used when I was zwifting with my son at the same time. Here is a link to fan and board making album.

    Free Member

    O the comfort,
    the inexpressible comfort
    of feeling safe with someone
    having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words
    but to pour them all out, chaff and grain together,
    knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them
    keep what is worth keeping, and then,
    with the breath of love, blow the rest away.

    Sorry I **** up.

    — If that doesn’t get you laid, nothing will.

    Free Member

    Google (well neeva in this case) says yes.

    Free Member

    I lasted in the front group for about 6 laps, then died.

    I’m using sauce4zwift for a while to see if I like it. The draft is all over the place on these PD4 rides.

    There seems to be a sweet spot about 8th position/2nd row in a pack where the draft will hit about 170.

    When you are off the back of the pack it drops pretty quick and doesn’t grow very quick either as you get back on.

    Strangely, after the hill and into the rollers the draft went up to 250+ which is an absolute blast – not sure if everyone is getting that, and it lasts until the approach to the line if you somehow stay in the group. It will not rise above about 170 anywhere through the rest of the lap.

    Surfing the sweet spot seems to be the way to hang on, although how you are supposed to do that without sauce4zwift is anyones guess, as there are no visual clues in zwift.

    Even with the randomness I prefer this to the usual crit ride on that circuit which is basically blast up the hill, keep going, recover, blast up the hill.

    Free Member

    MoreCashThanDash – passport is under the lid on the printer/scanner if its anything like our last panic search.

    ipad is down the side of the bed but half trapped under the mattress.

    Free Member

    Nice work, I tried to find it on the wayback machine and could only find how many times it had been referenced – need to update my fu/special moves.

    Free Member

    It clearly existed at – but they have re-organised the site is my guess.

    Can’t find one using the usual moves.

    I would ask on this forum if anyone has info on where it was moved to or has a copy.

    Free Member

    Techalogic DC-1 – front and rear view, head mounted – record what you are looking at – which is where the danger is, not just in front.

    Also useful if you end up having an altercation off your bike.

    get a better head mount than this so, so it sits closer to the helmet in my opinion

    Free Member

    Can’t see it suggested, apologies if it is – have you looked at a Mighty ?

    It lets you put your spotify (and also amazon music) playlist on a tiny device – which is great for running with. Not sure of the limit – I have about 6 different ones of 40 songs each without drama.

    It will work with bluetooth headphones but its a bit fussy since it has no screen and can be confusing to keep paired. I just use cheap wired headphones and clip it to my t-shirt neckline and put the cable inside.

    It’s been very reliable over the last few years considering the abuse it gets.

    Never run out of power on a run – don’t use it on bike but you can of course use it with aftershokz if you want.

    Read reviews for battery life etc

    Free Member

    ATV owner here – never had a problem. I have it apps to auto-update, and if I know an update is happening I turn it on a few mins early. If I’m short of time I will go to the app store, select Zwift explicitly and update from there.

    I don’t use the ATV for much else, and it is the 4K version, so there is little else on it – that might be a factor.

    Which bit says ‘coming soon’ – the app store or zwift itself ?

    Free Member

    I got some large cast iron brackets from a railway yard 35 years ago, and due to the their need to be bolted through any upright, had not found a use for them until recently, when I used them to make a porch roof for a workshop.

    Fortunately I bought two pairs, so I have still have one pair remaining, just in case.

    Free Member

    Yes, I stupidly thought it would be a good idea/whim mid afternoon and found a team (go RHINOS) for 6pm launch.

    I hadn’t properly clocked the course. I was a few riders behind on the points on the first sprint – which was my only chance at FTS/FAL points, lost the front bunch on the mid-point climb, and then pretty much solo-ed to the start of the big climb in about 40th place, and dropped a couple on the way up. Got 14 points for the team, which is now 7th position.

    It was – get this – 1:20 or thereabouts of effort, and there was not much cruising going on. I was not ready for this as my usual rides are of the 45 mins variety. Ouchie. I was also struggling with gear indexing in the lowest gears which I rarely use on a regular ride, having to go up two then down one every now and then. At one point I actually thought I should get off and push before I realised what I was thinking.

    I think a rest day today.

    Free Member

    Re the wahoo fan – it was a gift, i don’t think it is worth the money.

    Yes any desk gets in the way of it, but I also could not get it far enough in front of me to be where i wanted the air flow, and its a stupidly fixed position.

    Its a fan Jim, but not as we know it.

    I put it up on the wall pointing down, which is ok if you have a wall, and it works well enough, but I usually just use the other fan as that is simple voice activated ‘alexa, I’m dying here, get the fan on’.

    I did the 4 ZI tiny races this Saturday, they were just right for me, somehow finishing 52nd in the league, a much coveted position, especially as ZP had me down as borderline c/d earlier this month.

    I’ll be doing the stage 2 race at 5:10 most days this week to see if I can improve.

    Free Member

    Ditto on the ziplock bags, makes keeping it clean so much easier, and washing up liquid – we must watch the same youtube channels.

    Free Member

    I’m counting myself out – earlier timings are better for me unfortunately, the sweet spot is 5:30.

    Free Member

    I’ve done this event 3 times now, and can’t break 27:40. I surf the line between C and D.

    This is a tough one for us chunky boys, seems to be continually uphill.

    Managed to put in more watts this evening, but still slower than yesterday as there were less blobs to surf between, and did the last two laps pretty much between groups. Hoping there is a long flat one in the weeks ahead.

    Might give it one more go before the weekend.

    Free Member

    This is one corner of my do-yourself-some-harm-barn, its like a pain cave but with better light.

    There is a biggish wall mounted fan on an google smart switch, and a wahoo headwind just above the tv.

    Zwift is on apple tv, and the tacx is on a homemade wobble board based on inline skates and tennis balls and some bungy cords.

    The tray is mounted on the end of an old canoe paddle and folds up into the wall on a hinge from a broom handle.

    I do like zwift racing, but I don’t seem to be getting majorly better, maybe I need to do some actual training.

    Harm Barn

    Free Member

    The Illegal Eagles are very good.
    Having seen the real Eagles three times (which was awesome, if you can get anywhere close to the front), I prefer the Illegal Eagles and the extra spare cash.

    The Kate Bush Experience ( who we like to call Fake Bush, but no-one is buying it) also good value.

    Free Member

    Out again for me, pre-booked.

    Free Member

    Central league for the win !. Not exactly racing – but taking part in an attempt to stave of the inevitable creepings of age, one more year and into the 60+ category.

    Any race in which I don’t die is a success.

    Took a OTB handlebar to the groin at MK summer cross on Weds night though that hast left a lasting impression.

    Free Member

    Deffo out – took a OTB tumble on the CX bike and a brake hood to the groin (note to self, dusty=less grip) . Light duties for a few days.

    Enjoy the new TT bikes,

    Free Member

    Deliberately click baity and misleading article – it makes no attempt to determine if the user database has been copied/hacked – which is the only important part – very either lazy or deliberate, you be the judge.

    They say that scammers are copying the latest competition – and some customers (who may share the same e-mail address) have been contacted.

    In fact, since the explicitly don’t mention it, we can safely assume it has *not* been hacked, otherwise that would be the story.

    Free Member

    I don’t read the articles – just not that deep into ST/MTB – but I’m very disappointed that there is no mention in the piece about the possible revenue to be gained via classifieds, or even any plans for it. Who cares about the look ? Why burn money on that ? has any single user asked for that ? I want functionality. Look at reddit – one of the biggest websites on the net, and it looks terrible – but it does great things.

    I would certainly pay money to place ads or buy from people on here – rather than ebay. At least this is a self policing community of sorts, whereas ebay is the wild west. Leverage your user base. I would have some confidence that a bike bought on here was not stolen, if I could identify the poster and they have some history.

    The classifieds on here are a joke, really, totally unusable and no attempt to accept that and remove them until they work (imho). Which is a shame, because buying or selling from/to someone who is known to the community or just posts on the forum occasionally is a massive boon to the process.

    The forum goes through waves of working/not working/pop up hell. At the moment (on macos at least) it is fine.

    Every time I see a get-rid-of-the-free-users I despair – does no-one go to business school ? these are the people you want to attract – give them a taste of the good stuff, but don’t cut them out. Give them a try out function for a week, sell the benefits of membership, let me see them, but don’t build walls.


    Free Member

    If you are not quite sure about a full time dog – look to your family, friends and neighbours, let them know. Someone always wants a dog looked after.

    We had wire fox terriers for the last 20 years, and lost our Mabel a year ago.

    We now look after friends and family dogs whilst they are on hols, and the odd single day or weekend, and at christmas when the families involved had dogs that didn’t get on – they can be just for christmas.

    We live in a small friendly village, and one of us is usually working from home and often have a local dog just for a day or night, might not work for you in your environment.

    We’ve had about 8 different dogs, collies, labsx3, whippets, springers, golden doodles, terrier, heinz 57 etc. It’s a good way to get dog exposure, see the different characters without the 24x7x52 aspect, and without any outlay, as grateful friends provide all foods/treats and a few bottles of wine to go with.

    As an older couple, this works for us, so we also get time to go away without having to worry about the dog.

    Free Member

    I’m on an outdoorsy ride on thurs, but if that fails then yes, but I won’t know that until probably the same afternoon when they inevitably bail !, so not much use.

    Yes, the TT changes at least look positive, would like to see some other changes.

    ZRL starting soon too, not got a team for that yet, been postponing a decision.

    Free Member

    Pop up hell – just came back to the forum after a few weeks away, now its unusable as described above – has anyone worked out what the pop-up frequency is.

    The business model seems to be annoy the people you want to attract. That isn’t going to work, and would not be sanctioned by any sales team I’ve ever worked with.

    I’ve now been given a ‘no thanks I’m not interested’ option (barely visibly, transparent background), lets see if that has any affect.

    Business model and frequency aside, the random positioning of the close button, and the transparent elements in the pop ups make this such a mess to even respond to, as a web dev, it hurts to even look at.

    Free Member

    I’ll just leave this here – the batmobile still looks good.

    Free Member

    Aaaand one more – I left my first job in tech to go freelance, in the exit interview to my boss I gave the main reason as too much travel (I had been to several R&D conferences in Europe in the preceeding weeks). Clearly the real reason was better pay.

    Two weeks into my new contract I was required to go to Germany. In my full professional suit I flopped down into the seat on the airport transfer bus, directly opposite by old boss.

    I didn’t know a single eye brow could be raised that far.

    Free Member

    My parents flew to Sydney to visit family. They hired a car at the airport, and whilst waiting for it to appear got chatting to the lady behind the counter, who had an Aussie accent, about where they were from. They dropped into conversation me, living in small village in Bucks.

    Her parents also live in a small village in Bucks, and lo and behold are my direct neighbours, our back doors face each other over the fence – I’ve never met this lady as she has lived in Aus for the last twenty years with her husband.

    These connections must exist all the time and we just only very rarely find them.

    Free Member

    I’ve been doing the Giant Gravel races on a Weds – two back to back 25 min races suits me better than one long one or one very short one.

    Free Member

    Was due out on the mtb tonight but got called off last minute..

    I thought I’ll do one of the few remaining badges.

    A few days ago I did Legends and Lava (via appletv), which showed on the UI with a distance countdown whilst I was watching a film on the laptop. Near the end I realised that I should be finishing at the top of the volcano, which never appeared, and despite doing the distance did not get the badge – I now remember it did a sneaky u-turn right at the start which I thought was just its special way, but now turns out to be a bug.

    Tonight I did Climbers Gambit, checking the route was correct as we went. With about 4k of the final climb it did a u-turn on me again, and abandoned the route. (53 mins in, thanks).

    Why am I telling you – I’ve got to bitch about it somewhere, and its not worth its own thread !.

    Enjoy the evening off.

    Free Member

    £73 to £76 pounds is the magic scam price. Look at the other items they have sold – all same ball park madly cheap price. Try looking for tool boxes, £76 for a full size with tools, by the dozen.

    Just report it as scam, someone might notice and take the account down.

    Facebook really is full of this now.

    Free Member

    I have photochromic lenses that I use all the time. I’m not good with very bright sunlight and its faff having an extra pair of glasses all the time just in case it gets sunny. I use them for road, mountain and CX without issue.

    I don’t know where people are getting theirs from but mine are no problem at all in cars, or at night, and other than that 20 second transition from very bright outside to inside, they are rarely noticable for me, and there is certainly no residual ‘darkness’ to the lens when indoors.

    I was not aware that I might have unacceptable tendencies though, and to think that others might think that I find that a bit disturbing.

    Free Member

    7:31 – but the warm up feels like treacle.

    Chase me.

    Free Member

    Got to the bottom of the hill and then I started to miss my family, my friends, and mostly my dinner.

    Been under the weather for a few days so just bailed, although if I’d know woodiwoodwood just ahead was gonna bail, I might have crawled up.

    First event to not finish, disappointing.

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