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  • Hadge
    Free Member

    Too many favourites and lots have been mentioned already but I’ll throw in Heat as well.

    Free Member

    Ha ha, I have the SME V arm on my Orbe and its stunning but as stated isn’t in the budget range. The SP10 is good but the trouble with most Linns and what their owners don’t realise is that they are set up badly and they’ve become used to its sound. LP12’s do “go off” and a proper service with a respected dealer will soon have it working as it should.

    Free Member

    The Rega Planar 3 is definitely the best in your £300 budget. The RB300 arm it comes with is a stunning arm and can be improved to a level where it matches arms costing well over a £1,000. I had the Origin Live Mk3 which is a modded RB300 arm and it was brilliant and matched my Ittok LVII easily which sonically is very very high rated. The RB250 accepts lots and lots of upgrades so is essentially a better buy than the RB300 but you’ve got to have equally good separates to notice these improvements.
    For £300 you’d be very very lucky to find a decent LP12 with arm and cart, in fact I’d say no chance really and what you may find at that price will be very old, need lots of attention (money) and will be sonically shitte. The Rega will sound better situated on a shelf on a wall, preferably a brick wall and not a plaster board one as the sound waves will affect it. A Linn works well on a table, something like a Sound Organisation one but these cost and so need to be added to your budget.
    If it was me I’d go with the Rega. Then upgrade it slowly and cheaply with things like the counter-weight balance and maybe a new acrylic platter when funds allow. Have fun and remember to let your ears decide and NOT journo’s or friends who only recommend their own stuff.

    Free Member

    Pulp Fiction and SLJ’s biblical speech for me. I also love the scene in The Dark Knight where the Joker introduces himself to the mobs and makes the pen “vanish” but I’m biased as I think Heath Ledgers performance in that film is in my opinion one of the greatest of all-time in making a character believable.

    Free Member

    Totally agree with the above. The first film sets up the two main characters and the two following films really do grab you with a brilliant plot and story line which is very believable and very tense too. Also being subtitled it makes you concentrate. Thoroughly enjoyed all three films and also the books as well.

    Free Member

    Big and heavy? Since when is something like a 5D big and heavy? Simple answer is no you don’t need one. It’s the same that applies to bikes, you don’t need a £5k mountain bike but its great having one and there will be a performance gain over a cheaper one, it’s just a question as whether you personally can justify it.
    Trust me, buying something secondhand like a Canon 1Ds Mk1 or Mk2 will show you just how good full frame cameras are and yes they’re heavy but they are bombproof and weather proof which for some people is worth it’s weight in gold.

    Free Member

    The Lumineers – fantastic album and a bargain at £4.99 on iTunes!

    Free Member

    He said he wanted to be as truthful to the ” normal glider shape” as possible as that was his childhood dream, hence the shape it was.

    Free Member

    Heath Ledger was far far better as a “baddie” and his performance as The Joker was just brilliant. Tragic tragic loss of a very very talented actor.

    Free Member

    Yip all had it here and yes I’ve got kids. Had to miss two Christmas parties so far, one planned for tonight but still feel off so maybe best staying away so I don’t infect anyone and spoil their holiday. Not good 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ve recently bought an F-15E Strike Eagle, F-14A Tomcat and AH-64 Apache all in 1/32 scale and now adding all the photo etched parts and resin parts to my list of things to buy. All ready for next year when not riding lol.

    Free Member

    City Link at this time of the year in particular are the very very worst courier of them all. Their customer service is atrocious and if you think emailing them will get a response, dream on! Not in a million years! I refuse to buy anything online if that shop uses them as they’re hopeless. I know from first hand experience that even when they say your delivery is on the van, it’s not and its back at the depot. From failed deliveries in the past I questioned one driver and he told me that’s what happens, it all goes up shit creek and they’re the ones who get the hassle as its the office staff who decide who takes what and they’re hopeless at controlling their deliveries. Definitely Shitty Link.

    Free Member

    Having owned 2 pairs of Kans, both Mk1’s and LS3/5A’s it all depends on the music you listen to on which suit you. The Rogers are stunning on classical but lack warmth or punch whereas the Kans basically shout at you, are bright and lack true bass but grab you by the knackers and involve you like very few others can. BUT and it’s a big but, after prolonged listening they become very tiring and they need a very good amp and source to get the best out of them.
    Pioneer made some very nice separates many years ago and their budget turntable wasn’t bad at all. Their cassette decks were and still are amongst the best made ever.

    Free Member

    Why new when you can easily pick up a superb second-hand Rega Planar 3 with RB300 arm for round £300. Brilliant tt and produce a very good sound.

    Free Member

    Another here for Battle Born. Loved seeing them at Birmingham and Flowers definitely has a very good voice which sadly let him down at another gig. Definitely gives it his all on stage and can’t wait see them at Wembley next year.

    Free Member

    If Ting Tong’s going home ask her/him

    Seriously though try Interparcel as they do lots of quotes from all the couriers.

    Free Member

    Senna winning at Donington Park in 1993. Incredible drive.
    Barry Sheene winning at Oulton Park diving underneath Steve Baker going up Bray Hill – absolutely stunning move.

    I’ve seen hundreds of games at Anfield and would have to say for drama the Champions League game against Olympiakos 2005 takes some beating with Gerrards wonder strike. Also loved the semi-final against Chelsea too for drama.

    Free Member

    What is Webber up to!!!!! Why challenge your team mate at the re-start?

    Free Member

    I second the 24-104 L as it’s a very versatile lens indeed. The Canon 24-70 f2.8L is a very nice lens as I have one but they’re bloody expensive and in fact the Sigma 28-70 f2.8 isn’t a bad lens and can be had very cheap and if your not blowing your pictures up to huge sizes will be more than adequate.
    You don’t need to spend £500+ on a lens but you’ve bought a camera that’s protected against the elements and that’s what your paying for over say a 60d etc. Yes at high ISO’s the 1D will suffer but it’s focussing is lightening quick and walks over modern DSLR’s even today. Plus at lower ISO’s it will still be sharper than modern equivalent cameras as well.

    Free Member

    You definitely need to let us know what you intend shooting with it. I’d go for the EF70-200 f4 L series lens as they aren’t that expensive second-hand (£400 ish in mint condition) and something like a Tamron 17-50 as they’re a lot cheaper than the 17-40 L series Canon and it has a constant f2.8 aperture and VC (Vibration Control) as well.
    I’ve recently added a 1D MkII to my 1Ds Mk III & MkII as I wanted the 1.3 crop factor as well. Got mine for £300 and it’s mint with only 6,200 shutter actuations as well. I was well pleased and consider it to be something of a bargain.
    dribbling enjoy it and the fact that with the right lens on it will handle any weather and conditions you can throw at it unlike lots of DSLR’s round today. Yes they’re big and heavy but when you have a big lens on or need hold it steady, heavier is actually better.

    Free Member

    Sky Internet where I live is shitte! Lots of friends have Sky and have had endless problems with it whereas I’ve got Virgin and its been very good, especially since its changed from NTL. I have Sky+ HD for my tv package and have just negotiated quite a saving on my monthly subscription plus had a new box and Wireless Adaptor for it plus had my existing HD box moved to another room with a free 12 month Multiroom subscription as well.

    Free Member

    Win at all cost? I don’t agree with it one bit and its bending the rules too far. They could do the same with Weber at Red Bull but I hope it’s all an anti climax now and Alonso gets taken out at the first bend

    Free Member

    Wow, can’t believe all that’s happened. I bought a Manfrotto tripod from them, next day delivery and it was perfect and I’m very pleased. I feel your pain though and your right it’s not good customer service.

    Free Member

    Second exactly what ska-49 says. The Canon G9 and G11 are superb cameras and can be had for your budget. They’re solid cameras, have a large clear screen, loads of auto options and take brilliant pictures.

    Free Member

    I’m just going make a quick comment before reading all the messages here but my ex’s kids racked up – over a grand on their phones!!!! Yes that’s right a grand!!!! Did she punish them or anything? No – and to say it pee’ed me off is an understatement to say the least.

    Free Member

    Oh dear, not going very well on the podium is it! I wonder if DC will smack Vettel one in the mouth behind the podium lol.

    Free Member

    Great race and shame for Hamilton as I think he would have won it easily.

    Free Member

    PMSL – don’t you just love what Kimi keeps saying. Never been a big fan really of him but definitely warming more to him after today and him telling his engineers he knows what to do. So funny.

    Free Member

    The engine in the HRT was about to pop and so Cart decided to slow down where as Rosberg was going full pet, just a racing incident I think and not Rosberg’s fault.

    Free Member

    Wow!!!! That was a bloody big impact and hope both drivers are okay. So so lucky there was such a huge run-off area.

    Free Member

    It’s fine freeagent and I’m sorry to hear your bad news too. Thanks for all the kind messages as well. Spent most of the day ringing and texting workmates and friends letting them know the bad news. It was a big engineering toolroom we worked in on a large-ish factory so plenty of people to let know.

    Free Member

    It’s okay matey, I’m just sitting here and wanted vent a bit of how bad I feel. I’m thinking of all the good times and just hoping his wife is alright. I can’t bring myself to call her yet as i know it’s hit her hard and they were a fabulous couple, a proper proper couple and they meant so much to each other which in this day and ages says something.

    Free Member

    I have loads of L series Canon lenses and also a razor sharp Sigma 150mm f2.8 Macro leans so please don’t think Sigma or Tamron don’t make very good lenses as they do.

    Free Member

    I treated myself to a new iPad instead, a lot more I know but went for the bigger screen due to failing eyesight – that’s what I’m using as my excuse anyway hehe.

    Free Member

    I’d be looking at a second hand mac book pro

    Exactly what I’d say as for that amount of money you will get a very good one. Love my Pro and will never go back to a Windows system ever again. Beautifully built and just great to use too.

    Free Member

    They should have tied it in to the Alien film and then it would have made sense, especially to all the sci-fi geeks. It was an opportunity missed in my opinion. I bought the Blu-Ray and wished I’d rented it grrr.

    Free Member

    I’m mulling over one of these and asked a few “tech geeks” what they thought and all I got was about being tied in with Amazon regarding stuff to buy for it. Not fully 100% sure what that means but it does look tempting.

    Free Member

    Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffs. The one in the picture is one of the frames that’s for sale. That build was actually sub 18lb.

    Free Member

    I was waiting at pedestrian crossing today for the light change so I could walk across. I looked down the road and saw a Mazda RX going very slow towards the crossing. The lights changed and me a woman crossed over and the Mazda came straight onto the crossing and I had to bang on the bonnet to attract the drives attention as she was about to hit me and the woman – guess what – the woman driver was texting on her phone! Her young daughter in the car in the front passenger street was screaming at her mum who proceeded to panic as it dawned on her what she was doing. I went to the passenger window and had a right go at her and said I’d a good mind get the police as the woman I was crossing with wasn’t too pleased either. I really hate drivers who use their phones while driving.

    Free Member

    If your after a Tranny frame give me a bell as 2 of my riding buddies are selling theirs.

    This one was well under 20lb in SS mode. Very nice indeed.

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