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  • Hadge
    Free Member

    Marvin Gaye
    Steve Perry
    Daryl Hall
    Paul Young
    Roy Orbison

    but I admire many many more like

    Freddie Mercury
    Mike Hucknall
    Bruce Springsteen
    Bryan Ferry
    etc etc etc

    Free Member

    Anything by Spandau Ballet!!!!

    "Take your seaside arms and write the next line" WTF!!!!!

    Free Member

    Judie Tzuke
    Annie Lennox
    Stevie Nicks
    Aretha Franklin
    Christine McVie
    George Michael :roll:

    Free Member

    SFB – how can you fail to understand that the comparisson between a £100 camera and a £2000 one is EXACTLY the same as to a piece of hi-fi equipment as all of them have been manufactured!!!! It's the same with anything you buy, be it a watch car blah blah blah!!! I take it photography is you other hobby as you were very quick to express an opinion on it, I apologize if I'm wrong.
    The same is with bikes surely, we can have fun on a Halfrauds bike but a £2000 bike WILL work better and perform better even if there aren't any ways to measure only those of a tester or individual themselves.
    The "fun" factor along with sonic or visual interpretations are open to subjective feelings so please try and understand that and is applicable not only to hi-fi but many many other hobbies – cycling included.
    I don't consider myself an expert in any field and I have an open mind to most things. I try give honest advice regarding any hobby I've done, be it cycling hi-fi photography or shooting but it's always just an opinion. I do appreciate good engineering, being an engineer myself and so when something is "engineered" I can see and feel it, like a good watch for instance. They are almost "alive" as you would put it.
    Hi-fi, along with a lot of hobbies as too many merchants trying to make you part with your hard earned cash by spouting bullshit but please don't think hi-fi is on it's own – if you read bike mags etc and read bike manufacturers bull you will know exactly what I mean. I make my judgement on trying stuff, finding out whether I like them or not, be it bikes or hi-fi. I also have restraints – money – so will buy to suit my own needs and I don't care what anyone else spends either. Remember – it's each to his own and like lots of things it's mostly subjective too. I do have an expensive hi-fi – I bought it after listening and using my ears and that's the only thing that matters – it's what I like. Just like my bikes, cars, music, films, watches etc etc.

    Free Member

    There's something that might interest you on the classifieds – Pushed R going cheap.

    Free Member

    Frankie and Boyle

    Free Member

    See if you can find something like this – DHX Coil

    Absolutely awesome shock with a ti spring fitted. I also tried a Pushed RP3 and had a DHX Air that came with it. The DHX was utter pants but the Pushed RP3 was also very good. But the coil DHX was just brilliant.

    Free Member

    190mm x 50mm if I remember right

    Free Member

    Second what ton says. For the money you can't go wrong. End of.

    Free Member

    FWIW I'm a big Fox fan so Float 120's would be ok by me. Lots of Rock Shox Rev fans on here though too.

    Free Member

    All I can say is that you must have had some seriously crap forks then because Dukes are/were shitte! Therefore choose any new 120mm's made today and you'll be even more pleased.

    Free Member

    Not only that but what a brilliant drive to win it! He certainly didn't hold back with some of his over-taking moves! Gutsy balls out drive today and congratulations Jensen.

    Free Member

    Floating rotors are "directional" – unlike hi-fi cables which only claim to be :D Hadge don't start them off again…………
    It's just soime marketing bull that's all – just like many other bike manufacturers saying their bikes the best. They look good and sound good at the bottom of a hill. End of.

    Free Member

    This is my "new" bike, an 04 S Works built up from bits off my On One SS. So far it feels really good but not had a chance to really push it but can't wait try. Fitted a BETD Link at the rear so now have 6" of travel to match the front 140mm from the Floats plus the added advantage of the higher BB height. Looks cool

    Free Member

    Eye – that Scottish chappieeee pmsl

    Free Member

    jahwomble!!!! Who is Mr Linn!!!!!! Pmsl. It's this chap here – but you knew that anyway didn't you :lol:

    Free Member

    I've never used the science, I've used my ears. I've used Krells, Audio Research amps, Apogee speakers plus owned/own high-end Naim amps and Linn LP12's with various arms/PSU's and I still don't get very expensive interconnects or speaker cable. I've even had conversations with Mr Linn himself during one listening session whereupon he slated the very room his and Naims equipment was being used! I do understand soundstage, stereo imagery etc and like I said, I bought what I liked even over "recommended" stuff. Yes some people will get it and some won't and those that have never tried should at least give it a go with an open mind. Just as I always have done when auditioning any new piece of kit, even those I had no intention of buying.

    Free Member

    The Ellsworth has a very good reputation, is well built and is also tried and tested. Seeing as no bike is for life, how much would you get for the Epiphany in a few years time? And the Chumba – Chumba who? It's something worth taking into consideration and by no means am I having a pop at the Chumba.

    Free Member

    I do think that as I've no proof. My proof is my hearing and my taste buds which has to be subjective and it's something I've always believed even after over 25 years of buying decent kit. I could be tone deaf (something I've been told after people hearing me sing lol) and besides I used to shoot full-bore pistols and rifles so I doubt my hearing is tip top anyway!

    Free Member

    I guess they listen to music. Me, I prefer to put the window down and listen to the straight 6 noise my engine makes :-)
    I also think personally no car stereo can compete with a hi-fi set up in a house so have no desire to try either.

    Free Member

    It's not about being enlightened funkynick, it's just the same as those who swear by expensive wine and those who get by with a £6 bottle. I've no desire to try a £100 bottle as I probably couldn't tell the difference and so £94 will stay in my pocket and I'll still get drunk. I also like watching Masterchef but I swear my mums Sunday Roast would beat any of that fine dining crap they have on their because it's got "big flavours" and "bags of taste" and it's what I like! This is one of those debates that will go on and on…………..

    Free Member

    Stunning footage, especially as I have HD but new info? No, sorry. Very poor as a documentary and once again a bit at the end telling us how it's done. I think it's sort of wearing thin and it needs more dedicated information of each animal to be seen as a hit series. So all show and no go I'm afraid which was very dissapointing :(

    Free Member

    SME30/12 – ooh err! Would like to listen to one but will have to make do with my LP12. I've tried a few high-end TT's (Avid/Michel Orbe etc) and prefer the older LP12 musicality compared to the Avids sound. From what I gather the new Radical'ed LP12 sounds very much like the newer breed of TT's and if that's the case I'll stick with my modest LP12 combo and the point being I'm happy with it as it's me who listens to it, not anyone else.

    Free Member

    You aren't going do any damage so why worry!!!! The body does that to protect your little tadpoles and draws them into your body to keep them warm. Stop worrying and just ride. It'll still taste the same pmsl

    Free Member

    Mighty Higs what a laugh, pmsl. Typical bullshit come from the land with no history. People like that want stringing up by the short and curlys. Is Jonathan Valin an anagram for total w@@ker? It's a shame that geunine hi-fi manufacturers suffer abuse they don't deserve when there are idiots like that spouting utter bollox and trying rip people off.

    Free Member

    Old stock coffeeking pmsl. I haven't machined the Strong Bushes – the top hats yes so if there's anything wrong with them I will hold my hands up. The SB's are done on a machine another lad uses and the programmes were written many moons ago. I believe we will be making some new stock soon so I will pass on your findings anyway, so thanks.

    Free Member

    Coffeeking – I wouldn't like to pay £8 for them!!!!! I also don't believe in paying over the odds for anything but please don't think it's only BETD that charge a lot for what seems very little and I'm sure you don't. I honestly can't believe what nearly all mtb stuff costs to make and I guarantee you that everyone in the hobby pays way way over the odds for everything we buy – but it's called business I'm afraid.

    Free Member

    Funnynick – it doesn't work that way. If it did we would all be listening to Rogers LS3/5a speakers which DON'T do bass very well. Not everyones cup of tea syndrome I'm afraid. I buy stuff I like, then listen to it as it makes me happy. I have no desire to upgrade, funds etc being as they are and also believing I've got a system that sounds right for me. I understand technology moves on and on but I also realize my ears are getting worse and worse lol.

    Free Member

    I'm a biker like all of you here! There are lots of things in our hobby way over-priced and I try get a bargain just like anyone else. Glad I get mine done for free – perk of the job I guess lol.

    Free Member

    They are that expensive from BETD because I've lovingly machined them for you pmsl. Didn't even realize they were that expensive, I only machine them so no comment

    Free Member

    Coffeeking – call BETD and they will sort you out in no time with what you require.

    Free Member

    The problem with this scenario is we all "think and believe" we all are perfect in keeping relationships – and boys and grils we aren't. Marriages, relationships break up for all manner of reasons not just flings and sometimes no matter how hard someone works at it, it still doesn't work. My ex had an issue with her age, all the women in her family died before they were 60, an hereditary illness. She felt she had things to do before she popped her clogs so she had an affair and left our kids! And no, I would never have her back. But that said I've not been squeaky clean and so it's the case of those without sin and the stone throwing crap. Before you make a quick judgement on your partner, please be honest with yourself and see how you have been and behaved etc. I truly believe there are very very few people who haven't done something they wouldn't like their partner do, even it was a drunken kiss/grope etc etc. Love the Life Of Brian picture – absolute classic :D

    Free Member

    I think some of it's called information retreval, because we wold all use the same decks, cd players etc as studio's wouldn't we? We don't because we all hear hings differently hence my liking for amp b over amp a etc. There's also snob value in anything in life, be it what car you drive, what bike you ride, what you like eating or wine you drink so don't dismiss that either. Like I said, I've always used my ears and my cables sound fine to me and didn't cost a fortune either so maybe I'm lucky.

    Free Member

    Why can't some people realize the hi-fi, or listening to music is a hobby to some, just like riding a bike. Don't forum members realize there are other hobby forums who laugh at all the things we write about our hobby and the things we find with our bikes, after all they are just bikes!
    I've always believed the mind can make us do and think very strange things, things we can't explain and this is very relevant with hi-fi. How many times have you listened to a music track and it has made the hairs on your back stand on end, it hightening your senses even though it may be played through some clapped out radio with very poor reproduction quality? Now listen to the same track on a good hi-fi system and see what it does to you!
    I'm very sceptical about expensive interconnects and speaker cable even though I'm a hi-fi/music buff. I do and have listened to many many different pieces of kit, not just when buying but also because a friend owned a very well respected shop and I always used my ears, didn't pre-judge anything and only bought what I thought made good music. Luckily with hi-fi you can get the chance to listen before you buy and make sensible choices whereas in the cycling world that's not possible with individual pieces of kit and you have to buy and then find out it's either good or bad. I don't trust the magazines, especially the cycling press as anyone who reads MBR's tests on bikes can have glowing reviews on one bike and mediocre on another – even with the same writer! So I think before we criticise someone else's hobby, ours needs putting right too. I read a review in one magazine where the writer said he didn't like one bike because the head angle was half a degree steeper than the other! Do you really think he could tell half a degree? Did he even measure them? Was he using the manufacturers specs? I try and trust my own judgement but this isn't always possible I know but like I said at the start, our mind can play tricks on us and make making decisions very difficult indeed. Some people will never get why some people pay thousands on hi-fi equipment, just like I don't get why some people pay a fortune for a bottle of wine or fo fine dining. I can't tell the difference in why a £100 bottle of wine is supposed to taste better than a £10 bottle but then again I've no desire to either but I do realize it's all subjective so why not let those who want enjoy their hobby do so and just get on with our own. Surely anyone on here who's talked to friends about how much they've spent on thier bikes has had lots and lots of them ask why as it's "just a bike" even though we can explain many many differences between them, I promise you this, they will never understand it and don't care to either. One mans meat etc etc.

    Free Member

    A Merlin ti frame and loads of bling bits because I miss mine that I sold :(

    Free Member

    That depends if the new bike is better but I guess having a new bike makes you itch to get out and ride any way. Sometimes buying a new bike refreshes your faith in the hobby too.

    Free Member

    Timpol, I wouldn't worry about the rear end of the 575 it will take a lot oif abuse honest. If you want peace of mind then go for the Intense Tracer or even the 5 Spot. Can't comment on the new DW model but I had the older HL with a coil DHX shock with ti spring and it was superb. Also had the 5.5 Intense but they don't like our weather and you need look after the bearings more.

    Free Member

    I had the older HL model and loved it. That DW bike looks nice too.

    Free Member

    In answer the eBay and it's fee's play the "game". If I want to sell anything expensive and know I could get hit with fees etc I list in the advert "item is being advertised elsewhere" and what this does is sort of imply I'm open to offers. Yes I know it's not exactly right and honest but like you say, ebay and Paypal have a strangle hold at the moment and there are ways around them, you just have to be clever. I used to see this on other listings and I always found the seller willing to sell off ebay and so that's why I did it too.

    Free Member

    The obvious answer would be a Flux then if you like the Turner that much. But I would be more inclined to change some of the kit on the 5 Spot to bring the weight down. A good light-weight wheelset will help no end and give the old girl a bit of zip. I'm sure the frame weight is roughly the same as my old Intense 5.5 and I got that down to 25.5lb and it was still as rock solid as if a few pounds heavier.
    I rate the 5 Spot very high and think they are still one of the best bikes you can get, especially the older HL model.

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