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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • Hadge
    Free Member

    The problem most people have with Americans is how they force their beliefs, their way is right – everyone else is wrong, we do it best, biggest etc way of life and that they think they've never done anything wrong syndrome.

    Free Member

    Horses for courses and each has it's own good and negative points. Air is far more tuneable, especially on the fly and also to adjust for the amount of gear you carry – loaded CamelBak for instance. Air though does have stiction to overcome so will never be as smooth as a spring. My first 5 Spot had coil Van 32's and a coil DHX with ti spring and my current 5 Spot has Float 32's and RP23 and I know which I like the best – the coil one.

    Free Member

    I bought a Sony model from Amazon – can't think which model but it cost about £80 – reduced from £140 I think and it's very good. Full remote and decent base and clear sound and fits my iPhone perfect.

    Free Member

    Flying this the F-22 Raptor

    Free Member

    Second what Mr Riley says, there's some good local trails plus she can shopping "up Hanley duck".

    Free Member

    Looks very nice to me.

    Free Member

    I split from my ex nearly 4 years ago and even though there was nothing there it still hurts. I must admit I didn't stay friends and even today we barely speak but I endured a long period of verbal abuse and I mean nasty shit too. She drank quite a bit, never ate anything and this didn't help with her moods but when we did part it was me who kicked her out and the kids stayed with me as they knew who had looked after them while they were growing up. They're still here now and I'm so grateful and happy they saw the truth between their mum and me.
    I went shopping one day and saw her hand in hand with someone and I didn't react at first but minutes later I was shaking really bad. I went back to work and my boss told me go home and I was so angry I phoned her and gave her a right mouthfull. After I put the phone down I thought what a prat and ever since then it's not bothered me one single bit!
    Must admit, the advice on drink is good – I didn't bother as I just got on with life as I'm sure you will so all the best and chin up.

    Free Member

    Don't people know how to change channels on their tv's? If you don't like it, don't watch it – no one forces you too lol. It's an entertainment programme at the end of the day, is hugely popular and makes money for the BBC. Why do people moan about it, slag the presenters off but STILL watch it? The mind boggles honestly.

    Free Member

    Second exactly what br says – top quote – "stuff happens" Everyones different and I'm sure there will be times when you will dwell on things but just believe in what you did was right and it'll pass "one day" in the future.

    Free Member

    New Tank Syndrome – you can't beat the way of taking it slow and letting everything mature properly! I've never been a fan of all the chemical methods of setting a tank up and after running many many marine reef tanks etc etc, I've never once suffered any deaths when setting my tanks and live-stock up. I will add I also worked in the trade too so speak from a lot of experience.

    Free Member

    If my memory serves me right we've had one 575 in for some problem on the rear carbon chainstays and it was replaced no problem whatsoever. If your the original owner just contact them and see what they say – you've nothing to loose have you.

    Free Member

    Sidi Eagle 6 SRS Carbons and some Spesh BG Pro's. The fit of the Spesh shoes take some beating but the soles very worn now so don't use them that often. I got the Sidi's very cheap and they are very nice shoes and you can replace the soles which is ace.

    Free Member

    The Yanks never liked it because they didn't do the "supersonic" thing first! It was a very expensive plane to run and maybe that was one of the reasons but it would be brilliant if it could fly again. Saw it close up at Fairford where it took off and it's an incredible sight. Not quite SR-71 or even Vulcan memory but close and it was and always will be an incredible feat of engineering.

    Free Member

    I bet you think you looked cool with your budgie smugglers on!

    Free Member

    It's just opinions so you can take anything with a pinch of salt really. I've owned long term a Yeti 575, Intense 5.5, S Works Enduro and Turner 5 Spot do do you think anyone would take in my opinions on which I think is the best? I'll tell anyone what I think but whether they believe me or take advice from it is purely up to them.

    Free Member

    At least the English are having the last say by having a ref in the final who hasn't the bottle to send anyone off!!!!! He's ruining the game.

    Free Member

    Funny how the Beeb's generally well respected pundits all agreed the Dutch could have been down to 9 men easily – guess we know nothing lol.

    Free Member

    Football??? At this rate I hope Holland get stuffed as they're trying a new tactic of kicking the opponents off the park!

    Free Member

    It's a sad fact of life but the public seem to want to know everything that's going on, be it getting the truth or just something they can talk about and add their own take/opinion on. The media knows this, fuels the situation and then those who have to deal with it have very difficult descions to make knowing the whole country/world is watching.
    It's a very sad thing that's happened but I honestly believe that a man who has already killed one, seriously injured others and would have harmed others if he had the chance. He had forced himself into a corner which he made by his own actions and thoughts had no matter how much help he would have received would have changed his state of mind – it's just how some people are.

    Free Member

    The facts are yes, there are three children without a father but it's maybe for the best as he hit them – he was a violent man. There is lots of history of domestic violence that he has done and these are the things that will get over-looked in this sad case. He obviously wasn't the sort of man who you could talk logically too and he was always going do what "he" thought was right and that's a very worrying problem. I believe the Police handled the whole incident very very well, even from the original disturbance and I'm sure more information will come out, especially the dictaphone that he used and was found at his hide-out.

    Free Member

    Hang on! Where's my comment about the budgie smugglers crashing gone!!!

    Free Member

    It's a common problem with the Hope floating rotors and certain hubs as the spacing isn't right. Chris Kings suffer from it with their hubs which is why we at BETD made some different adaptors for anyone running 15mm hubs.

    Free Member

    My girlfriend smokes cigarettes and I so wish she didn't. She did give them up for a short while but a stressful episode happened in her life and it started all over again. She knows exactly how I feel and I just hope one day she will quit for good. My mum died partly due to a smoking related illness so that's why I detest it with a passion, you lose someone you love and it's horrible.
    The smell lingers on clothes and no matter how much they try mask it, it still isn't good and I can always tell when I've been her house and when I see her kids. I'll keep badgering her I guess but it will be for her good too and not just mine.

    Free Member

    Lol, the teams have 6 engines per season and it's going be close with Suzuki looking like they are going loose points because of it. Yamaha and Honda are worried some new guy who wants race, wants mix it and make a name for themselves bins their bikes and destroys an engine or two. That's why they've chosen the safe option of the test riders who will NOT bin it and will save their precious engines. They will also get some tv coverage as well.

    Free Member

    Which ones? The ones about the grid number is spot on – we don't want go back to the years of 10 bikes on, we need more. As for other racers having it in for him that's just frustration about getting a good lap in. The one about replacement riders on say Vali's bike was explained yesterday – basically the teams don't want their bikes trashed by some rookie and the engines being used up as that's an issue this year with all teams, especially Suzuki who will struggle come the end of the year.
    Typical BBC info gathering if you ask me – which is why I much prefer Eurosports team of Moody and Ryder as they do get the full facts and explain them properly.

    Thoroughly enjoyed the 125cc and well done Bradley. The Moto2 was also a cracking race and that finish straight crash was incredible and thank god he's ok.

    Free Member

    The 5 has got better each year due to shock technology really and in all honesty is quite a simple frame, one pivot and that's it. As for VFM it is bordering on the edge of being expensive for what it is but they sell well and I'm sure Orange are happy with that. This years look better than previous models but not as nice as some other frames. Each to his own though and all that :D

    Free Member

    Helio Sequence – album called Keep Your Eyes Ahead – it's very good

    Free Member

    I only need glasses for reading and basically it's only eye that's the problem. Thing is when I'm out riding and I need read something I'm knackered so I need some prescription lenses for that purpose. I'm hoping that they won't be too "weird" when riding so I'm going order some Transition ones for my XLJ frames.

    Free Member

    True, a brilliant film.

    Free Member

    Isn't the Blue Pig a bit more beefy than a 456? I'm sure it's heavier and if it was an all-day bike I'd definitely go for the 456. I could be talking crap though lol.

    Free Member

    fids we repair stuff like that all the time at BETD. If you get stuck with no local help, give us a ring and I'm sure we'll sort it for you.

    Free Member

    I guess the reason Hope haven't made anything is they would rather you buy a nice shiny new pukka 15mm hub, which being honest are quite cheap but it's always the wheel build that adds cost. I'll have a butchers at work tomorrow and see if we can't make something as an after-market bit :wink:

    Free Member

    Everyone to their own as usual – FWIW I am a big fan – more so his early stuff like Talking Book, Innervisions and the superb Songs In The Key Of Life. Not so keen on his later stuff but I guess that's how it goes. It would be crap if we all liked the same stuff and some tasteless idiots have to like Slip Shit don't they pmsl.

    Free Member

    I've got Argentina in the works sweep so I hope they win it now :D

    Free Member

    I'm sorry but look at all the top teams in any league in the world and they are all full of foreign players! Inter Milan had 1 Italian player in their championship winning team, Barcelona has loads in theirs, Bayern Munich has loads too – the reason being club football means MORE the the national game now. Sad state for all countries. Wjat it boils down to with us is we believe foolishly that ours are better than theirs!

    Free Member

    Well against all odds I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed the night! Keane were very good, put an amazing amount of effort in and sounded excellent. I liked the support bands, especially The Helio Sequence funnily enough. Couldn't drink the beer as I was driving anyway but the weather was superb, atmosphere was great and glad I went :D

    Free Member

    Atlaz – that's a brilliant idea! Pmsl

    Free Member

    Mine are off-shore and no idea how many either :wink:

    Free Member

    Builders don't want do it as it's a tedious boring job for them. If you know an old retired brickie who wouldn't mind some extra beer/pocket money ask him as they'll usually do a good job.

    Free Member

    What amazing strength of character and mind to play that long!!! Brilliant and a real shame for whoever doesn't go through.

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